The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 770 Don't Get Drunk, Everyone Gets Drunk

Chapter 770 Don't Get Drunk, Everyone Gets Drunk (6)
In fact, he just wanted to say sorry to her.

He was overwhelmed by emotion and lost his mind because of love. He really shouldn't have provoked Mu Changxuan in front of her that day, so he should take that shot as atonement for her.

Is it enough to repay with her life? Can she let go, can she forgive him for his impulsiveness?

As long as people hide their thoughts, they will not be able to calm down and recuperate.

Outside the ward are Mu Yichuan's people, obviously for his health, but secretly monitoring his every move.

These days when he was in a coma, he didn't know what happened. When he woke up, many things changed. He didn't know anything, he just felt strange.

His brain became clearer day by day, and he must see Bai Xiaoyou when he fully recovered.

This so-called grandfather, from the moment he asked him to marry Bai Lingxuan, Mu Ziqing had been wary of him.What kind of family relationship will become vulnerable in the face of interests.

He didn't believe Liu Qin's words before, but after going through so many things, he could see it through.The old man only had Mu Changxuan as his son in his heart, and he even planned to give him his life's hard work.

Grandpa has done all his calculations, but he didn't expect that the cold-blooded and ruthless Mu Changxuan would fall in love with a woman and abandon the Mu family group. Logically speaking, how could a proud man like the sixth uncle care about the Mu family? No, the old man didn't He found a way to focus on him and let him be the president of Mu's Group.

What Mu Yichuan wants is a cold heir, no matter who destroys his plan and stands in front of him, he will be kicked out without any recognition from his relatives.

For Mu Yichuan, kinship is simply a tool to use.

In order to deceive others, Bai Lingxuan visited him in secret two days ago, and the two picked the most important topic, fearing that Mu Yichuan would find out, so they could only make short stories.

At this time, Mu Ziqing was thinking, how can he escape Mu Yichuan's clutches?

He admitted that before Mu Yichuan wanted to hand over the entire group to Mu Changxuan, he really felt aggrieved and unwilling, but now that things have turned around, he is not happy at all.

What kind of heir is this? It is simply a working machine cultivated by Mu Yichuan, a victim of the family.For the prosperity of the Mu family, and for the permanent maintenance of the status of business hegemony in City A, the old man will do anything.

"Ziqing, it's time for lunch."

There was a little sadness in the soft voice, Mu Ziqing looked at the person who came, and seeing her seemed to see a glimmer of light.

He wanted to ask Liu Qin about these thoughts for a long time, but every time he mentioned her, he avoided answering. How many things did he miss after being shot by Bai Xiaoyou?
"Mom, what happened, can you tell me?" Mu Ziqing pressed her busy hand and asked eagerly, his eyes full of expectation.

He wanted to know everything, including Mu Yichuan's harm to his mother.

Liu Qin's transformation is so big, it is definitely not possible to change her sex in a day or two, the only guess is what Mu Yichuan did to her, or what he threatened her with.

Liu Qin took his hand away without showing any signs of expression, and did not answer what he asked, "I have stewed this soft-shelled turtle soup for several hours today. I heard it is very good for wounds. Drink some."

"Did grandpa force you to do something?" Mu Ziqing continued to ask without giving up.

Liu Qin handed him the good soup, sat down beside him and sighed, as if she had a great feeling about life, "Ziqing, you always know that your father and I have a bad relationship, and we have been together for many years. In this way, most of my hair has fallen out since your accident, and I feel better when I see you wake up."

(End of this chapter)

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