big bet

Chapter 194 Grand Building

Chapter 194 Grand Building (5)
Special ability to fool!However, Jin Qi saw that the two balls were not easy, and they were heavy in his hands. The most surprising thing was that the "visual awareness" could not see through them.Telepathy This is not a fairy weapon, it is probably a magic weapon. Thinking that a ray of dark gold has penetrated, the magic consciousness opened and I was startled. There was a person standing in the hazy sphere, and I realized that it was not a real person when I looked closely. It is a humanoid soft armor.The soft armor is one piece, with a dark luster, the arms are covered with spikes, the helmet only has two round holes exposed, and the sharp spikes on the top of the head are particularly fierce. The whole soft armor gives people a sinister and vicious feeling.In the other sphere, there was a rare battle armor floating in the same way.

Magic Consciousness quickly searched the collar of the battle armor and found the hidden seven-character formula. Wearing it is "Mawei Armor Transformation", and taking it off is "Mawei Jie". The sphere is small and convenient to hide around, and the battle is instant It is a medium magic weapon.From this, Jin Qi thought of the boxes of balls in the Black Lord Ring. At that time, he just glanced at them without thinking about them. Now he knows what a treasure they are, and he can completely form a team of magic armors!
"Fellow daoist, should we change or not?" The middle-aged cultivator urged in puzzlement when he saw the other party in a daze.

Of course change!As a result, two kilograms of sky gold sand were exchanged for two round balls.Looking at the figure of the golden flag going away, the middle-aged practitioner really wanted to laugh. It was like a pie in the sky for two useless iron lumps to exchange two kilograms of sky gold sand. Eat a panacea.

Jin Qi feels that he has gained a lot. Can the two sets of magic armor play a role in attacking the kingdom of gods?Encouraging!Walking along, he saw Wei Shaoping, a Yirenmen, talking nonsense in front of a stall, so he couldn't help but go up to have a look.

On the square table are two strange objects. One is a disc with a square hole in the center, which looks like an enlarged copper coin, but many incomprehensible symbols are engraved on the plane; the other is a half-foot-long jade plate with The oracle bone inscription "Qian Kun Ling" is engraved.Jin Qi laughed secretly, standard fakes, the counterfeiting has actually come to the world of self-cultivation, and deliberately made some weird symbols to bluff people, really!Just as he was about to greet Wei Shaoping, who was squatting at the table chattering wildly, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught sight of four people strutting in the middle of the road: Bai Chun, Bai Qiu, and Changbai Zen disciple No. [-] and No. [-]!
How did they appear in Mount Emei?
Jin Qi instinctively felt that it was wrong for Bai Chun and others to appear at the Emei Mountain Fairy Products Fair, but unfortunately he didn't allow him to think that Wei Shaoping had already discovered the Great Master, and just wanted to see Li Jinqi stop him, he didn't want to expose his identity in public .The two walked to the side, and Wei Shaoping said: "Master Chuan ordered me to come to you, but I didn't expect to find a circle of great venerables and stand behind me. Let's go, the head of Jingxin has made fragrant tea early and is waiting for the great lords."

"Don't look at the trading items anymore?" Jin Qi asked.

"According to the usual practice, acquired talent is the main event, and it is only necessary to choose when the major sects display their treasures. Right now, we can't say the word fairy."

Jin Qi didn't agree.Just based on the Zixia and Mojia collected just now, who said that the small sect has no good things?After following Wei Shaoping back a few steps, he was stopped by someone, and the old man who traded a sword for three pills hurriedly said: "Friend, I have been looking for you for a long time, and I finally found it."

Jin Qi asked puzzledly, "Could it be that Mr. Fei doesn't want to exchange?"

"There, that is. My friend forgot to take the sword formula."

"Sword tactics?"

"It seems that my friend's cultivation level is very high, and I don't know much about flying swords. Every sword has attributes and special sword tactics. If you want to drive Zixia, you must melt with a drop of blood, and you must memorize Zixia's sword tactics. This thin page is the Zixia Sword Art and the sword technique that the old man just added a few strokes, and I gave it to my friend. The sword technique is also left by the teacher. The old man just memorized it and never tried it. It is just for the reference of friends. Please accept it. Next." The old man respectfully held up a page of yellow paper.

