Chapter 675 Irreparable Mistake (6)
Mu Changxuan's thinking is very simple, a big man doesn't have such a meticulous mind after all, it is such a simple thinking that Bai Xiaoyou can't erase the shadow in his heart from now on, and an unintentional sentence made a big mistake.

"What's wrong?" Feeling her body stiff, Mu Changxuan panicked, and turned her body to face him, his dark eyes fixed on her blushing face.

Bai Xiaoyou's heart was empty, the red tide on his face suddenly dissipated, his face was calm, and he didn't know what the words that came out of his mouth meant, "No, I'm just too excited."

Excited, what are you excited about?Is it what he said just now, he said, find the best doctor for her to remove the scar, obviously because he dislikes her?No wonder he would be wrong today and turn a blind eye to her after he was done.

"I have to leave later, I'm afraid it will snow, so..." Mu Changxuan said while raising his wrist to check the time, his face full of anxiety.

The subordinate has urged him many times, he should have left as early as when she was going to take a bath, and a period of bone-destroying lingering made him waste a lot of time.

"Leaving again?" She asked, there was no disappointment or reluctance in her eyes, but only stupidity.

Time was running out, and the careless Mu Changxuan didn't notice what was wrong with her. He let go of her body and began to change clothes, while telling her patiently, "I'll be back soon, don't run around, it's going to snow soon Put on more clothes."


Bai Xiaoyou turned her back to his dull promise, her bright eyes were dimmed, and she sneered in her heart.

Man, he still minds that he is not perfect, he minds that scar, right? It will be disgusting to see, right?The indifferent attitude just now also has an explanation, it turns out that seeing her scar made her disgusted...

"Be obedient and wait for me to come back, Bai Zhengyu, you can visit at any time." He put on his tie in front of the mirror, and didn't have time to pay attention to everything about her.

Even if two people fall in love again, they will ignore each other's feelings because they are busy. Mu Changxuan has been so busy for a while, and he missed her so much that he flew back to see her desperately.Afterwards, he suddenly discovered that it was the worst decision for him to come back this time.

Not all sacrifices will achieve the effect you want, and sometimes it will be counterproductive.

This short reunion became the trigger for everything that followed, and it almost made him face the pain of losing her.

"Really?" Hearing that he could visit Bai Zhengyu at any time, Bai Xiaoyou's dazed eyes suddenly lit up with a ray of hope.

"Well, of course." He agreed absently, picked up the mobile phone on the bed and answered the call impatiently.

"Master Liu, it's time to go, it will be troublesome when it snows heavily."

Thinking that it might snow later, Mu Changxuan didn't even have time to instruct her, he walked out of the bedroom after taking a look at her, and said, "I'm leaving, I'll finish my work and come back as soon as possible."

"Okay, don't worry." She only uttered this sentence, his tall figure had disappeared, looking at the empty bedroom, she stood there dumbly, spit out the unfinished words in her mouth, and even sent him out. Forgot all.

When passing the living room, Mu Changxuan was still not at ease. Hearing the small noises coming from the kitchen, he couldn't help but walk over and explain to the busy woman, "Take good care of her, you have worked hard during this time."

Cheng Peige was surprised for a while, and almost screamed, because the man just now was Mu Changxuan!Cough, what was she thinking about just now, how could Miss Xiaoyou be that kind of woman?

"By the way, that day... ahem, that's nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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