The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 495 Love to the depths to the death

Chapter 495 Love to the depths to the death (2)
Especially the last word, she could clearly feel a little tremor in his voice. After so many days, is he worried about her?No matter how much she forbears, his voice is like a spell, making the tears she forcibly forbears flow out of her eyes again.

Such a gentle and patient him made it impossible for her to refuse, let alone continue to be indifferent. Finally, the stubborn tears rolled down the corners of her eyes. The struggle and sadness in her eyes were intertwined, and she bit her lip desperately. Only then did a few words come out of a slightly choked voice, "But, I..."

She felt ashamed to face him. If he hadn't appeared at that time, she might have been able to pretend that nothing had happened.Why didn't he appear earlier? He saw everything thoroughly. At that time, her naked body, messy clothes, and the blood on her forehead were all presented in front of him one by one. It will make her feel ashamed.

He understands what she cares about, and her like this will only make him feel more distressed.

Since she is unwilling to face him, then he should take the initiative!Otherwise, if this continues, he will be driven crazy!

Mu Changxuan got up, walked softly around to the other side, her pear-like rainy face was exposed to his slightly flushed eyes, and her shoulders couldn't help trembling slightly because of crying.

He sighed in his heart, not knowing how to comfort her, this woman!He really doesn't know how to coax!

The loneliness and frustration in his eyes were intertwined, and it was difficult to endure the suppressed emotions. Mu Changxuan sat beside her, regardless of whether she repulsed his touch or not, and reached out to wipe away the tears on her face. There was a little hoarseness in the softness, "Okay, I said, leave everything to me, don't think about anything, huh?"

His words, his concern, had already caused her to collapse, and her wounded heart was best comforted, but her mouth was still stubborn and refused to let go, "I... Let me think about it."

Mu Changxuan's face darkened, and a vague anger clearly flashed across his gentle eyes.

Having said so much, why is this woman still so stubborn?His temper and patience have always been limited. If such a woman had been changed before, he would have walked away without hesitation. Even if it was Du Yujin, he had never used so much patience, let alone spent so much. thoughts.

In fact, when he saw her like this, he was anxious, and even more distressed!He was angry because he couldn't get her out of her grief.

So, in the next second, his tone was a bit heavy, with the usual sternness, "Don't think about it, what is there to think about, the thing has passed, it has happened, what's the use of thinking about it, why do you have to worry about it?" in the past?"

If she is sad, he will also be sad. If she is sad, he will only be sadder. If she hurts, he will definitely hurt more than her!Doesn't she understand that if things go on like this, it's not her who will be tormented, but him!

Bai Xiaoyou pursed her lips tightly, looked at him with eyes full of mist, her eyes flickered a little, and a soft voice mixed with a heavy sigh came out of her mouth, "Even if it's over, but it really exists, Can you completely forget the past?"

Mu Changxuan only felt a headache, and the blood in his whole body seemed to freeze in an instant. For a while, he couldn't find how to relieve her emotions.After a moment of silence, he saw that her white gauze had been stained with bright red, panicked, and desperately went to treat her wound.

"Don't move, your wound is bleeding." Afraid of her overthinking, he gently treated her wound while explaining patiently.

(End of this chapter)

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