The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 621 The most affectionate sacrifice

Chapter 621 The most affectionate sacrifice (8)
At this moment, his often frowning sword eyebrows are relieved, and those deep eyes are tightly closed. Even so, she can still imagine that when he looked at her last night, the intoxicated eyes, with fiery affection, made her heart tremble. Hot, especially the slightly upturned thin lips, left countless marks on her body.

That blush and heartbeat scene has just passed, but it is so beautiful to recall.

Afraid that he would wake up, she carefully moved her body in his arms, he snorted, Bai Xiaoyou immediately didn't dare to move, closed her eyes as if nothing happened.

After repeating this several times, she finally broke free from his arms, exhaled slowly, stared at him reluctantly, got out of bed carefully, put the winter clothes on the sofa on her body, and went to the balcony alone .

How could she be able to sleep, if she wasn't afraid that he would be worried, she would have gone to the prison to inquire about Bai Zhengyu's situation as soon as she woke up.As for Bai Yuchen and Bai Lingxuan, she was not at ease, and she also needed to deal with the company's affairs.

Now she is the only person with the right to speak in the Bai Group, how will she face those difficult reporters when she goes to the company tomorrow?Even if you declare bankruptcy, you still have to show up!

The cold wind was blowing, making people confused.

The sky is slightly bright, and the temperature is low in the winter morning.

It was only then that Bai Xiaoyou realized that he had been here for a long time, his legs had already become stiff, and he couldn't help shivering from the cold even though he was wrapped in heavy winter clothes.The body he loved was originally warm, but under the attack of the cold wind, it became cold and numb after a while, especially the little face, the red tide after the love had receded, and it was frozen purple.

Maybe she was thinking too seriously, her dull eyes were always looking at a certain direction, her flaxen hair was a little messy, and her face was full of wounds and pain. Who would know that kind of helplessness and sadness?

Sighing slightly, thinking that Mu Changxuan would wake up later, he clenched his cold little hands together, turned around and bumped into a pair of eyes as deep as the sea.

" what, when did you wake up?" Due to the tension and standing for a long time, the stiffness and numbness of her body made her extremely uncomfortable. She was flustered and struggled to utter a word to ease the awkward atmosphere.

Seeing that he just looked at her without saying a word, there was no emotion on his face, but he could see distress and helplessness in those eyes, she regretted what she did, lowered her head and murmured, "Isn't it sleeping?" Is it gone?"

Mu Changxuan closed his eyes and sighed, "Yes, I fell asleep, why did I fall asleep?"

When he woke up and found that she was not around, he touched the place where she had slept with trembling hands, it was cold and cold, how scared was he at that moment?
Maybe he couldn't bear her sudden departure, or her departure after her tenderness was even more unacceptable to him.As if the lingering and love last night were a dream!

But it obviously existed, didn't it?It's cold around her, but her breath is still...

Sure enough, when he regained his senses and came to the balcony, he saw that familiar petite figure.

It took a long time for her empty heart to return. He didn't walk over to disturb her, but just stood behind her and looked at her lonely back in a daze, his eyes full of pity.

What should he do?

In fact, he knew very well in his heart how depressed she was, but she acted calmly in front of him.She didn't ask anything last night, and she didn't do any aggressive actions, which didn't look like her personality at all.

Such a girl made Mu Changxuan uneasy!

Until now, seeing her standing alone on the balcony, her little hands were red from the cold and she didn't respond at all. His heart felt as if he had been hit hard by a heavy hammer a few times, and the pain made him suffocate.

(End of this chapter)

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