big bet

Chapter 183 The King of the Jungle

Chapter 183 The King of the Jungle (6)
Guo Ling said worriedly: "Master, you must be careful. If there is something wrong, run away immediately. The third, fourth, and fifth younger brothers also told them to be careful. Anyway, we will use He Xiaozi's life to retrieve the other half of the 5000 million. So you don’t have to buy your life.”

"They are following me, don't worry. You should act quickly, old man He is the only one left in the He family. It should be no problem for the poisonous scorpion to use the ecstasy incense to do things. We have two hours to do it, that's it."

There was a busy tone from the phone.

Guo Ling got out of the car and pulled the unconscious He Wenhao to the back seat, the red BMW fell directly onto the road, turned around and drove towards Mudu.About a kilometer off-road is parked on the side of the road.Approach and pull over.A head poked out from the window of the opposite car, and looked into the BMW for a while before asking coldly, "What are you doing now?"

Guo Ling knew that the other party was jealous. The brothers of the Tang family were the backbone of the witch sect, and her elder brother Tang Cheng had not returned from the mission of waiting for an opportunity to murder Jin Qi. He did not know if he was alive or dead.The younger brother, Tang Yanming, is very skilled, and he is very valued by the leader.Tang Yan secretly fell in love with him for a long time, but never said clearly that he didn't like this kind of yin and yang man. It was only because the leader repeatedly reminded him that the overall situation was the most important thing during the founding period, so he didn't offend him.Knowing that he sacrificed his body for the sect and seduced He boy, not only did he not comfort him, but kept a straight face all day long, owed him more and paid him less, after thinking about it, he spat and said, "Just keep up." He pressed the accelerator pedal tightly The car went straight out and started on the road again.The cross-country immediately followed, and the two vehicles accelerated and flew towards Changshu.

The sky is gradually getting dark, like a giant pen is swaying layers of ink from light to dark.

Squatting behind a few boulders on the top of Yaofeng Mountain were a row of nine mysterious men in black clothes and black hoods who were fully armed, much like special police officers in movies.The leader, the big man, was looking down the mountain with an infrared telescope. The whole team was silent and motionless, and it could be seen that they were well-trained professional soldiers.The big man at the head raised his wrist to look at his watch, turned sideways and made a series of hand gestures to the back. The nine of them flashed huge boulders in the left and right directions, and proceeded covertly down the mountain. go.The closer you get to the villa, the slower your action will be. In front of you is a large area of ​​low tea trees, even if you bend down, your target will be exposed.Without even thinking about it, the nine people quickly separated, lying on the ground, using the gap between the trees to swim like a snake, and the speed was not slow.

Soon after passing the tea garden, there is a strip of trees more than ten meters wide across the front. The trees are all luxuriant, but the trees are very rare, and there is a risk of exposure if no measures are taken.Nine people stuck to the tree and stood motionless. After a few minutes of silence, one person continued to snake forward on the ground.At Lin Yankou, he stood up close to the tree pole, pointed his gun and stared ahead.The second black shadow began to repeat again... It took a full half an hour for the nine people to move into place.In front of it was a small concrete building, so dark that no lights were on.According to the reconnaissance during the day, this place should be a workshop, and no one is working at night, and the iron doors and windows are tightly closed.Nine black shadows observed for a long time to make sure there was no one before sending two people to approach the small building from left and right.

The two installed plastic bombs in the corner. This was not to destroy the small building, but a remote-controlled bomb used to block the enemy in case they were discovered during the retreat.It took a long time to reconnaissance again before gesturing backwards, and the other seven quickly approached.

Their very professional actions unexpectedly fell into the eyes of an old man.The old man squatted on an ancient maple tree on the mountainside, motionless. He didn't get close to take a closer look, thinking that the branch of this tree was particularly thick.He is the old butler He Sihai sent to make a fortune. He came early and stuck it on the tree all afternoon. The professional gunman didn't notice it.Just now he was still thinking about nine people, one action, asking for a price of 5000 million yuan, which is really expensive and scary.When the team enters the village, one can imagine that there will be bursts of intense gunshots and bloody corpses.It is easy to succeed, and then I have to pay another 1 million on the spot.It's too easy to make money. Looking at the villa's defenseless appearance, I knew that I could do it with a few people, and I could save the owner [-] million yuan.

Hey, but there is still a chance later, Yaofeng Villa is a well-known place of wealth, and you should be sure to make some windfall afterwards.When the gunmen were all gone, he floated down gently, with a half-smile expression on his face.Lying quietly for a moment, except for a few old leaves that occasionally fell, the surroundings were completely silent, and then unfolded his body, sprinting forward as lightly as a cat.

It's weird, it's suddenly foggy
On the surface, Yaofeng Villa seems to be quiet and quiet, and those who should sleep have already fallen into a dream, but in essence, no one in the entire villa is asleep.

