big bet

Chapter 187

Chapter 187
The most important thing to deal with is the aftermath. One is to let Yufen report the case first.The position of the director of the Mudu Sub-bureau has changed like a lantern in the past two years. After Wang Zhiguo was transferred, the director who had been friendly with Yaofeng Villa was immediately replaced. The person who came was naturally arranged by He Kai. He was destined to oppose Yaofeng Villa. Will let go of this advantageous seat.It is for this reason that you hold off on reporting until everything is in place.The second is to interrogate the big leader of the Miao people and the Black Snake team respectively.

The Guomiao people did not give Jin Qi any accidents. After the water flooded the dark passage, the Guomiao people struggled to break through the two reinforced concrete gates.He died very unjustly, and he didn't even have the chance to show his kung fu. His body was placed on the side of the road, covered with a sheet.Jin Qi didn't even lift the bed sheet, so he said to the poisonous snake who was following him: "There is a secret pocket in his underwear waist, and there are six newly opened bank cards in it, the password is 778841, confiscated."

He was unexpectedly taken aback when Consciousness searched for the big shooter.It turned out to be a professional gunman in the Italian Golden Triangle area, but he turned out to be a member of the famous international bounty hunter organization "SD". "SD" is a large-scale, ruthless and violent group, based on mercenaries, plus international famous criminals, well-equipped, complicated relationships, and a terrifying organization with a strong background. It is said that the bounty for each mission exceeds tens of millions of dollars. Once the bounty is accepted, it will never die.Jin Qi thought to himself that it seemed that a big war was inevitable.

He moved his mind and ordered Viper and another security guard to bring the old housekeeper here.After separating the two, he stretched out his right hand, and an inch-long, small and exquisite black scabbard appeared in the palm of his hand. In the blink of an eye, a puff of black smoke gushed out of the scabbard, circled the big shooter, and slowly concentrated on the big guy's head. , immersion is not seen.The big man who was in a coma didn't notice this process.When the old butler of the He family brought it up, Jin Qi had already put away the scabbard.

If the old steward pleads guilty and confesses all the dirty things of the He family, it will undoubtedly be a powerful help to knock down the He family's officials and businessmen.He believed that Wang Zhiguo had already obtained a lot of physical evidence at the scene of the He family accident, and with this witness, it would be difficult for He Kai to survive! Scanning the "Consciousness Realm", I realized that the old man is not someone who speaks easily, and he has the heart to die, let alone confess.It seems that I was angry for a while, and ordered his shoulders to be crushed, and the punishment of gouging out his eyes was reckless.Jin Qi was not in a hurry, took out his mobile phone and pressed a long number, a row of text flashed on the mobile phone after a while: "Please enter the code name".He pressed 006, and soon a clear voice came: "I am Ye Laixing, He City Security Bureau, are you the chief of No. 06?"

Jin Qi was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that "Chief 06" was referring to him.Hey, I'm not used to it.Quickly answered: "Hello Ye Ju, it's me."

"Chief, you finally showed up. We are looking for you everywhere. Chief No. 02 is also in Heshi."

"What? Looking for me everywhere? Is it for training ten fighters?"

"The ten fighters were all in place last week, but what matters is not them, but the Black Snake Squad?"

"Black Snake Squad?" Jin Qi was very interested when he heard it.Ask again: "Tell me about the Black Snake Squad?"

Ye Laixing quickly said: "The Black Snake Squad is an international terrorist organization. It has infiltrated into our country three times and assassinated two senior state officials and a scientist respectively. The Military Commission and the Ministry of Public Security jointly tasked our Bureau with investigating the Black Snake Squad. There are indications that the Black Snake team crossed the border again and disappeared in the Jiangnan area. For this reason, the Military Commission dispatched special forces to conduct a secret search on a large scale, and spent a lot of power but failed. The leader of No. 02 went to Heshi to lead the investigation work. Let the Black Snake come and leave whenever he wants. You are looking for the chief to help investigate the Black Snake team."

