big bet

Chapter 48 Casino Stone Gambling

Chapter 48 Casino Stone Gambling (3)
This coquettish woman is exactly Miss Fourth He Wenhao was talking about, seeing her, Jin Qi understood everything.

Fourth Miss slammed the door out, and immediately arranged a robbery.Taxis, muzzles, bullets, and more are all part of the plan.Later, he was taken to the boat, tortured, asked about the whereabouts of money and property, and finally he was dying, and they stopped temporarily when his life was hanging by a thread.They didn't kill themselves immediately in order to continue to track down the money and property. Tomorrow might be their deadline.He kept sneering in his heart, thinking that he had never killed anyone, why not try?

The woman was still wiping her body, "beep" the laptop beeped lowly, the woman walked over and started operating the computer without wearing underwear.The two slender legs were swinging from time to time, which made Jin Qi furious.Every move, every frown and smile of this kind of coquettish woman unintentionally reveals a soul-stirring charm.

A string of text appeared on the screen: "Miss Four: I have combed the scene three times, but I still haven't found any bag with two pieces of jadeite. Now it's almost dawn, what should I do?"

The Fourth Miss snorted coldly, and quickly typed out a line of text: "Give you ten living people and you still can't find a leather bag, and it's not a needle. Keep looking, don't care if it's day or night. The police officer in the area is one of his own. Don’t be afraid. Expand the scope and search the roofs and yards on the side of the road carefully. If he is in a hurry, he may throw it far away. There are bank cards in the bag, tens of millions.”

The other party sent another text: "If I can't find me, how can I go back and explain? My father didn't know when the gambling stone was taken out. This is more than 3000 million things. If it is really lost, the old man will eat me alive." No."

Jin Qi understood that it was He Wenhao who was talking to Miss Fourth, and he was in a hurry to find the bag containing the jadeite.

The woman replied: "Are you a man, you came up with the idea, and you are guaranteed to win the bet. Now I am crying and mourning again. I own 5000 million, and I will lend you 5000 million or [-] million. There is nothing like you." promising."

"Okay, okay, blame me. Ask again if the surname Jin said it? Did you get the gold card?"

"The man passed out. There is nothing on the card. It has been peeled off and there is no place to put it. I think it is also in the bag. So you must continue to search, inch by inch. I will wake up the surnamed Jin later. , force it. In addition, you ask someone to get some ecstasy, maybe the hard ones are not enough, and the soft ones are fine. Okay, let’s go to work.” Miss Si closed the computer, walked to the dressing table and began to comb her long hair. All of a sudden, it seems that the mind is still elsewhere.

Jin Qi cursed secretly, and turned his eyes back to the cockpit. He never expected that a murder scene was going on in the cockpit.

The guy holding the steering wheel turned his head to the young man who was smoking against the back wall, and said, "Axiong, what is the red light in front of you?" The young man leaned forward and looked at it.The guy next to him suddenly pulled out a wrench from under the steering wheel, and slammed it hard on the back of A Xiong's head.A Xiong shook his head, a puddle of blood gushed out from the back of his head, and then his body limply fell down.The attacker raised a flashlight covered with a red cloth and waved it towards the dark sea.The sound of a motor sounded in the distance, and the attacker stepped up and leaned over.

So funny!Unexpectedly, there will be another good show of black and white, fighting in the nest.Jin Qi can get away immediately, and with his ability, it is still possible to cross dozens of nautical miles.But at this moment, he doesn't want to leave, he wants to watch a white show!Shen Jue secretly pinched his right wrist for a burst of brilliance, and Shen Zhan turned into a narrow and long sharp knife, and the sharp edge flickered in the air with a cold light.Jin Qi smiled, what are you afraid of with this artifact?He smeared a handful of smeared blood from the deck on his face, getting ready for the show.

After a while, a small boat approached the cruise ship, and six men in black boarded the boat lightly with weapons in hand.The driver whispered a few words in the ear of the strong man who boarded the boat first, and the strong man happily patted him on the shoulder and said, "Old Jiu, you have made the first contribution. Go, grab that woman." With a wave of their hands, the four of them After rushing down to the bottom cabin, the three went straight to the living area in the back cabin.

Fourth Miss was still immersed in the sea of ​​desire and reverie, the locked wooden door behind her cracked open, two men in black suddenly broke in, Leng Sensen's gun was pointed at her.Looking at the protruding red wine nose, she said in surprise: "Uncle Qi!"

Uncle Seven raised his voice and laughed, and said, "Miss Si, I didn't expect that the most despised wine bag and rice bag would point a gun at you. Haha, I really didn't expect my niece to welcome Uncle Seven like this. Tsk tsk, she is quite plump."

Fourth Miss stretched out her hand to pull the towel to hide her shame, but with one move, two guns immediately passed the watch.In an instant, she changed several times, and finally fixed on a charming smile all over her face.She took a step forward, and said softly, "Uncle Seven can play Xiaosi if he wants to, and he doesn't need to bring a gun?"

"Heh, can we play without a gun?" Uncle Qi's eyes moved down Xiexie, and a long stream of saliva flowed from his mouth.

