Chapter 577 Uncontrollable Love (6)
Although she couldn't help much, it would at least give her some peace of mind being there.The only thing she was worried about in this life was Bai Zhengyu. Now that the company had such a big problem, how could she let him face it alone at the most difficult time.

Tomorrow is the wedding of Bai Lingxuan and Mu Ziqing. She has already talked with Bai Zhengyu on the phone, and the two negotiated to give Bai Lingxuan a wedding present.The grievances and grievances between her and Bai Lingxuan have long been wiped out after getting along with each other these days, and she sincerely hopes that Bai Lingxuan will be happy.

After coming out of the hospital, she went back to the apartment on purpose, helped Bai Zhengyu tidy up the room, and then did housework for a while. Since her body hadn't fully recovered, she felt a little overwhelmed.

After mopping the floor, Bai Xiaoyou couldn't help panting heavily, her small face was flushed red from the strenuous exercise just now, and her forehead was already covered with sweat.

When she received Bai Yuchen's call, she was taking a short rest. Actually, there was nothing wrong with her, but when she heard that she was discharged from the hospital, Bai Yuchen was a little worried, so she called to ask about it.

After some simple greetings, she lost all sleepiness and decided to get up and go shopping, and by the way, choose a wedding present for Bai Lingxuan.

Sitting in front of the mirror, staring at his haggard face, with long black hair reaching his waist, he looked very pure.

A man once said that he liked her long black hair the most. Occasionally, when he was not busy, he would comb it for her. She still remembers the obsessive eyes very clearly.

Thinking about it, a crystal teardrop overflowed from the corner of the eye, and it fell quickly, and slowly reached out to touch his black hair, the soft touch was really hard to put it down.

Now that everything is in the past, she should also make a complete break with the past.

City A at night was even colder. After coming out of the barbershop, Bai Xiaoyou shuddered suddenly, folded her hands on her chest, looked up at the dark sky, unable to tell what she was feeling.

At this time, she had flaxen shoulder-length short hair, and her slightly slanted bangs could better embellish her delicate facial features. The tips of her hair were slightly curled, making her look elegant and charming.

It is true that a hairstyle changes a person.Bai Xiaoyou is very satisfied with this hairstyle. She feels that she was too old-fashioned with long hair before, but now she prefers this kind of herself.

From fresh and simple to elegant and refined, and then to mature and elegant, this must be the way of human growth!
She lowered her head, the bright lights of the city in front of her hurt her eyes, closed her eyes for a few minutes, and then walked away from the door of the barber shop.

She didn't notice that since she entered the barber shop, there had been a black car waiting outside.Everything she did outside the barber shop caught the eye of the man in the back seat of the car.

During the long wait, the man was smoking one cigarette after another. At this time, the car was full of the pungent smell of tobacco, but he didn't notice it at all, and instead smoked more and more.

Because of the lighting problem, he couldn't see Bai Xiaoyou's face very clearly, but he was shocked by the flaxen short shoulder-length hair. It was not because of her beauty, but because she cruelly cut off his most beautiful hair Love the long hair.

He understood what she was thinking, this time she really gave up!It is said that she has never had her hair done before, and she has always maintained the most natural temperament in front of him.And now, she has really changed!
"Buy her hair that was cut off!" He ordered in a deep voice to his subordinates in the front row, with an order that could not be refused in his tone.

After his subordinate got out of the car, he picked up the tablet computer that he carried with him, and quickly entered the e-mail.There were emails she had sent to him in it, but because he was tampered with by the previous secretary, he never received any of them.

(End of this chapter)

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