Jin Qi is very happy, this is the result of good returns.After accepting the sword formula, he took out a vermilion fruit and handed it to the old man, saying: "Thank you, sir, for giving me the sword art. This is a vermilion fruit. Find a place to eat it while it is fresh, but you must be prepared." , the effect of Zhushenguo is by no means inferior to that of Peiyuan Pill."

The old man seemed to have heard of Zhushenguo. Seeing him accepting the small red fruit with trembling hands, his face was full of excitement, and he choked up for a moment so he couldn't explain clearly: "Old man Yandang Maofu, if you have the opportunity to go to Yandang Maofu, you must treat him well." He said. Turn around and leave, as fast as a gust of wind.

Wei Shaoping's eyes on Jin Qi are full of little stars at this moment, worshiping, he just walks around in exchange for flying swords and swordsmanship, why do he come across fakes all by himself?He said embarrassingly: "Master, I... I have ten pieces of high-quality jade pendants and want to exchange them for one of Zhu's divine fruit, okay... okay?"

"Do you know that one Vermillion God Fruit is worth one half-penetrated Yuan Pill, with your fusion period practice?" Jin Qi couldn't see him handing over a Vermillion God Fruit with a greedy face, and said, "Look back and find someone else!" Divide the servings and eat slowly."

"Yes, yes." Wei Shaoping responded again and again, thinking that he would use half a vermilion fruit to share with his junior brother, would it be possible to exchange for a 20 yuan jade token?Who calls someone a businessman?

Fahua Nunnery is hidden in a bamboo forest, and a winding path leads to a quiet place.There are many temples in Mount Emei, as well as historic sites.In terms of the abundance of incense, the size of the temple, and the wide reputation, Fahua Temple cannot be ranked high, but when people in Emei talk about Fahua Temple, they are all in awe, because they are an ancient sect of self-cultivation, and meditation with palms is the most important thing. The leading master of golden elixir, Emei No.1.

There is a ten-acre purple bamboo forest and a piece of apricot-yellow wall between the half peaks of Da'e, where Fahua Temple is located.Today, Mrs. Jingxin really couldn't calm down, and while talking with the seven sons of Xiangshan Yiren sect, she was absent-mindedly thinking wildly.Disciple Shui Qing'er has been waiting for an important guest since yesterday, and was waiting in front of the nunnery early this morning, but unfortunately there is no news so far, will he come?When will it come?It is reasonable for Jingxin to be anxious. After entering the Golden Core realm ten years ago, he has been stagnant. It is fine to stay in the early stage of Golden Core.She hoped to discuss it with a master of Jindan, but it is a pity that the No. 1 head of Changbai Zen Sect, Huang Mei, is missing, and there are rumors of "soul-absorbing stones" and other frightening news. .Mount Emei also produced a golden elixir, but it is a shame that he is half-foolish and half-foolish.It's all right now, the apprentice has made an appointment with Jin Qi...

Wei Xindao arrived early in the morning with the other six sons and a group of apprentices. While instructing Shaoping to find out if the Great Master had arrived, he first came to visit his old friend and fellow teacher Jingxin. The previous sentence does not match the next sentence.Just as he was about to ask for clarification, seeing Wei Shaoping rushing in, he asked, "Did you find the Great Senior?"

Wei Shaoping stepped forward to salute one by one, and said: "I found it, and your lord also changed a flying sword."

"Where's the person?" Wei Xindao asked quietly before he could speak.

"When Shaoping brought Dazun to the door, he met Senior Sister Qing'er. Dazun was led by Senior Sister Qing'er to the backyard to see some magic weapon. Dazun told us that we don't have to be formal, and everyone should do whatever they want. If there is something, he will find it. us."

"Oh." Wei Xindao nodded in understanding, and caught a glimpse of Jingxin smiling, with a strange expression on his face.He really didn't understand, so he said casually: "Fellow Taoist Jingxin, since the Great Master has something to do, we won't wait for him, and we are going to go to the meeting place first, and we also have some things we want to exchange."

Jingxin was visibly excited, and realized: "Oh, good, good. Fellow Taoists come to the nunnery to drink tea and rest when you have time, and Jingxin will not send you off."

