big bet

Chapter 147 Emerald Cabbage

Chapter 147 Emerald Cabbage (6)
The "Mind Consciousness Realm" can naturally understand the other party's thoughts and thoughts, and he is full of sorrow and sorrow for Wenchang's behavior. This sorrow makes him lose his due calm, the more impulsive he is, and he speaks without considering the consequences.He waved to Fengjuan, and when she came to him, he stretched out his arms and said, "Let me introduce you, this is my favorite lover, who will register for marriage in the near future. Don't be surprised, don't be amazed, just rely on this." Far inferior to me. Besides, the so-called back view and wealth you rely on for being careless are just yesterday's flowers. Do you want to know the reason?"

It is impossible for Chen Shaojun not to listen to this point. He subconsciously felt that there was a story below, and asked lightly: "If you are not afraid of smearing crimes, you can try to talk about it. I will listen patiently for the time being."

"Alright, let's be clear, so you can wake up from the dream early." Jin Qi helped Fengjuan back to her seat, and Wenchang on the side of the road didn't even squint, walked back and sighed: "You don't want to admit to forcibly occupying the board of directors of the four companies, If you don’t admit to stealing from Shanghai Yinrunfa, the Commission for Discipline Inspection will let you admit it! Your father’s use of social security funds has been filed, and many criminal facts will be revealed. Three days, at most five days, your father’s name will be published in the newspapers differently. On the Internet, the reason for the announcement was not a certain visit or a certain inspection, but a coffin conclusion. With the downfall of Secretary Chen, a large number of uncles and uncles who usually protect you and help you can imagine the end. Shanghai is no longer your Chen And you will be expelled from all companies, including Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway. Because Boss Zhang will be punished by law for serious corruption, imagine how he will hate you, a little bastard who has not accomplished enough and has more than revealed. How fast are you? When it develops, it collapses at a speed that will make you dumbfounded. Your so-called big decoration order for helping people is just painting cakes to satisfy hunger and rubbing salt on wounds. Tell you this in advance, one is to refute your so-called excellence, and the other is Tell you not to hurt anyone anymore. Do you still dare to be arrogant after saying this? Do you still dare to use the method of sound transmission to provoke me and vent your ugly mentality to me?"

Jin Qi finally ended the long speech in one breath, he rarely had such an opportunity.

In addition to shock or shock!Chen Shaojun's legs were weak and he couldn't even stand up straight.Cold sweat dripped down his forehead, and he couldn't speak clearly: "You...what you said is not true...really! Impossible! Ten thousand impossible!"

In fact, he was holding on. Thinking back to his father being called to the central government suddenly ten days ago, he felt vaguely wrong even without a phone call.Unexpectedly, this unattractive opponent on the opposite side knew everything. Could it be that this person has a huge back?His whole body trembled, his expression changed, and his anger turned into a charming smile in an instant: "Jin... Young Master Jin, can we talk alone?" The voice was almost pleading.

This made the [-] or so people present dumbfounded. During the banquet, they actually heard a story about a high-ranking official who will be "doubled"?To see a refreshed and high-spirited son-in-law turn into a wailer in an instant?unimaginable!

Jin Qi turned around and said to Lufthansa Xu, who was sitting in the middle, "I'm sorry to disturb Mr. Xu's banquet. I am one of the shareholders of Fengchang and also a supplier. That is to say, Lufthansa's "Hundred Treasures Luxury" treasures All come from King's Treasure, and I am also one of the shareholders of the "Double Gold Fund" with tens of billions of assets in the United States. Hong Kong's "King's Treasure" and "King's Fund" are both my property, so please don't doubt the strength of the collaborators. Yan Sha Ruo hopes to hold diamond exhibitions, Hetian Meiyu exhibitions, etc. Please contact me, and it will definitely be a win-win situation. This is my business card with a contact number on it, please accept it." After finishing speaking, she put down her business card and turned to leave the table.After all, it is the young man who is full of anger and deliberately brags about his wealth for revenge.It is not so much that the above words are spoken to President Xu of Yansha, it is better to be said to another person.

Dulong was the first to stand up abruptly, almost following behind the owner.After a few steps, he turned back and shouted at the three security guards and four saleswomen who were sitting stupidly: "Stupid? Hurry up and keep up!" The seven men and women left their seats in panic and ran.At this time, the question of whether to choose to leave or to stay is not as big as usual.

Fengjuan looked at Wenchang, who was pale with tears, and sighed: "The good party is over, Wen'er shouldn't pretend to be smart." She also left.One side is a friend, the other side is a man, she made a helpless choice, and it was also a choice of heart.

