big bet

Chapter 157: The Treasure Cave

Chapter 157: The Treasure Cave (4)
Feng Juan, who was sitting by the side, saw her man closing his eyes and recuperating, sleeping, with a silly smile on his face.She asked in surprise: "What are you thinking? It's so beautiful."

Opening his eyes, he said, "I miss Feng'er, so I can get the certificate tomorrow, okay?" He spoke in a loud voice, attracting a few playful looks.Fengjuan blushed in embarrassment, she pointed her fingers and "kissed" the soft waist of the other party directly: "You, what are you talking about?"

Jin Qi's skin is thick, so he simply hugged his limp body, and said softly: "Don't move, let me hold you for a while." Fengjuan really didn't move, she snuggled into the man's arms and closed her beautiful eyes.She was just so obedient, so understanding, so endearing.

Sometimes losing is not a bad thing. If Wenchang is still there, how can he register his marriage with Fengjuan with peace of mind?Fengjuan is the most important thing in Jin Qi's mind.

He only stayed in Yaofeng Villa for two nights, and then flew to Yangzhou with Fengjuan and Magpie.The magpie is also a distinguished guest specially invited by the Luo family, so who is calling him the closed disciple of Mr. Luo?
Yaofeng has been busy with Jinqi for two days!First secretly obtained a marriage certificate with Fengjuan, and from then on Fengjuan had a pair of beautiful flag-shaped jadeite earrings under her earlobes, which were made of imperial green top-quality glass, specially designed by Zhang Yun for Jinqi's future wife.At that time, a total of five sets were specially made, which meant that it was still possible to get five wives with Jin Qi's flair.But that night, Jin Qi gave Fengjuan all five pairs of green flag earrings, and said, "I can't guarantee that I won't touch other women in the future, but you are the only wife."

Then he helped Wei Shaoping wash his meridians and expand his veins, almost raising his level abruptly, and half a Peiyuan Pill was wasted for this.When Wei Shaoping woke up the next day and found that he was actually in the "late stage of consecration" cultivation base, he was so excited that he turned ten hollow weights in a row!

The Jin Family Treasure Museum and the Jin Dongqiang Educated Youth Nursing Home have both broken ground. With the assistance and supervision of Green and a group of foreign experts, I believe that the construction period and project quality will not be bad.At the same time, Jinqi also announced several personnel appointments, namely: Magpie as the general manager of Fengchang Company; Nursing home superintendent.The legal representatives of Fengchang Company, Jin Family Treasure Museum, and Jin Dongqiang Foundation are all held by Feng Juan.In this way, all the domestic industries except Yaofeng Villa are under the name of Fengjuan. This is Jin Qi's wedding gift to his wife.

Dulong will join the Chinese People's Liberation Army as a major instructor of the special forces.This news caused a great shock in Yaofeng Villa. Apart from being happy for Dulong, he looked at the owner with more respect.Indeed, the one-step change from a street gangster to a special forces major instructor can only be achieved under the banner of the owner.As her own younger sister, Magpie's way of being grateful is to cry comfortably in Brother Jin's arms, causing snot and tears on someone's clothes, and she doesn't feel ashamed at all afterwards.The brothers and sisters immediately discussed and decided to bring their parents from their hometown in northern Jiangsu as soon as possible. Anyway, the new villa assigned to the brothers and sisters by Zhuangshan this year will be completed in three months.

Guan Shan was also happy in the past two days. There was a knives master exchanging skills with each other so much that he couldn't close his mouth for joy.Besides, Jin Qi handed him more than 100 pieces of various kinds of jadeite wool and nearly [-] pieces of Hetian jade all at once.
Jin Qi gave a Peiyuan Pill to each of the brothers who entered the cultivation interface in the villa. When Wei Shaoping personally narrated the miraculous effect of Peiyuan Pill and the value of 1 million yuan, Dulong and others almost cried and saluted. Worship.

