big bet

Chapter 196 Time flies

Chapter 196 Time flies (1)
"Hey, there are so many gold and silver treasures hidden in the storage belt, and there are also a lot of dollars. You guys even moved all the storage in the division door, which is a piece of good news! Wow, there are two flying swords, oh , the memory crystal is here. Well, let’s taste the harvest pill!"

Bai Chun only felt a pain like a peeling cramp, and then he didn't know anything...

Compared with Bai Chun, Bai Qiu's death was much better, he died in a daze, like becoming a fairy.

Jin Qi is very busy, first deal with the Bai family brothers and then try to enslave No. [-] and No. [-].This is one of the magical skills, which keeps all the skills and thoughts of the enslaved, and only changes their sense of loyalty. This is called enslavement.The enslaved will command only the master's will until death.When Jin Qi learned about this very evil magic power, he still wanted to go against the law of heaven, and he would definitely not use it on humans in the future, but now he tried it with relish, without realizing his breach of promise and transformation.In fact, due to his frequent use and practice of mana, he is already half-human and half-demon, and his judgment of good and evil is subtly changing. Any enemy he determines will do whatever it takes!
The demon slave's attempt was very successful. He simply implanted the golden pills collected from Baichun and Baiqiu into the No. [-] and No. [-] dantians. Two golden pill-level demon slaves were born a week later.Jin Qi looked at No. [-] and No. [-] who were proficient in using flying swords, secretly delighted.The first order is to destroy the Zen Gate, which is a test of the loyalty and combat effectiveness of No. [-] and No. [-].It would be fine if two loyal but powerless demon slaves were killed.Before leaving, he left a trace of mana in the No. [-] Sea of ​​Consciousness, so that he could know the result.

When No. [-] and No. [-] drove the sword north, Jin Qi suddenly thought of Shenzhiyu and the DJ organization. How about using powerful demon slaves to deal with it?

Jin Qi stayed in Yaofeng Mountain Villa's office for more than a month, and it was almost a miracle in the eyes of others. You must know that he is a busy man, busy all over the world, and he can sit still. main sample.In fact, every time Jin Qi thinks of saying goodbye to everyone in ten years, it is hard to avoid leaving the earth.At least it's not easy to explain, so I bit the bullet and said to Fengjuan: "Honey, it's not that you are bad, it's because my husband is too playful and wants to go to another world." Will these words scare Feng'er?She's going to give birth at the end of the year, anyway, there are still nine years left, so try to be nice to her.

Going to and from get off work every day is like a general manager.Wang Yufen is also true, always come to ask for instructions and report back on big and small matters, why don't you take care of it when you are not around?After he feigned anger once, Yufen finally let him go, and life became more comfortable.

The storm of the financial crisis is raging, and all walks of life have the feeling of early winter.Only Jin's Treasure is not afraid of the cold, on the contrary, it has accelerated the pace of development.Jin's Treasure Jinling branch has been opened. Due to the excellent diamond and gemstone products that are unique in Jinling, the business is not ordinary. It is not an exaggeration to use the word "fiery red" to describe it.For this reason, the new general manager would make a trip to Yaofeng Villa every now and then, with ambiguous eyes, so he almost said it directly.Jin Qi didn't dare to recruit her, thinking of leaving, the less love debt the better.

Magpie is a business talent. She not only manages Fengchang, but also BJ Ruyilou, Shanghai Yuemengyu, and Jinling branch's contact, coordination, distribution, exhibition organization, and prices.Of course, the progress in comprehension is much worse, she is the number one among all the people in the villa, and Zixia Feijian doesn't know when she will be able to really play.However, the little girl in the Lord of the Rings has a lot of holy fruit and elixir, and besides being a fan, there is another reason for hanging on Jin Qi's body, which is to ask for the Vermillion God Fruit.Almost one person takes up the amount of the other two, and often pouted in dissatisfaction: "Brother Qi, feed me another big cherry. If you feed it with your mouth, Brother Qi must feed me with your mouth." It's terrible!

