The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 761 Who Loves To The Bone Marrow Who Loves Whom

Chapter 761 Who Loves To The Bone Marrow Who Loves Whom (3)
Hmph, she is the apple of the eye of the Mu family, and it would be impossible for her to cook to please Lin Yifei. It is true that this old woman loves her son very much, and her daughter-in-law will always be an outsider in her eyes.

Where did Mrs. Lin think of these details? She just saw that her son had never had a good impression of Mu Yunchu, and wanted to give her some advice to please her son, so that the two of them would not be so estranged after they got married.

No matter how unhappy he was, Mu Yunchu still had a bright smile on his face, with a smile on his lips, showing great respect, "Well, what Auntie said is right, let's go then."


In the middle of the night, the thunder stopped, and the rain outside was still falling.These days, Mu Changxuan usually works hard after Bai Xiaoyou is asleep, so he can spend more time with her during the day.

The vibration of the phone disturbed his thinking, his brows were furrowed, he didn't bother to pay attention, and continued to work with his head buried.

But the people over there were not ready to give up, they kept calling him tirelessly, and it seemed that they would not die until the Yellow River!

"Uncle Six, I don't care, you have to help me this time!" Mu Yunchu's aggrieved cry came from the other end of the phone, and Mu Changxuan's ears were extremely irritated.

When Mu Changxuan picked up the phone, he turned his head and glanced at the sleeping person on the bed. There was no change, his tense heart instantly relaxed. It was thunder and rain just now, and he was really afraid of irritating Bai Xiaoyou. Fortunately, this woman Too tired during the day, even in thunder and rain, I slept very soundly.

"I'll talk about it when I come back from Australia. I can't spare you if you disturb your sixth aunt's rest!" Mu Changxuan got up, his perfect profile was hidden in the dim light, and he couldn't see the expression on his face clearly. It could be heard from his tone that he was extremely unhappy at the moment.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaoyou was not woken up, otherwise, even if it was his niece, he would never show any mercy.

If it wasn't for the little girl who kept calling him unrelentingly, disturbing him, he wouldn't answer it at this time. He wanted to go out and talk to her, but he was afraid that the sound of the door opening would disturb Bai Xiaoyou, so he admired her. Chang Xuan could only hide in a corner and try to lower his voice as much as possible.

"Uncle Six... As long as you can help me this time, Lin Yifei will always..." Mu Yunchu twitched a few times and begged.

Tonight, she has fully seen the ruthlessness of that man, but what can she do, how can her granddaughter give up, besides, the engagement invitation has already been sent out, and the whole city A knows that she, Mu Yunchu, is already Lin Yifei's fiancée. To regret a marriage is to slap yourself in the face.

Of course, the more important reason was that she couldn't let go of a handsome man like Lin Yifei. How could such a man have a lot of face, how could he let go?

"Okay, okay, how old are you? Still crying." Mu Changxuan couldn't help but feel a headache, cut off the phone angrily after speaking, put the phone aside, and continued to work.

"Six..." After saying a word, a 'beep' sound came from the other end of the phone. Mu Yunchu originally wanted to call again, but when he thought of Mu Changxuan's cold face and sharp eyes, he immediately dismissed the idea.

Since Uncle Six has promised to come back and help her solve it, he will definitely solve it. Now that he calls and offends Uncle Six, the matter will be even more serious. If he accidentally disturbs Aunt Six to rest, she will die!
Putting down the phone, Mu Changxuan lost his mood for work. He was a little tired from staring at the computer screen for a long time. He crossed his hands to support his chin, and kowtowed slightly to take a proper rest.

Lin Yifei?Cheng Peige liked Lin Yifei and was pregnant with his child. The troublesome little niece begged him to let Lin Yifei marry her willingly?
He is not a god, can Lin Yifei's thoughts be controlled?This little girl will make trouble for him!
(End of this chapter)

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