The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 644 Mu Changxuan, you should sleep in the study tonight

Chapter 644 Mu Changxuan, you should sleep in the study tonight (8)

Too devoted, Mu Changxuan didn't notice the pretty figure standing outside the door. Hearing this, Bai Xiaoyou's legs suddenly softened, she bit her lip hard, and forcefully forced back the tears from the corners of her eyes , the brain stopped at the sentence 'I need you, and I will only love you in the future! ' Thoughts on.

Turning around in a daze, she walked silently towards the elevator, walking in the deserted corridor as if she had lost her soul.

"Don't mind, we have nothing to do. It's only been a few hours. I believe that Miss Bai won't bother with a dead person?" Du Sichen's sudden appearance brought her back to her senses, and quickly covered up the smug look on her face. Pain and loss.

He forced out a smile, his face was as pale as paper, "No, I understand, I was too abrupt, originally I wanted to sneak a look at Mu Ziqing, but..."

"So many things have happened, it's time to mature."

She didn't know what Du Sichen said at all, she just continued the words dully, and then seemed to think of something, she pulled his arm excitedly, and begged eagerly, "Don't tell Mu Changxuan that I've been here, please! Please! it is good?"

Even if she is really sad and heartbroken in the future, she doesn't want Mu Changxuan to know, because she clearly understands that Mu Changxuan only has her in his heart, but she can't control her thoughts, so she can only bear it silently like a fool.

As if he didn't expect her to be so sensible, Du Sichen was taken aback, nodded to her, and a flash of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

Seeing that he agreed, Bai Xiaoyou slowly let go of his arm, politely explained, then turned and walked towards the elevator.

"Miss Bai, I suddenly think that you are more suitable for Mu Changxuan than Jin'er, and he really saw the right person." Before the elevator door closed, Du Sichen suddenly yelled such a sentence.

I wanted to comfort her, and it was sincere words, but I didn't know that these words hurt her heart even more.Is it?Is she the right fit?No way, she has nothing, how can she be worthy of such an excellent him?
It's not that her heart doesn't hurt, and it's not that she doesn't care. She clearly knows that he said those words just so that Du Yujin can wake up. She shouldn't care about it, but she really saw with her own eyes how tender he is to other women. I can't help but feel sad because the strength I always thought of collapsed instantly at this moment.

woman!When facing the man he loves, he will never be able to be magnanimous. When he looks at another woman affectionately and says the most beautiful words of love to another woman, it has nothing to do with the reason, and some are just concerned and heartbroken .

As everyone knows, the man who was talking about love to Du Yujin in the ward had another face in his mind, a small face, a stubborn temper, and a stubborn personality. But he enjoyed it very much, and loved the natural temperament she showed all the time at that time.

Gradually, the love story changed. All the descriptions were related to Bai Xiaoyou. Those memories were his feelings for Bai Xiaoyou. Is this the involuntary love to the depths?

Even in the face of Du Yujin who was about to die, the woman he had been attracted to, the woman who had promised to marry her, he still thought of Bai Xiaoyou in his heart. Since when did he never think of anyone else in his heart, he and Du Yu Jin's memories have slowly become blank in his mind.

When he looked at the woman on the bed, he saw another sleeping face through her closed eyes, which always made him intoxicated and distressed.

Bai Xiaoyou walked quietly on the deserted street, the dim street lamp stretched her petite figure to a long distance, the silence beside her was terrifying, the occasional wind whistled, making people tremble slightly, while her But he didn't realize it at all, he just walked aimlessly with his legs numb.

She shouldn't have come, because she was worried that Bai Zhengyu and Mu Changxuan were not there, so she personally sent Bai Zhengyu back to the police station. On the way back, she happened to pass by the hospital. Thinking that Mu Changxuan was inside, she wanted to go in to find him. Otherwise, she wouldn't have heard his confession to Du Yujin so affectionately.

Since then only love you alone?

Those words pierced her heart like a knife, and she didn't have the courage to listen any more. The knife didn't feel pain, but it was dripping with blood.

"Madam, get in the car, Mr. Six..." The subordinate probably knew the situation from Du Sichen's mouth, and the two parked the black Bentley on the side of the road, followed her silently for a distance, and at the end I couldn't stand it anymore, so I stopped it.

Her thoughts returned to normal, and she looked back at the two subordinates with a relaxed smile, "I'm fine, I just feel that it's too depressing to stay in the compound these days, it's better to walk around."

"Miss Bai should trust Liu Ye unconditionally. What he did for you behind the scenes made us hard-boiled men unable to help but be moved."

Hearing this, the little face was surprised for a while, thinking of everything he had done for herself, and just now he did something that touched her, the suffocated breath in his heart slowly dissipated, and he looked softly at the two subordinates. He said in a loud voice, "I know, don't worry, I just want to blow the wind... Don't tell Mu Changxuan that I've been here tonight! Okay?"

"Okay!" In fact, Miss Bai is still a very good person in their hearts. She doesn't want Master Liu to know her troubles, so of course they won't say it.

Why is she so narrow-minded again?Can't what he did for her explain everything?

Suddenly, Bai Xiaoyou hated him so much, his paranoid and stubborn personality in the past was almost revealed, and he agreed to trust him and love him unconditionally!
Mu Changxuan, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so narrow-minded, forgive me!Stay with Du Yujin well, I will obediently wait for you to come back to attend Dad's funeral!

I don't know when Bai Xiaoyou learned to comfort herself, learned to hide her sad and painful emotions, and think of everything for the best.

It was because of her compulsively suppressing her emotions, losing herself in consideration of others, that Mu Changxuan almost faced the pain of losing her again soon after.

If he hadn't found out in time, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to meet her in this life!Every time he thinks of this, Mu Changxuan can't help but be afraid for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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