The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 667 The Impulse of Longing for Love

Chapter 667 The Impulse of Longing for Love (3)
He had waited so hard all his life, how could he let her think about other men, even if he risked his life, he still wanted her to have only one person in her heart.

Familiar gasps and roars came from a corner of Mu's Manor, and the passing juniors couldn't help but blush when they heard it occasionally.

Especially Mu Yunchu, she usually doesn't live here, and her grandfather doesn't let her live here. Tonight, in order to get her grandfather to agree to her marriage with Lin Yifei, she had no choice but to stay here. Now that she can't sleep, she wants to go downstairs to get some air. He heard an incomparably ecstatic voice coming from Grandpa's bedroom.

Cough cough, it's really terrible!Grandpa, is your old man really so tough?Is that woman worthy of your bravery, even disregarding her body?

It was in the evening that Mu Changxuan's call was received. Cheng Peige woke up from the haze, and when he saw the name on the phone screen, his brain was more than half awake.

The only thing she could think of was what happened to Bai Xiaoyou, and Mu Changxuan would usually send her over to help persuade him when he felt that he would be very troubled.God, when did she become Mu Changxuan's spy?

Sure enough, as she had expected, he couldn't come back in a short time in Australia. He was afraid that Bai Xiaoyou would be lonely in the apartment alone, so he wanted her to go and accompany Bai Xiaoyou.

Mu Changxuan's phone call just solved her urgent need. During this period of time, she was suffering from severe morning sickness. She had nowhere to hide, and she was afraid of being discovered by her family, so she could only stay in her room after work. Dare to come out and say that she is too busy at work during this time and needs to work overtime in the room, so that no one will disturb her work.

Alas, she hadn't been to the company two days ago, but Lin Yifei was generous, knowing that she was not feeling well, he said that he wanted her to take care of her health first, and then talk about work in a few days.

Pregnancy can really make people very exhausted, not only severe morning sickness, sleeping in the dark every day, unable to distinguish between day and night, and eating is not very good. Usually, I feel that my appetite is lost after eating a little, and I can’t swallow it no matter how much I swallow.

Maybe she and Bai Xiaoyou will reduce the pressure in this area. It is always good to have someone to talk to. The past two days of hiding and hiding about the pregnancy has made her exhausted.

She should thank Mu Changxuan, the business trip was really timely, but fortunately, she still has some use value in his eyes.

When they arrived at the apartment in the outskirts, Bai Lingxuan happened to be there. Cheng Peige saw the two sisters talking and greeted briefly, then went to the guest room alone to pack his luggage.

In the living room, Bai Xiaoyou's face was drooping, her lips were pale, the flickering light cast light shadows on her face, her shoulders trembled slightly, her eyelashes fluttered and frail as if she might shed tears at any moment.

When Bai Lingxuan mentioned Mu Ziqing, her heart, which she hadn't feared for a long time, began to pant. In the end, she could no longer use fear and guilt to describe her feelings, and she couldn't sort out what she was thinking at all. Cheng Peige came in and greeted her with a smile.

She looked calm on the face and her heart was already turbulent. She had to be strong and face everything bravely. She was no longer the Bai Xiaoyou who shed tears easily.

Mu Ziqing was the pain in her heart. The shot was not fatal, but it caused him to lose his most precious soul and hope in life. What is the difference between this and killing him?
Now that Bai Lingxuan told her that she wanted to take care of Mu Ziqing herself, she felt a little guilty. If she hadn't been too impulsive, Bai Lingxuan would not have no support in her future life. A living dead person, Bai Lingxuan wanted to lose her whole life in the future up?After all, it was all her responsibility, how could Bai Lingxuan be allowed to atone for her sin?
(End of this chapter)

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