Chapter 735 Wife Let Me Love You (6)
Shaking her head vigorously to keep her mind clear, she was about to walk out of the bedroom and drink a glass of warm water to calm her emotions. Before she could take a step, a glass filled with milky white liquid suddenly hit her deep pupils.

The white hand with clear bones wrapped the glass, like a perfect work of art, Cheng Peige stared at that hand and forgot to take it, completely dumbfounded!

It didn't take long for Lin Yifei's hoarse and deceptive voice to come from above his head, "If Lao Zhi wasn't afraid that you might have some problems with me, he wouldn't be doing these worthless things. Get out of here after drinking!"

Although his words were harsh, his tone was not serious at all, and there was an imperceptible feeling of pity when he listened carefully.

She must be dreaming, a man like Lin Yifei who misses the flowers every day will cherish a woman, is that woman or her?She must be confused to think so.

"Thank you, don't call me again, Lin Yifei, you have to remember, I have resigned." She took it obediently, and then drank the glass of milk. To be honest, she was really hungry .

After she drank the glass of milk, there was a sinister smile on Juemei's face, and she said without any hesitation, "Now that you know, why didn't you refuse when I called you yesterday?"

"That's... That's because I think it's because of my past affection, helping you for the last time is also an account of my past work." Cheng Peige's hand holding the empty glass tightened, and an inexplicable panic surged in his heart.

He even looks so good in home clothes, no wonder a lot of women are fascinated by him.

At this moment, Lin Yifei in front of her retreated to the office to be serious, wearing black and white coral fleece home clothes, that kind of bohemian charm was vividly displayed at this time, and there was also a kind of relaxed laziness.

Especially the malicious smile on his beautiful face, the peach blossom eyes raised slightly upwards, that kind of seductive eyes are simply the deadliest trump card for women.

Cheng Peige swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, what's the matter with the damned man, who seduced her willpower early in the morning?Or did he deliberately want her to spray nosebleeds in front of him to make a fool of herself?

"I thought about it last night, you are not married and I am not married, why don't we make do with it?" Lin Yifei didn't realize that something was wrong with her, and turned his back to her to search for clothes in the closet.

He seldom comes to this apartment, and he chose it last night because it was a little closer to here.

In order to avoid embarrassment, the two avoided talking about the story of sharing the same bed. Smart people often know how to pretend to be stupid, let alone the thick-skinned Lin Yifei?

However, he has never had a good reputation, his mouth is vicious, and it is his nature to speak without leaving room.

"That last night..."

He wanted to say that it felt good to hold her to sleep last night, but he didn't expect that the woman with no breasts and butt in his eyes was the real thing after taking off her heavy winter clothes, and what he saw before was all illusions.

"Oh, I have something urgent to see Miss Xiaoyou. Goodbye!" Cheng Peige didn't expect that he would pierce the window paper, his face was reddish, and he buried his head deeply, not daring to look directly at his captivating face.

After saying this, she picked up the clothes on the side and quickly ran to the bathroom to change. Her heart was beating wildly because of his strange behavior. When she thought of the fact that she slept with him last night, she was as nervous as a deer. Hit, that heart almost burst out of my chest.

She almost escaped from Lin Yifei's apartment. Before she left, she could feel a fiery and strange gaze closely following her figure, but she didn't stop, but walked even more hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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