The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 786 If I Forget You, Remember to Remind Me

Chapter 786 If I Forget You, Remember to Remind Me (7)
"It doesn't matter if you know or not. Aren't you afraid that I might choose to hide it?" Bai Xiaoyou stretched out her hand to cover his face, the sharp-edged outline was as perfect as a knife carving, deeply imprinted in her heart.

Such a deep love, she doesn't believe it will be destroyed by a pill, forget it!She has confidence in their love, so should he, shouldn't he?
Suddenly, a scalding liquid dripped on the back of her hand, burning her heart, and her delicate hand gradually moved from his face to the corner of his eyes, wiping away the moisture from the corners of his eyes.

How could a man like him cry, she really felt his love!
"Mu Changxuan, I love you! If I really forget you, you must remind me!" She opened her mouth with a slight smile, creating a heartbreaking beauty.

"No, no, I won't let you forget me!" He roared domineeringly, with a hint of vulnerability and uncertainty in his voice.

Afterwards, Bai Xiaoyou turned to the guest, imitating his appearance and began to kiss his face and lips. Every time she kissed her, she could clearly feel the trembling of his body, and a new round of fierce battle kicked off.

A sleepless night, after the fascination, the obsession ends, and the fate is reversed.

When Bai Xiaoyou woke up, her mind was blank, and the strange yet familiar environment made her feel strenuous.Getting up from the bed, he casually flipped through a piece of clothing and put it on.

The huge and luxurious room made her disoriented, and her head hurt, as if she had been attacked heavily, and she couldn't remember anything, but from the mess and mess in the room, it could be seen that she must have had sex with some man last night that thing.

But why doesn't she have any impression?There was the sound of rushing water in the bathroom, she was barefoot, her flaxen hair fell down naturally, and she looked like she had just woken up with a lazy and otherworldly beauty.

Are these clothes hers?Why is it all shredded, especially the underwear...

How fierce and horny was the man she was with last night, or had she never seen a woman before?
The sound of the doorknob turning brought her back to her thoughts. When she looked up, an extremely handsome face hit her pupils. God, how could there be such a handsome man?

Mu Changxuan was casually wrapped in a bathrobe, with his chest slightly open, looking sexy and charming.

Bai Xiaoyou was stunned for a moment, and shook his head vigorously, he couldn't remember what kind of relationship he had with such a handsome guy.

His handsome face was filled with a fearsome sternness, his deep black eyes were bottomless and impossible to see through, his thin lips lifted up after seeing her, and a not-so-obvious smile spread from the corners of his mouth to On his face, his heart trembled even more.

He is smiling at her?It's really terrible, it's okay to be so good-looking, it's his fault to come out and harm people!
Mu Changxuan seemed to have forgotten that she had taken the pill, and reached out to hug her as usual, but the woman took a few steps back and quickly moved away.

"Who are you?" Bai Xiaoyou looked at him warily, and the three words spilled out of his mouth, shocking the man's body and mind.

Although it is true that women like good-looking men, she is still not hungry for a stranger, so she must ask him about his identity!

Mu Changxuan stretched out his hand and stuck it in place because of her dodge. Even though he knew that she would ask this question after waking up and was mentally prepared for it, he couldn't accept it when he really heard it. .

He turned his face away, took a deep breath, a kind of invisible pain drilled from the bottom of his heart, and soon expressed it on his handsome face, the wound and pain that could not be hidden made the woman in front of him startled.

Such a familiar expression, what's going on?

Bai Xiaoyou's heart also ached. She clutched her chest tightly with her hands, her legs were weak, and her whole body felt as if she had been run over by a wheel, excruciatingly sore.

Do they know each other?
"Are you hungry?"

He ignored her words, treated her as before, walked slowly in front of her with light steps, for fear of frightening her.

Last night was too crazy, especially after she ate the pill, maybe he was too afraid of losing, and robbed her again and again, until she fainted from exhaustion, he was willing to give up completely.

This is the first time since they were together that he disregarded her body so much, and kept loving her, wishing to rub it into the bone marrow and hide it in his heart, so that no one would know that he still had her.

"He looks pretty good, but don't you think this way of flattering you is a bit old-fashioned?" Bai Xiaoyou changed from her usual gentleness, and Mu Changxuan was speechless when she said this sentence.

He has never had much contact with women, let alone the habit of striking up a conversation with women. It is really unfair to say this, but it is really difficult for our wise sixth master to encounter such a problem.

"I'm your husband!" The man's face was a little foul, and his thin lips were pursed into a straight line.

Unexpectedly, this woman gave him a blow to the head, and he was so angry that he almost vomited blood, "Oh, there are a lot of liars these days!"

"Bai Xiaoyou!" The scene from the past resurfaced, she also angered him like this before we got together.

Liar, how dare she call him a liar?Very good!
"Who's your name?" she asked, puzzled.

Our sixth master is completely insane, so many questions, how will he answer, explain, and open his mouth?
Is there anyone else here besides him and her? Is this also a question?

(End of this chapter)

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