big bet

Chapter 121: Big Gamble and Big Win

Chapter 121: Big Gamble and Big Win (4)
Searching for spiritual knowledge, there were no exciting surprises in the land under his feet except for some scattered diamonds below one meter. He decided to go to a river ditch in the south. Digging by the river is more difficult. bigger.Looking from a distance, Dawei and the young couple have already started fighting, and the husband and wife are busy singing and dancing.He dragged Fengjuan along the half-dried river beach for hundreds of meters, and his spiritual sense caught a star, and buried a large colored diamond under an ugly boulder weighing hundreds of kilograms.Jin Qi pretended to walk around the stone, dug a few times and said, "Feng'er, no one has dug here, maybe there is a treasure under the big rock, do you want to try?"

Fengjuan asked suspiciously: "Can such a big rock be moved?"

Jin Qi put on a show again, yelled with difficulty and overturned the stone, saying: "You try here first, I'll find another place, we can't do it together." Seeing Fengjuan nodding her head in agreement, she was very interested The mining operation started in the ground, and then carefully inspected other places with lightning speed.

Holding a small pickaxe, Fengjuan dug a foot-deep pit in a short while. Her forehead was dripping with sweat, and her arms were sore. Look at the grayish-yellow sandstone at the bottom of the pit. Is there any starlight there?Looking up at her husband, he was digging the ground not far away, with a shovel struggling like a crop expert.She bent down to pack up her tools and moved closer to her husband, she happened to see something flashing on the wall of the pit from the corner of her eyes, and looked carefully, ah!It's a small shiny thing.Hastily pulled gently with the tip of the pickaxe, and the shiny little thing rolled down.She tilted her head and looked at it for a long time before reaching out to pick it up. When she looked at it against the sun, her heart suddenly jumped.There is no doubt that this is a rough diamond, a golden rough diamond!She wanted to yell but didn't dare to yell, she didn't show her wealth, and there were many people working nearby, so she was not allowed to be noticed and cause evil thoughts.She didn't even care about the pickaxe, and ran towards her husband who was a hundred meters away, and she was quite fast.

In addition to being beautiful on the outside and charming on the inside, Fengjuan has many advantages of being a gentle, generous, considerate, and virtuous woman, just like the high green glass species in jadeite, which is a rare variety that makes people love it enough.Jin Qi reluctantly put her down gently, and asked, "Feng'er, you must have found something good if you ran here in a hurry, right?"

"I know I can't hide Mr. Jin, what do you think it is?" Fengjuan spread her palms.

Even if there are many fruits in Tianshijie, the dazzling golden diamond in Fenbai's palm is still shocking!The shape of this golden diamond is very weird, with a bulge in the middle and pointed ends at both ends, much like a tender water chestnut.It is estimated to be thirteen to four carats, and the naturally formed small facets are emitting fiery flames.The crystal is pure and flawless, without any impurities, and the quality is so excellent that Jin Qi secretly praises it.He once saw a top grade 0.4/[-]/[-]/ diamond in Baiyu'er Studio in the provincial capital, but unfortunately it was too small, only [-] carats.This natural beautiful diamond in front of me is as good as the [-]/[-]/[-]/ grade diamonds I have seen before with the golden flag's "visual perception".He admired and said: "Good thing! Don't over-cut it, remember that it keeps its natural and pretty appearance, and it must be beautiful as a unique pectoral."

Fengjuan snuggled into the man's arms, gestured Yuanzuan to her chest repeatedly, and smiled, thinking of something, she hurriedly asked: "Husband, I've been seeing you bending over to pick up things, there must be something rewarding, right? Let Feng'er see it, see it." .”

Hearing the sound, Jin Qi took a handful from the pocket of his coat, and slowly stretched out his palms in front of Fengjuan... "Ah!" Beautiful diamonds of all sizes and shades.One of the water-green rare diamonds made Fengjuan couldn't put it down, she held it and said repeatedly: "It's so beautiful, it's incredible! It's just right for Wen'er!"

