big bet

Chapter 68

Chapter 68
Yan Xinmei seemed to be full of thoughts, frowned, said hello to the old Taoist and left in a hurry.Just as Jin Qi was about to turn around, he heard the gray-clothed old man with his back turned to him say slowly: "The benefactor has been here for a long time, did he know that female benefactor?"

The old Taoist turned around immediately, and when he saw the golden flag clearly, his whole body was visibly shaken, and his eyes sparkled with excitement.He didn't wait for Jin Qi to answer, and asked, "Could the benefactor's surname be Jin? He's a native of He City?"

Jin Qi is very strange, any old Taoist priest who walks out of the Xuanmiao Temple will recognize him, has he really become a celebrity?The old Taoist in front of him looked thin and thin, and the three strands of gray beard under his chin looked a bit like a fairy, and he stared blankly at himself, as if he had found an organization.He nodded in confusion and said, "My surname is Jin, and I'm also a local. I don't know what advice you can give me?"

The old Taoist shouted excitedly: "Your surname is Jin, your surname is really Jin! It is very similar, the eyebrows are exactly the same as the boss back then, even the slightly upturned chin is exactly the same, and you can recognize it at a glance. Your name What's your name? How old are you? What job do you do? Have you got a family yet?"

The series of questions were kind, and they sounded like acquaintances from the father's generation. Jin Qi did not dare to be sloppy, and answered one by one: "My name is Jin Qi, I am 28 years old, I have opened a small company to do jewelry business, and I haven't married yet. You always ..."

As if thinking of something, the old Taoist's face darkened suddenly, and after a long time he sighed and said: "I knew your father, and I should be his good friend during his lifetime. After 30 years, Lao Jin's appearance has paid off." You can be distinguished. You and your father look very similar, only taller. You don’t know the story of your father. As a man, he is almost thirty, and he should also know the story of the Jin family. Let me see if you Take some time to go to Yishan County in northern Jiangsu. There is Xiaoyi Mountain in the suburbs of the county. At the foot of the mountain lives a lame man named Cui. As long as you tell him that you are the son of Brother Jin, he will tell you a story about thirty years ago , Whether it’s joy or sorrow, doing evil or doing good, you make up your own mind.”

"Since the head fairy knows the story of the Jin family, can't you just tell me the story now?" Jin Qi was a little anxious, faintly feeling that there was something in the old saying.

The old Taoist shook his head and said: "I don't know exactly one thing. If I say something wrong, I'm afraid I'll make a mistake; the second thing is to repay each other with grievances. It's not what I think in my heart, so don't say it. But you should know, and the lame man sticks to it." Xiaoyishan has been waiting for you for 30 years, and he will explain it from beginning to end when you go.”

Jin Qi looked into the Taoist's eyes and couldn't see any inner thoughts. The Taoist was a calm and determined person.He said seriously: "I'll go to Yishan County as soon as possible, do you have anything else to tell me?"

"I just saw that you bought three pieces of bricks. They are fake. Throw them away. I wish you a safe journey." After speaking, the old Taoist turned and walked into the hall.

Fake?Jin Qi's "Vision Realm" took a closer look at the three pieces of ancient bricks wrapped in newspapers in his hand, and couldn't help shaking his head, admiring that the fraud has now reached the point of perfection.Carve some imitation seal characters on a piece of old wood, then seal it with mud to make thin bricks, seal it dry, burn it quickly and then polish it to make it old, and make up a story to deceive people.Unexpectedly, I just glanced at it and thought there was a universe inside the brick, so I was just fooled.With a wry smile, he snapped off the fake ancient brick, threw it into the trash can, waved his hand at the scammer who was looking at him from a distance, turned around and left.This is not pretending to be unrestrained, playing antiques is all based on vision, you deserve to be fooled, how can you be unrestrained if you are not chic?
In the middle of the night, she called Fengjuan and told her about going to northern Jiangsu tomorrow.Regarding Guandong’s opening of the Jinqi store, it is suggested to simply re-register the business license, which is nominally solely owned by Fengjuan.He always felt that he would have troubles, so he couldn't put all his eggs in one basket. "As for the funds, of course my husband will pay for it. I will remit 3000 million to your account tomorrow to make the store more beautiful. If it is not ranked first in Heshi, it should be second. Is my wife okay?" Colored.