It was agreed that Viper would accompany Wei Shaoping to Bai Yuer in the provincial capital to pick up [-] processed diamonds and bring them back to BJ, but Jin Qi got into trouble again when he was on the phone with Bai Yuer.After talking about the business, Bai Yu'er said: "Brother Jin, if you don't come to dance with Yu'er again, Yu'er will decide not to accept your processing business."

mock up!can!Jin Qi pondered whether to dance or not?
Jin Qi turned around and pulled the magpie and asked, "Have you come here often for fishing recently?"

"It's no fun to mention him." The little girl obviously didn't like it.

Yan'er said softly at the side: "Xiao Bai formally proposed a love request to Que'er, and Que'er returned, and he wouldn't let Xiao Bai come back. Que'er has others in his heart and can't tolerate others."

this?Hey, Jin Qi sighed inwardly, housework is quite annoying.

It was near noon when the plane landed.

I have been to Yangzhou twice, and I didn't inform the Luo family about the familiar roads. I took a taxi directly at Kunming Airport. When I arrived at Luo's house, I was shocked by the warm and festive scene in front of me.Dozens of towering wooden poles are hung with a series of red lanterns from top to bottom, counting hundreds of them.The happy banners depicting dragons and phoenixes are lined up on the stone road in front of the ancient house, like rolling red waves.The originally fairly spacious passage was half blocked by a row of hundreds of luxury cars, plus the flow of people welcoming guests and seeing off guests, there was a bit of traffic jam in front of the gate of Luo Zhai.This kind of Wangmen family has a lot of power in the local area. Luo Dawei is the grandson of the eldest son, and he is regarded as the top figure of the third generation of the Luo family. It is no wonder that his wedding celebration is not lively!
The three of Jin Qi managed to squeeze in front of the door, and from a long distance away, they heard Luo Shi's big butler saying "Welcome, welcome, congratulations, congratulations." Seven or eight welcoming men and women bowed and bowed , is completely old-fashioned.As soon as Jin Qi arrived, the butler laughed and said: "Mr. Jin is here, hurry up and say that Mr. Jin is here. Mr. Jin, the old master and the young master are looking forward to you, and have asked you several times. Come on, please, San Lead the way." The magpie rushed forward first, and Jin Qi took Fengjuan's catkin and led Lu Ah San through the crowded living room to Mr. Luo's inner study.

The study door was closed, and after a few knocks, someone opened the door.Luo Dawei was the first to come out and shouted in surprise: "Brother, I miss you so much! Why did you come here? Oh, hello sister-in-law. Hello sister Magpie." It can be seen that the groom is in a high state of excitement at the moment.

The magpie rushed through the door a long time ago, and threw herself into Lao Luo's arms, refusing to get up tired.It made the old man laugh.

Jin Qi took Dawei's hand and said repeatedly: "Congratulations, congratulations, brother, tonight big brother is toasting you ten cups on behalf of all the friends in Heshi, making it perfect. Feng'er will send the gift money quickly." Feng Juan sweetly Sweetly smiled and sent two big red envelopes.

Luo Dawei was taken aback, took the red envelope and flashed: "Sister-in-law, are you and elder brother giving it separately?"

Feng Juan said softly: "One is for me and your eldest brother, and the other is for all the friends in Yaofeng Villa, including Sister Magpie. They want me to bring a wedding drink, but they must make it up."

"Definitely, definitely!" Luo Dawei responded, opened the red envelope, and immediately exclaimed continuously: "Wow, 200 million! Wow! This one is 1000 million yuan. Sister-in-law, you are really rich! Unfortunately, it is not enough."

"Bastard, what are you talking about?" Luo Dawei's father scolded with a smile, "Young Master Jin, please sit down."

In the study room, the top figures of the Luo family were all there, so it could be seen what was being discussed just now.After everyone was seated again, Mr. Luo said cheerfully, "Nephew Jin Xian is so polite. Just now Dawei was anxious about money like ants on a hot pot. Your gift of 200 million yuan added a handful of firewood." .”

