The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

492 Chapter 6 It's hard to control yourself

492 Chapter 6 It's hard to control yourself ([-])
Bai Xiaoyou squinted her eyes slightly, her consciousness was still hazy. Suddenly, she who was originally quiet yelled out of control, "Don't...don't..."

Her body was trembling because of her out-of-control emotions, her small hands were restlessly resisting everything, and her face was full of panic.

Mu Changxuan's face froze, and he hugged her trembling body into his arms, with distress and love intertwined in his eyes, he patted her back lightly with his big hand, coaxing, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here! "

The thick and hoarse voice gradually brought Bai Xiaoyou back to consciousness.

Trying to open the heavy eyelids, the outline in front of my eyes gradually became clear, just like seeing him in a dream.But, she didn't have the courage to face him...

Seeing that she finally opened her eyes, Mu Changxuan swept away the gloom of many days, and happily asked, "How is it? Do you feel better?"

"It hurts... Hiss, it hurts!" Bai Xiaoyou frowned slightly, her face flushed abnormally, and the corners of her mouth struggled to utter a few words.

The pain in her whole body made her cry out, and she found herself leaning in his arms, so close, and such an ambiguous posture made her feel a little uncomfortable.

She wanted to push him away, but she couldn't use any strength. Simply, she was too lazy to move, and obediently lay on his broad and hard chest, feeling his strong heartbeat.

Mu Changxuan thought that his movements were too forceful and touched her wound, so the hands holding her body gradually relaxed, and he laid her body flat on the bed, and softly instructed, "Don't move around, the wound will hurt later." It hurts more, huh?"

Bai Xiaoyou seemed to be unable to believe that all of this was true. She felt that she had slept for a long time, and even felt that she was dead.

Facing his deep and gentle eyes, her eyes were full of shock. The handsome and charming him in the past was haggard now. The familiar outline, the brows were full of worry, and the expression of nervousness and joy was exposed in her eyes without any concealment, especially It was his beard and thick dark circles caused by exhaustion that shocked Bai Xiaoyou.

Has he always been by her side?How long did she sleep for?Are you worried about her?

"I..." Her eyes were hot, she bit her lips subconsciously, and said a word. Because her heart was churning so badly, Dou Da's tears flowed down wantonly, not knowing what to say.

Seeing her crying, Mu Changxuan felt as if a stab had been stabbed in his heart, and coaxed softly, "Don't say anything, don't think about anything, leave everything to me...everything is up to me." .”

The tone was so light and soft, with distress, it was not like the expression and tone that a person like him should have.

"..." But his behavior would only make Bai Xiaoyou even more sad, and tears quickly soaked a large piece of bed sheet.

Mu Changxuan gently wiped away the tears on her face, without a hint of impatience, and his tone was softer, "Everything is over, don't think about it, huh?"

How could he not know that there was a shadow in her heart. In her sleep these days, she was sweating profusely from the nightmare several times, and she kept screaming, no, no... But no matter how he called her by his side, she would Unable to wake up from the coma, she could only wipe her sweat silently, hold her hand, and tell her some beautiful things to ease her emotions.

Just like when she lost control of her emotions just now, he could only bear it silently and feel distressed for her silently, but he didn't dare to touch that topic.

"How long have I been sleeping?" Bai Xiaoyou pursed her lips, her voice was choked with crying.

Mu Changxuan smiled lightly, thought for a few seconds, and said softly, "Not long, not long..."

(End of this chapter)

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