big bet

Chapter 28 The Stone Betting Begins

Chapter 28 The Stone Betting Begins (1)
He Wenhao's face was full of joy, and he said loudly: "It's expensive, it's expensive, Boss Zhou will quote a real price again, we buy it sincerely, and you have to sell it sincerely."

"What Boss He said, forget it, I'll make another 140 million for the big one, and 70 for the small one."

"No, the largest one is 100 million, and the smallest one is 50."

"Boss He is too ruthless. This is absolutely impossible. If the purchase price is not enough, you will not let people live! The last buyout price: the big one is 120 million, and the small one is 60, so it can't be reduced."

Fengjuan interjected and said, "Boss Zhou, give in a little more. The old purple jadeite that I bought back last time has been cut, and I lost hundreds of thousands."

Boss Zhou blushed, and after resting for a long time, he said, "I can't help it. As soon as Boss Feng opens his mouth, I will lose even if I lose money. Let's say the big one is 110 million, and the small one is 52."

The bargaining was over. Although Jin Qi was chatting with Xiao Yaxian, Fengjuan knew exactly what happened here.These two pieces of wool are both gold and jade on the outside, but they can't be clearly stated in the flocks.According to the current negotiated price, it will undoubtedly be cut down, which has already hinted at Fengjuan's pity that people don't appreciate it.Seeing that the deal was about to be completed, he was in a hurry, so he simply said with a loud voice: "Sister Xiao, how do you think the two pieces of wool that Fengmei bought are doing well?"

How smart Xiao Yaxian was, he knew that Jin Qi's words had a reason, otherwise he wouldn't have opened his mouth at this time in disregard of the business rules.So I simply gave him an excuse and said, "I don't understand, what does Brother Jin think?"

Jin Qi waited for this sentence, and immediately replied: "Typical gold and jade are outside, and there is nothing in it. Two words: cut down!"

As soon as the words fell, the three people who were finalizing the price fell silent.Boss Zhou first stared at his small eyes, and said coldly: "What does Mr. Jin mean by this? Are you from the circle? Do you understand the rules?"

Jin Qi pretended to be stunned, and hurriedly said: "I just said it casually, but I didn't expect the sound to be louder, which hindered Boss Zhou from making a fortune. I'm sorry, you just pretend you didn't hear it, and continue to trade, continue to trade." Turning around while talking.

Boss Zhou said angrily: "I look down on people who pretend to understand, but I am a bit like what I describe."

"According to Boss Zhou's words, aren't your two pieces of wool stuffed by people?" Jin Qi turned around again, with his arms folded in front of his chest, with an angry expression on his face.

Boss Zhou didn't sell the bill, and shouted: "Do you dare to bet? Just bet on these two pieces of wool. Each piece counts as 20. If you lose it, I will lose you 20. If you win or tie, you lose [-]. Dare you Is it? Don’t just eat seven taels of duck and half a catty of mouth.”

Jin Qi smiled lightly, and said: "20 is a little short, it's better to make up 100 million. Bet 50 per piece. How about it?"
Boss Zhou was taken aback, 100 million?If you lose, it will be 100 million!He hesitated before opening his mouth, while He Wenhao laughed loudly and said: "Boss Zhou, you may not know that Mr. Jin is 900 million and you dare to give it away casually. What is a mere 100 million? What, dare not? I will help you." Let’s bet 80 together, don’t forget that I’ll take the lion’s share of the winnings.” After she finished speaking, she felt that something was wrong, and Feng Juan’s expression fell in the blink of an eye. The 900 million was given to her father, so how could she make fun of it.He hurriedly said: "Boss Zhou, you and Mr. Jin take a step forward in the bet, and do the buying and selling first. I agree with the big one at 110 million, and the small one, 50 is free, and [-] is easy."

