big bet

Chapter 30 The Stone Betting Begins

Chapter 30 The Stone Betting Begins (3)
Without saying a word, Zhang Huanzhi rushed forward to observe.Zhang Yun knew about rocks but had never played with rocks before. She was very excited. She was equipped with a super magnifying glass, a bright flashlight, and a spotlight that she had prepared in her small satchel. .After a while, they shouted: "Brother Jin, look at the performance of this piece of wool."

This is a piece of gray card wool, with a grayish-yellow leather shell and a finger-wide python belt.There is a light layer of green on the part where it is wiped, and it becomes more and more pale into the color of winter melon.Of course Zhang Yun can't see these things. In her eyes, the layer of light green at the small window is very attractive.Jin Qi walked over, looked at it for a long time and shook his head.Zhang Yun wanted to ask why, but held back the words.She knows when to ask and when not to ask.

Zhang Huanzhi has already seen all the four and a half yuan wool fabrics on the west side. Although the windows that have been wiped open are not badly attractive, he knows that these wool fabrics have a word "hanging" based on his years of vision.After looking at a few more pieces, I was only interested in a small woolen material of seven or eight kilograms.Seeing Jin Qi approaching, he said softly in Heshi's words: "This piece of yellow salt leather is not too big or too small, and the grains are relatively well-proportioned. The weathered parts are not rough, like old pit material. Wiping off a corner, it is taking the head of a python. It is not green. Thick but powerful, there is probably a three-finger-wide ribbon at the back. Does Young Master Jin also take a look?"

The most helpless thing for Jin Qi now is that he clearly sees it clearly, but pretends to be serious about it.In fact, when he walked over, he saw clearly at a glance that this piece of wool was the only one to bet on in a large pile of wool.Wipe open the window and open the green like five fingers, and the fingers turn into chicken oil yellow, which is a typical yellow and green variety.Farming is not bad. The ice land is slightly weaker and belongs to the category of glutinous rice land. There are a few fly droppings that are still clean.After pretending, he said: "Mr. Zhang is very accurate. There must be green, and it is yellow and green. If the price is right, you should be able to gamble."

"Jin Shao, what is the estimated value?"

"There is a profit between ten and 15."

"Jin Shao will see if there is still another gamble. Let's talk to Boss Tang together."

Jin Qi put his mouth on the east wall, a piece weighing more than 30 kilograms, skimmed the black and gray leather and wool, and said: "If you wear the five-centimeter green belt to the end, it's very gambling, and you can earn 30 yuan."

Zhang Huanzhi approached it in amazement, and there is no doubt that it is green just by the direction of the clear python belt. In addition, there is a thin layer of green mist in the open window, which is a typical evidence of the color belt.The strange thing is why I didn't find it when I turned around?Zhang Huanzhi turned around and started haggling with Boss Tang about the price.

Boss Tang Da is also optimistic about the green belt, saying that it is an old material from Houjiang Kengkou, so don't even think about it without 50.He didn't pay much attention to the yellow and green piece, and the asking price was only 24.Zhang Huanzhi's tone is also tough, two yuan can be up to 50 yuan, if it doesn't work, forget it.He also called Zhang Yun and Jin Qi to leave, and waited for the three of them to leave the iron gate of the warehouse. Boss Tang let go. No matter what, he asked Zhang Huanzhi to add more to complete the deal.In the end, 52 yuan was added, and the transaction was [-] yuan.

Laughing, Zhang Huanzhi patted Boss Tang's outstretched palm, and said, "If it breaks when you go back, I will scold you."

"It would cost millions to untie the piece at Houjiang Kengkou. It's impossible to cut it down. I'm afraid that Mr. Zhang will get rich if he wins and won't tell me." Tang Dalao looked distressed, and sold the two stones It was only 52 yuan, and I didn't reach my predetermined profit at all. I felt very uncomfortable, but I couldn't regret it, so I sighed all the way out.