"What makes Sister Feng so happy?" Before the words finished, Zhang Yun, who had just leaned on her body, was already shocked by the brilliance of her palms, and made a cat-like voice.She held the golden flag in her hand and said repeatedly: "Unimaginable excellence! Unimaginable beauty!"

Women have no resistance to diamonds. Seeing Zhang Yun's sweaty pretty face was close to her arm, Jin Qi hurriedly said, "Mei Yun, let's pick one too. I dug a diamond hole."

The gold standard bearer still has eleven colored diamonds, large and small, among which there are two brown diamonds, one large and one small, which are particularly eye-catching, but they are not suitable for young women after all.With complicated emotions, Zhang Yun finally chose a lake blue rough diamond of about six carats.

This diamond is very regular, round in shape, and the light blue tone moves with the sunlight, sometimes like a tranquil lake, sometimes like a deep dream, and the phantom-like brilliance reflects the proud momentum of the diamond.

Zhang Yun loves this blue dream color diamond, but she is still reluctant to let go of the two brown diamonds.This kind of brown diamond is rare, especially suitable for men's diamonds, gentle and elegant yet noble and luxurious.Last autumn, Christie’s auctioned a square, 64-faceted, dark brown diamond weighing 8.89 carats, which set a sky-high price of 380 million euros.Jin Qi understood Zhang Yun's thoughts, glanced at Luo Dawei who had been staring obsessively, and said, "Just say what you want, brother, can you not agree? Take it, blue diamonds for you, tea diamonds, do you want to give it to Dawei?" Bar?"

Zhang Yun smiled and said: "Brother, you are so kind. The big one of the two tea diamonds is estimated to be more than ten carats, and the small one is nearly seven carats. I want to design it by myself, and make the big one an ornament for my brother. I will make the small one for Dawei, which just matches the size of my 'Blue Dream'. Brother, is that okay?"

Can you?Jin Qi nodded again and again, and shouted to Dawei: "How is it? The wife that the elder brother chose for you is understandable, right? Thinking about your husband all the time, how comforting you are! Why don't you thank me?"

Dawei snickered, only the feet know whether the shoes are good or not, and Dawei has a lot of things to do!What he wants to ask the most is: "Brother, you have a good eye for betting on stones. When you look for diamonds, we were sweating and didn't see any drill chips. Why did you go straight to the drill hole not long ago?" Can you teach my younger brother?"

Jin Qi smiled and said: "Go down and look for it again. If it's really a nest, there may be a treasure. It's all yours to find."

After the words were lost, Luo Dawei threw himself into the mud pit with a "boom".

In fact, there are really some in this mud pit, but they are just some white diamonds.There are only two brown colored diamonds in the pit, and the rest are all gold flags dug from various places, but Fengjuan didn't pay attention.There is an eighth-level artifact such as "God Slash", which is hidden the deepest and is "discovered" in an instant!In addition to the tea diamonds, there are four white diamonds in this mud pit. Jin Qi has already picked up two, and there should be another pair of white diamond brothers at the bottom of the pit.

Feng Juan and Zhang Yun each got something, and they packed the simple lunch with happy smiles.Canned bacon, vacuum salmon, fresh fruit salad, Hennessy × О, etc., and a lot of chatter.

Jin Qi went to the river to wash his hands, and continued to hunt for treasure.Walking along, there is often a light beam flashing on the right wrist.People who don't understand just think that they are blind, and this old man is secretly proud that this is the attack of "God Zhan". The "Vision Consciousness Realm" found one, and the mind urged the "God Slash" to transform into a long clip of several meters, or even one or two feet, to hold back what was buried deep in the hard ground.Due to the speed, the whole process can be completed without anyone noticing.Four colored diamonds were harvested just a dozen meters along the river beach, and one of them was a slightly smaller aqua green colored diamond.As he was walking, he heard Dawei yelling ecstatically, he must have found Brother Baizuan.Lovers and friends are happy, and he is also happy. Money is no longer very important to him, and enjoying happiness is the right choice.Every time at this time, he would always think of bits and pieces from a year ago, those gray pasts haunted like nightmares and would never fade away...

