big bet

Chapter 127 Gambling Addiction

Chapter 127 Gambling Addiction (4)
The two boys are Zhou Bopi, left and right, and they are the most prominent characters in the gang.Each of them held a three-section stick, tapping on the palm of their hand as they walked, and half-bowed, one left and one right, approaching the poisonous dragon.Du Long took a step forward instead, half-closed his eyes and smiled.He longed for this kind of battle scene too much, but his bloodthirsty nature had been suppressed all the time. Since Sui Yan'er practiced advanced Taoist skills, his temperament has become much more stable, but when facing aggressive opponents, his chest still has a strong killing intent.He stuck out his purple tongue and licked his thick lips, as if he was already tasting blood.

At a distance of half a meter, the two horses moved at the same time, and the three-section stick danced across the door and slammed at the opponent! "噗噗" sounded twice, Ma Zai was really happy inwardly, he hit the target's shoulders with a hundred kilograms of force at the same time, and he should have fallen backwards if he didn't lie down on the spot.It's a pity that these are just their imaginations. Before taking back the three-section stick, they felt their hands tighten, staggered two steps, and then slammed forward with their whole body out of control... "I was grabbed by the collar!" This is The last thought of the two pony boys was a crisp sound of "bang", the two heads collided, and then a splash of red splashed like a broken watermelon...

The audience lost their voices, Zhou Bopi and the others were shocked!Shocked, is this a martial arts master?Uncle Cui and the others are happy!I didn't know how to express it, so I was in a daze for a while.Jin Qi frowned. He felt that this provocation might be a trap. It lacked a crooked supplement. The purpose of the disturbance was to create an excuse to deal with the contractor. Help Han Dabangzi.What to do now?
Zhou Bopi suddenly yelled: "Brothers, these bastards want to occupy our territory and steal our jobs. Yesterday and today they even injured a few brothers. We can't let them go! Fight hard, fight them hard!" shouted, Pulling out a long machete from his waist, he held it up high: "Fuck it!" This guy is the overlord of a party anyway, and he can also mobilize for battle.Twenty or so men suddenly clamored, with knives flashing and sticks waving...

How can we punish these gangsters and exonerate ourselves?With a flash of inspiration in Jin Qi's mind, he turned around and rushed in the door.When Uncle Cui and Aunt Fat were still surprised, he came back again, holding two long benches in his hand, and said, "Sit down and watch the play, this play won't finish in a while." Fat Aunt laughed, and she I really admire Boss Jin's appetite. He's all over his head, and he still has the heart to sit and watch the fun?
Dulong and the others also took a stance, and there was an extra warrior next to him, and Mao Xiaolong, who was holding a shovel, looked like he was fighting in a gang.The two sides are getting closer and closer, and the flames of war are about to ignite...Suddenly, a series of dull and terrifying thunderclaps came from the distant mountains, which were thrilling and deafening, and made people tremble!I couldn't help looking up the mountain: in the winter sun at noon, a golden-red brilliance burst out from the mountainside of the rock mass, as thick as a burning flame.The brilliance is moving, approaching like flying, and everyone finally understands that this is not the sound of thunder, but the roar of a thunderous drum, the roar of a monster that has never been seen before!

Did they all travel to the prehistoric world?At least seven or eight people thought of this idea in an instant.

The golden-red light and shadow approached, and people with good eyesight were already trembling and sweating profusely.The monster is about the size of a cow, with red mane all over its body, and the long mane on the back like a steel needle is golden yellow, shining brightly in the sun.What is frightening is the head of the monster. The fangs about a foot long beside the long pig-like mouth are like two unsheathed sharp knives. There is a single horn bent towards the sky between the big erect ears on the top of the head. The tip of the horn seems to be surrounded by flames. combustion.The thick limbs were covered with golden scales, and the four hooves roared in the flying stone dust as if they were flying in the air, so close that even the blood-red eyes could see clearly...

My mind went blank, this kind of prehistoric monster that can only be seen in sci-fi movies suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, and was rushing towards me, a kind of terror of being about to be torn and crushed made my body weak and my legs tremble, Not to mention running away, he even forgot to yell, and just stared at her at a loss. "Ah..." Someone came back and screamed, and then everyone thought of running away.It's a pity that it was too late. With bloody aura and rumbling flames, the monster descended from the sky with its four claws spread like a thick cloud, and smashed down with a series of roars from its bloody mouth...

The hooves and claws flying over the sky fell hard, sparks splashed from the hard rocky slope, and the heavy sound hit everyone's hearts, and they trembled for no reason.The monster landed between the two groups of people, Zhou Bopi and his gang had already run around in a panic, fearing that they would become the monster's prey.A row of five people on Dulong's side also frightened three of them back, leaving only Dulong and Dulong persisting.They can't retreat, behind them are masters and friends, the distance the soles of their feet move at critical moments is enough to show their attitude!

Dulong even refused to move half a step.As the head of the Jin's Treasure Security Department, he usually eats well and drinks hot food, and earns more than [-] yuan a month. Compared with the role of his second brother in the company, he has always felt guilty. In addition to doing a good job in security work, he also stepped forward at extraordinary times Instead, it became a desire.At this moment, he stared at the monster's golden eyes with wide eyes, with a fighting spirit in his chest, his fists were slowly raised, and his body was leaning forward, as if he was about to explode.

