Chapter 777 A Heartbreaking Choice (6)
"Invite Master Six!"

He didn't believe that Mu Changxuan would really abandon the Mu family and stand on the sidelines when the family's interests were violated.

"We've already spoken on the phone. He said that his surname 'Mu' has nothing to do with the powerful 'Mu' family." The servant reported in a low voice, peeping at the old man's face.

Sure enough, that man was ruthless to the extreme.

"Nizi, do you really want to piss me off?" Mu Yichuan almost lost his anger.

He came for real!

Mu Yichuan gritted his teeth. This incident happened too suddenly, and he didn't prepare for it in advance. In addition, his thoughts have been on Su Rong these days. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it by then.

A beauty is a disaster, he really understood these four words at this moment.Will his beloved youngest son one day be like him, even disregarding his own life for a woman?
Flesh and blood relationship, it is absolutely false to say that there is no feeling at all, not to mention that Mu Changxuan is the only flesh and blood left to him by Su Rong. He admits that he has high hopes for Mu Changxuan, but he also has real concern. Who can understand? ?

"Grandpa, grandpa, they said that the Mu family is in big trouble, is it true?" After all, Mu Yunchu was young, and being held up by Mu Yichuan, his words didn't pass through his brain.

Mu Yichuan already had a headache about this matter, but there are still ignorant people bothering him at this time, his sharp eyes are like a pair of ice knives shooting at the person who came, and he shouted very displeased, "Who told you? Pass the word on." , whoever chews his tongue indiscriminately will fear that the world will not be chaotic, and don't blame my family for dealing with it."

Mu Yunchu's face turned pale, he didn't dare to yell anymore, bit his lip and remained silent for a few seconds before leaving.

She thought in her heart, if something really happened to the Mu family, would Lin Yifei still want her?
See, people are so selfish and realistic!After the accident, the first thing he thought of was himself. Without the backing of the Mu family, Lin Yifei would probably be even more fearless.

"Grandpa, are you looking for me?" When Mu Ziqing came in, he bumped into Mu Yunchu who was fleeing in a hurry. The two greeted each other in an official way, and then walked in opposite directions.

Seeing him coming, Mu Yichuan got up from the teacher's chair, retracted his thoughts, and showed some deep meaning on his stern face, "Ziqing, you must not panic at this time, and take over the position of President Mu after you are discharged from the hospital in two days. Don't worry, with me as your backing, you must be calm and composed when you encounter problems, you know?"

Mu Ziqing is his only hope. Although he is immature, he can achieve great things with a little training.

What the old man didn't expect was that the eldest grandson, who has always been sensible and obedient, gave him a blow, "let my mother go, and never threaten her again, and don't control me in the future, I promise you."

"Oh, Mu Ziqing, have you grown up?" Suddenly, Mu Ziqing's gentle face became colder, and the old man sneered again and again, and he couldn't tell whether he was laughing at himself or Mu Ziqing.

What happened to him these past few years?Why are so many people unable to understand their minds?
Or is he really old? The word 'old' is like a thorn in his heart, making him breathe hard.

It's because he is old and confused, he can no longer give Su Rong happiness, and even Mu Ziqing dares to challenge him?Or was Mu Ziqing hiding too well, waiting to explode one day?
"Grandpa, your grandparents and grandchildren live in the same family for three generations. Could it be that besides Uncle Liu and me, you can't find a suitable heir?" He laughed, losing the gentleness of the past.


"If you grant my request, I will..."

(End of this chapter)

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