The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 569 Mrs. Mu Lu, you have a lot of face

Chapter 569 Mrs. Mu Liu, you have a lot of face (6)
Bai Xiaoyou gave him a cold look, pushed him away, and ran out of the ward.

"Ma'am, I almost lost my marriage certificate that night, so don't get angry with me anymore, so as not to be misunderstood!" Mu Changxuan chased after her, shouting loudly on purpose, and did not forget when he left. Glaring at Ye Shangwei angrily, the expression on his face was obviously a winner.

The reason why he can bear it today is entirely because of Bai Xiaoyou, he doesn't want to act so strong in front of her, it will scare her...


On the roof of the hospital, the cold wind blew violently, sweeping towards people mercilessly, the piercing chill was like thousands of ice skates, piercing into Bai Xiaoyou's face and neck, but she couldn't feel the cold.

The thin and lonely body looks more and more slender and lonely from a distance, making people feel sorry for her.

The long hair is fluttering, being danced wantonly by the cold wind, just a back view has made the eyes of the man chasing her rest on her, and he can't look away for a long time, but seeing her like this, he is more painful and distressed .

Since he entered the ward, he knew that she had changed, and her attitude towards him was no longer the same.No anger, no waves, and no hatred.

When he learned from his subordinates that she would wake up today, he knew how happy he was, but what he faced was her indifferent face, no longer the affection she used to have.

It's her like this that scares him. He would rather she hate him, or lose her temper with him.But all he saw was her calm face, as if she had never known him before.

Breathing hard, he walked slowly behind her, pulled his thin lips lightly, and said a word with difficulty, "'s cold on the roof, go in!"

His words had no effect on the silent Bai Xiaoyou, just like the air he exhaled. He wanted to say something else, but in the end he didn't know how to explain or how to comfort him, so he didn't speak again. He took off his winter clothes and put them on her thin and delicate body. on the body.

This action caused the quiet girl to turn around suddenly, without rejecting his kindness, seeing the undisguised sadness and annoyance on his cold face, without feeling anything, she said calmly, "Mu Changxuan... I remember that night ...I have signed the agreement!"

"I... I didn't sign it!" Her stern face was slightly fragile, and the coldness and ruthlessness she showed in front of outsiders just now were not worth mentioning in front of her.

Bai Xiaoyou looked up at the sky, wanting to make the cold wind more violent, so that her confused consciousness could be cleared up, she closed her eyes slightly to feel the sting of the cold wind, and then looked down at him for a long time, "I can give you Chance to explain, but I won't be with you again for any reason, what's gone is forever, you should understand!"

"I know, but that's your business. Whether I sign or don't care about you, that's all my business!" His answer was as domineering as ever.

The happiness at his fingertips was destroyed by his pride and self-esteem. Now facing her, she is no longer that shy and childish little woman.

This coma, as if after many years, made her transform again and made him even more obsessed.

"Is it interesting? Is it interesting for you to provoke me when I have given up on you? Or do you always like this kind of game, playing with me in applause?" Sharp words, but a flat tone, without questioning, Not angry, as if it doesn't matter whether it is or not.

Mu Changxuan's chest trembled violently, his whole soul seemed to be hollowed out, his eyes were painful and sad, at this moment he was so fragile that he couldn't bear a single blow.

He doesn't want to give up, can't he have what has passed away?He has always believed that everything depends on man's effort, how can he let go of it lightly?What's more, he has already identified her in this life, his inescapable love, no matter what method he uses, he will definitely let her come back to him again, it's still the kind of willingness.

(End of this chapter)

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