Haha, He Kai, you are dead!It doesn't matter whether the old butler is a simple-minded man who proves to be recruited or not, the card of the Black Snake Squad is enough.Just relying on the security bureau to go to war, even Major General No. 02 of the "Evil Resisting Squad" went out in person. It seems that what the Black Snake Squad has done is scary enough.How much credit should I make for killing them all today?Jin Qi was so happy that he couldn't help laughing, and said loudly: "Please report to the chief of No. 02. No. 06 has captured all the Black Snake Team. Seven of them were killed and two of them were captured alive. The people and their bodies are all in Yaofeng Mountain Villa. They There's also a bounty murder charge involved, and a number of other people involved."

"What? What! Catch them all, Black Snake Squad?" Ye Laixing said, fearing that he had misheard, "I implore the chief to say it again."

Jin Qi understood his shock, repeated it, and said: "Bring some people over to deal with it, and bring my ten soldiers along. I'll wait for you at Yaofeng Mountain Villa, so act quickly. These things don't matter. The Du Public Security Bureau may intervene for some reasons, and it would be bad for someone to get them. Hurry up, understand?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Ye Laixing insisted, he was so excited, the whole team of incomparably powerful bounty hunters was arrested in his own territory, this is a great achievement, and the next level is just around the corner.

Jin Qi turned back and said to the poisonous snake: "I was thinking about how to deal with the public security officers. Now that it's all over, the Security Bureau will take over. Not only will we not have the problem of over-defense, but we will probably make a great contribution."

The poisonous snake said: "What's wrong, let others kill, let others beat you? I think it's better to let me kill He Kai, vent my anger, and ensure that the clothes will be perfect." The He family all took a bite!
Jin Qi smiled and said: "Turn back and give the old man a slap on the back of the head, and make him demented for the rest of his life. Don't forget to search, he still has 5000 million Hong Kong Hengfeng Bank traveler's checks hidden, which is to give the second reward to the Black Snake Team , we have to accept this money."

The two were talking, when suddenly there was a commotion in front of the gate of the villa.

When Jin Qi and the poisonous snake rushed to the gate of the villa, a good show was being staged.

Seven or eight policemen waved their batons and yelled loudly: "Stand aside, stand aside, do you hear me? Everyone squat down, put your hands on your head and squat down. Did you fucking hear you being told to squat down!"

Du Long was hit twice by the charged baton, trembling all over his body, his hair stood on end, but he stood stubbornly and refused to squat down.The policeman wielding the baton was annoyed, and cursed: "I think you are fierce!" The baton hit Dulong's head violently, and bright red blood immediately dripped from Dulong's forehead.

Ten villa security guards surrounded Dulong with a "wow", and seven or eight policemen panicked, holding up their batons and yelling: "Don't mess around, we are the police, law enforcement, whoever moves is resisting law enforcement, yes If you break the law, you will go to jail. Who dares to move!"

Du Long and the security guards still had tiger faces, pushing forward step by step.

The police backed away timidly, about to exit the gate.There were four police cars parked at the door, and a police officer wearing glasses stood next to the third Santana. He looked at the farce in front of him with a sly smile, and suddenly waved his hand back, and stopped at the back door of the last police van. With a bang, twelve armed police officers got out of the car with their guns in hand and dispersed in battle formation, pointing their guns at the approaching villa security guards.What's even more bizarre is that there is a camera behind the team, "rustling" to shoot non-stop.This was obviously done on purpose, just to find fault.