What did you say?It's like driving someone away.But when Wei Xindao got up and was about to leave, she said again: "Fellow master Taoist has made great progress. He has cultivated to the late stage of Bigu in a short period of time, and he is only one step away from Jindan. Congratulations."

Did you just see it?I came to visit first just to show off, who knows that you are full of thoughts and don't care.Wei Xindao thought to himself and said: "It's all the power of the Great Master. Xindao is expected to advance and encourage fellow Taoists Jingxin. I am very happy, very happy. Haha."

Jingxin looked at the other six sons again, all of them had progressed. It turned out that they were only in the middle stage of fusion, and now they were at the early stage of bigu at worst. The speed of crossing two floors in one step was jaw-dropping.Thinking of what I have to do next, I can't help but feel happy for a while.

After sending away the members of the Yiren Sect, Jing Xin ordered the nunnery to be closed, and no longer received guests or pilgrims today, and went back to the quiet room in the backyard to sit cross-legged.

Jin Qi is unaware of all the weird things that happened before, and he is enjoying life now.Near noon, Shui Qing'er prepared eight dishes, a bottle of fruit wine, and a small banquet for the two of them was taking place in the water pavilion in the backyard.After the first glass of water, Qing'er made a request: "Brother Jin, today you and I put aside our status and mundane affairs, how about we get along as friends? Qing'er has a request, please don't leave me between now and Brother Jin's departure." How about peeking into Qing'er's heart with divine sense, and Qing'er's thoughts? Qing'er knows that this is a bit too much for Brother Jin, and it's still a question whether Brother Jin believes in Qing'er. It's just that Qing'er sincerely begs Brother Jin, there is nothing else. I mean, girls don't want to spread everything out for others to see. Brother Jin, can you agree?" As he spoke, he raised his wine glass.

Although Jin Qi felt that this plea was a bit abrupt, the reason for the woman's shyness was justified.Then he raised his glass and touched it lightly, and agreed.The eight dishes of vegetables are quite exquisite, taste smooth and fragrant, and compared with the dishes at the foot of the mountain, they really have a dusty taste.Looking at the clever smile in front of me, drinking ice cubes and red wine, I don't want to leave!
Shui Qing'er took a tray from the side, pushed it in front of Jin Qi, and lifted the yellow cloth covering it.Jin Qi almost exclaimed, there were actually three antique flying swords in the tray.One handle is entwined with green energy, and shimmers with a trembling cold wind; the second handle has a yellowish-yellow blade that does not open, but it gives people a very sharp feeling; flames. "Good sword!" Jin Qi boasted sincerely.

"These are the three flying swords in the Fahua Hundred Swords Tomb. They were obtained by the master who burned incense and worshiped the opening of the Hundred Swords Tomb the day before yesterday. There is no way to find out when Jiafei sword came from, but there are no shortage of swords in the sword mound because no one has crossed the golden core period in dozens of generations. Master Qinger is the only person who has entered the highest state, but he has never entered the sword mound to seek swords. This The next time I begged for three handles, I specially ordered Qing'er to dedicate it to Brother Jin, which shows the master's heart for Brother Jin."

"Oh, is this really the case? Jin dare not accept it, it's too expensive." Jin Qi withdrew his hand resting on the tray.

Shui Qing'er said with a smile: "Master will not give you away for nothing, and I will definitely ask Brother Jin in the future. I hope Brother Jin will not refuse Master for the sake of the Three Swords."

"It's not something I can't do, right?" Jin Qi hesitated.

Shui Qing'er covered her mouth with a chuckle and said, "Come on, have another drink. Qing'er has something to say."

what is that?Today's wine is really weird, I feel dizzy after ten glasses.This is going to double cultivation?I was a little bit looking forward to it, but also a little uneasy. I wanted to use the "Mental Consciousness Realm" to check it out, but I was hindered by the promise.In this way, Shui Qing'er led her around a few times and entered a dark inner room. The room was empty without any furniture, and the floor was covered with straw mats. It seemed to be a quiet room for cultivation.Three sandalwood sticks in the corner are emitting graceful light smoke.