Things have come to such a point, people bet you 80, let 100 should not be!Boss Zhou immediately made a deal.Of course, he would not let the raving man go, staring at Jin Qi, he wrote out a cash check and placed it at the impartial person Xiao Yaxian.Jin Qi frowned and wrote a cash check of 50 million yuan and handed it to Xiao Yaxian. He was not frowning because he had to write the check first (he wished for it), but Fengjuan still bought the eight-kilo A little guy, throwing away [-] yuan for nothing, clearly showing that Ning Xin's surname is He, and unwilling to listen to his own attitude, this is what makes him sad.

Here Boss Zhou accepted He Wenhao's cash check of 110 million yuan for the purchase of the stone, and Fengjuan's check of 50 yuan at the same time.He swiped out a check for 20 yuan and handed it to Xiao Yaxian. He was secretly proud that the two stones would never be broken.

When He Wenhao handed over the 80 cash check, he glanced at the furious Jin Qi with disdain, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, put the check in your bag for the time being, and I will pay it back soon. Of course, I will invite you for supper today." deal."

Among the few people, Fengjuan felt the most awkward. When she handed over the 50 wool check, she realized that she had made a mistake, and it was a serious mistake. She stood opposite him for a piece of wool, even though she also felt that the wool she bought would not be worth it. Cut down.He would rather give it away than sell it at a low price, but it is more than 900 million.Looking at Jin Qi's disappointed and frustrated eyes, she almost shed tears.

Boss Zhou was of course happy, so he made a phone call, turned around and said to everyone, "My friend's processing factory is not far away, and he is still in the factory, so I just asked him to explain the stone, can it be free?"

I'm so anxious, I can't wait for the night!

Xuji Jadeite Processing Workshop is just two streets away, and there are six jade unwinding machines in a row in the simple factory building.The accuracy of this new jade unwinding machine is 0.5 mm. After the position is confirmed, the machine cover is put on, and it can be done in a few minutes.He Wenhao decided to remove the big one first, and after repeated deliberation with Boss Zhou, he finally decided on the location of the knife.Fifteen kilograms of wool was lifted onto the machine seat, the motor hummed softly, Xie Yugong slowly lowered the cutter, pressed the button, and heard the sound of Xie Yu began.

Everyone was nervous, but Jin Qi was turning around in the processing plant like a normal person.Seeing the piles of leftover wool beside the wall in the courtyard, I couldn't help being interested, and I approached and glanced at them one by one.I thought it was to practice eyesight and relieve boredom, but unexpectedly, I found a leak among the piles of leftover materials.The size of a fist, like a broken corner of a boulder.The incision is white and chilly, but Jin Qi's eyes have a beautiful green mass the size of an egg, and the thick or light outline of the eyes is very realistic and moving.It's funny to think that a charming green eye has been lying quietly in the gray stone corner for several years.He leaned over to remove a few rocks, picked up the corner of the rock, and weighed it to about two kilograms.Just as I was about to continue, someone behind me shouted, "Are you making С goods?"

С goods are half-true and half-false jade pieces made of garbage raw stones or dyed or filled, which are specially sold to the tourist product market.This kind of leftover material is exclusively for С goods vendors.

Jin Qi nodded immediately, and said timidly: "I want to pick a few more pieces, what price?"

"No matter good or bad, big or small, you can choose whatever you like at [-] yuan per kilogram. There are big ones over there. I'll put them in the cart and let me estimate the price. You won't suffer any disadvantages." As he spoke, he walked towards Xie Yuji. .

Jin Qi secretly applauded, one hundred yuan per kilogram?This is a beautiful and fashionable emerald green!Wouldn't it be nice to have such a good thing on the first day in Yangzhou!He hurriedly searched for treasures, and didn't care about why the sound of the Jieyu machine was on and off.It's a pity that after working for a long time, I searched all over the walls and corners of the courtyard, but I didn't find a second piece of value.I was a little disappointed, but then I thought about it, if there are leaks everywhere, wouldn't I call the factory owner a big idiot?Thinking of the other side, there is still a lot of material, so I searched for it.

