Chapter 561
The sound was not loud, not as deafening as before, but it made people's heart skip a beat with fear.

Du Yujin lowered her head in horror, lost all confidence in an instant, and stood there at a loss, her body trembling involuntarily.

"Changxuan, I assure you that similar situations will not happen in the future." Seeing this, Du Sichen quickly hid Du Yujin behind his back, and discussed with Mu Changxuan in a very tactful tone.

Mu Changxuan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and then gave the woman hiding behind Du Sichen a cold look. In the end, he could only clenched his fist tightly in his palm and gave up on her punishment. He said, it was the last time , so he gave Du Sichen a face, and the affection since childhood was the last chance for her!
Seeing that he softened, Du Sichen turned his head and whispered to the woman behind him, "Hurry up and leave!"

At this time, Du Yujin was already sweating profusely from the fear of Mu Changxuan's aura, and her mind went blank, as if she was being controlled by someone. Du Sichen's words made her turn around in a daze, ready to leave.

"Wait..." Mu Changxuan suddenly said.

Wanting to make someone suffer is not physical revenge, as long as he thinks of Bai Xiaoyou lying unconscious in the hospital because of her, he can't wait to tear Du Yujin to pieces.

For the sake of the Du family and Du Sichen's face, he can not do anything to her, but he must let her bear the mental torture!
Just these two words made Du Sichen's heart tense up quickly again, he looked at the man in front of him for no reason, afraid that he would change his mind.

From childhood to adulthood, although the relationship between him and Mu Changxuan has not been expressed in many words, each of them understands in their hearts that they trust each other very much in their hearts and regard each other as brothers.

He won't be so cruel that he doesn't even care about his face?

"Du Yujin, there are some things I think I should tell you the truth, otherwise you will never know who made you what you are today." Mu Changxuan looked at the nervous expressions of the two brothers and sisters, sneered, and then Take a seat on the couch and get ready to tell a story.


The brother and sister stared at his familiar yet unfamiliar face for no apparent reason, making them even more puzzled.Especially Du Yujin, who didn't dare to look directly at Mu Changxuan's face, could only lower his head and observe his expression secretly.

"Do you know why the child in your womb a few years ago was born stillborn?" Mu Changxuan said calmly, without the slightest wave in his eyes, as if he was talking about an unimportant matter.

When the child was mentioned, Du Yujin's nerves were tense, and his whole body seemed to have been greatly stimulated. He raised his face, the look of fear faded away, and red lips murmured two words, "It's you?"

It's him, it's Mu Changxuan!He said he didn't mind and would be responsible for her, it was all a lie!Is there any man in this world who can endure his own woman giving birth to someone else's child?

Thanks to her trusting him so much, she originally planned to abort the child without anyone noticing, but she listened to his slander, saying that abortion would cause great harm to the body, and he would bear the responsibility.

At that moment, I have to say that she was touched... What she didn't understand was, since she couldn't tolerate it from the beginning, why did she pretend to prevent her from having an abortion?
Under the puzzled and resentful eyes of the two brothers and sisters, Mu Changxuan's expression remained the same, and his tone was harsh, "Hmph, I'm so stupid, do you still think that I've moved on and forgotten the promise I made to you? If you want to blame it, blame your great mother, in order to prevent us from being together, it can be said that she has put in a lot of thought!"

"Your child was deliberately killed by Su Qing!"

(End of this chapter)

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