Chapter 12

After listening to Ma Xudong and Chen Li's narration, Wen Shouwei's face sank like water, while Li Changxiong was sitting on pins and needles, thin beads of sweat soaked his forehead, and he took off his hat from time to time to wipe.

"Bring Xie Tianming here." Wen Shou was silent for a long time before he said.

Ma Xudong stood up and walked out with a limp.

Ma Xingyu hurriedly stopped him: "Don't go, tell others to go."

"Then I'll arrange someone to take it." Ma Xudong finished speaking and went out.

Chen Li said: "Director, according to Xie Tianming's current situation, I suggest that you talk to him as an equal, and it is best not to make a record. Of course, it is better to be an old classmate. If you agree, no matter what he says What, even if he makes some anti-Party and anti-society remarks, don’t oppose, correct, or indoctrinate him, just listen. After his depression symptoms disappear, slowly guide and correct his views.”

"He made anti-Party and anti-society remarks, and he didn't correct them?" Wen Shouwei asked emphatically.

The arrival of Guard Wen last night undoubtedly gave Xie Xiaowan the greatest spiritual comfort. She asked Wen Ziping to go home to rest, but Wen Ziping couldn't persuade her, so he had to go home.He is really tired these days, it's better to go home and sleep.When he woke up, his father had already left, and there were porridge and bread on the table. Wen Ziping was worried that Xie Xiaowan would not be able to eat breakfast, so he picked up the breakfast that his father had prepared for Xie Xiaowan, and rushed to the hospital.Xie Xiaowan's complexion improved a lot, her face became rosy, and her appetite improved. She ate two bowls of porridge and a piece of bread.She also talked more, longing for Wen Ziping to accompany her back to her hometown, and recalling the bits and pieces of their childhood.

Just when the two were laughing and laughing, Liu Rui walked in suddenly.

Wen Ziping jumped up, opened his eyes wide, and called out in surprise, "Mom? Why are you back?"

Liu Rui looked unhappy: "Why can't I come back? How did you talk?"

"No, you won't be back until next month..." Wen Ziping explained.

Liu Rui glanced at Xie Xiaowan: "Who is she?"

Liu Rui asked knowingly, but her tone was very stiff.

Wen Ziping quickly introduced: "She is Xie Xiaowan."

Liu Rui deliberately asked again: "Who is Xie Xiaowan?"

Wen Ziping looked at her in surprise: "Xie Xiaowan is Uncle Xie's daughter."

Liu Rui still asked calmly: "Which Uncle Xie?"

Xie Xiaowan's complexion changed, her brows were furrowed, and she lowered her head.

Wen Ziping pulled her aside and said in a low voice, "Thank you Tianming, thank you uncle." He emphasized, "Mom!"

Liu Rui patted her forehead, pretending to be enlightened: "Oh..." She walked over and took Xie Xiaowan's hand, and said affectionately, "Oh, I haven't seen you for a few years, big girl. Xiaowan, look at me memory……"

Xie Xiaowan's eyes flickered, and she said flattered, "Auntie, please don't say that..."

Sitting on the hospital bed, Liu Rui looked at Xie Xiaowan and said, "These days, Ziping's work has disturbed me so much that I'm restless. No, I'm not halfway through my studies, so I asked for leave and came back." She looked up Wen Ziping said in a lecture tone, "Ziping, I told you to take your resume to the Finance Department, have you taken it yet?"

Wen Ziping said in a low voice, "Mom, I don't want to go there..."

"Hey! Hey! A lot of people are trying to get in. I managed to find an indicator for you, but you are welcome. Give me your resume!" Liu Rui stood up and stretched out her hand.

Wen Ziping ran towards the toilet: "I'm going to the toilet."

Liu Rui smiled wryly at Xie Xiaowan, and complained: "This child is really troublesome. The Finance Department is so good. It is close to home, easy to work, and well paid. There are three important things in this person's life. For a good university, the second is to find a good job, and the third is to find a good partner. If you don’t find a good job, how can you talk about a girlfriend in the future?” She looked at the toilet and whispered, “No, just now Dumped. Xiaowan, you and Ziping are friends of the baby, please persuade him more. Ah!"

Xie Xiaowan forced a smile and nodded.

The room was very dull, except for Chen Li, everyone including Guard Lian had an incredulous look on their faces.

"Yes, he is a person with serious psychological problems, and his mental illness must be solved first." Chen Li said solemnly.

Wen Shouwei smiled: "I see, he is a patient."

"That's right, the director is the director, and the mind is enlightened!" Chen Li said happily.

"Oh, it's amazing to be praised by the chief psychologist of our prison system!" Guard Wen smiled heartily.

Everyone laughed, but Li Changxiong felt that his smile was so forced.

Not long after, Xie Tianming was brought in.

Xie Tianming's eyes were dull, his expression was dull, and his movements were slow. He stared straight at the ground in front of him and walked mechanically. When he came in, he squatted on the ground in a daze.

Wen Shou found out that he was wearing handcuffs, and immediately said, "Remove the handcuffs."

"Report to the director, it cannot be undone!" Ma Xudong said.

"Why?" Wen Shouwei wanted to explode, but he held back when facing Ma Xudong.

Ma Xudong stood at attention and reported: "Xie Tianming is now in a high-risk period, and attacks may occur at any time. We must ensure the safety of the director."

Wen Shouwei said: "He is a patient, what can he do to me? Untie it."

"Director, I must be responsible for your safety, I am a living example!" Ma Xudong said stubbornly.

Wen Shouwei suddenly became angry: "I order you to untie it!"

Ma Xudong still stood there motionless, as if he didn't hear.

