The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 800 Master 6 is annoyed recently

Chapter 800 The Sixth Master Has Been Annoying Recently (1)
At eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, New Year's Day is approaching, and the countdown to the new year, almost everyone is immersed in this joyful atmosphere.

Only the other private room on the fourth floor lacked any joyful atmosphere at all. The man nestled on the sofa with his legs crossed, holding a wine glass, and a faint smile was drawn on the corner of his lips.

Occasionally taste the liquid in the cup, and the tip of the tongue sweeps the sexy lips, looking extremely lazy, but those sharp and shrewd eyes emit a sharp light in the dark night, which cannot be ignored.

In the quiet private room, besides him, there is another man who is constantly on the phone, whispering a few words in his ear from time to time, the corner of the man's lips curled up when he heard this, he drank the wine in the glass, got up and left private room.

Ye Shangwei will not believe the news brought by Jiang Yiling. He never listens to a woman's words. After the report, he will order people to investigate the authenticity of the matter. Once he finds out that someone dares to disclose false information to him, the torture will be worse than death. It's a million times worse.

So far, no woman has dared to provoke him openly, except for Jiang Yiling, who didn't know her life and death, wanted to reveal his secret to Mu Changxuan. How could he let it go? Her bloody lesson also had the effect of killing chickens and monkeys.

If you want to betray him, that's the end!
After that girl Bai Xiaoyou lost her memory, Mu Changxuan became dizzy and would often do some convulsive things. For example, now, he almost laughed when he heard someone's report.

It's time to make a move. He wants to torture Mu Changxuan slowly and gradually. How does it feel to be betrayed by someone close to his heart?
Everyone hopes to have a good start to the new year, and the men get together for nothing more than drinking and having fun.

Because of Mu Changxuan's relationship, as long as he didn't say anything, he could find the lady. The other men in the private room would never dare to be presumptuous. The men didn't make much fuss, and looked at Mu Changxuan from time to time. I didn't dare to bother when the game was hot, and then I played cards and talked about business.

If it was normal, they wouldn't care much about looking for Miss Mu Changxuan, but now he has Bai Xiaoyou by his side, how dare they be so ignorant, if they offended his woman, they would pluck the tiger's hair, It was even scarier than messing with Mu Changxuan himself.

This is a place for pleasure, and with the festive atmosphere, it is impossible for Mu Changxuan to ask them not to look for girls so selfishly, but to have fun when they come out to play, why bother?

It's just that everyone has formed a habit of listening to his opinions. If he didn't say anything, they naturally didn't mention it.

To say that Li Boran started the fire, Mu Changxuan and Bai Xiaoyou kissed passionately in the corner, and they couldn't stand it after a while. Several big men were sitting here like what was going on, and immediately called A few beauties came over to press the stage.

Mu Changxuan was in a great mood, and Bai Xiaoyou's "husband" made him feel sweet to his heart, and he didn't take their presumptuousness to heart.

He even thought it was good, Bai Xiaoyou would jump on seeing a handsome guy, the more flamboyant Lin Yifei and the others were, the more he would be able to prove his sincerity to her in front of Bai Xiaoyou, there are not many men like him who are unconcerned with the world.

The chaotic and fiery atmosphere makes people relax their vigilance, not to mention that Bai Xiaoyou has aroused Mu Changxuan's lust at this time, and he can't wait to go back immediately and love this bold little woman.

The two kissed passionately on the sofa, and several other men and beauties were mingling together, and they were having a hot fight, so they didn't care about others.


During the passionate kiss, Bai Xiaoyou suddenly got off Mu Changxuan's lap and retreated when he was defenseless. The lingering and delicate kiss was not over yet, which inevitably made Mu Changxuan dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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