Jin Qi stood behind the person, and his anger was already burning in his chest.He didn't realize how abnormal he was, or how unwise it was to confront the police.No matter how big your reasons are, someone else's "obstructing public affairs" is the dead point, and you can't get rid of the charge of "assaulting the police".If he had changed to the previous golden flag, he would never choose to fight. Even though there are thousands of reluctance and dissatisfaction in his heart, he must endure it and find a way to overcome strength with softness.However, the golden flag that came down from Xianren Bay changed, and I couldn't feel the change at all, it was completely subtle, as if it should be like this when I woke up.He squeezed to the forefront of the crowd, glanced at the bloody poisonous dragon, and said fiercely, "Point out the murderer who beat you!"

Following Dulong's finger, a fat policeman shivered subconsciously.Jin Qi took a step forward and asked, "Do you know who you're fighting?"

"He...he's a security guard." The fat policeman felt suffocated, and his throat seemed to be stuck.

"Who else could it be? Isn't it the one who looks at the gate of Yaofeng Mountain Villa." The police officer wearing glasses interjected angrily standing behind the armed policeman.

Jin Qi ignored him, looked directly at the fat policeman and said, "You hit a major officer, a major officer of the Chinese Special Forces. He fought bravely for his mission last night and was not injured, but today you beat him to the ground. Bleeding, do you think you should be shot!" The last sentence came out in a low growl, and the fat policeman was so frightened that he fell to the ground with a "boom".

"Whatever you say is what you say? I also said that I am the Minister of Public Security!" The police officer with glasses waved his hand and strode forward surrounded by twelve armed policemen, with one hand on the holster around his waist, his face full of disdain color.When I walked to the fifth step of the golden flag, I felt as if something was blocking me. I tried twice but was blocked.He was in a hurry, and he slammed sideways with his shoulders. Unexpectedly, the impact was empty. The inertia made him unable to stop, and he fell heavily at the foot of the golden flag.

This series of behaviors seems unimaginable to others. He suddenly made strange movements and fell headlong at the feet of others?Everyone in the villa burst into laughter, and some laughed so hard that they couldn't straighten up.The police were either surprised or sniggered. The ones who were surprised were the confidants with glasses, and the ones who snickered were naturally dissidents.In short, the pantomime performance of the sub-bureau chief was so good that the originally tense atmosphere was much more relaxed.

Jin Qi lowered his head and asked, "Brother Glasses, are you the Minister of Public Security? Do you have any documents? Is it a crime to impersonate?"

Two policemen stepped forward to help the chief of the sub-bureau who had fallen badly.Glasses heart hate ah!He wanted to give someone surnamed Jin a bad start, but unexpectedly, he made a headshot.The fire was burning to the brows, and seeing the other party sneer again, he countered and said: "You advocated that your subordinates are active military officers, and you broke the law first, right?"

Jin Qi snorted coldly and said, "Let's see who among us is breaking the law? Du Long will show your ID to the Minister of Public Security for inspection." Du Long responded, took out his dark blue ID and handed it to the glasses and said loudly deliberately: "Please Inspection by the Minister of Public Security."

When the glasses saw the small dark blue book, his heart trembled. He knew that there is a special branch of the military that is equipped with this kind of ID. Could it be... He took it, opened it, and his face immediately looked like it was painted white.There is no shortage of serial numbers, steel capitals, photos, and military ranks, and there is a red seal with the word "Top Secret" on it.He returned the certificate to Du Long as if his hands were hot, looking at his blood-stained face, his brains turned sharply.

The surname of glasses is Qi, and the single name is Shengzi.Qi Sheng is He Kai's confidant. Last night, he received a call from the mayor suggesting that there will be a fight in Yaofeng Villa. If no one dies, ignore it. This is a struggle for power between the underworld and the underworld.He has long been interested in Yaofeng Mountain Villa. Firstly, the mayor doesn't like them, and secondly, the manager of the nearby unit of the villa runs around frequently, and never said to invite the director or anything.Just a few more fucking money, dare you not take me seriously?Someone reported the crime in the villa this morning. This is an opportunity.He called Mayor He to discuss an action plan, but he couldn't find it. The phone was turned off, and the secretary said he hadn't come to work so far.When I thought about it, I first went to the villa to impose martial law on the whole villa, and then went to the mayor to listen to instructions.So the whole situation was armed and wanted to get rid of the horse first, but unexpectedly, it was really "vegetarian and met Yueda", and the villa really dared to confront the police?I thought there was an excuse to punish them, but an active major officer was found?And it's special forces, what should I do?
Take it easy and get through your eyes first.But how did Mayor He Kai explain?