Walking slowly, the riverbed becomes narrow. During the dry season in winter, the water in the center of the riverbed is only four meters wide.On the opposite bank is a steep cliff, eight or nine meters high, on which people walk, and from time to time a few strings of crisp laughter fly down.There is nothing to do in Crater of Diamonds State Park except for the theme of looking for diamonds. Hills, rivers, potholes and ravines form the original ecological natural landscape, which attracts people to come and play, change the living environment, and appreciate the purity of nature. reason.This section of the road was fruitless, and he was too lazy to bend over those glittering loose diamonds.

Just as he was about to go back, suddenly there was a scream above his head, followed by a dull rumbling sound and a cloud of dust in the sky.Jin Qi could clearly see that the top of the earthy cliff had collapsed, and a girl was rolling and falling.The bottom of the cliff is a gravel river beach, and if you fall heavily on it, you will either die or be disabled.Jin Qi didn't have time to think about it and rushed out...

The sudden incident attracted the attention of everyone in the park, and those nearby rushed to this side one after another. When the dust settled, people were delighted to find that the little girl was intact except for the dusty head, lying in the arms of a young man and laughing. , the onlookers applauded excitedly.At this time, a middle-aged man and woman arrived, covered in dust, the woman took the child in Jin Qi's arms, and kissed without caring about getting dirty; the man held Jin Qi's hand and chatted non-stop, fat His face was full of sweat and tears.

Arriving early, Feng Juan, who was standing beside her husband, translated and said: "Mr. Sancheshi pays high respects to you on behalf of the whole family. You risked your life to save their son, which is equivalent to saving the whole family of three. You can't use it now." I can’t use words to describe his gratitude to you, but I can’t think of any words to express their family’s love for you. In short, I can only say thank you first.”

The other party said a lot, but only a few words were translated.Jin Qi was always uncomfortable being held by his sweaty fat hands, so he hurriedly said, "Tell him not to be polite, just sit down and talk if you have something to say." Sancheshi completely agreed, and the group returned to the place where Fengjuan and the others were going to have lunch Sit on the ground.Zhang Yun brought a small glass of red wine to Sancheshi and his wife to calm the shock. Their seven-year-old daughter had long forgotten the life-and-death crisis just now, pestered Dawei and called her big brother, clamoring to see the beautiful jade pendant on his chest.

Mr. Sancheshi introduced their situation: He is a Jew, 50 years old, has lived in the United States for more than 20 years, and lives by craftsmanship. He is a qualified diamond designer and cutter.His wife, American, is his assistant, and the two opened a "Sangcheshi Diamond Studio" in New York with a decent income.I have always regretted not having children. I never thought that God would send them a baby when they were middle-aged.This time I was invited to visit the Arkansas New Year’s Luxury Joint Exhibition. Today the joint exhibition ended and I took my daughter to Diamond Park to play.I didn't want to dig diamonds by myself, so climbing the mountain can be regarded as a wild ride with my daughter.I didn't expect the cliff to be so loose, a child collapsed after a few jumps, if Mr. Jin didn't save him, today would be a dark day...

Sancheshi was about to express his gratitude to Jin Qi again, when Zhang Yun stared in surprise and asked, "You are Mr. Kai Sancheshi, the world-renowned diamond designer?"

Sancheshi said with a smile: "What is world famous? It's just that there are a few better works. Pretty Chinese girls also know about the diamond industry?"

