The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 604 Xiaoyou, We Will Be Happy

Chapter 604 Xiaoyou, We Will Be Happy (8)
The younger brother she had always cared about the most was taken away by the police in order to bear the charge of murder for her. How would she explain to her mother and sick father?
Now that even Bai Lingxuan's whereabouts are unknown, is the entire Bai family really facing the point of ruin?
With a soft sigh, Mu Changxuan's movements did not change, the palms covering her mouth were already dripping with sweat, and he threatened helplessly, but in the softest tone, "If you are disobedient, I... I won't help you. You save him!"

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Bai Xiaoyou twitched a few times, barely holding back the tears from the corners of her eyes. Due to the long-term fear and crying, her thin shoulders kept trembling slightly, making the man who was hugging her feel relieved. It also trembled.

"Listen to me, you follow them and take advantage of the chaos to leave, I will come later, if we go out together, we will be followed by the media, and unnecessary trouble will be caused, you know?"

Mu Changxuan's sharp eyes glanced at the chaotic scene. Their location is not easy to be found, because everyone's eyes are on Mu Ziqing and the murderer. This is the best time to leave.

Seemingly uneasy, he asked again before letting her go, "Just wait for me to come out, huh?"

It was because he was too scared, afraid that if he let go of her hand, he would lose her again!
Dreaming back in the middle of the night, her side was icy and cold, her voice and smile could only be seen in the dream, when he woke up, the loneliness and helplessness engulfed his heart, he could no longer fall asleep, and could only bring his love to him. Her longing was silent till dawn.

"Be sure to take her away from a safe place, wait for my call, and..." Mu Changxuan turned his head and instructed the subordinates beside him. In the end, he was afraid of being heard by Bai Xiaoyou, so he stated in a very small voice , the pupils became deeper and deeper.

As expected, as soon as Bai Xiaoyou arrived at the door of the bedroom, all the reporters' attention turned to her, and the flash of the camera was projected on her face, which made her look even more panicked, and she curled up in a huddle. The group made the man who had been staring at her leave frowned tightly, his heart was stabbed fiercely as if a sharp knife had been cut across it.

"Miss Bai, what do you think of this matter? As the eldest daughter-in-law of the Mu Group, will my younger brother be held accountable for murder?"

"Who are you more sad for? If General Manager Mu can't survive, will you consider remarrying?"

"It's because you and your younger brother had planned a long time ago to seize..."


Bai Xiaoyou's nerves were broken by the harsh slander, she covered her ears tightly with her hands, her pale face twisted together, her dark eyes were tangled in pain, and she muttered to herself, "It's me, it's me!" , don't..." Don't blame Zhengyu, don't blame him, she did it all.

"The groom was attacked unexpectedly, and the wedding cannot be held as usual. Please report it truthfully!" Her thin cold lips announced to everyone, and a cold light shone from her dark eyes. With one sentence, all the reporters' targets were diverted, and Bai Xiaoyou was easily relieved. It got entangled by many reporters.

Mu Changxuan's handsome figure was surrounded by reporters, and his whole body exuded a natural arrogance, like the ruler of hell, making people too frightened to resist his orders.

After seeing Bai Xiaoyou leave safely, he didn't bother to pay attention to these entangled reporters. He glanced coldly at it, and the group of paparazzi seemed to have discussed it, and the words that came to his mouth were swallowed by a cold look of his. went back.

No one dared to question Mu Changxuan's situation, and no one dared to take this step easily to seek death.

As early as just now, some reporters slandered Bai Xiaoyou, and he couldn't bear it, especially the last sentence, saying that Bai Xiaoyou had premeditated, and the reason and calmness he was always proud of collapsed in an instant. If a subordinate behind him reminded him In the current situation, maybe the reporter has already been attacked by him.

(End of this chapter)

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