The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 554 Is this the so-called heart-piercing

Chapter 554 Is this the so-called heart-piercing (9)
Mu Changxuan gritted his teeth, and even his voice was visibly trembling, "Why don't you go to me if you know the truth?"

"Looking for you? I don't know all the truth. I heard what Cheng Peige said when she was sent to the hospital the day before yesterday. I saw her before, and I only thought you were just messing around. How could I know..." Li Boran was also a little confused Annoyed, why didn't he ask Mu Changxuan about anything at that time?

Suddenly, Mu Changxuan smiled, but the desolation in that smile was too strong, even Li Boran, who was a doctor, was shocked by him, and couldn't recover for a while, his eyes were fixed on his gloomy face.

"It turns out that I was the stubborn and arrogant person, I was too conceited, I was too an asshole..." He murmured in a low voice, and the phone in his palm was almost crushed by him.

At this moment, he realized how wrong he was.

It was his ridiculous pride and conceit that hurt her, and it was his so-called damn self-esteem.If it wasn't for these things, even if she didn't come to look for him, he should take the initiative to see her.

Well, even if the two of them were deliberately separated by someone with a heart, as long as he took the initiative to take that step, she would not become what she is now, and the unhappiness of the night before yesterday would not happen.

Thinking of her broken and resentful eyes last night, he understood what kind of mood she was waiting for him, and what did he do?

What did you do?She has been sick all the time, but she never gave up her determination to find him.While she was waiting for him with hope in the dark, he was drinking with a group of women in a bar...

Heart, broken, because of what she did for him, he hurts, and feels worthless for her!At this moment, he wished he could stab himself twice to pay for his ridiculous self-esteem.

She waited for him more than once, except for waiting for her outside the company at the risk of waiting for her that day, and even waiting for him in the suburban apartment in the dead of night.

That apartment was their love nest. They were afraid that Su Rong and Mu Yichuan would attack her, so they hid her in the suburbs.

She went there to wait for him, obviously wanting him to forgive her for the sake of old love.For a woman to run to the suburbs at night, the courage and courage needed are beyond the reach of ordinary people, but she dragged her sick body and waited until dawn.

He had been waiting for her to give in, but he didn't know that she bowed her head to him two days after their quarrel. Her stupid behavior made people feel distressed, but in Mu Changxuan's heart, these behaviors were a kind of heart-pounding pain.

No matter what he did, he couldn't forgive his indifference.Everything was his fault. As a man, he should protect his woman better. If he wasn't too narrow-minded, she wouldn't lie there quietly facing the pain of being cut.

"It's no use blaming myself now. She has a high fever and I'm afraid it will go on like this... I can use medicine to wake her up, but I'm afraid she won't wake up." Li Boran sighed heavily, this is what he is most worried about. of.

This month, Bai Xiaoyou had repeated fevers, always leaving her in a half-awake and half-comatose state. He was afraid that her willpower had already been weakened. After so many things, she suffered a series of blows. Maybe it was because she didn't want to wake up.

"No matter what method you use, you must wake her up." Mu Changxuan shook his shoulders frantically, his slightly red eye circles were full of hostility.

Li Boran was dizzy from being shaken by him, he forcefully opened his hand, and firmly promised, "I will naturally try my best, and you, really don't want to go and see her?"

It's just a matter of time before I don't want to wake up. After a long time, through the medicine, I have to wake up if I don't want to.He was afraid of taking too much medicine, so he didn't give her too much hormone medicine. The most important thing now is to take care of the wound, and the high fever will slowly subside after the wound is healed.When these things are almost resolved, people will naturally become sober.

Mu Changxuan snorted coldly, and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes. At this time, his superior personality was revealed again, and he ordered to Li Boran, "Of course I will go in, and let me take care of her personally from today on. Don't disturb others."

Men don't cry easily, let alone shed tears in public.But at this moment, he didn't feel ashamed...

Bai Xiaoyou has done so much for him, it's nothing for him to shed a few tears, even if he uses a knife to dig out his heart in exchange for her health, he will not hesitate at all.

(End of this chapter)

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