Xiao Si took another step forward, and his voice became even more whiny: "Uncle Qi, why don't you try it, hurry up!"

Uncle Seven's eyes straightened when he heard the sound, and he was about to stretch out his left hand...Suddenly, the fourth lady moved, and both hands suddenly grabbed Uncle Qi's right hand holding the gun, and his right leg flew up to the right at the same time, so powerful that he kicked him to the right. When he was standing next to another thug in black, the big guy was kicked around twice before he fell heavily on the deck and passed out.

At this moment, Qi Shu's body was also driven so that he lost his center of gravity, he was tripped and fell down, and the pistol was thrown far away.Fourth Miss turned over and pressed on Seventh Uncle's head, a piece of underwear in her hand was already wrapped around her thick neck, and she was trying to strangle it with all her might!

Peeping here, Jin Qi admired this fourth young lady who reacted quickly and acted decisively. He really wanted to remind her to be careful behind her, but it was too late.

Fourth Miss's desperately exerting hands suddenly froze and remained motionless.Why?Because the muzzle of a gun was pointing to the back of his head, he dared not move even if he wanted to!

"Miss Si, please stand up slowly, yes, slowly, stand against the wall and put your head in your hands."

Pistol pointed can only do so.Fourth Miss heard the voice of the gunman, and cursed fiercely: "Old Ninth, you are a dog who eats inside and out!" Unfortunately, the curse was exchanged for a lot of punches and kicks.Uncle Qi, who had just suffered a loss and came back from life and death, tightly grabbed the woman's long hair and swung his mouth left and right. The beating made the woman's mouth full of blood and was not enough. He threw the woman to the ground and cursed: "Smelly Ladies, dare to bully me, I will trample you to death."

Lao Jiu held back the stomping foot, and said, "Qiye, save her life and do business."

Uncle Seven viciously kicked the woman with his heels a few times before shouting: "Tie her up tightly, and kill her together when the old one comes!" Figure out what's going on.Lao Jiu and the thugs tied up and down Miss Fourth tightly.

At this time, a brother came in to report that the opponents in the bilge were all settled, and asked what to do if there was still a prisoner?Lao Jiu recounted the situation of Jin Qi.Of course Uncle Qi understood that this was a way of making money, so he shouldn't throw it away casually, and said, "See if you wake up. If you don't wake up, throw it away. We will deal with him later when we finish our big business. This woman also threw it in the bilge. Add double locks and send two people to watch. The others are all thrown into the sea. Lao Jiu, you sail the boat to the high seas, and I will announce the good news to the second brother." He said and took out his mobile phone.

The old nine ordered Miss Fourth to be thrown into the bilge, and a big iron lock was added to the door. It was indeed impossible for ordinary people to escape.The sound of the motor roared again, and the yacht turned around and headed towards the dark, boundless open sea.

Jin Qi heard Uncle Qi calling, and his voice was full of excitement: "Second brother, it's done, and Xiao Si was caught. You can trick the boss into coming, this time you must kill them all!"

"Okay, prepare the mortar on your ship, and listen to my order to bomb his mother as soon as the boss's ship arrives." It can be heard that there is a very sinister person on the other end of the phone.

"Second brother, don't worry, Xu San is guarding the cannon."

"Little Si is up to you, but you can't kill her, because the boss will only give in after talking to her, so you have to let this woman live, understand? If you have something to contact, let's do it first. You are waiting on the open sea."

After chatting for a few more words, Uncle Qi closed the phone, found wine and wine glasses from the refrigerator, and went to the cab to find Lao Jiu.Now there are five thugs, three are guarding the bottom warehouse, and two are looking around on the deck. The yacht follows the speedboat in front and sails to the open sea one by one.

The Fourth Miss, who was still coquettish and charming just now, is now slumped on the bottom of the cabin with her face covered in blood and her body covered in dirt, like a pile of rotten meat.Jin Qi couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Within half an hour, everything changed, the master became a prisoner, and the assailant was beaten. What a retribution.Looking at the bloodstains on the delicate body with lotus root arms and snowy legs being strangled by the hemp rope, he sighed a long time.Looking around, he found a larger rag to cover the woman's shame.

"By the way, can you also untie the rope on me?" A pair of clear eyes were staring at Jin Qi without blinking.
Jin Qi couldn't help laughing. It turned out that the woman was pretending to be unconscious, and asked puzzledly: "Why do you want to help you? Because you wanted to kill me half an hour ago?"

"We can make a deal. If you help me escape from the yacht, we will turn our fight into friendship, and we will owe nothing to anyone." The woman kept her voice down as much as possible, so her bundled body leaned forward a few feet.

"Turning hostility into wealth? A joke, you guys almost beat an innocent person to death and said you don't owe anyone! Are you out of your mind!"

"You are the only one who is sick. You won my [-] million Hong Kong dollars, as well as our stone betting. If you don't look for it, you can look for someone."

"I won you [-] million? It's a joke, you don't believe it yourself."

"I mean you cost us a hundred million dollars."