The voice on the other end of the phone was still so clear and gentle: "Qi, do you want me to accompany you to Subei? They want to go."

"My wife is obedient, I will come back in two or three days, wait for me."

"Okay, stay safe."

After chatting for a long time, when I picked up the phone, I heard Wen Chang's angry voice coming from the other party's microphone: "Feng, don't spoil him, he left him on a business trip as soon as we met, really think you are a big entrepreneur, so busy?"

Jin Qi felt a burst of joy, Fengjuan and Wenchang, a pair of beauties with different personalities, wonder if they are also different in "civil and military" in bed?

Xiaoyi Mountain is the remnant of Lianyun Mountain Range, which stretches for more than ten kilometers on the coast of the Yellow Sea.In ancient times, the Lianyun Mountains were called Jiaolong going out to sea, while Xiaoyi Mountain was like a raised dragon head.Yishan County is just to the east of Xiaoyi Mountain. It was an economically impoverished county in the past, and it only improved slightly after the reform and opening up.A quarry of the Production and Construction Corps bombed Xiaoyi Mountain with explosives for more than ten years, destroying half of Xiaoyi Mountain and leaving the leader in ruins. At that time, it was considered to have supported 180 educated youths.The quarry was closed more than 20 years ago, but until today, half of the rocks on the wall are like dense bones, which makes people tremble with fear.

Back then, the educated youths carried rocks that were much heavier than their body weight and climbed down the Banpo step by step, accepting "transformation".Jin Qi's parents have fought here for ten years, and his father gave his young life for it.As the son of an educated youth, facing the desolation and scars in front of me, I have mixed feelings. I don’t know how to evaluate this vigorous movement of educated youths going to the mountains and going to the countryside. The signs of the times have hardly faded away, and even today we still shout "youth without regrets".

At the foot of Xiaoyi Mountain, there is a stone wall made of chaotic stones, inside the wall is the original quarry.The gate has already collapsed, and several rows of brick and tile houses are also in ruins.The two doors on the east side are doors and windows are windows, and they are still in good order, and you can tell that there are people living there at a glance.This is the second time for Jin Qi to come here. The first time, the owner of the house refused to answer a word and refused to let him in.Today Jin Qi was fully prepared, as soon as he pushed open the half-covered door, he shook the four large wine bottles bundled together in his hands, shouting: "Uncle Cui, look what is this?"

Leaning on the bed was an old man nearly sixty, with silver hair, deeply wrinkled forehead, lame legs, and crutches resting beside the bed.His name is Cui Binyi, and he is the last "soldier" still staying at the quarry of the Production and Construction Corps.Because of his disability, he was given a subsidy, and because of his disability, he lost all hope and became the guardian of the abandoned quarry.After staying for more than 20 years, I don't know what kind of belief supports him to suffer alone in the mountains.Hearing the sound, the old man opened his red drunken eyes, rubbed his distilled nose, and said, "Hey, how do you know I like this Yihe ditty?"

Jin Qi smiled and said, "When I walked away in despair yesterday, didn't Uncle Cui see me with wine in his eyes?"

Old Cui laughed, turned around and grabbed two wine glasses as soon as he reached out his hand. He opened the bottle cap and poured two glasses without saying much. , four bottles are a little less."

"Uncle Cui, look here." When Old Cui turned his head, Jin Qi took out another four bottles of white wine as if by magic, and seven or eight paper-wrapped cooked vegetables, including chicken, duck and fish, and put them on the table.