Since Zhang Yun has been engaged in jewelry design, her idol has been Kai.Sancheshi, each of his works is a model for her to study, learn and learn from repeatedly, but she did not expect to meet by chance in the Crater of Diamonds.Immediately chatted with Sancheshi happily.Their conversation was also understood through Fengjuan's translation of Jin Qi. He thought of Sancheshi's craftsmanship and brand, and asked him to design and process some first-class diamond jewelry to be sold in China under the name of Sancheshi. Has a shocking effect.He told Fengjuan his thoughts and asked her to discuss the possibility of cooperation with Mr. Sancheshi on the basis of equality and reciprocity.I still want to go for a walk alone, since I have come to the Crater of Diamonds, I must return with all my heart.

The accidental episode saved the child and got acquainted with Sancheshi, which may benefit both Fengchang Jewelry and Jin's Treasure.He wanted to think about it, but he didn't pay attention to it. Regarding post-processing of diamonds, he has brothers and sisters Bai Yu'er and Bai Yidiao.Thinking of Bai Yidiao and thinking of magpies, he thought that Bai Yidiao's hard work in pursuing magpies would always succeed, why did this girl take a fancy to herself?This small and charming little beauty must have a lot of taste, right?It's a pity that I can't taste it.Unknowingly, he went back to the cliff where he fought to save people just now, and concentrated his attention on observation.Just now when the earth and rocks were flying, he caught a glimpse of two red lights flashing by, but he didn't pay attention to them at that time.

A large pile of earth and rocks had accumulated under the cliff, and the consciousness slowly penetrated into it. After a while, there was a little blood-red lying quietly under the pile of soil on the right, and there was another small and light red grain one step away on the right. Light is also buried in the sand.Xin secretly cheered, approaching and digging away the soil, when seeing the face of the diamond, Jin Qi couldn't help admiring the Creator's ingenious workmanship.According to his understanding, diamonds are divided into blood diamonds, black diamonds, green diamonds, pink diamonds, blue diamonds, gold diamonds, and yellow diamonds.Moreover, each color should have different shades, and different hues form various gorgeous colors. Like a blood diamond, it is bright red, when it turns purple, it becomes rose red, and when it turns blue, it becomes violet. Each has its own style, but in the final analysis the most authentic is still the Red Emperor "Blood Diamond".Just like the "pigeon's blood red" in rubies, it is as bright as blood and as thrilling as it is.The difference is the flame. If the brilliance of a ruby ​​is compared to the dazzling sunlight, then the radiance of a blood diamond is a burning flame. It is said that the flame refracted by a blood diamond through its facets can ignite a cold heart!
The rough diamond between two fingers should be more than 40 carats. If it exceeds the weight of "Uncle Sam", it will become the largest in Crater of Diamonds State Park.Jin Qi knew the value of this rough diamond. Before that, he had always thought that the giant rose-red diamond worth 40 million US dollars was the most vivid red diamond in the world when he exchanged his Long Island residence with Hawkins. Well-deserved boss!It feels like this [-]-carat blood diamond is beating like a living heart!

It is said on the market that a one-carat blood diamond costs US$16. At that time, it was as much as RMB 40, and it was more than [-] carats. How much would the price be multiplied geometrically?If you don't want to be scary, it won't work!Rescuing people and rescued foreigners is coming soon, isn't good and good rewarded?

Jin Qi also found the second red diamond, which was more than half the size, about [-] carats, very unique orange-red, with a touch of blazing sunshine.Although it is far less than the blood diamond, it is undoubtedly worth a lot.This trip to the Crater of Diamonds is really refreshing to get a diamond of various colors, and I really want to shout to the sky.

There was no call here, but there was a call: "Brother, come and have some food." It was Dawei's accent.

Facing Mr. Sanchez's constant warm greetings due to the language barrier, Jin Qi could only keep smiling.Fengjuan told him that Mr. Sancheshi was very happy when he knew that we were from ancient China and also engaged in jewelry business, and he agreed to cooperate with each other. He was willing to visit China in half a year to determine the degree and details of the authorization.At the same time, during the half-year preparation period, he will design three top-level diamond accessories for us, and the diamonds will be provided by us.Hope is a top-quality diamond. He believes that only good raw materials can inspire inspiration and create amazing products.

(End of this chapter)

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