The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 789 The Handsome Guy Leaves a Telegram

Chapter 789 The handsome guy left a call (3)
This face was the one he had been thinking about all his life, and her heart was what he wanted by all means. In the end, she actually wanted him to die.

It's okay to change it before, but is it true that those days and nights in Mu's Manor were lingering?A woman's heart is more ruthless than their men's.

No matter how hard he tried, her heart would not be warmed by him after all, and she was destined not to be able to fall in love with him!Then, let's destroy together!

Su Rong wanted to escape, but she was imprisoned tightly by Mu Yichuan, she had no source at all, she could only turn her head to avoid looking at him, her heart heaved continuously, and a thin strand of sweat had already leaked out of her body due to fear.

"My woman, once you follow me, you can either stay by my side obediently, or..." Mu Yichuan suddenly clasped her perfect chin, the soft touch was the feeling he missed, he looked at her Looking at her face, her dark eyes burst out with fire-like possessiveness.

At the end, his tone became lighter and lighter, he snorted and stopped talking, the hand that pinched her chin slowly slid down to her fair neck, and let out a sound of admiration.

How could he be willing to break her beautiful neck if he wanted to, how could he do it?

Mu Yichuan lived for most of his life and never understood why Su Rong's skin is as smooth and delicate as a girl in her twenties even in her fifties, and why a man can't hold back his figure if he sees it!
"Why did you let me meet you? Why didn't you love me? Huh?" Facing her soul-stirring eyes, Mu Yichuan seemed to have fallen into a bottomless abyss, unable to control himself.

It was these eyes that made him suffer all his life!Only by closing it forever can he not be bewitched by her...

Tightening his big hand, Mu Yichuan closed his eyes and forced himself not to look at her, his face was extremely distorted, every time he exerted a little force, he felt his heart throbbing hard, as if it wasn't Su Rong that he was pinching at this time neck, but his.

"Say you're willing to be with me, say, I'll let you go if you say it, everything... don't care about it!" In the end, he couldn't let go, and slowly let go, almost pleading, more is a crash.

Su Rong's face was still cold, and the eye-catching red strangle marks were very conspicuous on her fair neck. She stubbornly raised her face to look at him, and sneered, "Then you can strangle me to death. Your woman, is it your woman when you go to bed, I just feel lonely, just for fun!"

Finally, those two words of "play" completely angered the man in front of him, they were heard in his ears and stimulated his nerves, and a frightening chill reflected in his eyes when he looked at her.

With a sound of 'slap', a loud slap landed on her beautiful left face. If it wasn't for her back against the wall, Su Rong would have been beaten to the ground by Mu Yichuan at this moment.

Mu Yichuan felt a numb pain in his palm, and the scorching temperature hurt his heart. He turned around, put his hands behind his back, and warned in a cold voice, "Don't think I'm afraid. Anyway, I'm dying soon. Suicide note. I've been ready since the moment I was with you."


Apart from feeling the pain on Su Rong's face, she was dizzy from his beating, but she was far less shocked than what he said.He said the suicide note was ready.

Why didn't she feel any pain on her face? The pain had penetrated into her heart. After a while of tightening, it was the second time in her life that she felt such pain.

Looking at his back close at hand, Su Rong was at a loss for words, and didn't know how to drive him away for a while.

"Su Rong, you're a little too young to play with me. After all, you're just an emotional idiot. Do you think it's worth it?" When Mu Yichuan said this, the anger in his body faded away, A strong sense of exhaustion weighed on his heart, weighing as heavy as a thousand catties.

(End of this chapter)

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