Old Cui's old eyes are shining, good wine and good food are the most important.Jin Qi also found a pair of chopsticks to accompany him to drink slowly. He wasn't in a hurry. He knew that he couldn't handle it when he recklessly broke in yesterday and was kicked out. Didn't you see the empty wine bottles piled up under the bed?Early this morning, I prepared twelve bottles of Yihe Xiaoqu and more than a dozen catties of food and drink in the county, and I was going to have a good drink with the old man.

Half an hour later, after drinking a bottle of white wine, Old Cui's nose began to light up, his voice became more lubricated, he poured a full glass into his mouth, and said, "It's a bit like the boss, no, Jiufen is like Jin Dongqiang, and he looks exactly the same when he drinks. You Said that your name is Jin Qi, and the old Taoist priest called you here? This guy always likes to pretend to be mysterious and make it mysterious. In fact, his name is Tian Yi. He is the youngest and the third among the three of us. You should call him Third Uncle. Last year when he came to see me, he was dressed in a Daoist uniform, which surprised me. The second child usually likes metaphysics, but after returning to Heshi, his job was not good, and his wife was not found. He simply entered the Daoist sect more than ten years ago, what a pity."

He filled the boss's wine glass again, and asked softly, "Second Uncle, is my dad the boss?"

Squeakingly sucked up the full glass of wine, sighed and said: "There are dozens of educated youths and men and women in He City, just the three of us get along well, and we swore to become brothers. Your father is the oldest month."

"Where's my mother?"

"Feng Chunye, the number one beauty in the quarry, can sing and dance like a gentle breeze. When it blows there, it's like spring. The boss was the first to strike. At that time, there were several educated youths from cities in the quarry. , are older than the educated youths in He City. In those days, regardless of money or status, they were harder than anyone else's fist. Seven or eight people fought in a melee, with bloody heads. The three of us are naturally better than one alone, and finally the boss Hug the beauty back home! Ahhh, it’s fun to think about it!” Maybe thinking of the scene of the bloody battle for the United States, the old man’s face was red and his eyes were shining brightly. It’s the happiest time of the year for the boss, he dragged your mother to go to the back mountain every day. Why go to the back mountain? Haha, there’s no one in the back mountain!”

"What happened later? Where's my mother?"

The old man's face turned dark all of a sudden, and he asked after drinking a few glasses, "Are you prepared enough?"

Jin Qi realized that the story had begun, and it must be a tragedy.He said helplessly: "Second Uncle, you have to face it anyway. Tell me, I think I can resist it."

"Anyway, it's not good, you must have expected it. Before you say it, you can choose, because you have come here without a father or mother for so many years, and you seem to have a good life, so you can choose to give up the kindness and resentment of your parents and continue. Live your own peaceful life. This is also the purpose of driving you down the mountain yesterday. You don’t have to bear the crimes and punishments of history. Once you know the past, I think your life will be full of pain and hatred from then on. How do you choose? Woolen cloth?"

When he said these words, Jin Qi felt that the old man was no longer a drunkard with no aim at all, but suddenly became energetic, and his face honed by the years became hard and bright under the sunlight penetrating outside the house, like a piece of jade with horns rock.His eyes were no longer drunk and hazy, but sparkling, and he was staring at himself.Jin Qi couldn't help feeling unimpressed, and even had an impulse. He tried his best to suppress his emotions, and said softly, "I choose to know the truth."

After a while, Lao Cui sighed and said: "Well, you have the right to know the truth. In [-], the boss met two joys and two sorrows. One was happy with you, Feng Chunye was pregnant; Crystal, very special crystal, the boss said it is of great value. The two tragedies are: one of the tragedies is that Feng Chunye’s mother tried her best to oppose your parents’ marriage. Feng Chunye’s parents are both cadres of the He City Education Bureau. Returning to Heshi, naturally there will be more hurdles if you get married. The second sorrow is that Feng Chunye has another suitor, and he is quite a strong suitor. To be honest, although Feng Chunye is pregnant, every move of a mature young woman It is even more attractive, and it is so beautiful that all men are greedy. At that time, the former director of the quarry was retiring, and his son Yunfei took over. When Yunfei saw Fengchunye, he was shocked and could not Self-restraint. Your parents are not legally registered, so it is completely reasonable for Yunfei to pursue. It is a pity that Jin Dongqiang kept running to the back of the mountain like a demon during that period of time. We persuaded him many times to no avail. Chunye's stomach is getting bigger day by day, but the boss still ignores it like a ghost, spending all day in the back mountain digging for treasure. Looking back now, maybe this is fate."