The funniest one is Mr. Xu of Yansha. He picked up his business card, looked at a series of titles and said to himself: "U.S. double gold? I heard from a friend yesterday that it was a new fund of tens of billions of dollars. Think about it, tens of billions of dollars This young man is really valuable! Well, look at my nonsense! Come on, since the banquet is set, everyone may as well start eating. Mr. Chen, don't be dazed, let's eat first, maybe everything is a rumor. Please, everyone please."

The weird speech caused some people to be in a daze and some people shed tears. Can this feast be eaten?Of course it can be eaten, and the appetite is very good.In Mr. Xu's eyes, there are always bright flames shaking and jetting; when he thinks that the counter is full of pieces and pieces of suet white jade, he trembles in his heart. This is the most popular stuff at the moment!It is necessary to hold two consecutive events, one is "A Hundred Diamonds Bright" and the other is "Jade Light and Warmth".Haha, thinking about it while eating, this inhuman guy's chopsticks are like raindrops, he has forgotten his demeanor!
Chen Shaojun didn't care about Wenchang's face and mood, he ran to the window and kept dialing his cell phone.Got it, first cautiously inquired, then furious, cursing and closing the phone to redial the second set of numbers.Miserably, the result is exactly the same, either ambiguity, or disciplinary policy, the same thing is about your father, we can't participate.Bureaucratic, hateful bureaucratic!At this time, Chen Shaojun really believed what the surname Jin said, and felt that a catastrophe was coming.When he left the dining hall in a panic, he turned his head and ruthlessly yelled at his tearful eyes, and the nonstop Wen Chang threw down a sentence: "Broom star!"

Wenchang was startled when he heard the words, then he fell on his mother and started to cry...

When Fengjuan ran to the door of the Hilton Hall, she saw Dulong and his group looking around, and she asked, "Where are you?"

Du Long replied: "Sister-in-law, I haven't seen the owner since I came out."

"Did you call?"

"Called several times, but no one answered."

Fengjuan thought for a while, then said with a smile: "He's throwing a child's temper, don't care about him. Let's find a restaurant to have a meal first, and then go back to the restaurant to wait for him." Fengjuan was very relieved, no one in this world could harm him. Well!Thinking, laughing.The poisonous dragon next to him was thinking: "Sister-in-law, what are you laughing at? Could it be that the owner is happy for the loss of a woman? To be honest, compared to the two women, I still prefer Sister-in-law Feng who is as gentle as water and as beautiful as a fairy!"

After running in a daze for a long time, I slowly slowed down, and when I came back to my senses, I felt something was wrong.Is it necessary to calmly think about the sudden anger and hurtful words to make people laugh?The reason why I think about it again and again is that in the final analysis it is my inner inferiority complex.This situation of being inferior to others since childhood and suppressing and forbearing everywhere has left a mark of inferiority. Although things have changed and things are not what they used to be, the scars are still there. Someone touches this unbearable taboo, and the volcano erupts. Chen Shaojun is just a scapegoat. The culprit who really made me feel pain was Wenchang.In her heart, she has long regarded her as one of the most amiable women, but she only regards herself as a certain object to choose from.And this object is not even as favored as Chen Shaojun on this occasion!In addition to low self-esteem, there is also self-esteem that has been cultivated with great difficulty, right?Self-esteem is seriously injured!

Thinking carefully, I am a third party to Wenchang and Chen Shaojun, and Wenchang is not a third party to myself and Fengjuan?This kind of game hurts both others and yourself, so it's better not to play it.Good thing it's over.This guy can figure it out quite well, things have changed, and he doesn't even think that there is a sad person who is mourning.

The cold wind was blowing on the face, and the night was cold, and he let out a long sigh helplessly. Although he felt a little regretful at the moment, the flowing water was ruthless and the spring was gone.Just go, this kind of woman who has been pampered since she was a child and has a high self-esteem is not a fellow traveler with herself in her bones!Patting his slightly swollen forehead, he walked forward at a leisurely pace.Turning the corner of the street, it seems as if a wonderful page is suddenly opened in front of you. Cars come and go, rainbows and rainbows, especially the scent of fragrance that rubs against the shoulders, and the sultry beauty make people feel like they are in a dream.On one side is the quiet water, on the other side is the noisy nightclub, what a sleepless night!
It is full of special bars, tea lounges, card halls, and drinking seats.What is this place?Just wondering, the phone rang in his trouser pocket. "Brother, big brother, I have worked hard for a day and finally have the strength of a glance of gold. I can count where you are now? What are you doing?" It was Long Yinshui's bold voice.

