Chapter 728 How Should I Love You (6)
"Damn it, I didn't say it earlier!" Mu Changxuan gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, almost going up to beat him up.

This man came here for a long time and talked nonsense. If he hadn't tried to persuade him to stay, would he have slipped away with this method?

"Don't be too happy. This kind of thing is not easy to get, and it is not 100% effective. There are certain risks, but the effect is the fastest." Li Boran sent the confident Mu Changxuan into eighteen layers of hell.

"What, say it!"

Mu Changxuan gave him a cold look, wishing he could beat him up, dig out his heart, and see what solution he was thinking.

It's no wonder that Li Boran seemed to deliberately whet his appetite, talking one after another, so that Master Liu would not be in a hurry?

No matter what, as long as there is a way, he is not afraid, no matter what the price is, he doesn't care!

Before saying this method, Li Boran carefully glanced at the whole living room, and then whispered his thoughts in a certain man's ear very strangely.

The more he listened, Mu Changxuan's face became more and more gloomy, and the joy he had before had long since disappeared.In the end, the brain went blank for a few seconds, the handsome face was full of gloom, and the tall figure could hardly bear the fact, and he fell back on the sofa weakly, resting his forehead with one hand, as if his heart was empty and he couldn't find his way. It is full of tangled colors.

"Think about it, once you make a decision, there is no going back. As doctors, we don't tell others about this kind of thing easily, and I don't know if it is really so magical after having that kind of thing. After all, I haven't really used it. However, it’s just hearsay, but I heard from my classmates that the effect is not bad, but there are certain risks.”

"Before you make a decision, you'd better take her with you to the subsidiary's meeting recently. Many people have already started to treat her unfavorably." Li Boran patted him on the shoulder as a gesture of comfort, and instructed him sternly.

"Thank you!" Two precious words overflowed from Mu Changxuan's mouth, and Li Boran was taken aback when he heard it.

This man will say 'thank you'?Cough, he can't be blamed for being surprised, this is the first time he's heard these two words from Mu Changxuan after he's known him for so long, one can imagine how much he cares about Bai Xiaoyou.

Reflected, Li Boran showed a relaxed smile, "It should, take care!"

Li Boran's words exploded from Mu Changxuan's heart like an invisible crack. He felt that his heart had been split in two. One half was affirmation of his method, and the other half was denial.

If there is no turning back after making a decision, can he and Bai Xiaoyou still get together?He's worried, scared...

As soon as he sat until dawn, the sky outside was very bright, and the not-so-strong light refracted in from the glass window, hitting his sharp-edged face, making him feel unspeakably sad and lonely, and the strong smell of tobacco and alcohol in the living room made people feel unusually pungent .

"Honey, you got up so early?"

The familiar hazy voice made the man sitting on the sofa stop smoking. When he saw her coming out in a cotton pajamas, his exhausted expression quickly dissipated. He hugged her in his arms.

He had been thinking about Li Boran's words all night, seeing her now, he couldn't bear it, how could he bear it?What if she no longer loves him?
"Have you smoked or drank?" Bai Xiaoyou pouted, smelling the strong smell of tobacco and alcohol on his body, showing dissatisfaction.

She hates him like this. In her heart, this man should be calm and calm. How could he get into the bad habit of smoking and drinking?Are there any problems he can't solve?
(End of this chapter)

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