Chapter 654
At this time, he touched her hair again. Whose hair did he love?

After she finished saying that, Du Yujin's life came to an end. Presumably Du Yujin was not reconciled even when she died. Her sudden appearance made Mu Changxuan turn all his eyes and thoughts to himself On Du Yujin's body, why can't he bear it?
Since when did she become so vicious, is she a murderous madman?She almost killed Mu Ziqing by mistake, she didn't even look at him, she could only hear about his recent situation from others all day long, now because of her sudden visit, Du Yujin also...

Even a person who is about to die will not be spared, Bai Xiaoyou, you are really ruthless and cold-blooded!

But what to do, some things and some people can't turn back, since she chose to be strong from the beginning, she must grit her teeth and survive everything, and she will be like this from now on!
Confession is a hurtful burden for Mu Changxuan, she can only choose to lie, and she can't let him have the slightest thought pressure.

On the way to the hospital, his subordinates had already told her that Mu Changxuan's current situation was not very good, how could she let him worry about his relationship at this time?
She can't help him in career, so she should understand him emotionally and give him the best comfort.This man has done so much for her, it's nothing for her to sacrifice a little!
Yes, occasionally she would get entangled and think wildly, but she never had the idea of ​​being separated from him in her heart.She is already in great pain, why bother to tell him to make him troubled?
Bai Yuchen's funeral was very desolate and desolate. Apart from Lin Yifei and Cheng Peige, plus Bai Yuchen's former friends, there were only a few dozen people. The funeral was desolate and desolate.

The tea is cold, not to mention that the Bai Group has gone bankrupt before, and those flatterers in the mall usually have no time to avoid it. Who will remember his funeral, it is natural that it is deserted.

The rain had stopped, the sky was cloudy and cold.

Several people stood in front of the tomb wearing black overcoats. The names of Bai Yuchen and Chen Hui were engraved together on the tombstone. The two black and white photos were so harmonious, both of which were faint smiles. Bai Xiaoyou seemed to see the way they met. Her face was filled with happiness and satisfaction, which deeply shocked her heart.

All of them had heavy expressions on their faces, and they stood there silently with their heads buried, expressing their deep condolences to the deceased.

Cheng Peige stood behind Bai Xiaoyou, beside Lin Yifei, there was a fire of gunpowder between the two of them, since the morning quarrel, the two of them had not spoken a word, and when they met in the Bai family compound, they were like strangers. Some irrelevant people chatted.

Lin Yifei didn't want to come to Bai Yuchen's funeral at first, but because Bai Xiaoyou already had another man by his side, it would only feel redundant and even embarrassing for him to come here.

Seeing Mu Changxuan and Bai Xiaoyou appear side by side in the mourning hall, without the pain before, I felt a lot more relaxed.Seeing Bai Xiaoyou happy, he should be happy for her!

Maybe he was really tempted and liked before, after all, it's all over, and he never insisted on what didn't belong to him!
When did he let go of this relationship, and his relationship with Bai Xiaoyou gradually weakened, maybe it was a kind of give up, seeing that there was such an excellent man by her side, he knew he had no chance.

On the other hand, this stupid woman beside him may not even be aware of it, those beautiful phoenix eyes always sweep towards her from time to time, except for her profile, they can't see through anything.

Cheng Peige closed her eyes slightly, not noticing that the searching eyes had been staying on her body. She would feel dizzy after standing for a long time, so she could only close her eyes and wait silently. She was afraid that if she moved a little, her body would fall down uncontrollably go.

(End of this chapter)

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