"Oh, Dawei is waiting for money in a hurry?" Jin Qi was puzzled, and everyone should still worry about money?
Mr. Luo explained: "My nephew must have heard of Jinqiang Mining in Myanmar. The son of the mine owner Mr. Jin took drugs and prodigal, and he himself suffered from high blood pressure and sugar feces disease. He was bearish about money and decided to sell Jinqiang Mining. Dawei spent three months Negotiated with the other party to invest 15 billion in the acquisition. Unexpectedly, at the moment of signing, Mr. Jin regretted it, saying that he still needs to think carefully and talk about it after a year. There was news a few days ago that the reason for the change was to kill the bidding opponent. There are two jewels in Shanghai. The company jointly acquired Jinqiang and invested 20 billion. Roche has reached the limit of 15 billion now, and it is very difficult to increase the capital, so Dawei is in a state of distress."

Jin Qi asked puzzledly: "Jinqiang Mining is an old mine for many years. Is the remaining mine worth 20 billion?"

Luo Dawei stood up and looked a little excited: "I have investigated and inspected. Jinqiang has four mining areas, that is, four veins. Except for the No. 250 mine, the rest are rich ore, which is worth the year of production. The texture of the jadeite wool is also seen by the big brother. However, the performance is very good. It is estimated that 750 tons of finished materials can be conservatively harvested in each district every year, and there are about 30.00 tons in the three districts. If 22% of them are high-quality products, there will be 22 tons of listed materials, which is an average of 20 per kilogram. With an income of [-] billion, the investment will be recouped in two years. So I think even [-] billion is still worth investing in. Besides, the Shanghai people are too bullying, and I really want to fight with them.”

Jin Qi didn't make a sound, and slowly sipped the Pu'er tea.

Luo Lao asked: "Nephew, in your opinion, do you want to let it go, or just let it go?" Several prominent members of the Luo family looked at the golden flag together, looking expectant.

Roche decided to expand the scope of the industry, and the first step was to go abroad and start from the source.The most embarrassing thing for jadeite manufacturers is that they can't buy good materials. If they can mine raw jadeite ore by themselves, it will undoubtedly be even more powerful for Roche's industry.It's a pity that now is not a good time to do it.

Luo Dawei urged: "Brother, tell me your opinion."

After thinking about it for a long time, Jin Qi said: "There is a mining industry, Roche has a foundation, and it is a good choice to be able to advance or retreat. But we must realize that there must be a reason why Jin Qiang wants to sell, and it will never be just a prodigal son or a sick father. Simple. We should determine an upper limit, let go at what price, and then fight for it. There is no such thing as fighting or not, and it is normal to do business to make money and compete. Don’t be emotional. So I think it will be much easier to discuss the upper limit first.”

All eyes are on Dawei, which is a test for Luo Dawei.The success or failure of the family's major investment is related to the fate, and the livelihood of hundreds of people is heavy enough.Luo Dawei thought over and over again, and said: "25 billion, 25 billion is the upper limit, and if it exceeds this figure, it is likely to lose money in the first three to five years."

Jin Qi sighed secretly to Dawei. He didn't know that there would be a financial crisis sweeping the world in the second half of this year. The consumption of luxury goods would drop by more than 30.00%. Jade jewelry would definitely be affected.That is to say, the price of jadeite wool, finished products, including mining areas is now at the highest level in history.To be exact, 25 billion is discounted by 18, and 25 to 30.00 billion is the real upper limit.If the Luo family is impulsive and invests [-] billion, and is in debt of one billion, it is likely to be deeply involved.It is indeed a wise move to sell the mining industry and exchange it for cash at this time. When the price is low and buy it back, another [-]% can be earned.Thinking of this, he was very embarrassed. The reason for the objection was hard to believe, and it might affect the relationship between each other.And it's hard to say whether he can listen to the persuasion in the end. It's really not a good deed to spoil the groom's mood on such a happy day.

Seeing that everyone was waiting for him to speak, he said hesitantly: "I see if this is the case. I will lend Dawei the one billion less, so that Dawei can make up the upper limit of 25 billion. But if you want to put all your eggs in one basket, you should be on the spot Treat it carefully, especially the real reason for Jin Qiang’s sale. I also want to remind everyone that the subprime debt in the United States is experiencing problems, which will inevitably affect the safety of financial derivative products. Financial derivative products are precisely the major investment banks in the United States. , the foundation of development. Just imagine the consequences of a bank crisis? I have invested in the United States, so I know about these situations. Dawei has just returned from Las Vegas, so he must also know about the unfamiliar issue of subprime mortgages. Such an economy I think the background should be considered in the decision-making of major investments.”