Hold on, at least the mountain is high and the emperor is far away. When the military blames him, he will have official duties first.

Qi Sheng sneered and said, "Since someone has reported the crime, the police must call the police. You are the first to obstruct the official duties. Put aside the friction and misunderstanding at the beginning. Now we have to carry out official duties, please cooperate."

"What business?" Jin Qi asked coldly.

"Didn't you report it?"

"We reported it. However, after preliminary investigation, the case involved a serious matter, and it is no longer suitable for you to handle. We reported the case to the higher authorities, and they will come right away, so you can leave. At the same time, we reserve the right to complain about your misuse of the police. Weapons, beating citizens for no reason, causing serious injuries." Jin Qi said every word, with a smile on his face.A provocative smirk!

Qi Sheng was a little confused with anger, it was worse than his usual methods.He yelled: "If you say go, we will go? What right do you have to decide who should handle the case? Who thinks it is talking to you?"

Three questions in a row were thrown like bombs, and the damn thing answered calmly: "I have the right to order you, do you want to see my certificate?"

"Could it be that you also get a major for fun, this is not something that money can buy?"

"It seems that Mr. Glasses doesn't believe it?"

"Whoever believes it has a brain problem!" Qi Sheng replied firmly

"Okay, you forced me to show my ID, and you will be responsible for the consequences of leaking the secret." He said and prepared to take out his ID.Only heard from afar: "Mr. Jin, please don't show your ID, I will handle this matter."

I saw more than 02 soldiers with live ammunition in the two vehicles that had just stopped not far away, and they dispersed and surrounded everyone present as soon as they got off the vehicle.Behind the soldiers there was a group of plainclothes striding forward, and the one who took two quick steps in front first approached Jin Qi and said softly: "I am Ye Laixing, the chief of [-] is here, Mr. Jin can leave at ease, and I will take care of it here." .”

Jin Qi was familiar with the major general, seeing him rushing into the village without saying hello, he shook hands with Ye Laixing, then pointed at the fat police officer who beat someone and turned to chase the major general.The security guard of the villa naturally retreated fifty steps away.

Ye Laixing walked up to Qi Sheng and handed over his ID and said, "I am Ye Laixing, director of the He City Security Bureau. Please come with me if you are involved in a major case."

Qi Sheng's face was as white as snow, Ye Laixing didn't know him, but he knew Ye Laixing.The Security Bureau is a mysterious unit slightly higher than the City Bureau, who dares to provoke it?In any case, he never thought that they would have a relationship with Jin Qi, and it seemed that the relationship was not weak.He didn't struggle, and it was useless to struggle.Weakly following the two soldiers into the military vehicle, the frightening thing was that they were put on a black hood and handcuffed with cold handcuffs as soon as they got on the vehicle.For a moment he wondered if all this was true, a branch chief suddenly became a prisoner, and was related to a major case?Is this in a dream?
Ye Laixing asked someone to take away the fat police officer who had been paralyzed in shock, and issued a gag order to the rest of the police officers. After returning, they are not allowed to reveal anything that happened today, otherwise they will bear the consequences.

The police officers of the branch station disbanded and went back in despair.Some are depressed, thinking that the future is bleak. When the new director comes down, his cronies will of course change, and they will no longer be able to enjoy themselves.There are also some happy ones, the big mountain on their head is removed, maybe the old bureau chief will come back again, this is a happy event worth getting drunk.Anxious, Zao secretly talked on the phone with the former bureau chief.

(End of this chapter)

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