The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 549 Is this the so-called heart-piercing

Chapter 549 Is this the so-called heart-piercing (4)
She expected that Mu Yichuan would not help, but she didn't expect him to reject her from the beginning, not even giving her a chance to speak.Man, some of what he said is true, especially for a cunning old fox like Mu Yichuan, it is even more unbelievable.

Mu Yichuan rubbed the center of his brows wearily, closed his eyes and remained silent for a few seconds, then got up from the seat, stared deeply at the still beautiful woman opposite him, the pain in his heart emerged one by one, all the unwillingness to come here It exploded in an instant.

After so many years of love, no matter whether it is body or heart, they have never lost it. There is only one physical contact between them, and he forced her with drugs.

Now, when he is old, the past is becoming clearer and clearer. If possible, he would rather never have met her.Her appearance is a catastrophe in his life, disturbing his heart all the time and hindering his decision.

For her, how much he gave up and how much he paid, does she know this?

However, after so many years, she still only has the dead man in her heart, how can he not be chilled?
"He is your son. I don't want you to continue being so confused. Of course I love you, but I don't want you to make mistakes again and again. Is it worth it to take revenge on your own son for a man who has already turned into ashes?"

Mu Yichuan no longer knows whether it is worthwhile to persevere for so many years, and now he just wants to ask her if she has ever regretted the cruelty of her own son for the sake of a man who has been dead for many years.

Su Rong got up excitedly, her beautiful face became even more indifferent, and the words uttered from her red lips were extremely hurtful, "Mu Yichuan, it's not up to you to teach me about my affairs, if you don't want to help, don't find various reasons to shirk, what? Is it worth it? Do you understand, do men like you understand love?"

If Mu Yichuan hadn't taken her by force back then, she wouldn't have listened to her father's order to give birth to Mu Changxuan, and she wouldn't have bothered for Pei Zifeng today.

All the faults were caused by this man alone. Will he shift the responsibility to her now?
It's true that Mu Changxuan is her son, but is there any son who treats his own mother like this, she was almost strangled to death by him that day!

"You understand? Well, you love Pei Zifeng, but this kind of love doesn't exist anymore. It doesn't matter if you don't get married, but why are you so cruel to your son? Is your so-called love based on other people's pain? ?" For the first time, Mu Yichuan spoke to her in an overly heavy tone in front of her.

It is true that he has had enough of the ignorance in her eyes for so many years. She is just a dead person. Could it be that she can't see what he did for her?

"Mu Yichuan, from now on, don't even think about seeing me again!" Su Rong angrily grabbed the handbag on the table, left this sentence coldly, then turned around and stopped looking at him.

It's fine if you don't help, and you talk a lot of nonsense, thinking that she has nothing to do, and come here to listen to his reprimand?

Mu Yichuan sighed helplessly, he couldn't tell what he was feeling at the moment, before she took a step, he turned his back to her and comforted her, "Rong'er, it's time to forget some people and things, otherwise..."

Su Rong turned her head and stared at his lonely back coldly. The hatred hidden in her heart for many years gushed out, she gritted her teeth and shouted angrily, "Mu Yichuan, my whole life has been ruined by you, what else do you want?"

"I once said that I will be good to you forever, but your heart seems to be made of stone. No matter what I do, or give my life to love you, I still can't get your body and mind. You said that after a person loses his mind What will you do?" He spoke calmly, but it made people tremble in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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