Zhang Yun and accountant Nancui Wang went to the bank to swipe their cards together, and the woolen materials were temporarily sent according to the old rules.The three of them returned to the street together, and within a few steps Zhang Yun hurriedly asked: "Brother Jin, can the two pieces of wool that my dad bought win?"

Jin Qi smiled and said: "Your father's vision is sure to win, and it's not enough to double it. If it is made into a small piece, the profit margin will be bigger. Boss Tang's heartache is so good that Houjiang's old material is really good. The prettiest piece."

"Brother Jin, what kind of land is it?"

"Ice seed, the real ice seed sungreen, with five color bands as thick as a finger."

Zhang Yun murmured softly when she heard the words, and looked up at the sky with an air of yearning.Zhang Huanzhi was also listening. What surprised him was not how easy it was to earn two pieces of Maoke today, but because Jin Qi's clear and careful analysis revealed that there were five finger-thick ice-green bands in the stone. can see?God, that's true. This is crazy.Zhang Huanzhi shook his head and denied this passing dangerous thought.

Zhang Yun thought for a long time, and said: "Fingers are thick enough to grind beads. A string of ice seed sun green beads is worth more than one million. Brother Jin, my dad has gained something, and me? I want to buy a piece for myself." How many good things do you want to make when you go back?

The lip line of Zhang Yun's small mouth is very soft and beautiful, and the corner of her lips provokes a wisp of pretended anger and anger, which is really affectionate.Looking at the little beauty beside him, Jin Qi couldn't help thinking of another woman.Is she wandering in a certain street with the handsome and rich He Wenhao?

I went to more than a dozen shops to see Shi Shi, but none of them were satisfied.To be honest, the really obvious good wool has been taken away by big households long ago, and besides, there are really only good things left in the pile of bricks and bricks, and it is not something ordinary people can gamble on.Zhang Huanzhi felt helpless, and dared not make a move, let alone a full bet, even a half bet.

When I passed by the front of a single room, I saw that the stone was being dissected in the shop, four or five men and women were surrounded by the grinding wheel, not afraid of the stone dust flying, leaning forward as if they were going to get into the wool.The three of them also walked in.What is being solved is a piece of yellow salt leather wool, which weighs no more than five kilograms. The surface of the leather shell is very fine. It is valuable, so the fine leather wool is highly gambleable.Probably the buyer bought it in this store, and unwrapped it on the spot to see what happened. With a sound of "pow", the woolen material was split into two, and there was nothing inside except for a few green lines that were twisted like hair. What was even more frustrating was that it turned out to be a field of winter melons, dotted with flies. Shit, completely cut down!
One of the well-dressed young men straightened up in frustration, sighed, turned around and left with a stomp.The two entourages beside them didn't dare to say anything, and one of them ran out with half of the scraps in his arms.When going out, he was still muttering: "20!"

The middle-aged woman who looked like the owner of the shop helplessly patted her hands with stone powder, and greeted the three of Zhang Huanzhi: "Hey, isn't this Mr. Zhang from Heshi? Come and have a seat at the shop."

Zhang Huanzhi smiled and asked: "Just now..."

"It was Mr. Li from Guangdong Jieyang Golden Sun Company just now. He said that he had just entered the rivers and lakes to practice his vision. 20 bets on the fine leather of Makeng, and it was cut. It doesn't matter to him. Yesterday, he cut 12 yuan a day, and it was cut into pieces. They all lose. People can afford to gamble."

While Zhang Huanzhi was talking with the proprietress, Jin Qi glanced at the five yuan left behind the store cabinet, all of which were throwaway goods.His eyes accidentally landed on a bamboo basket in front of the store. There were three small pieces of wool inside, which were also made of yellow salt skin, but the surface was rough and uneven, which was not worth looking at.Probably because there is no place to gamble, the store casually placed it at the door of the store, and there was a piece of paper and a board inserted: [-] yuan per piece.Buy it now!The three pieces are not big, and the largest one is less than two kilograms.It is this ugly [-]kg piece of wool covered with pockmarks on the surface that hides a small section of beautiful purple jadeite. The color is quite rich and colorful like the brilliant purple of the famous "Romantic Night" purple rose.If this small piece of purple jadeite is carved into a "romantic night", it will be a romance that will never wither.He saw Zhang Yun who was carefully inspecting some pieces of yellow salt fur, and asked, "Sister Yun, do you want to take a small gamble?"