Why!It's very strange, how can you see a hint of sarcasm in the monster's eyes?It is unbelievable that the monster turned its body in disdain, and shook its two-meter-long tail with thick arms towards itself, and then flames burst out of its body for no reason, and its purple-gold flame tongue, which was more than a foot long, flicked strangely. With a flick of the hoof, the cow-sized and extremely heavy body leaped lightly into the air, and rushed towards Zhou Bopi who were fleeing in the wind!Du Long was dumbfounded, and felt that the other party was a superior, and he seemed to be dismissive of him.Only then did he feel powerless all over his body, and there was a cold whizzing on his back!
The monster let out a terrifying roar, and the wind caught up with the fleeing gangsters in a blink of an eye, mouthing one by one as if it had a target, and its fangs picked apart the panicked, howling gangsters, and rushed towards Zhou Bopi.

At this moment, Zhou Bopi only hated the loss of two legs. Although there were two horsemen running around with him on his arms, the roar of "Xilulu" behind him was getting closer and closer. "Could it be that all the subordinates who escaped behind me were eaten up? If I had known earlier, I would have brought more people here, and it would have allowed me to escape for a while!" This thought crossed his mind.The most hateful thing is that the sharp-tongued military commander escaped in front of him, scurrying and jumping like a rabbit, and performed exceptionally well.Zhou Bopi saw the police car parked at the foot of the mountain from a distance, and thought that if he persisted for another 70 to [-] meters, he might be able to escape into the small bread police car to avoid a gap.Seeing that Hope's feet were getting stronger, he gritted his teeth and ran forward like crazy.

This scene is very funny, a person is being chased by a huge monster, as if deliberately playing tricks, the monster can obviously pounce on the fleeing prey with a single claw, alas, just let him continue to run desperately.The monster followed unhurriedly, pouring its scorching breath into the back of its prey's neck.The gangsters who ran, ran, stumbled and fell on the hillside became spectators, including the high-pitched military division who was overtaken by Zhou Bopi.Panting, he hid behind a protruding boulder and kept congratulating himself for being thin!Look, more than 20 people have been peeled for a few weeks to get the fattest. No wonder the beast chased him. Unexpectedly, the beast also likes a fat mouthful!
The three security policemen who were waiting in the police car were originally playing cards in the car, but they thought that the two sides were fighting with each other when they saw the commotion on the mountain. They slowly opened the door and got out of the car.Two ran away after dropping their buttocks, and one simply got into the belly of the car and kept trembling, so frightened that he suffocated his urine.

Zhou Bopi saw nothing but a police car, and saw that the door of the police car was open three meters away, and he jumped up with superpowers, like an animal scurrying into an iron cage.Before he could catch his breath, the car suddenly shook and overturned.Zhou Bopi, who was facing up to the sky, felt two dazzling lights like light bulbs appeared in front of his eyes, and then two gleaming silver knives pierced his shoulders... He only had time to yell out half of the word "wow" before he fainted .

All the people present were betting that the monster picked out Zhou Fapi with its fangs, and then slammed it on the hard rocky slope. He lowered his mouth in the middle and took a small bite.With just this small mouth, Zhou Bopi will no longer be able to be a human being again. His nose and cheeks are gone, and even his lower eyelids have become holes.Poor Zhou Bopi managed to survive.

The monster chewed the human flesh in its mouth for a while, as if it didn't suit its appetite, it opened its mouth and sprayed all the crumbs and blood.One front paw pressed Zhou Bopi's chest, who didn't know whether he was alive or not, raised his huge and mighty monster head, and let out a series of thunderous roars towards the sky, shaking the whole mountain with terrifying echoes.Suddenly, purple flames burst out from the limbs first, and then the whole body. The image of the monster was more terrifying, mysterious and thrilling in the flames.Before everyone saw the monster clearly, it flew towards the top of Xiaoyi Mountain, farther and farther away, and gradually disappeared, just like when it came, it went suddenly and irresistibly.

Then the police car became an ambulance. Except for the gangster whose head was hit by the poisonous dragon, almost everyone was injured. Of course, most of them were injured by the fall.Among them, seven people were seriously injured. Zhou Bopi suffered the most terrible and tragic injury, and passed out for more than 40 hours.The trips to the hospital to send the wounded not only alarmed the police, but also attracted journalists.Several media outlets swarmed in, and Xiaoyishan was overcrowded for a while.

What is shocking and incomprehensible is that the monster described by everyone is simply a miraculous alien.It has a mouth and tusks like a wild boar, but it is the size of an adult bull, with sharp horns growing on its forehead, and a long tail beyond imagination.What's even more mysterious and wonderful is the red mane and needle-like thorns, which is a unique image!A bit of a monster depicted in a fantasy novel.