"Miss Si, what does it mean to be willing to gamble and admit defeat? You are a member of the underworld, so you should talk about morality. You are greedy and cruel, and it is not the same thing as human life. If you lose, you will grab it, and if you can't grab it, you will kill it." It's a pity that God has eyes watching you! Retribution, retribution is about to come! Because of your stupidity, you have given a chance to those with evil intentions. Not only will you be humiliated and die, but your father and all your father's cronies will be wiped out , a mortar is waiting for them here.

"Impossible, you're talking nonsense." Fourth Miss was really anxious, and her voice couldn't help getting louder.

Jin Qi looked at her coldly and said, "Who is the man called Second Brother by Uncle Qi? He is instigating your father to come to rescue you by boat. Think about a shell that suddenly fell from an unsuspecting boat. Haha, the result is very clear."

Completely hitting the point, Fourth Miss was stunned for a moment, cold sweat seeped out of her forehead, and she couldn't help trembling all over.If the other party doesn't know, it is impossible to know the seventh uncle and the second uncle. They are the ones with ulterior motives and scheming conspirators, especially the second uncle. His father has repeatedly told him about his wolf ambition.It is entirely possible to use the daughter as bait to catch the father, and then catch all of them.It doesn't matter if he dies, why should he involve his father?Do this now?

this is how?Bumped to death?Let Uncle Qi not be able to threaten his father with his own life and death.After thinking about it, they thought it was impossible. They just had to trick their father into the high seas and attack him with artillery fire, and they didn't need to come forward at all.The only way to save him is to inform his father of the conspiracy and not fall into their trap.But how to notify?Another dead end.

Suddenly she saw a man who was less than one meter away from her, looking at her with disdain, as if what she saw was not a beauty who was being humiliated, but a pile of shit.She became resentful, and the most intolerable thing was that others ignored her beauty. At the age of 16, he came out to join the underworld. For eight years, countless men are willing to do anything for a kiss.Among them is He Wenhao from Changshu. He just let him dance with his arms around him, and he obediently smuggled gambling jade to Hong Kong to participate in gambling.This hateful man showed no mercy.He glared at him a few times, hum, he simply turned his head away.

this is how?It seems that I have to ask him to find a way.I don't know why I feel more and more that this man is not simple.She tentatively asked softly, "Hey, you know everything, why did you get caught by me?"

Jin Qi also asked himself this question several times, and concluded that he was a mortal when he was not on guard. Can mortals not be afraid of bullets?When the protection can be carried out automatically, and it is automatic protection every moment, then it is really a fairy.He replied coldly: "One is that I still treat you as a human being! The other is that you got lucky!"

"Hmph, I don't believe there are guns now, can you not get down?"

"Let's not talk about one gun, even if there are ten or a hundred guns, it's nothing to me."

"You can't say it proudly, aren't you locked in the hold like me?"

"That's because I don't want to leave, I want to watch a wonderful shootout movie, and I want to see how you, a nasty woman, die!"

Fourth Miss stared straight at Jin Qi, and slowly tears overflowed from her eyes and flowed down her cheeks.Jin Qi couldn't see the woman crying, but hated her so much that he turned his head away.

Fourth Miss begged: "Help me, I will definitely compensate you for the loss, please."


"Afterwards, I'll beat you up too, half to death, okay, Brother Jin. Please, untie my rope, and I'll kneel down and give you two bangs right away." What to say when the matter is urgent Can tell.

Jin Qi snorted coldly: "How much is kowtow worth?"

"Oh, Brother Jin likes money. Okay, let me make a price, and I will definitely give it when I get back."

"A shot is 1000 million, a beating is 1000 million, a total of 2000 million?"

"It's a bit more expensive, 500 million each, 1000 million in total, okay?" Feeling hopeful, the old temper returned.

"You shoot me in the right chest, and I'll give you 1000 million." Seeing her bargaining, Jin Qi couldn't help but slap her.

"Okay, 2000 million is 2000 million. Don't be angry, and you will definitely pay it when you get back. What should we do now?" Miss Si is a smart person, and she accepts it when she sees it.

"Just pay 2000 million for helping you contact your father?"

"I must pay, as long as I can talk to my father, I will pay 2000 million!" The fourth lady replied with certainty.

Jin Qi glanced at her and said, "Close your eyes."

She closed her eyes obediently, and after a while she heard the command to open them. The fourth lady opened her eyes and saw a brand new golden shell fashion mobile phone in front of her.She was delighted to find that the rope binding her hands was also loose, so she quickly grabbed her mobile phone and dialed the number. Within a minute, she got through, and the other party asked coldly, "That one."

"Dad, it's me, Xiao Si. Don't show your face. The second uncle and the seventh uncle have set a trap to trick you into the high seas and bombard you with some kind of cannon. You must not be fooled. I will find a way to escape myself. Yes, there are noble people to help. Remember that Laojiu, Sanmao, Ah Huo, and Zhou Xiaotian are all traitors, be careful of them. Dad, you haven’t been to the high seas, okay, quickly find a way to deal with second uncle. Seventh uncle is here with me, no Enough talking, someone is coming."

(End of this chapter)

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