The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 631 If My Heart Is Broken, I Stick To Himself

Chapter 631 If My Heart Is Broken, I Stick To Himself (1)
In the deserted courtyard and the deserted funeral, Bai Yuchen's black and white photo was placed in the most conspicuous position in the hall, the smile on his face was faint but kind.

I heard that Bai Yuchen didn't suffer much before he died, and he died after struggling a few times. He must be worried about his three children!In this life, there were too many times when she and Bai Yuchen were opposites,
Thinking about it carefully, she shouldn't hate Bai Yuchen, everyone has distracting thoughts in their hearts, which man would tolerate his beloved woman marrying his elder brother?It is undoubtedly the most painful to look at the distance that is so close but far away every day.

Bai Yuchen is an infatuated man, otherwise how could he endure this feeling of loneliness in his whole life?Bai Xiaoyou's only regret was that he couldn't call him "Dad" before he died.

Maybe she had already forgiven him in her heart, but she couldn't bear face, the hurdle in her heart, and all the previous things, she didn't know how to forget.

Dad, I've never seen you smile so calmly and easily. This is the real you, right?Even though many times, when she saw him facing Bai Lingxuan, although he coaxed and laughed softly, there was always a hint of impatience and perfunctory between his brows and eyes.

She couldn't help but wonder, Bai Yuchen, did you see your mother when you closed your eyes?Don't you feel particularly gratified just thinking about seeing her soon?
Bai Yuchen, don't you have any regrets? Why don't you listen to me calling you Dad again? How could you just leave without any worries?She had waited too long for her father's love, but in the end she couldn't get it.

Didn't you say that you will compensate me in the future? How can you bear to throw all the mess on me?

Now Bai Lingxuan's whereabouts are unknown, there is no news about Bai Zhengyu in prison, and once grandma gets sick, I am left alone to bear all this. Do you know how scared and helpless I am?

That's right, Bai Yuchen, you owe my mother too much, you should go down and spend time with her, I hope you don't miss each other again in your next life!
Mom, is it true that you have waited for too long and are unwilling to let him go down to accompany you so early?
You tell me, now what should I do, what should I do?Bai Zhengyu helped me bear the crime of murder. I really wanted to replace him. If it was before, I would have done it desperately, but now I can't, I can't!
Doing this will not only fail to save Bai Zhengyu, but will catch me on the contrary. I am not afraid. In fact, it is not a kind of relief for me?There are more important things waiting for me to do, I can't let myself be busy, otherwise who should Bai Zhengyu rely on?
Memories that I don't want to recall emerge one by one. Although many things have been blurred, I remember that they once existed.

Bai Yuchen, do you still remember?On that rainy night three years ago, it was in this position that you drove me and my mother out. Do you know how much I hated you at that time?If Mu Changxuan hadn't given me 500 million, I really don't know how to survive. Maybe I would also be like Xiaoge, living in a slum, living the most simple and tiring life. I have no thoughts at all except running around for my life every day Considering other things, of course, he would not meet Mu Changxuan.

Could it be that all of this is preordained in power? 500 million saved her life at that time, and it also paved the way for her and Mu Changxuan's reunion.

Since it is fate, let's admit it, not to mention that they can no longer leave each other, why bother about what happened in the past!
Mu Changxuan?As long as she thinks of him, her lonely and gloomy heart seems to light up, always giving her the best sustenance and comfort at the most critical moment.

But no matter how good the comfort and sustenance is, it can't compare to him being able to accompany her at this moment to give her the most real support. He was no longer around her early in the morning. It would be a lie to say that she is not lonely, and she knows him without even thinking about it. It's time to go to the hospital to see Du Yujin!
(End of this chapter)

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