The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 792 The Handsome Guy Leaves a Telegram

Chapter 792 The handsome guy left a call (6)
"After watching it for a long time, I think it looks better." Seeing that his expression was wrong, Bai Xiaoyou immediately changed his words.

For a week, she was stuck in one place for a whole week, her brain had no memory at all, it was a rhythm that was going to be driven crazy, she must let her see what it looks like outside.

A few people came two days ago, one said to be her brother, one said to be her sister, and two friends, she didn't have much impression of these people.

Could it be that what he said was true, that she really lost her memory?
Mu Changxuan's unsightly face turned cold for a moment, his pretty lips were tightly pursed, and he said nothing. With the other hand, he was holding on to the marriage certificate. Suddenly, he thought of her appearance when her long hair was fluttering, and he missed her very much.

When will she remember him? It's only been a week and he feels like his spirit is about to collapse.

It's not that she dislikes it, but that whenever she sees a man who is a little bit attractive, she can't wait to pounce on him immediately. Can he not be angry or annoyed?

go out?Oh, go out to catch handsome guys?
For example, although some of his subordinates are not particularly outstanding, they still look quite masculine overall.Every time they came in to report to him, they would be molested by Bai Xiaoyou, and he often lost his temper with several subordinates because of this.

Sometimes he even wanted to send them all away, so that all the beautiful men in the world would stay away from her, making him the only one in her eyes.His previous worries really came true. After amnesia, she likes handsome men. What should I do?

Mu Changxuan sighed, there was nothing he could do about her, it would be dangerous to let her out now, he couldn't let her suffer any more.

While thinking about it, she snatched the marriage certificate in his hand, and she could only hear her muttering to herself, "Women with fluttering long hair have the worst taste. How can I be like this when I have such good taste?"

In fact, she never knew that the woman in the photo was her, but her mind went blank and she refused to believe it.

"Anything is fine!" He replied, reaching out to cover her flaxen hair.

Yes, no matter what she becomes, he will like her. What he misses is Bai Xiaoyou's feelings for him.

That's okay, at least she doesn't have troubles like this, isn't that what he always wanted to see?He wants her to be happy, and her smiling face at this moment is his belief that he has always insisted on.

Before coming to the balcony, Mu Changxuan had already contacted Li Boran and asked him to come over to see Brother Bai at noon today. He came here in the middle of the night before, and Bai Xiaoyou had already fallen asleep at that time, so Mu Changxuan couldn't bear it. Excuse me, I can only tell Li Boran some basic information in a narrative way.

In winter, the sun at noon is the warmest. Li Boran came in uninvited. The two of them sat side by side in harmony on the balcony and basked in the sun. Seeing this scene, Li Boran was stunned for a few seconds. Isn’t it good? Changxuan said before that he was almost driven crazy by the current Bai Xiaoyou?

Covering her mouth and coughing twice, it was Bai Xiaoyou who was the first to react, quickly withdrew the hand on Mu Changxuan's arm, rolled her big black eyes, and smiled the most charmingly at Li Boran behind him, "This This handsome guy is very familiar, your friend?"

After she finished speaking, she asked Mu Changxuan next to her. She wanted to say something else, but when she turned her head, she realized that a certain man's face was as black as ink, and his eyes were looking at her as cold as ice.

Bai Xiaoyou could only swallow the rest of the words in his stomach, peeking at his face gradually turning livid, and dared not speak nonsense anymore.

What kind of person would give her face at every turn, but she wouldn't listen to him!
Mu Changxuan looked through Bai Xiaoyou and looked at Li Boran who was standing aside with a little more sharpness, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and he didn't intend to speak at all.

(End of this chapter)

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