Of course Yan'er is the one who is most serious about cultivating in the villa.After she escaped death, she looked down on everything a lot, and liked to enjoy inner peace more, which was undoubtedly beneficial to her cultivation.Under Jin Qi's cultivation of a large number of elixir medicines, her golden elixir was faintly showing. When Jin Qi inspected her, he was pleasantly surprised to find that a small golden elixir the size of a soybean was quietly spinning in the dantian.Telling Yan'er the news, the elegant woman wept with joy and kept saying the words "You have reshaped Yan'er".The way she thanked was to be kind to Fengjuan, to the point of caring for everything.Apart from practicing, she is always by Fengjuan's side, which has become a habit. In the villa, Fengjuan and Yan'er are like a pair of sisters, equally elegant and beautiful, equally cute and amiable.

Yan'er usually doesn't manage business, she will act as an agent when Yufen and Viper are not around, and she is called a substitute player by the people in the villa.She doesn't care about Yan'er, she ignores status and power, and never goes out to socialize, but no one in the villa dares to underestimate her, because anyone who knows her knows her transcendent status in the mind of the villa owner.

Jin Qi gave her a flying sword, a storage bracelet and many high-quality supplements such as ginseng and ganoderma lucidum, including thirty pills of Pei Gong Dan.And of course there was a lot of money, mountains of cash and gold.Yan'er knew very well that the owner of Jin Zhuang was by her side, just in case, just like a big family always has a backup.

The poisonous snake and Yan'er's wedding is scheduled for New Year's Day 2009. On that day, five new couples will tie the knot, including Magpie and Bai Yidiao who forced their way in.Bai Yidiao is currently in charge of a ten-person studio, busy cutting and grinding those extremely hard diamonds all day long.He couldn't figure out how many and such outstanding diamonds and red sapphires came from Yaofeng Villa?Looking at a dozen boxes of large and small diamonds and colorful dazzling gemstones packed in a large suitcase, he completely dispelled the concept of preciousness and rarity, there are simply too many!He couldn't answer even Sister Yu'er's question: "How rich is the Jin family's treasure?" He just used three old-fashioned words: Not short of money!

Dulong is Magpie's brother, and this time he brought all of Subei's parents to Heshi.The land, houses, and sundries in the countryside were all given away, and it was clearly stated that they would not come back, and Yaofeng Villa in Heshi was their new home.Yufen allocated two villas next to each other for her siblings, and their parents could switch rooms as much as they wanted.Dulong's thoughts were all on the training of the Cixie team. Jin Qi gave him ten Peiyuan pills and asked him to pour them into the stomachs of the ten soldiers every now and then. Light is just one step away.The ten fighters have made a qualitative leap in both temperament and original combat effectiveness. This is the conclusion drawn by Major General No. 02 during his visit.

This time when I came back, the golden flag gave each of the poisonous dragon and the poisonous snake a flying sword and a strange soft armor.Feijian can only be used after being forged with the real fire of his own life, and the golden core has not been completed, this is a delusion.But the soft armor can be worn on the spot. With the assistance of Jin Qi, the soft armor transforms from a ball into a wristband. The very beautiful soft metal wristband can be worn on the right wrist anytime and anywhere.If you want to use it, the method will instantly turn into liquid and flow to the whole body when you pinch the wrist guard. Except for the eyes, the upper and lower parts will be fully armored. It will not be broken by knives, and even ordinary bullets can defend against it. It is so powerful that it is unbelievable.What's more, after armoring, the whole person's blood will boil, and the speed and strength will be doubled, making him invincible.I have tried the double poison and I can't put it down. I believe that once the golden elixir is completed in the not-too-distant future, after the armor is transformed, you can use the sword and imagine who can be the enemy in the world!Men have this ambition!Ha ha.

Guanshan's Jade Workshop and Jinqi are the most visited, and they still talk about the gambling stones that started their business.Of course, only Guan Shan has the same interests, and they meet each other in wine.This time, I added a lot of raw jadeite and Hetian jade to Guanshan's storage ring. Except for a few of my favorites, almost all of them were dedicated.Guan Shan doesn't need Feijian, he is not too obsessed with comprehension, his greatest interest lies in the treasure of jade, jade is his life, and Brother Yujiajin is his everything.

He has been very busy these two days. Uncle Jin's portrait was designed and sculpted by him. Now it has been polished and mounted on a natural granite base with the word "Jingxi" in Uncle Jin's handwriting.Because of the trend, he bought a large piece of homogeneous granite from Yishan for carving, so it looks like Uncle Jin is sitting at his desk, with his chin raised slightly, and his eyes smiling into the distance.Jingxi's big lying stone has become a natural desk, and the last stroke of Jingxi is just under the tip of the pen. "Natural seamless, lifelike" is Jindi's sincere praise for this statue.Jindi stood in front of the stone statue for a full hour before reluctantly leaving.