Jin Qi was pushed into a small door next to the quiet room, and Shui Qing'er said softly, "Wash off the smell of sweat, and Qing'er will wait for you outside. But Qing'er still has one more request, that is, please use the door when leaving the bathroom." Cover your eyes with the black cloth hanging at the back, so you can't see clearly, okay?"

Shy again?Jin Qi didn't quite understand but agreed anyway, let's treat it as a game.He went to the bathroom to wash, turned around and really put on the black towel, walked to the door and said loudly: "I'm coming out!" Hearing a soft "um", Jin Qi opened the door and stepped out.

The air conditioner was turned on outside, and it was cool.I felt a hand reaching out to support my thigh, and snuggled up with my body...

This is a brand new feeling for Jin Qi, as if rippling in an exquisite garden.The host is very hospitable, and every winding corridor, every pavilion will attract guests to sit and watch, and linger over and over again.In the end, the host led the guests into a relatively grand main hall, where a golden pill was enshrined, although it was small, it was graceful, slowly rotating, revealing pieces of faint golden color.Taiyinliu caressed the main hall like a giant hand, and played with the golden pill for a while. When Taiyinliu withdrew, the main hall called "Dantian" took on a new look. The golden pill seemed to be bigger and more radiant. A cheerful sparrow fluttered its wings, fanning out layers of colorful lights...

For Jin Qi, Shuangxiu is like traveling, and it is free travel. I feel a little sorry for singing and dancing in the novel pink world, so I cut off a section of Taiyin Flow and keep it in the main hall of "Dantian", which is a bit like "Lao Tzu arrives" This trip" style.After nine weeks, there is no need for the master to greet, and the Taiyinliu will exit on its own.Just as he left the exit of the garden, Jin Qi shook violently, no!Shui Qing'er only consecrated her late stage cultivation, how could she build a golden elixir?Just now this woman clearly has entered the hall and entered the room, and she is a tough early-stage Golden Core master. After this double cultivation, she has stepped into the middle-stage Golden Core, and opened a passage for the late stage, which can be easily crossed in a few years.How could this be Shui Qing'er?

It should be clear at a glance to use the "Mind Consciousness Realm", but I promised Shui Qing'er, (now I think about why I won't spy on the promise, I need to wear a black scarf for being shy, etc. It's all fucking bullshit, just to deceive me! Wouldn’t it be disgusting for the ugly monster to be double-cultivated by Lao Tzu!) So I endured it and asked angrily: "Who are you? Aren't you afraid of being smashed to pieces! Shui Qing'er is a bitch!"

He could hear the other party being frightened, and his voice trembled: "I am really ashamed of my identity. I am wrong in this matter. Qing'er was persecuted by me. I hope you don't blame her. After this double cultivation, I finally got a glimpse of the beauty." Realm, self-awareness and self-cultivation are not enough to raise a level. If the Venerable Venerable gives me death in anger, I will die without regrets. Finally, I am freed from the death that has been stagnant for decades, and appreciate the infinite scenery of the Nascent Soul Realm, Venerable Ah, life lies in me and it doesn’t mean much. I feel guilty for lying to His Holiness. When punishing me, please keep the golden core that I have worked so hard to achieve, and let her keep a trace of spiritual consciousness to accompany His Holiness. This is just a plea , though death without regret.”

At this point, Jin Qi of course knows who is replacing Shui Qing'er and her double cultivation.He was really amazed in his heart. Could it be that the improvement of the realm of cultivation really has such a great magical power that people ignore all the rules and regulations, and even use unscrupulous means?He didn't know whether it was better to be angry or sad?In fact, he is not a guardian of common affairs. In his view, any rules are nothing more than a means for the upper class to control the lower class. However, with his supernatural powers, he regards any upper class and any rules and regulations as trivial, and dismisses them.What makes her uncomfortable is that Shui Qing'er dared to seduce herself?The most hateful thing is that the result of seduction is that I have a double cultivation with an old woman who is 80 or [-] years old, and I am very satisfied with the process, leaving a sign to replace "I am here for a visit", a ray of the sun.Too much, too annoying!I can't wait to slap this little girl a hundred times on the left and right!

(End of this chapter)

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