"Brother Jin, which one to bet on?" Zhang Yun flew to his side like a happy bird.

"You go and pay [-] yuan."

Zhang Yun gave the proprietress [-] yuan suspiciously. Before the proprietress asked, Jin Qi picked a piece from the bamboo basket and walked to the hand knife wheel.She hurriedly asked: "Slow down, let me take a look first." Holding it in her hands, she looked right and left, no python, no pine flowers, not even a single sample of the original stone, just an ordinary stone with no value for gambling.She shook her head, tied her eyebrows into a knot, and returned the stone to Jin Qi.

Now that Jin Qi is very familiar with stone cutting tools, he started the cutting wheel with the consent of the proprietress.Everyone thought he was cutting it for fun, and when the proprietress was happy to finally get rid of a piece of scrap and make a small profit of [-], she heard Zhang Yun's cheers resounding through the room.She hurried over to take a look, "Oh my God!" The proprietress covered her mouth with her hands in astonishment.

After wiping with a rag, the cut surface was clearly presented in front of the four people. Who would believe that a piece of purple jadeite about 3 cm long and [-] cm wide was exposed in the center of a dry yellow sandstone. What is even more surprising is that the purple jadeite is crystal clear and gorgeous Dazzling turned out to be the long-lost glass species.It's incredible, like a sudden green tree growing in a desert, which makes people have to feel the wonder and mystery of nature while being stunned.

"What a beautiful purple jadeite made of glass!" Zhang Yun cupped it in both hands and kissed it involuntarily.She had already passed through several design proposals in her mind, and finally she blurted out: "Carving an amethyst rose is the most suitable."

The first thing that Zhang Huanzhi thought of was the value. With this piece of purple jadeite, it is easy to sell for one million yuan. If the carving is in place, it is not impossible to sell more than 200 million yuan.Looking at Jin Qi's plain expression, he thought, how on earth could this guy accurately judge the mystery in the stone?
The most frustrating one is of course the proprietress, she almost wanted to snatch it back.The people who know the goods are even more frustrated. They sold it for 200 million, and sold it for 200.Maybe the whole store's goods are not worth [-] million.She blushed and said, "Pay another one thousand untie fee!"

Jin Qi couldn't help laughing, and Zhang Huanzhi also laughed.After paying a thousand wrongs, the three of them went out of the store and had a good laugh together.The proprietress smashed a glass in the store!

Now that Jin Qi is relaxed, he wanted to help Zhang's father and daughter buy some good jade wool during this trip to Yangzhou. Now the father got two pieces and the daughter one was small but worth a lot of money, which is completely worthy of them.Then it's your turn to go crazy!Just as she was thinking, she suddenly heard Zhang Yun shouting joyfully again: "Look, why are there so many people around?"

On the right side of the fork in the road was a square, surrounded by many people, and there were shouts mixed with crying from time to time.Just as Jin Qi was about to go forward, Zhang Huanzhi stopped him and said, "Don't go, this is a silly stone betting, it's a big scam."

Zhang Yun asked strangely: "There are also scams in betting on stones? Dad, tell me."

Zhang Huanzhi's face was full of resentment, and he said in a hateful voice: "This is the most abnormal gambling in every public market. Many wool companies sell their garbage to some intermediaries, and they organize on-site gambling before the public market." , Each person bets 12 or 12 one stone at a time, which can be untied on the spot, and can also be auctioned on the spot. It is called "big gambling stone". It attracts countless gamblers, but the organizers make a lot of money, and the gamblers lose. Miserable. I lost [-] yuan in [-] because it was hard to resist the temptation of small bets and huge gains. At that time, [-] yuan was more than half of the working capital of the factory. Afterwards, I learned that these gambling stones were completely repeated. The rubbish after picking is even deliberately used to deceive people by means of inserts, powder, fake pythons, etc. to seduce people to be fooled, and to mix ordinary stones at the mouth of the pit to support the scene. Hundreds of fools spend millions of dollars every year. It’s disgusting to give them away for nothing! Of course there are certain rewards, but they are all pre-arranged entrustments. This kind of ‘big gambling stone’ is getting more and more rampant now, we must not give money away.”