Silently downing two glasses of wine, Old Cui continued: "When Feng Chunye was about to give birth, he was sent to Changbu Hospital in advance. I still remember that the boss sent Feng Chunye to the car and came back and said: 'Second, third, I am about to have double happiness. Chunye will give me a son, and Yishan will give me a treasure. Do you understand the memory crystal? It is not an ordinary crystal, but a crystal that can remember, a treasure that is priceless. I told Chunye, and she also I'm happy for me. It's almost there, and I'll tell you in detail when the time comes.' The boss didn't worry about Chunye's departure. In a few days, the boss was dismissed from the position of production platoon leader, assigned to the blasting team, and became a point bomber. This job is dangerous, especially when dealing with squibs. My leg is caused by an accident. of."

Old Cui sighed and lit a cigarette, Jin Qi took out a tea bag from his satchel, brewed a cup of strong tea and handed it to him.Taking a sip, Old Cui said emotionally: "Good tea, Dongshan Biluchun in my hometown. I haven't tasted it for more than 20 years. I didn't expect to have this blessing today. How much did you bring? Can you leave it all to me? "

Jin Qi asked as if he didn't hear it, "What happened next?"

After closing his eyes for a while, the old man said: "I really don't want to think about the tragedy at that time! I remember that it was a very cold winter morning. The boss and I were assigned to deal with the squibs at the blasting site in the middle of the mountain. They said that we buried the medicine yesterday. There was no explosion, so we should deal with it ourselves. My boss and I climbed up to the work surface in the cold wind. It is reasonable that we should go up together, but for some reason, the boss suddenly stopped me and told me to wait ten meters away. At that time, he looked at me. His eyes were a bit strange, as if there was a meaning of farewell. I watched him climb up the rock wall and grope in the crevices of the rock. After about 3 minutes, the boss was shocked and fell to the sky... Then there was a loud noise, Flying stones all over the sky!"

Tears rolled down from the red drunken eyes, and flowed down the wrinkled cheeks, and the voice was a little whimpering, Cui Shu continued: "I rushed up, the boss has become a blood man, his legs were blown off, and his chest was split open Come on. But he was still awake, and when he saw me, he said word by word with difficulty: "Someone has tampered with it, and I was killed. This thing will be handed over to my son in the future, and there are many more in the back mountain, which are worthless... …City.” Then I let go of my palm, and in my palm was a stone the size of a goose egg. As soon as I took the stone and put it in my pocket, the boss closed his eyes. I rushed down the mountain with my arms in my arms like crazy, but the boss never came again. Wake up. Afterwards, people from the head office investigated and concluded that it was an accident, and everything was over. Not long after you were born, you were sent back to the place of the eldest parents in Heshi, that is, your grandparents. After another year, A large number of educated youths began to return to the city under various names. In less than two years, the quarry was deserted, and there were fewer and fewer people. Even the cadres were withdrawn. In the end, only the director Yunfei and I were left. I was wondering why this kid If he didn’t leave, who would have thought that he invited more than a dozen local stonemasons to blast and pry them in the back mountain for a full nine months. During this time, he didn’t let me take a look, because the disabled should ensure their safety. A year later, I was left alone in Xiaoyi Mountain, and the eldest brother’s grave is in the back mountain, and the third child and I made the grave by ourselves, and I know his soul is still in Xiaoyi Mountain.”

(End of this chapter)

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