Chapter 657 The So-Called Plan (1)
There is nothing worse than night when Su Rong voluntarily climbed into Mu Yichuan's bed. For the so-called revenge, she went crazy!

Su Rong never expected that things would be unexpected, posting so many photos not only did not hurt Bai Xiaoyou, but made her and Mu Changxuan's relationship deeper.

She didn't believe it when she heard people say that the girl had changed, but after Du Yujin's incident, she realized that the girl was not as easy to fool as before, let alone deal with it.

Her good son not only didn't reprimand Bai Xiaoyou for suddenly breaking into Du Yujin's ward, but also left Du Yujin and that girl behind. Is this the so-called childhood sweetheart?
How can I say that Jin'er is also his sister, even if there is no love between them, but the bond between them is still there since childhood, wouldn't it be Du Yujin's life to leave with Bai Xiaoyou?

man!Once you are cruel, even if you sacrifice your life for him, he won't care, and he won't feel guilty because of your sacrifice. On the contrary, he still thinks you are ridiculous, stupid!
Jin'er, you are so stupid, so what if you die, I want him to remember you?Where does he still have your place in his heart, I'm afraid he was with Bai Xiaoyou before your bones were cold.

When you die, it is someone else who fulfills your wish. This is the real stupidity!

At Du Yujin's funeral yesterday, Mu Changxuan just had a brief chat with Du Sichen and then left. From the beginning to the end, she did not see any sadness or guilt on his face.

Sure enough, the men in the Mu family were all cold-blooded. For another woman, they would not even let their childhood sweetheart sister be spared, and they didn't even accompany her during the funeral. Heh, how heartless to the extreme!
Jin'er, are you willing?
It's no wonder that he and Mu Yichuan are father and son, which is quite similar. Mu Yichuan is mean and shameless, and he will do whatever it takes to get what he gets.Mu Changxuan was cold-hearted, almost strangled her to death because of that Bai Xiaoyou, and bought the cemetery in the west of the city at all costs to make her suffer, so that her beloved man would die without a place to bury him.

The last time, as long as this time is done, she will never set foot on this land. She wants their father and son to pay the price for what they did back then, and even more so that Mu Changxuan will not get the woman he loves in this life, leaving him alone for the rest of his life.

Compared to Mu Yichuan, after waiting for so many years, this woman's attitude towards him has suddenly changed drastically, so it's impossible for him not to get excited.

As shrewd as he is, when it comes to emotional issues, she is his calamity in this life. As long as he meets this woman, all rationality is bullshit.Especially now, no hatred or family interests are worth mentioning in front of this woman, she is the only one in my heart!
At this time, if she wanted the stars in the sky, Mu Yichuan would probably try to get them for her, not to mention the position of the mistress of the Mu family.

No matter what reason Su Rong was with him, he didn't bother to find out. After waiting for too long, time flies, and he has no time to waste waiting.

He missed this face countless times in his dreams. Even though she was lying in his arms now, Mu Yichuan thought it was just a dream. After all, he was old and his body was not as good as before, so he could only hug her quietly like this Falling asleep with a charming figure.

But Su Rong refused, her enchanting body was lingering in his arms, especially those captivating eyes, which made people intoxicated, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that she is a fairy who kills people.

Wanting a man who he hates but can't deal with slowly tortured to death is to grab his body and mind.

(End of this chapter)

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