"Just blow it up." Jin Qi was very willing to get along with these buddies of similar social status. This is probably because people are divided into groups.

"Haha, don't you believe me? Brother Society, come and describe it. You kid is wearing a suit and a silver-gray tie, with an embarrassing look on the face of someone who owes you money and hasn't paid it back. You're standing at the back street of Shichahai, and you don't know what to say." There. Right?"

Why!A little god.After thinking it over again, Jin Qi smiled and said, "Brother, you must be watching me from behind the window of a bar."

The other party laughed comfortably for a while, and then the window of a bar marked "Yu Yuan's House" opened across the street, and Long Yinshui laughed and shouted: "Here, come quickly, brother."

The interior of "Yuyuan House" is small and exquisitely decorated. The rattan tables and chairs, the rattan bar, and even the lamps and furnishings are all made of fine rattan.The most special thing is that there is a rattan-framed glass box hanging above the bar, and a jade stone the size of an egg is placed in the box.The jade color is shining in the dazzling lights, and the soft light is shining.There is no doubt that it is a Hetian sheep fat grade, and Jinqi feels that it is slightly better than the treasures in "Fuyuchi".Although it is not as good as the beautiful jade in "Chengyu Pond", it is still very valuable in the current market.What's more beautiful is that there is a touch of light green in the jade material. Green is common in jadeite, but extremely rare in Hetian white jade.The jade master ingeniously embossed the green color into a green flower, and two green peonies bloomed side by side on the slender branch.The shortcoming is that the white jade is slightly blue, because the greenness in it affects the whiteness, the color can be so deep, and it is slightly inferior in the delicate.

There are not many customers in the bar, four or five XJ guests occupy one table, three men and women occupy the other table, and the rest is the table with the dragon drinking water by the window.Three men and one woman, all unknown except Long Yinshui. On the rattan table was an open suitcase, which was filled with jade materials.A man and a woman sitting across from Long Drinking Water are picking carefully and carefully.

Long Yinshui pulled the golden flag and sat on his seat. The jade seller who was sitting next to him hurriedly moved away. , I see you staring at the jade as soon as you enter the door, how about it? Shocking, this is the best jade in the capital so far. Since the opening of 'Jade Fate House', no one dares to take the 5 yuan bet!"

"What do you mean?" Jin Qi was a little surprised.

"That is to say, there is no second piece of jade that can compare to the treasure of the 'Jade Fate's House'! No one dares to take the 5 yuan bet that the owner has placed on this!" He said with a tough tone, and his eyes drifted to the opposite side The woman who looked down at Yu.

Jin Qi smiled lightly, and said softly, "Not necessarily."

The three words "very light" actually attracted the eyes of the whole bar, including anger, disdain, and even hatred.Surprised, Jin Qi endured the provocations of these invisible weapons, and thought to himself: "No way? It's like scolding your ancestors for a piece of jade."

The woman on the opposite side raised her head, wow, what a delicate and delicate face!She slowly put down the jade material in her hand, and said softly: "It seems that my friend wants to gamble!" After saying that, she stood up abruptly...

Long Drinking Water hurriedly stood up and waved his hands and said, "Ruyu, don't, don't, Brother Jin is a newcomer and doesn't know Ruyu's rules. Besides, I don't mean to be disrespectful to Empress Yu by saying this."

Ruyu girl didn't make a sound, and the owner of a box of jade beside her blushed and said angrily: "These words clearly look down on our jade queen. What do you mean? If there is a better one, take a gamble, and if you lose, you will pay for it." Fifty thousand, a man must keep his word!" Obviously Uighur Chinese.

Long Yinshui said angrily: "Krimu, you..."

Jin Qi didn't let him continue, but glanced at Ruyu who was full of disdain, and said lightly: "Brother, you don't need to ask them, isn't it just a piece of jade? Explain why clearly, and do what you want."

Long Drinking Shui sat down helplessly and introduced: "She is Fang Ruyu, the owner of our shop, known as the Empress Jade. Not only is she as beautiful as jade, but also because of the 'Queen of Jade' who was attracted at the first sight by the Jin brothers. This jade is so beautiful. The jade was picked up by accident ten years ago when she washed her feet in the Yulong KS River. At that time, she just started playing with jade. After processing, the jade is so beautiful that it is worth as high as 1000 million. It only weighs 350.82 grams and is worth 1000. Wan, Brother Jin can think of its preciousness! As a result, Ruyu loves jade, plays with jade, and earns a lot of wealth from exchanging jade materials. A themed specialty bar."

(End of this chapter)

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