Before the words fell, there was another sound of regret from the crowd, with a series of wailing among them.

Zhang Huanzhi spoke very seriously. He clearly remembered that he had gambled twelve times in a row, and each time he failed miserably. In that year, the company almost went bankrupt, and Zhang Yun's mother was so angry and exhausted.When gambling and losing in a row, people will lose their rationality, and if they throw everything at once, the end will be a miserable one.Thinking of the loss of his beloved wife in this way, there was a colic in his heart, and his forehead was suddenly covered with cold sweat, and his face turned pale.

"Dad, what's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?" Zhang Yun flashed anxiously.

"I'm a little tired." Zhang Huanzhi's voice was hoarse, and his expression was very bad.

"Go back and rest?"

Zhang Huanzhi nodded in agreement, Jin Qi offered to give it away, but the father and daughter declined.They went back in a manpower three-wheeler. Before leaving, Zhang Yun said to Jin Qi: "Brother Jin, don't gamble, it's a lie, you know?"

Can you not gamble?After Zhang's father and daughter finished walking, he squeezed into the crowd.A thick red rope blocked a field of about 200 square meters. There were more than 10 gambling stones of different sizes piled up inside.There is a platform on one side, and a stone-cut bed is built on the platform.A fat woman with a semi-conductor speaker was standing on the stage and shouting: "Gamble on rocks, bet on rocks! One hundred thousand bet three yuan, and you can pick a big one and get a billionaire. It's easier than anything else. Bet! , whoever dares to try their own eyesight will enter the red circle, [-] yuan and three pieces of wool, three chances to become a rich man..."

Sure enough, someone in the crowd jumped into the rope ring, threw a heavy stack of cash to the fat woman, and then plunged into the wool pile.

Jin Qi was overjoyed looking at more than 200 pieces of wool, as if seeing many coins dancing.He giggled secretly, opened his eyes slightly, and looked intently.One piece of rubbish after another, after seeing five or sixty yuan, it was all waste.Do not!When it came, a piece of violet jadeite rushed into view.This is a big woolen material with a brown skin and a strange shape, weighing more than 60 kilograms.Half a foot into the flesh, there is a group of purple hearts the size of a baby's head. Although it is lighter than the "Romantic Night" purple in Zhang Yun's hand, it still belongs to the purple water lily, beautiful and elegant.The land that is slightly worse is the glutinous rice field, and it can also be called the ice species if it looks high.The pretty purple around the purple heart gradually fades like a halo around the purple heart, which is very flavorful.Jin Qi laughed, who said it was all rubbish?This kind of baby is here because its appearance is too ordinary, too much like ordinary stone.However, there are often amazing masterpieces in the ordinary.

Continuing to search, there is a small rough stone of about [-] kilograms obliquely pressed behind a large piece of wool. It looks off-white like a coarse sand skin, but inside it is a very popular transparent white jadeite, and only one centimeter away from the skin is full of glass species.What a blessing!Just the seven or eight kilograms of real material is less than [-].Jin Qi couldn't help but think that it was impossible to pick up so many.Is it possible that this batch of bets are of good quality and origin?Just thinking about it, the woman on the stage shouted again: "Don't hesitate, if you miss it once a year, you have to wait until next year. You are all stone gambling masters, and you can see at a glance that this year's wool is different from previous years. To put it bluntly, the government does not allow us Nonsense, the wool is all first-hand, so the betting price is also high. The chances of betting first-hand are even greater, if you are a man, just take a gamble and win, and the colorful world is waiting for you."

Regardless of whether it is first-hand or second-hand, Jin Qi focused on searching again.Maybe it was really first-hand, Jin Qi caught another fish, and it was a big one.

(End of this chapter)

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