Chapter 750
Wasn't the email she sent to him last time the email she used?
Fortunately, there is no need for a password to turn it on, and he is usually busy with work, so he has not paid much attention to her in this regard.

But he faced difficulties in the next job. QQ can't work without a password, and Weibo can't work without an account password.If it doesn't work, he will find a master to crack the code.

Fortunately, the QQ password was finally correct when I entered it for the third time. Stupid woman, she really used the date of their first divorce as the password. Is this memorable?
After browsing a few times, he didn't find any clues, until he entered her QQ space, and a column of private logs inside caught his attention.

I don't know if it was a feeling, but his brain was stunned!Wanting to read it but not daring to read it, he couldn't stand the temptation after some struggles, so he casually opened one of them and read it carefully with a heavy heart.

The current life is very confusing for me. I don’t know how many earth-shattering things are waiting for me in the future, but I understand that I must live well. Only by facing everything with strength can I be worthy of those who continue to pay for me.

I have never been in love. I don’t love the person who loves me. The person I love is him...he said he loves me, but I’m not sure now. It’s not that I don’t believe him, but that he is too shining and dazzling I can't feel safe.

For him, I killed the person who loved me. After that shot, I couldn't bear the fact that Bai Zhengyu was in prison. I couldn't tell Mu Ziqing what it was like. If there was a result, I should feel guilty. .

I admit that I am a coward. I don't even have the courage to go to the hospital to see him. I am afraid and force myself to be strong. It is precisely because of this mentality that I lose my courage. I am afraid that Mu Ziqing will collapse and go crazy. .

Mu Changxuan has been away for four days, and apart from my calling, he has not made a single call.Sometimes I would foolishly think, did he forget that there is another me waiting for him here?
Sometimes I just sat on the sofa in the living room all night stupidly because of one of his calls, but the damn phone was still lying there quietly, without any movement.

The distance is so far that the two of us can't reach each other. It's late at night and I can't sleep at night. When will I find my lost heart? Maybe when you come back, my heart will already be empty and numb.

I always thought you were a domineering, unreasonable and arrogant person, but behind the back of your arrogance, you silently paid for me, blocked all the wind and rain for me, and even faded all the glory and aura in front of me.

Let me ask you, what else is there to be picky about such a man, even though I saw the intimate photos of you and Gao Lan on the Internet, I still chose to believe it.

I don't know if every woman is as contradictory as I am, a heart is split in two, one half is to believe in you, and the other is to force myself to believe in you.

In other words, I am actually jealous of other women, and I want to question whether you are real, but I know I can't do that, and I can't make you worry about me anymore. I was ignorant before, but after so many things, I How can you still be as naive as before?Generally speaking, I am willing to wrong myself for you, and it is all voluntary!

Since I have to clarify my true intentions, I have no objection to your heart and feelings!Is it because I am too small-minded and like to think wildly?
But dear, do you know that every night I would stand on the balcony and look at the endless night, wondering if you are missing like me, or...

I shouldn't think that way, I'm sorry, I shouldn't let your wild thoughts fail your affection!
(End of this chapter)

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