The "Jin Dongqiang Nursing Home for Educated Youth" was managed by Cui Binyi and Fat Aunt. In the end, even the third eldest of the three brothers, Heshi Xuanmiao Guan Lao Dao Tianyi was also brought in.The two jointly invited the educated youth from the former Yishan quarry to gather in Heshi to attend the opening ceremony of the Jin Dongqiang Educated Youth Nursing Home, and all expenses will be reimbursed.This advertisement was published in various newspapers in Heshi, Xicheng, the provincial capital, and Yishan County for a full month. The list of people who received Huihan's participation was almost all the cadres and employees of the Yishan quarry in the past.Of course, there were also those who did not sign up, such as Yunfei and Feng Chunye.

In the first three days, the vehicles of the villa kept rushing around the station and Mudu, and the opening night finally picked up all the people who were supposed to come, and some even brought their family members.More than 130 people almost turned the nursing home into a nightclub.The karaoke halls, dance halls, and chess and card rooms were full, and it was conceivable that the old friends hadn't seen each other for many years.

On the opening day, the secretary and mayor of Mudu Town, the newly transferred director of the Public Security Bureau, the village chief of Yaofeng Village, industry and commerce, taxation and other heads gathered for three tables, and it was very lively.At the opening ceremony, even the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee sent a congratulatory message, and the municipal party committee even sent the director of the office to congratulate.These caused the old educated youths to praise Jin Dongqiang for giving birth to a good son, especially when everyone at the banquet received a big red envelope of 1 yuan, some people shouted Jin Dongqiang Long live.This happy scene lasted for three full days before reluctantly saying goodbye, and agreed to meet again three years later.

During the meeting, it was learned that thirteen old educated youths were in poor health, and seven educated youths had a very difficult life.As a result, thirteen old educated youths became the first batch of free elderly caregivers in the nursing home, while seven people living in difficulties became employees of the nursing home, with a monthly salary of 3000 yuan including food and housing.This news made many people who were able to live a decent life also plan to try their luck.

On the fourth day of opening, everything that needed to go had left, and the operation of the nursing home was considered normal.That night, Jin Qi happened to be playing with Feng Juan in the room, and suddenly received a call from Uncle Cui, saying that a man had been standing in front of the statue of Jin Dongqiang for more than half an hour, would you like to come and see it?
Of course people want to go to commemorate their father, and they also take their wives and unborn son with them.The villa is not far from the nursing home, and the husband and wife are walking arm in arm, and soon they arrive at the gate of the nursing home.From a distance, I saw a person holding a white chrysanthemum, standing motionless with his head bowed.Uncle Cui, Aunt Fat, and Jin Xiaoyi all stood aside.Jin Qi was a little moved, who is so sincere?I hurried a few steps, and just about to go up to say hello, I saw Uncle Cui and the others looked a little strange, it was strange, the people who remembered raised their heads.

"Ah!" The two exclaimed almost at the same time.Jin Qi retreated three steps in a row, his face pale...

Mother, these two words are so strange and far away to Jin Qi.Facing the nearly 60-year-old woman with a thin face and dull eyes, her surroundings felt blurred for a moment, as if a gust of fog floated in and blurred everything.The wife next to him was tugging at his sleeve, and he understood what she meant, but he didn't even have the slightest thought of recognizing each other. As time passed, the figure of his mother was gradually fading away... Jin Qi turned around slowly and walked away. It seemed heavy, mechanical, and even a little shaky.

Fengjuan didn't leave, she couldn't bear to leave.The woman should be a mother-in-law, she has a beautiful name "Feng Chunye", and has a beautiful face, but in the end she ends up thin, haggard, and lonely.She had heard reports from poisonous snakes that Mr. Yunfei committed suicide in a rental house a month ago and hadn't had a drop of water for two days before his death.He was forced to death by debts, and the four debt collection companies were waiting for him day and night, and the abuse during it was inhumane.Yunfei cleared all the valuable assets of the investment company, and transferred 1 million of the property rights of Xiaoyishan, which he won for 200 million yuan, and only paid off one-third of the debt, and there was nothing he could do with the 200 million yuan left.After separating from his wife Feng Chunye, he had lost confidence in life, and ended his life with a three-foot rope when the debt collector was negligent.