Small building No. [-] is Jin Qi's residence, and the situation in the living room is very strange at the moment, three people are sitting on the ground and lined up.The first one was Yan'er in a white dress, she frowned tightly, her ten fingers fluttered and ejected strings of aura.It could be seen that she was a little tired, and her forehead was dripping with sweat.Behind her sat Yufen and Fengjuan in turn, both of them stretched their palms against the former's Mingmen acupoint, and from their expressions, it could be seen that they were exerting their kung fu with all their might.In fact, those in the know will understand that this is to leverage and gather strength so that one of them can accomplish a certain kung fu. Just look at the nervous face of Xiao Yaxian who is standing aside to know that this kung fu has great risks.

With the help of his own cultivation and the help of spiritual formulas, he laid down a sky-shattering formation.It's just a piece of cake in the case of Jin Qi's cultivation, and he can do it with a flick of his fingers?It's a pity that changing cigarettes will be even more difficult.The Mi Tian Formation Great Spirit Art was taught by the poisonous snake. It has been recited countless times, but it is the first time for Shi Wei.Based on her cultivation in the fusion period, it is easy to cast, but difficult to maintain, that is to say, the formation can only be maintained for about half an hour.At that time, Jin Qi ordered Viper and Yan'er to perform together for this reason.Now that the poisonous snake is gone, and the enemy is attacking with live ammunition, Yan'er can only take a risk.There are only Wang Yufen and Fengjuan in the villa who inherit from Yan'er's lineage. The former has practiced for a long time and has reached the consecration period, and the latter has the corresponding ability because of her husband's intensive cultivation.Two consecration periods plus one fusion period jointly undertake the important task of defending the family courtyard.They made up their minds to maintain the big formation for two hours. Whether they can subdue the invaders during the two hours depends not only on the strength of the many cultivators outside the building, but also on whether fate favors Yaofeng Villa.After all, the enemy has supernatural powers and gunmen.

The tactic of inviting the king into the urn was decided by several women after discussion.To change the idea of ​​the men, let's play knife to knife, gun to gun. With the seven sons of the Xiangshan Yiren sect and the fourteen outstanding disciples of the second generation, plus the ten elites of the Mumen sect in Shanxi Duan, who will be afraid of it?

Fengjuan was the first to object to this. We have knives, but we don't have guns, and guns can kill people.Why fight recklessly, defeating the enemy is the goal, and the means should be to protect yourself and hurt the enemy.The owner's wife ordered that even Wei Xindao, who was over 100 years old, was obedient and repeated, who would dare to object?Those youths who were full of vigor also lowered their heads and calmed down under the eyes of the masters.So a set of "inviting you into the urn" plan was finalized.

First: Probes are densely placed around the villa to monitor the situation in the direction of the task, even if there is a change in every plant and tree, you must understand it clearly. , (This point was fully arranged a week ago, so the professional gunmen had no idea that there were pairs of peeping eyes in the crevices of the rocks where they were hiding. Even the old butler He was kept in the dark, otherwise he would never have thrown himself into the trap.)
Second: The "killing group" formed by members of Xiangshan Yiren specializes in dealing with professional gunmen and their fellow travelers.

Third: The "Anti-Diversity Group" composed of Duan Mumen members is responsible for dealing with those supernatural beings.There is no limit to the means, and it is necessary to ensure that there are no casualties on one's own side.

Fourth: All the staff of the villa will get off work as usual, and all the staff of the villa will gather in Building No. [-] at the moment when the enemy strikes.The original security personnel of the villa and the Shanghai security personnel are responsible for guarding Building No. [-].

Fifth: Yan'er, Magpie, and Yufen display a mighty formation to capture the enemy in confusion.

The above six items were really determined to be adjusted and completed after the discovery of two groups of enemies. That is to say, it seemed nothing from the outside, but in fact, the villa had already mobilized and was always on guard.Just as the gunmen filed out from behind the rocks on the top of Yaofeng Mountain, the plan immediately started to work.It's just that what everyone in Yaofeng Villa never expected was that the magpie didn't come back in time, and the launch of the mighty array almost came to naught.At the critical moment, the owner's wife, who was pregnant with Liujia, was sitting in the third place in the middle of the living room, all her eyes were full of surprise and worry, Fengjuan just smiled and said, "I know I can do it."

The Great Formation was finally launched, and with the handprints of Yan'er flying, silver lights filled the air, and the white mist outside became thicker and thicker, to the point where it was difficult to move.Everyone in the small building No. [-] gathered at the windows and looked out, but unfortunately they couldn't see anything, just a vast expanse of whiteness, a vast expanse of whiteness.

The leader of the Wujiao sect, Guo Miaoren, can be said to be extremely shrewd. He took three disciples of his sect and hid on the other side of the Jinxian River outside the Yaofeng Villa. The culvert dived under the pond and rockery, which really made them suffer.As the gate of the villa closed rumblingly, the Miao people gently jumped up to the bank of the pond, took advantage of the hollows in the rockery, crouched down, and observed the No. [-] office building not far away.He was waiting for the workers inside to leave after get off work, and then took three disciples into Building No. [-].Who would pay attention to lower eyelids? It is much more convenient to start from Building No. [-] to other dormitories. Two round trips are enough to spray the drug in four directions, so the work can be completed in half an hour at most.

