The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 678 What is heartache and helplessness

Chapter 678 What is heartache and helplessness (2)
The Lin family couple are kind people, and I heard that they like this girl very much, so why don't he make peace with them and make them happy.

"I see, grandpa...I like grandpa the most." Mu Yunchu was overjoyed when he heard that, his pretty face flushed, and he left Mu Yichuan's servant behind and helped him downstairs alone.

What a picture of profound affection between grandparents and grandchildren!

After going downstairs, Mu Yunchu helped him to sit on the teacher's chair, and the joyful look on her face made her even more beautiful.Mu Yichuan reached out and patted the back of her hand, and replied dotingly, "Okay, okay, go, I'll go to the Lin's to discuss the marriage in the afternoon, and the Lin's will definitely not refuse."

At first hearing, Mu Yunchu was so happy that he forgot the occasion, hugged Mu Yichuan's body fiercely, couldn't help but sip a drink on Mu Yichuan's face, "Hehe, Grandpa, I love you so much!"

Mu Yichuan was almost scared to death by her sudden action, and before he could react to her kiss, the girl was no longer around him, so he couldn't help sitting on the grand teacher's chair shaking his head and sighing.

"Little girl, you are always full of fantasies about love." Looking at the place where Mu Yunchu left, Mu Yichuan muttered to himself, thinking of himself back then, and smiled bitterly.

Time is not forgiving, but now it is simply terrible!

"Master, the medicine is ready, should I take it now?"

Mu Yichuan withdrew his gaze, this life was like a dream, suddenly he felt that life was short, and that life was not enough, just because there was that woman in his life, this waiting came too late, he really couldn't give up.

"Well, bring it here!" After thinking for a few seconds, a word escaped from his lips, looking extremely sad.

Mu Yichuan never reveals his low mood in front of anyone. Even if the housekeeper around him has been with him all his life, there are many things that he can't figure out. There is only one thing he can see very clearly, which is the old man's love for Su Rong!

Love really makes people lose their minds. Even when they are old, they still cannot escape this catastrophe. Is it fate?

"Master, taking this medicine for a long time will make your body weaker. I suggest you..." The old housekeeper brought a bowl of dark Chinese medicine in front of him, couldn't help persuading him, and was even more worried about his weakening body.

Mu Yichuan didn't say anything, and gave him a sharp look to tell him to shut up, then took the medicine bowl from the butler's hand, and quickly drank the bowl of black soup. No wrinkle.

As long as you are sweet in your heart, anything you drink is sweet. Mu Yichuan gently wiped the concoction from his mouth, and waved to the butler, "I have my own sense of proportion, so go and do it first!"

He was already prepared, what is this little medicine?After waiting for most of his life, this hard-won happiness is like a dream to him, how can he feel bitter?
What Mu Yichuan didn't know was that after he got up, the sleeping woman on the bed suddenly opened her eyes, feeling completely drowsy.That kiss was very light, like the passing of a feather, but it still made her feel it. It was a kind of kiss that she had never had before - heartbeat!
Damn, heartbeat, how could she be heartbroken by that devil, it's just a little itchy, how could she be heartbeat?

After Mu Yichuan left, Su Rong quickly put on her clothes, swayed her limp body and went downstairs, she stopped at the corner and listened to the conversation inside.

So he's been taking tonics these days?

Isn't this the kind of result she wanted, why now she feels—uncomfortable, even a—pain in her chest!

I don't want to hear any more, everything about Mu Yichuan has nothing to do with her, what she wants is that Mu Yichuan's life is better than death, what she wants is this kind of result!

He dragged his heavy body back to the bedroom, stood in front of the window and watched the snowflakes fall in large pieces, his thoughts drifted away.

(End of this chapter)

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