The dictation is still unconvincing. There are really good people who took pictures with their mobile phones from a distance.In the end, the print media in Lianyun City spent [-] yuan to buy this person's mobile phone, including all the monster photos in the mobile phone.At first, this person was complacent about the windfall, but then the overwhelming exclusive reports and the subsequent paid use of photo copyright made him vomit blood.Why?Angry!The price of several million is only exchanged for [-]!

This bizarre murder incident eventually evolved into a mystical story with strong religious overtones.Why did Zhou Pepi commit many crimes and commit many crimes, people do not punish him, and heaven sent a divine beast to punish him alone as a villain.Of course, this is superstition and fabrication, but it also shows what the people want.What's more is the arrival of waves of scientific researchers.Chinese and foreign scholars from archaeology, biology, zoology, including ancient history and prehistoric animals, came here one after another, turning the entire Xiaoyi Mountain inside out.The monster was not found, but the shadows of its claws, scorched marks, where it stood, and the clues of the flying path were all verified and carefully preserved in a plexiglass cover.The rigorous and serious attitude completely made someone laugh.Later, these traces became miracles, so many tourists came here, which surprised someone even more.This is all for later.

On the same day, the criminal police from the County Public Security Bureau also arrived and recorded the statements of all those present.Jin Qi was afraid of being annoyed, so he simply said hello to Uncle Cui, Du Long and others and sneaked to the back mountain. The reason was of course to see his father's cemetery.

After a while of fuss, I didn't bother to eat lunch, and it was almost dusk.The cold wind at the back of Xiaoyi Mountain is bleak, and the dead leaves are falling. It looks so bleak and cold.It was very uncomfortable to think of my father's ghost wandering alone in a foreign land.Originally, I wanted to use Xiaoyishan as a base to build farms, nursing homes, and even develop environmental protection enterprises, etc., so that Xiaoyishan could prosper and be able to accompany my father to be more lively, but unfortunately things didn't work out.Jin Qi couldn't figure out why the Koreans took a fancy to Xiaoyishan?Are you willing to pay [-] million yuan to buy this almost desolate mountain?Did they already know about the crystal caves in the mountainside and the underground dark springs with strange water quality?Think about it again, even if you know that you want to develop it, it will not happen overnight, it will be easy.In less than three years, don't even think about going [-] meters deep into the ground with an investment of hundreds of millions!Besides, ordinary crystal land is not of much value. I have carefully browsed it with my spiritual sense, and there is no citrine in the cave, not even colored crystals. They are all white and transparent, the same as the East China Sea crystal mine.It is impossible to calculate the value of hundreds of millions of dollars.So what is the reason?
If you can't figure it out, just don't think about it. The "mind and consciousness state" should have a target to be calculated and formed, and the future can be inferred, and the future of Xiaoyi Mountain will become a tourist area, which Jin Qi never expected.Fortunately, it finally fell into the hands of the Koreans, which is enough to make him feel at ease.He secretly decided to move his father's grave back to Heshi, buy a piece of land big enough to build a nursing home, and at the same time place his father's soul home.After making up my mind, I realized that there is another reason why I came to the back mountain to take back the "Stone Devouring Beast"

Hiding in the house, placing it on the "Stone-eating Beast" from the back window, and then staged a big scene of monsters eating people, it is Jin Qi's two good ways of punishing hooligans and not giving excuses, and the effect is quite satisfactory.As soon as he was conscious, the phone in his pocket rang, and it was Dulong's voice: "Brother Jin, a female police officer came to the back mountain alone to look for you. Do you want to..."

Jin Qi interrupted: "Let her come, leave her alone. How is the situation now?"

"Most of the reporters and policemen have left. There are only two female criminal policemen left. One of them is the one who came to see you. Uncle Cui asked me to tell you to have lunch and dinner together. Come back soon." Aunt Fat said happily Today, I really got a long-suffering bad breath. The effect is unprecedented, the effect is unprecedented!"

After agreeing, Jin Qi put away the phone, feeling secretly complacent as well, never thought that the "Stone Devouring Beast" would be useful for fighting?Today, I used my spiritual sense to direct this guy like I pointed out.Unexpectedly, the effect of practicing alone in the "Suppressing Tianyin" is quite good. I haven't seen it for a long time, and the appearance is even more mysterious.With a cracked smile, he mobilized his spiritual consciousness to look for the "Stone Devouring Beast".This thing is pressing down on a woman, with its big mouth arching towards the woman's chest!What's even more jaw-dropping is that this frightened woman is actually wearing a police uniform!
Fortunately, the distance is not far, and it will be there in a blink of an eye.

First, angrily knocked the beast's head hard, and kicked the stone-eating beast a few feet away.After careful observation of the beautiful policeman, he was relieved. He was just fainted from fright, and there was no damage.What's ugly is that the front of the police uniform is dirty, which is the masterpiece of this pervert!After communicating with the stone-eating beast for a while, Jin Qi realized that this guy had already run around Xiaoyi Mountain for a week, searched inside and outside, up and down, and found no gems worth digging, and even deliberately The crystals visited were not decent either.There are only a few scattered small crystal stones for the Stone Eater's snacks. After a busy day, there is no full meal, and the Stone Eater is full of grievances!

(End of this chapter)

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