To be honest, when he learned that old man He had secretly hired professional killers to participate in the treasure hunting operation in Yaofeng Villa, (Guo Ling learned about it from He Wenhao) he stopped paying all his attention to this matter.I am afraid that the matter of killing people and taking money will become a big problem, and it will be difficult for him to escape unscathed if something happens.Besides, taking money is the kingly way. The He family has one thing in the open and another in the dark, and it is very likely that he will trip himself up afterwards. Isn't it impossible to lose money and money?With different intentions, keeping one hand becomes ruthless, and also takes money. Yaofeng Villa is wealth, but He's treasure room is not wealth?Over the past week, it has been found that many strangers have entered Yaofeng Mountain Villa and stayed there, all of them looking refreshed and majestic, people who have passed the Miao will know that half of the matter has been lost.The villa is on guard, and a master of martial arts is invited to guard it. It's okay to rely on a few people to engage in conspiracy and tricks. A face-to-face fight will definitely end in failure.

He decided to give up, but he must not leave empty-handed.So taking advantage of the opportunity to kidnap the magpie, He Wenhao also went smoothly.The He family wanted to take the magpie as a hostage, so they could do the same. They even took He Wenhao to the Miao Village. It would be no problem to have a baby with a baby worth 2000 million, right?At the same time, it should not be difficult to use He Wenhao to open the treasures of the He family's collection room before leaving, especially when the He family is going all out to deal with Yaofeng Villa, who would think of backlash?As for the reason why I still entered Yaofeng Villa, I just wanted to be able to slow down the war for the He family, and it would be a good move for me if I had the opportunity to take advantage of it.Anyway, I left a retreat in the water, and I hid to look at the scenery first. It would be best if they lost both. If Yaofeng Villa wins, I will retreat, and if not, I will advance.

These are of course the wishful thinking of the Miao people, which shows how vicious they are!
But when he found out that the villa was inexplicably thick with fog, he knew it was broken.This is no ordinary fog, but a formation!There are brilliant people in the villa, if you don't leave at this time, you probably won't be able to leave.This guy was smart and tricky, he slid into the pond again, gestured to the three disciples lying on the shore, and dived to swim towards the dark ditch.

The supernatural person wanted to slip away as soon as he got out, Duan Mu Changying, who was staring at them in the dark, was itching his teeth with hatred, he hurriedly gestured to the west a few times, and hurried around the pond.

Today, all the combatants of Duanmumen and Yirenzong have a copper coin-sized talisman on their foreheads. Fog and phantoms are useless to them.

The fog was getting thicker and thicker, like piles and piles of cotton wool moving.

The hired gunman fell into a daze as soon as he entered the villa. The road a few steps away and the house disappeared. How could such a climate happen?A group of people gathered on the side of the road leading to the buildings in a dilemma.The big leader tried to put on night vision goggles, but it didn't work, it was white mist, not night.The one next to him moved a few steps closer and said, "Fog is good for concealment. There won't be any fog in the room. We can touch the room and everything will be easy." The big guy is right to think about it, first occupy the small building and then talk, Come one by one.

A group of men in black moved again, one by one for fear of falling behind.The vanguard made a gesture to mean that there is a building, do you want to go in?The big leader gave the order without hesitation.Nine people went straight to the door, but when they went in, they couldn't believe it, the fog was thicker!Cake seller, what's the matter?Is the sky leaking?I can't see it, and I can't see anyone one step away.The big team leader finally realized something was wrong, and waved back, but didn't respond.

Suddenly there was an airflow shaking on the left side, followed by a muffled sound of "poor", followed by a scream.He knew it was the wail of a player named Pheasant.With a whistle in his mouth, he quickly flashed to the right, his reaction had to be admirable, but the result was disastrous, he bumped into another rushing person heavily, there was a burst of gunfire, and the two fell to the ground at the same time .

"Hey!" There was an unbearable sneer from the corner.The big leader was extremely ruthless, he lifted it up and swung it towards the sounding side, "Tap, tap, tap," a string of flames spewed out.A cry suddenly came out from the right: "The boy is so cruel, die!" Before the big leader could finish hearing this sentence, he felt a sudden blow to his right cervical spine, and his body flew out of the way.When I fell into a coma, my last thought was to meet a ghost.

There were screams after him, for at most ten minutes, everything fell silent again, so quiet that even the slightest sound of the white mist surging could be heard clearly.

The old housekeeper had been hiding behind the first building and did not dare to leave. He had seen a lot and was completely stunned by the dense fog. Based on his past experience, this is definitely not a good place, and the dense fog is extremely dangerous.Soon he heard the screams and the fierce gunshots, but he still didn't dare to move half a step, and he shrunk his body more and more into a ball.He waited nervously for his chance, not to attack, but to escape.He knew that tonight's operation had failed, and he could only hope that the enemy did not know his existence.Coincidentally, when he was thinking about it, a sneer came from not far away, and someone asked: "Old man, is he tired from squatting all the time?"

(End of this chapter)

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