The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 764 Who Loves To The Bone Marrow Who Loves Whom

Chapter 764 Who Loves To The Bone Marrow Who Loves Whom (6)
At the end of the hearing, her cold body curled up into a ball, her hands supported on the wall of the corridor, her whole body trembled, trembling weakly, the salty liquid flowed into her mouth, bitter...

Fearing that she would scream out in pain, she bit her lips fiercely with her white teeth, the bright red blood was not very clear in the dark corner, she was unable to think, unable to think about the past.

It turned out that she was sick and mentally ill. No wonder she couldn't remember so many things.Schizophrenia?Amnesia?
What were they going to do, what were they going to do to her?
No wonder these days she couldn't remember what happened before she fell asleep, and there were some bruises on her body from time to time, all because she was mentally ill and went crazy from time to time!
Judging from Mu Changxuan's tone, she should be seriously ill, will she die?
What will Mu Changxuan do after she dies, he is so lonely, she can't bear to let him alone in this cold world...

How can she accept this? She is his burden when she is sick, and she is not qualified to stand by his side.

Mu Changxuan, why didn't you tell me that you have to bear so much pain alone without telling me?
The air in the hall became colder and weirder with the long silence. Bai Zhengyu and Bai Lingxuan had never spoken. The old lady's meaning was also the meaning of the two of them, but the old lady's words were thorny, like Mu Chang. A proud man like Xuan might find it hard to accept that someone challenged him and questioned his decision!
"Grandma, it's late at night, I'll help you to rest." Bai Lingxuan really couldn't bear the oppressive and dull atmosphere, she got up from the sofa, and took the initiative to help the old lady up. With one word, the breathless atmosphere was relieved.

If she didn't want to see what Mu Changxuan meant, she should have done so long ago.Alas, in this kind of atmosphere, it is really a dream for Mu Changxuan to take the initiative to admit defeat.

The old lady didn't refuse, and it would be bad for both of them if the fight continued, and she understood the reason for talking to the point.With Bai Lingxuan's support, she walked into another room to rest.

Ever since Bai Lingxuan came back, the old lady had moved her room downstairs, and with Bai Xiaoyou coming back occasionally, it was better for her not to listen to the movements in the young man's room.

For a while, only Mu Changxuan and Bai Zhengyu were left in the hall, and the heavy atmosphere gradually eased. Mu Changxuan sighed and closed his eyes tightly, unable to guess what he was thinking.

"Don't mind, people are always selfish. It's normal for her to think about Xiaoyou. After all, many people think it's you..." Bai Zhengyu took the initiative to put his shoulder on his shoulder to show his comfort.

Grandma's words were reasonable, but her tone was a bit harsh. How could Mu Changxuan and Xiaoyou are already husband and wife, Mu Changxuan has the right to decide everything about Xiaoyou, and their words can only serve as reminders, not Forcing Mu Changxuan to listen.

Mu Changxuan's stern face was tense, and there was a cold light in his deep eyes. Bai Zhengyu's comfort did not ease any emotions. His proudly standing figure caught people's attention in the empty hall.

After a pause for a few seconds, he ordered coldly into the phone, "Get the car ready, go back to the apartment!"

He never liked others questioning his decision, but that person was Bai Xiaoyou's grandmother, he couldn't arouse the anger in his heart, so he could only leave.

Has he ever suffered this kind of aggrieved?
For her, endure it!Of course, what made him unbearable the most was their doubts about himself, doubts that his love for Bai Xiaoyou was not sincere, and whether he had exhausted all his thoughts.

Bai Zhengyu looked at him in surprise, his gentle face was a little cold, and his words were thorny, "Now? Xiaoyou has already fallen asleep, how can you be so selfish? Mu Changxuan, do you let Xiaoyou Brave the wind and rain and suffer together with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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