Chapter 659 The So-Called Plan (4)
Feeling restless, Bai Xiaoyou lifted the quilt and paced back and forth in the room anxiously. She walked to the window and looked at the dark night outside, her heart became heavier. There were no car lights, no sirens, nothing. .

After struggling like this for another hour, at two o'clock in the morning, Bai Xiaoyou couldn't hold back the nervousness and fear in his heart, so he dialed Mu Changxuan's phone number, and when the call was connected, Bai Xiaoyou's heart shrank suddenly, fearing that he would Discussing something important will disturb him, and he is afraid that something will happen to him. I heard that he has encountered some troublesome things recently. Is it because of this embarrassment?

Thinking of this, she called his phone again, but no one answered.

Bai Xiaoyou became even more impatient, her thoughts were in chaos...

Holding the mobile phone tightly in her hand, she didn't know what to do. Just when she was extremely confused, the damn text message was reposted to her mobile phone. Her hand trembled involuntarily. In order to calm herself, she gritted her teeth and deleted it. the MMS.

Since she chose to believe, she should have no reason to believe him, but she was afraid that she would not be able to control her thoughts, so that was the only way she could do it!
It was obvious that the person who sent the message didn't intend to let her go. The ringtone sounded like a spell calling for death. Bai Xiaoyou couldn't bear it, her brain was buzzing, and she clicked on it irritably. One after another, alluring photos came into view, making her pupils She tightened for a while, and her face turned pale, which made her feel panicked.

The woman in the photo is not Du Yujin, but an extremely enchanting and beautiful woman, who looks familiar, who, who is it?
The parking lot, is that woman that day?Mu Changxuan went to Haojue?

Regardless of putting on her clothes, she ran out crazily, with no direction, and when she left the old Bai family house, there was darkness in front of her eyes, and endless helplessness and panic engulfed her body and mind.

I want to cry, my eyes seem to be dry, and I can't shed a single tear.

Mu Changxuan said that he just went to drink that day, it's impossible... Besides, just a few photos can't explain anything.

She and Mu Ziqing were caught raped in bed, and Mu Changxuan chose to believe her. Why did she believe these broken photos? With a sudden heartbreak, Bai Xiaoyou deleted those intimate photos one by one with trembling hands, but her heart was dripping. Blood, can you really let go?
Love to the depths, just want him to belong to me, this is the contradiction of human beings!She obviously believed in him, but she didn't deny that she still minded the smell of other women around him.

The point is that he didn't come back so late, where did he go?
Suddenly a dazzling car light refracted over, making her unable to open her eyes, Bai Xiaoyou hurriedly covered her eyes with her hand, and when the car light went out, she slowly opened her hand in front of her, and the familiar Bugatti stopped at her Beside him, the tense and panicked heart gradually relaxed.

His stalwart body got out of the car, he was in a daze, when Bai Xiaoyou stepped forward, a strong smell of wine came to his nostrils, even the occasional cold wind could not dispel the smell of wine on his body.

He really went to drink, so the photo she received just now is from today, isn't it from Haojue during the time when they had a quarrel?

"Xiaoyou, why did you run out without wearing more clothes?" He frowned, and his joyful expression suddenly became severe when he saw her wearing only a thin pajamas.

There was no sense of blame in his tone, and even a strong sense of distress.

Bai Xiaoyou hurriedly concealed the tangled look on her face, squeezed out a smile, and took his arm, "I... I just got up to go to the bathroom, and found that you haven't come back, so..."

She was nervous, and she was even more frightened... The reason why she approached him was to smell if he smelled of other women.

(End of this chapter)

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