Chapter 692 The sixth master is back (3)
It must be very painful, what kind of skin transplant should I do?

But Bai Xiaoyou wasn't shocked at her surprise, his pale face was stained with a slight smile, as if he was talking about something unrelated to him, "It's just a small scar, so why make such a fuss?"

Cheng Peige glared at her angrily, especially when he saw her attitude of having nothing to do with him, he was even more angry.Since when did Miss You become so relieved?

Just about to instill some correct thoughts in her, the hasty doorbell rang broke the oppressive atmosphere in the bedroom.

"I guess Dr. Li is here, so I'll open the door." Cheng Peige confessed, without asking Bai Xiaoyou's permission, and ran out to open the door on his own.

The reason why Cheng Peige ran so fast was not because he was afraid that Bai Xiaoyou would refuse Dr. Li's diagnosis and treatment. She knew very well Xiaoyou's stubborn character, but she was afraid that she would not let Dr. Li in if she was stubborn.

She spends every day with Bai Xiaoyou, but she doesn't even know about such a big deal as her skin transplantation, it's damned!When Mu Changxuan came back, he might have to scold her. Indeed, it was time for her to reflect on herself.

If Miss Xiaoyou had something to do, how would she explain it to Mu Changxuan?

When Li Boran went into the bedroom, Cheng Peige went into the kitchen and started to make breakfast. I really couldn't understand why Bai Xiaoyou suddenly wanted to do skin transplantation on a whim. Would Mu Changxuan still despise her?

Thinking in this way, she turned off the fire and called Mu Changxuan from the landline in the living room, but the phone rang for a long time and there was no response. It seemed that she could only send messages to Mu Changxuan at night, but such a big She was still not sure about the matter, and wanted to keep calling until Mu Changxuan answered the phone.

About to call again, at this time Li Boran came down from the stairs with heavy steps, his clean face was covered with layers of gloom, and an ominous premonition engulfed Cheng Peige's heart.

"How about Dr. Li?" Cheng Peige put down the phone in his hand, saw his tired face, bought a glass of water for him, and nervously asked about Bai Xiaoyou's situation.

The gloom on Li Boran's face remained undiminished. He sat down on the off-white sofa, put aside the glass of water Cheng Peige handed over, sighed heavily, and frowned and asked, "Did you find anything wrong with her recently?"

Cheng Peige was a little dazed, wearing an apron, she really looked like a housewife at this moment, so she replied incomprehensibly, "Which aspect are you referring to?"

Li Boran also thought about this question for a long time, and he didn't dare to make a judgment lightly, so his tone was rather impatient, "For example, is there any abnormality in emotion and life?"

"Is this also related to the wound?" Cheng Peige looked puzzled.

Although she was asking, Li Boran's eyes gave her a more depressing and heavy look. From his expression, it can be seen that Miss Xiaoyou's situation is not very good.

"The newly transplanted skin was not properly treated, which led to the deterioration of the wound and severe damage to the skin." Li Boran did not answer her question directly, but first made a brief summary of Bai Xiaoyou's wound, and did not discuss this topic too much.

The biggest problem is not here. If his guess is true, the problem will be a bit troublesome.

"Then...should I go to the hospital for treatment?" Hearing what he said, Cheng Peige was at a loss. He didn't understand what these doctors meant, and he always spoke in half.

In the past few days, not only has she been lethargic, but she also suffers from severe morning sickness. When it comes to taking care of her, Bai Xiaoyou sometimes takes care of her. If Mu Changxuan knows that Bai Xiaoyou is taking care of her, she must be skinned!

(End of this chapter)

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