Chapter 695 The sixth master is back (6)
Many things have not been explained in the first place. Bai Xiaoyou's illness has formed a shadow after Mu Ziqing's accident, but it has not erupted for a long time. Of course, it is impossible to get this illness by relying on one incident, unless there is a more serious illness. Troubling things have been suppressing her all the time. These trivial things have accumulated slowly, and there is nowhere to vent them. In the end, the heart will not be able to bear it. Once it breaks out, it will be earth-shattering.

Besides, Bai Xiaoyou's illness is not in the early stages, which means that it is not easy to recover.

Being Mu Changxuan's woman is hard work, besides this, Li Boran can't think of any other reason for a simple-minded woman to suffer from this disease.

She didn't want to worry Mu Changxuan, so she put everything on her shoulders, but her shoulders were too small, and there would be a day when she would be overwhelmed, but the key was that her shoulders had already collapsed. At this time, she didn't choose to back down, but instead It is to continue to put pressure on yourself and carry everything until that shoulder can no longer support it.

After hearing Li Boran's explanation, Cheng Peige was completely dumbfounded and fainted!The words are so clear, she has to accept this fact even if she doesn't believe it!
As long as she thinks that Bai Xiaoyou has that kind of disease, and the most serious one may die of depression, she will feel very sad.

Originally, she wanted to continue calling Mu Changxuan and tell him to fly back quickly, but Li Boran stopped her.

Li Boran can't be sure about the specific situation, and needs to find an expert to make a decision. The two discussed for a while, and finally decided to let Bai Xiaoyou rest for two days, and ask her out for dinner tomorrow night. Chat at the dinner table, and then make a definite diagnosis.

Li Boran is Mu Changxuan's friend, and before leaving, he gave Cheng Peige thousands of instructions, telling her that she must not take it lightly.

He didn't want Cheng Peige to call and tell Mu Changxuan that a woman would distort the matter if she was in a hurry, so she should wait for tomorrow's diagnosis and then report to Mu Changxuan. Bai Xiaoyou's illness can't be recovered in a day or two. It was useless for him to hurry back.

The empty living room seemed more peaceful after Li Boran left, so quiet that it made people want to cry.

Cheng Peige still had no intention of making breakfast, she sat alone on the sofa in a daze, looking at the direction of the master bedroom with red eyes, sour, sad, and her own relationship problems made her want to go crazy.

Crashed, she was really going to collapse!How did sister Xiaoyou get this disease? Isn't she usually fine?Finally, she buried her head on the cushion and couldn't help but burst into tears.

But at this time, Lin Yifei still called to bother her, and the two had a few words on the phone and broke up.

She has already thought of a way to solve the child's matter, so she doesn't want to see that evil Lin Yifei again!

Maybe it's been a long time since Cheng Peige came in, Bai Xiaoyou endured the pain of the wound and got out of bed. When he came out of the bedroom, he glanced at the whole house.

Child, she should have a child, she can't give up, when Mu Changxuan comes back, she will tell him what she thinks, she wants to have a child!

"Sister Xiaoyou, why are you down? I'll help you bring your breakfast up. You should have a good rest." Seeing her coming downstairs alone, Cheng Peige quickly put away her tearful eyes, wiped away her tears, and squeezed out a little. With an ugly smile, he stepped forward to help her.

Bai Xiaoyou stretched out her hand and stroked the bangs on her forehead. She had washed her hair and took a bath just now, and she became sober. She wanted to go out to get some air, "It's okay, I'm fine, I just took the medicine, and I'm much better."

When she went downstairs, she saw Cheng Peige sitting here crying alone, but she didn't point out that people sometimes need a little private space, probably because of the children!
(End of this chapter)

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