What he said made everyone stunned for a while, but Jin Qi didn't dare to say it deeply.Luo Dawei couldn't help nodding. Although the subprime mortgage is far away from China, as a young man engaged in business, he immediately realized that this "butterfly effect" might affect the luxury goods market as soon as he was reminded.Dawei thought for a while and said: "Brother, what he said is very reasonable. Now it is the global economy. The US economy will definitely affect the world, involving China. The upper limit is reduced by 20 million, and [-] billion is the upper limit for the acquisition of Jinqiang Mining. Otherwise, I would rather let it go .”

Mr. Luo applauded first, which drew a lot of applause.This applause is for Jin Qi's generous support and kind reminder, but also for his grandson's tolerance and wisdom.Roche's successors should not be self-willed and impulsive vulgar people, but wise men who can listen to opposing opinions and have the courage to make corrections. The 20 billion yuan battle was unanimously agreed by the core members of the family, and the [-] million yuan family that borrowed interest-free from Jinqi also believed that it must be paid at the same bank lending rate, otherwise they would rather not borrow.Jin Qi could only accept this, and agreed to go to Myanmar with the team to participate in the acquisition negotiation three days later.This trip to Myanmar kills three birds with one stone: one is about Jinqiang Mining; the other is the spring fair; the third is the adventure club activities.Jin Qi wondered if there were any surprises waiting for him in Myanmar?
Solving the problem, Luo Dawei turned around and threw himself into the role of the bridegroom officer, getting busy.Fengjuan wants to see Zhang Yun, and Jin Qi will naturally accompany her.Magpie was dragged by Mr. Luo to meet the relatives of the family, so they split into two groups.

Zhang Yun temporarily lived in the small courtyard behind with her natal relatives, Dawei brought Jin Qi and Fengjuan to the gate of the courtyard and did not go in, saying it was a rule.When Zhang Yun saw Jin Qi, she threw herself into the other party's embrace immediately, with tears in her eyes, and murmured: "Brother, I thought you had something to do and would not come."

Jin Qi caressed her fragrant shoulders, and said with a smile, "How could it be? This is not coming. Be careful that your tears will stain your bridal makeup."

Zhang Huanzhi couldn't bear it anymore, took Jin Qi's hand and said, "Young Master Jin, you should be considered as a family member of your natal family. You must sit at our table today, it's a deal."

Feng Juan Zao obediently put her arms around Zhang Yun and presented a brocade box.Zhang Yun opened it and exclaimed "Yeah".A colored diamond of nearly ten carats is used as the pendant, and the platinum double-strand thin chain is dotted with broken diamonds.Colored diamonds emit blue, green, and yellow multi-colored flames, which are dazzling and thrilling.In contrast, the five-carat pink diamond that Zhang Yun originally wore on her chest was immediately inferior, and she lost her spirit instantly.Fengjuan whispered in her ear: "Your Brother Qi made this specially for this day, sister Yun must wear it, and it will make your Brother Qi happy too."

Zhang Yun caught a glimpse of the green flag pendant on Fengjuan's earlobe, and asked in surprise: "Sister-in-law, brother finally showed the flag pendant?"

This is an interesting question, isn't the flag pendant a random gift as a wedding gift?Not just casually?If you give it away, you will be recognized as a lifelong partner, and if you wear it, you will be recognized as a wife. That's why Zhang Yun added the word "finally".

Fengjuan lowered her head shyly and said, "We went to register two days ago."

"Ah," Zhang Yun exclaimed, and asked, "Why didn't you inform us that we want to participate in the celebration too?"

"No one said anything, you were the first to know about it. Your brother said that when the Jin Family Treasure Museum and the Jin Dongqiang Educated Youth Nursing Home are completed, and the opening ceremony will be held together, it will be regarded as comforting Quanxia's late father. Don't say it out there." Fengjuan Explain briefly.

(End of this chapter)

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