At the funeral, the debt collection company seized his son Yun Xiao, who had just been temporarily released from the detoxification center, and made him skinny. The heir to the Yun family knelt down and begged for mercy. A roll show.Feng Chunye was there at the time, and it was she who used the remaining real estate, jewelry, and handicrafts to offset more than 200 million debts before dismissing the wolf-like debt collectors.

Fengjuan understood that the four debt collection companies were all funded and hired by Viper, and bought out the debt with 80.00% cash. It can be said that Yunfei's death and the downfall of the Yun family were all planned by Viper, and the huge shadow behind Viper was herself. husband.It wasn't that she couldn't bear it, or thought it shouldn't be.There is nothing more hatred in the world than killing the father and taking the wife. It is reasonable for the husband to avenge his father.It's just that in the end, Feng Chunye is forced to live without a house and food without a salary. Women cherish each other, women understand women, most things women can't help themselves, and they have no choice but to choose.When she saw Feng Chunye numbly hanging her head in front of the statue of her ex-husband, Fengjuan understood that she had too much helplessness and too many stories.The reason why she appeared here today, maybe she thought it was a while ago?It's time to pay off the debt here, the debt of conscience.

Fengjuan stepped forward, held her cold hand, and said softly: "Mom, I am Fengjuan, Jin Qi's wife, you can call me Feng'er. Just come back, it's getting late, let's go eat first Good."

Cui Binyi, who had been standing for a long time, also coughed and said, "Sister-in-law, oh, Chunye, you can be your home when you come to my place. Come, go this way, and see how your second brother Cui is presenting."

Feng Chunye turned around and glanced at the direction in which her son was leaving, sighed quietly and followed Fengjuan towards the dining hall of the nursing home.

Fengjuan came back after eleven o'clock and saw her husband lying on the sofa reading a newspaper, smiling and sitting beside him, slowly laying her whole body on his lap, and took his hand and put it on her shoulder.Of course, Jin Qi carried out the silent order and kneaded his wife's shoulders and arms.Looking at the bright face like a flower, I couldn't help but leaned over and sucked the two soft and thin lips... After a while, I asked, "Have you stayed?"

"Well, I live next door to Uncle Cui. I almost didn't eat dinner, I only drank some soup, and said I couldn't eat when I was full."

Mother is a difficult hurdle for Jin Qi. The family affection without emotion and only resentment really makes the hero short of breath, but what can be done?I hope tonight my father can tell me in a dream how to get along with him in the future.

One month later, Chief No. 01 summoned him, and Jin Qi took the "Red Jade Immortal Syrup" wine from Zhao Xiaolan as a gift.Yaofeng Mountain Villa is the national special agent distributor of "Red Jade Immortal Juice". Jin Qi established a new company for this purpose and recruited Aunt Fatty's nephew to hire a manager. The purchase price of "Red Jade Immortal Jelly" is 680 yuan a bottle, and another [-] yuan.Zhao Xiaolan still embarrasses him with a dark heart, but Jin Qi thinks that the real price is the real thing, and you can tell whether it is worth it after tasting it.

I didn't pay much attention to a box of little-known wine No. 01 at the beginning, but I called Jin Qi after a week to ask why he was so energetic after drinking this stuff?Jin Qi told him to look at the name of the wine to understand.A month later, the phone calls for wine through No. 01 were about to explode, and Jin Qi was so frightened that he set up a special secretary desk.As a result, the "Red Jade Immortal Jelly" suddenly rose from 680 yuan to 680 yuan a bottle. The fairy jelly is worth the price!Of course these are all stories.

The matter of summoning the Golden Flag on the 01st was top secret, but not long after, a coup took place in the Kingdom of Gods in the South Pacific. It turned out that the captain of the Black Snake Team returned to the Kingdom of Gods with two members after three months and was subjected to strict scrutiny and other unfair treatment. King Kong's captain rebelled in a rage, and killed the seven rulers of the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Gods, as well as countless guards and policemen that night, blood flowed like a river!The top ten teams on this troubled island also got involved, and found King Kong and proposed to share the power.After three days of intense negotiations, a new ruling class was finally formed. King Kong was unanimously elected as the king of the Isle of God, and his two captains served as the prime minister and deputy prime minister respectively.For the first time, the heads of those rebellious teams accepted the titles of "Captain of the Guard", "Captain of the Customs Inspectorate", "Captain of the Coast Patrol" and so on meekly, and everyone was very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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