The so-called large ones are more than ten kilograms.It seems that it has been accumulated over the years, moss has grown on dozens of ugly rocks with missing arms and legs, and they are as tall as a person when stacked together.The golden flag does not need to be moved, and everything is clear with a slow glance.Hi!Sure enough, there are treasures!Surprisingly, it wasn't just one piece, it was two pieces.When he removed the rocks and dug out two big rocks from the bottom, he found that they were actually one, and the two in the middle became two.

The two pieces of wool are not too big, about [-] kilograms each.It is not eye-catching in a pile of leftovers, which is why it is kept to this day.The appearance looks exactly like ordinary stones, rough, off-white, and rubs the hands. At that time, I must have thought that I would only look at the fake wool when I came across it, and I didn't bother to look at it, so I discarded it in the corner.Seeing that the person who greeted him just now was not far away, Jin Qi picked up a small one and walked over with two big ones.

The worker who greeted Jin Qi was the boss Xu of the processing workshop. When he saw the customer making dangerous moves, he immediately pushed the cart to meet him and shouted: "Be careful, put it down first, and I will help you." Jin Qi arrived in two steps. In front of the car, gently put down three stones and said, "Estimate, how much?"

"About 32 kilograms, three thousand is enough. My friend, you have really strong wrists."

Jin Qi smiled and said, "I still want to untie it, how much is it?"

Boss Xu took a look and smiled wryly.Is this stone still useful?People's hearts are not ancient, and this kind of delusional and lucky people will never be extinct.No, there is one in front of you.He said coldly: "It's all three thousand and three."

Jin Qi paid the money quickly, and pushed the cart to Jie Yuji.Hey, three of the four squatted down in desperation without making a sound. In front of them was a pile of thinly sliced ​​wool. Although Jin Qi had known the result, he still couldn't laugh out loud because of the tragic situation.It's clearly broken!
The 20-kilogram piece was cut into seven or eight pieces. Except for the small window that was originally opened, the outer side was still shining with fresh green, and the inner side had turned pale green.What's worse is that the farming has also undergone fundamental changes, turning into chicken-skin-shaped sand and salt land.That is to say, except for the window opening, the layer less than two centimeters is regarded as emerald material, and the rest can only be thrown to the corner of the wall.That piece of ice bean green is worth less than 90 even if it is full, it seems that [-] is a loss.

The small ones of eight kilograms are half harvested.It is only cut into three pieces, first with a knife in the middle, half green and half white.Another knife in the center of Bai's half, Quan Bai had no choice but to give up.The green part on the half side also fades away. If you design it carefully, you can make two pairs of bracelets and a few flower pieces. The quality can only be third-class. If it sells well, you can get back more than 30 yuan, and 50 yuan will definitely not be able to get back. .

Among the three faces, the one surnamed Zhou was the worst. The original red and fat face seemed to have been peeled off and then painted with white paint. He bowed his head and was speechless.In fact, he lost the least, only 20, but what he lost was reputation and business.For a businessman, losing the future is more painful than losing anything.He was now preoccupied with how to deal with the matter at hand.

He Wenhao had nothing to do with it, he lost 90 in cuts and 80 in bets, and 170 million can be recovered with a good deal. He was thinking about embarrassing in front of Fengjuan.Both parents agreed to their children's marriage, the key is that Fengjuan did not nod.This meeting in Yangzhou is a godsend opportunity, he is confident that he will catch up with the beauty, but suddenly Cheng Yaojin appears.He had a strong feeling that Fengjuan had a crush on this master with strange wolf-like silver-gray eyes, and it was exactly the kind of affection between a man and a woman.It made him uneasy, heightened by his predicament.

