The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 689 The Queen Mother Can Suggest You to Open a Kindergarten

Chapter 689 The Queen Mother Can Suggest You to Open a Kindergarten (7)
In France before, there was a public relations manager in the company who liked Mu Changxuan and climbed into his bed while he was not paying attention. Not only did he fail to achieve his goal, but he fell short of success. I heard that the woman was sent by Mu Changxuan to work in Africa. The most menial job.

My God, a place like Africa makes me feel sick just thinking about it, those men must pounce on me like hungry wolves...

What kind of man is Mu Changxuan, how can he make women afraid of going to his bed casually?If this is the case, wouldn't he let many women keep his seed, and then threaten him with children?

Therefore, Gao Lan is sensible, even though Mu Changxuan is already in a semi-comatose state at this time, she still dare not!
It would be fine for Bai Xiaoyou to say that she didn't call for a day or two, or that she was very busy, but it was like this for three consecutive days. She had to suspect that she was about to be driven crazy by this kind of mental torture!
Bai Xiaoyou no longer dared to take the initiative to call, afraid of hearing those words, "Xiaoyou, I'm very busy now, I'll call you later!" ' or 'I'm in a meeting, hang up first! '

Without her mobile phone, she couldn't receive those messy MMS messages every day. When she was bored, she logged in to Weibo, which she hadn't logged in for a long time, and just entered a piece of explosive news that hit her eyeballs. This news went crazy on Weibo. Tens of thousands of people bookmark and comment.

"The world's most mysterious corporate behind-the-scenes BOSS, the heir of the Mu family—Mu Changxuan"

'After the banquet last night, I went to a private club with my private secretary late at night'

"It is said that the two have witnessed the growth of Shengtian Group together"


There were many, many, Bai Xiaoyou saw that he was already powerless.Mu Changxuan never dealt with these things. Weibo, QQ, and email are not his concern.Too busy, he doesn't have a personal account, maybe some gossips took advantage of his unpreparedness to take pictures, right?

Some netizens secretly took intimate photos of the two entering the same room together, and the two embraced tightly, looking extremely sweet.

It happened to be summer in Australia at this time. Gao Lan was wearing a water-blue off-the-shoulder dress. She had a tall and exquisite figure. The color made her complexion fairer, especially her smile at the banquet, which was beautiful and confident. , can't make a man not fascinated.There is also the scene of her attending the banquet with Mu Changxuan on her arm, like a sharp sword piercing deeply into Bai Xiaoyou's heart.

The intimate photos and ambiguous words reflected in Bai Xiaoyou's dark pupils, like the most dazzling glare, and she suddenly went crazy!

Bai Xiaoyou slapped down her notebook vigorously, rushed to the balcony with bare feet, let the cold wind plunder her face wantonly, flaxen hair occasionally blew on her face, covering her haggard face, so she couldn't feel the cold, I can't even feel the heartache.

She once told herself that if one day her heart hurts, she will let the wound worsen and achieve the effect of numbness, so that she will not feel pain...

After a long silence, she clenched her hands tightly, closed her eyes, and suddenly felt sticky all over her body. It turned out that her whole body was drenched in cold sweat, and her white nightgown was stained with blood red.

She turned around and went back to the bedroom. In a panic, she took out the first aid kit with trembling hands and applied disinfectant on her collarbone. The sweat on her forehead rolled down in big drops.

Didn't it mean that there is no problem, why is it so painful, or is the skin grafting unsuccessful?

"Sister Xiaoyou, what's the matter with you?" Cheng Peige rushed in immediately when he heard the sound of something falling from the bedroom.

The medicine box fell to the ground in disarray, and Bai Xiaoyou was already limp on the ground, trying to get up but unable to do anything, he could only struggle helplessly on the spot.

"It hurts, it hurts..." This was the first sentence Bai Xiaoyou said to Cheng Peige, his face was as pale as paper, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

Cheng Peige knelt down to help her up, and asked in panic, "How did this happen, what did you do?"

"I can't do it... Xiaoge, it hurts me to death..." Bai Xiaoyou said with difficulty, holding Cheng Peige's clothes tightly with both hands. She hasn't eaten much these days, and even forgot the doctor's orders.

Can't eat spicy food, can't blow hair, can't...

There are many more. She didn't pay attention to what the doctor explained after the skin transplantation. At this moment, the wound is probably getting worse...

(End of this chapter)

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