The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 564 Mrs. Mu Lu, you have a lot of face

Chapter 564 Mrs. Mu Liu, you have a lot of face (1)
It was five days before Bai Xiaoyou fully woke up from a coma. The moment she opened her eyes, she caught sight of Cheng Peige standing in front of the window in a daze.

Cheng Peige put his hands on his cheeks, leaning almost his entire body against the wall, looking at the gray sky, his thoughts drifted away, Bai Xiaoyou's slight panting came from the cold ward, Cheng Peige was too addicted, he didn't pay attention to wait for many days people have woken up.

Bai Xiaoyou couldn't help frowning at the occasional sighs, but in the end she couldn't help it, and sat up on the bed with her hands supporting her weak body. The chair was half at the head of the bed, and then softly called out to Cheng Peige's back. Voice, "Xiaoge, Xiaoge..."

Bai Xiaoyou just woke up, her voice was weak, and she called Cheng Peige several times in a row to bring Cheng Peige back to her thoughts, as if she couldn't believe it, she turned back immediately when she heard the call, and saw Bai Xiaoyou half lying on the bed.

"Sister Xiaoyou, you finally woke up!" Cheng Peige ran over in surprise, all the unhappiness in his heart was swept away, and he looked closely at her complexion.

Although she was still very haggard, it was much better than staying in Lin Yifei's apartment those days before. At least she didn't see the pained and sad look on Xiaoyou's face.

After a serious illness, have you forgotten everything before?
Bai Xiaoyou's white lips trembled slightly, wanting to speak to her, her throat seemed to be blocked by something, it was not very comfortable, her eyebrows were furrowed, and she groaned to adjust the dryness in her throat, The voice was hoarse and weak, "Well, did you sleep for a long time?"

"It's been a long time, I'm so anxious these days, I'll go to Li Boran right away and let him take a look for you!" Cheng Peige was about to leave to look for Li Boran after finishing speaking.

A smile appeared on Bai Xiaoyou's pale face. After being ill for so long, Cheng Peige had been taking care of her patiently. Knowing that she had turned down a lot of work for herself, the guilt in her heart deepened.Even for these friends, she should get better as soon as possible.

These days in a coma, she always felt a familiar aura beside her, which made her feel inexplicably at ease. Seeing Cheng Peige's surprised expression, she must have been in a coma for several days, right?

In a deep sleep, a cold and handsome face always appeared in the dream, and the familiar soft voice kept lingering in her ears.It seems that she is really sick!
"Oh... wait, don't worry. Let me ask you, I've been in a coma for a few days, how is Bai Yuchen? Did you miss Bai Lingxuan and Mu Ziqing's wedding?" Bai Xiaoyou stopped her from leaving. , asked her a series of questions worriedly.

Cheng Peige helped her forehead helplessly, turned her head and walked to her bedside reluctantly, and then told her seriously, "Don't worry about it, Bai Yuchen woke up the day before yesterday and came to visit you, Bai Lingxuan and Mu Ziqing's The wedding is the day after tomorrow."

When you worry about others when you just wake up, when have you ever thought about yourself?In fact, she really wanted to ask her if the wound still hurt. Hearing Li Boran say that if the wound continued to suppurate, he might have to use a knife. Thinking about it, she felt distressed.

"That's good..." Bai Xiaoyou seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, she just woke up not in a good mood, and her eyelids gradually became heavy.

Seeing her like this, Cheng Peige suddenly remembered that Mu Changxuan had been guarding her every step these days, and asked in a tentative tone, "Miss Xiaoyou, do you have anything else you want to ask?"


She made a thick nasal sound in doubt.

"Oh, it's nothing...By the way, just this morning, the new president of the Ye Group proposed to Bai marry you as the wife of the president of the Ye Group. Did you know him before?"

Li Boran's medical skills are really amazing. He came to check the ward in the morning and said that Bai Xiaoyou would wake up today. As expected, Miss Xiaoyou woke up this morning!

(End of this chapter)

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