Fengjuan felt very sad, this was the second time she came to participate in the fair after taking over the jewelry store.The first time I bought two and a half yuan of gambling materials, one of them was bought from Boss Zhou, and I lost more than 40 yuan.What's more serious is that jadeite is popular in China and there is no product to sell. The profit of the finished product from the processing factory is so small that it can't beat a single product. How can this be done?If you don’t sell fashion, you won’t be popular, and if you don’t have popularity, other businesses are [-]% flat. The pressure on all aspects of the company is intensifying, so this time I borrowed a huge sum of money again, and came to Yangzhou to give it a try. Unfortunately, the first shot was dumb.She was also saddened by him, this bad guy clearly knew that it was a pit, and even watched him jump down.Why not pull yourself hard?Why didn't you say there was a problem with the wool?In vain, I often miss him, miss the pair of eyes that become more and more impenetrable.Are there silver-gray eyes in the world?It's kind of like a northern wolf.Ouch, why did you think of wolves?Look, they also pushed a small cart back, filled with stones, white stones to piss us off?Laugh at us?

Xiao Yaxian was the most relaxed, this was the situation she hoped for, and now she wished she could immediately take out a million cash check and throw it to him.But what is he doing?Looking at the two stones in the cart, he asked puzzledly, "Brother Jin, what is this?"


"Where did you get it? What are you pushing it for?"

"I just bought it. There is a small piece of wool that I want to untie here." He said and picked up the corner of the stone and handed it to Xiao Yaxian.

Puchi laughed out loud: "Brother Jin, you are so confused. You want to untangle a stone you picked up from the wall. This is a jade unscrambling machine, not a stone crusher. Hehe, you are so cute."

He Wenhao on the side seized the opportunity and said: "Mr. Jin's kung fu of seeing the gold may be able to unravel the green from the stone. It should be undone, and it should be undone. Come, come, come and wipe off this piece of wool. I will pay for it." .”

No one could hear He Wenhao joking. It was Jin Qi who gave the stone corner to the worker as if he didn't understand, and told him to grind three sides and cut the other side. It is not a rare and shocking jade.Even the dejected Boss Zhou couldn't help cracking his lips.

Workers can do what they are paid to do.A portable diamond grinder was grinding, and the sound of "唦唦" was noise to everyone's ears, but to Jin Qi's ears it was music, beautiful light music.Due to the sand and dust, everyone couldn't see clearly what kind of face the stone corners on three sides were rubbing, but what was strange was that the workers ran away holding the stone corners, and came back with Mr. Xu after a while.Unlocking the jade machine, Mr. Xu set the knife position himself, and personally operated the knife, and the knife fell steadily...

The worker fetched two basins of water, and Boss Xu carefully took out the untied stone corner with both hands.Everyone frowned, did a miracle really happen?Could it be that the stone corner has become a treasure?Otherwise, the workers will fetch water, and the boss will use jade.

As if holding a sacred object, Boss Xu first soaked his hands into a basin of water to shake off the stone dust, and then put the stone corner in his hand firmly into the second basin of clean water.As he pulled his hands away, there was a basin of green water in front of everyone, and a big green eye was staring at everyone in the clear green water...

There was silence, as if even the beating of the heart had stopped.This is a shock, a shock to the soul!It's unimaginable how beautiful it is, like a flash of lightning lighting up the dark world, all colors lose their meaning, only green exists.

"Chunyan! This is Chunyan!" Boss Xu shouted out first.I haven't cut out a decent green for many months, and I almost think that jadeite is bean green, oil green, and river green.Today, the green was finally cut out, which is more symbolic than practical for a Xieyu Workshop.Who doesn't want to unravel the jade that they have gambled with a huge sum of money in the workshop where the knife sees the green?In vain, it is a workshop for cutting out "spring eyes".Boss Xu didn't feel annoyed that he was picked up by others. He thought it was fate, it was a gift from God, and he couldn't force it at all.It is a great honor and pride to be able to solve "Spring Eye" by myself.The young man should be thanked, his profound blessings made the treasure no longer dusty. "How wonderful, how wonderful, Xu Ji can solve the 'spring eye', who in Yangzhou can compare, who dares to compare! Dude, find a camera to take a few photos, this gentleman can let me take a few photos ?"

(End of this chapter)

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