Chen Li said to him softly: "Jian Ma, everything will be fine, trust me. You forgot that this office of yours was originally designed as a conversation room, and there are surveillance cameras. Let's go to the surveillance room to watch, and then send The two policemen are guarding the door, isn't it safe?"

"Is it going to be all right?" Ma Xudong asked worriedly.

"Don't worry." Chen Li took the key of the handcuffs, unlocked Xie Tianming's handcuffs, then helped him to sit on the sofa in the corner, and found him two soft cushions, put them behind his head, and patted him. Pat him on the shoulder and said softly, "It's okay, it's safe here."

Xie Tianming rolled his eyelids and recognized her: "Is it you, Miss Chen? You are...good people, they are...bad people..."

"Let's drive the bad guys away, okay?" Chen Li asked him.

"Okay, okay..." Xie Tianming grinned, smiled foolishly, and danced.

Xie Tianming's rhetoric when we broke up in Longzigou after the college entrance examination, when he was the deputy county magistrate, he still told him the way to be an official in Longzigou, and when he was the secretary of the county party committee, he spoke eloquently on stage...Scenes and scenes are like movie clips. Wen Shouwei's mind flashed so clearly, as if it happened yesterday, and the person in front of him is his classmate Xie Tianming?Is it Xie Tianming who became the deputy county magistrate at the age of 28?Is that domineering county party secretary Xie Tianming?No, I can't find any traces of the past on the person in front of me, but an old man who is dying, a patient...

Chen Li persuaded the others to go out, pointed at Wen Shouwei, and then said to Xie Tianming: "I am Xie Xiaowan's classmate, we are still friends, and he is my friend, he is not a bad person."

"Xiaowan? You, classmate?" Xie Tianming seemed to be thinking hard, pointing at Chen Li, then pointing at Guard Wen, "He, friend... yes, friend, not a bad person, not a bad person..."

Chen Li made him a cup of tea, and found that Wen Shouwei had brought his own teacup, so she took his teacup away and replaced it with the same disposable paper cup as Xie Tianming, and signaled to Wen Shouwei that it was time to start.

"You and him, friend, talk, I'll go out for a while, ah." Chen Li said to Xie Tianming.

Xie Tianming looked up at him. Suddenly, he stood up suddenly, his eyes glowed, he looked directly at Wen Shouwei and said, "You are Wen Shouwei!"

Chen Li was about to leave, but she was also taken aback.

Xie Tianming suddenly sat down weakly, slumped on the sofa, and murmured: "I knew it was you, I...I..."

"Are you okay?" Chen Li asked softly.

Xie Tianming sat up straight suddenly, and said to Chen Li, "Officer Chen, I'm fine!"

Xie Tianming's tone was unhurried, revealing a kind of calmness, with a hint of majesty in it.

Chen Li couldn't figure out why he suddenly seemed to be a different person. What if something unexpected happened?Should it stay?She hesitated, after all, she didn't have much experience.

"Go out, I'll talk to my old classmates." Wen Shouwei said calmly.

Xie Tianming shuddered when he heard the word "old classmate", but immediately returned to his previous demeanor. However, his legs still trembled slightly involuntarily. It could be seen that he was trying his best to calm his emotions.

After Chen Li went out, Wen Shou took out a pack of cigarettes, tore them open slowly, and said, "One?"

Seeing that he didn't respond, Wen Shouwei lit one himself first: "I don't smoke, but I will smoke one with you today."

Then he walked over and handed him a cigarette.

Xie Tianming took the cigarette, put it under his nose and sniffed it, lit it on Wen Shouwei's lighter, took a puff, leaned his back against the sofa, and exhaled slowly, with a very elegant look and a lot more relaxed expression.

Silence, neither of them spoke.

"How is it here?" Wen Shouwei broke the silence.

"What is it like? Prison, that's it. Who am I? A prisoner, what is a prisoner? I am an enemy of the people and an object of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Some ferocious.

Wen Shouwei looked at him and said nothing.

"Why don't you talk? Come here to see my jokes? Or follow someone's instructions to dig deep into the root of my crime? So that I can repent? Rehabilitate with peace of mind and get a new life as soon as possible? Don't say these words, I'm tired of hearing them! "Xie Tianming looked arrogant.

"I do not have……"

"Who asked you to interrupt? If it was in the past, would you dare? I have always been your superior. If I hadn't capsized, I would have been at the departmental level, maybe at the provincial level, haha... look at you , or deputy office, I have asserted long ago that you are worthless, unable to be a high-ranking official, unable to do great things." Xie Tianming still had the tone of a leader, and said to Wen Shouwei, "I have been thinking about it for the past few years, why should I Come this far? Is it really inevitable? You will be caught if you reach out, bullshit!"

He paused for a moment. Wen Shouwei wanted to say something, but he was afraid that his mood would fluctuate, so he got up and fetched some water for him, and put it in front of him.

Xie Tianming went on to say: "In Montesquieu's "On the Spirit of Law", there is such a sentence, 'Everyone with power is prone to abuse power', this sentence is well said, power itself is expansive. Corruption and perishability are the most likely to coexist with corruption. In China, the party committee has absolute power, and absolute power leads to absolute corruption. This has become a universally recognized theorem. I must!"

"So, as long as power loses supervision, it will inevitably lead to corruption." Wen Shouwei sighed.

"Bullshit!" Xie Tianming stared at him and said disdainfully, "Do you understand structure theory? Structure determines function. For example, the same element is carbon, but due to the different arrangement and combination, it can become a diamond or a diamond. Graphite, and compared with graphite, diamond is very different in terms of hardness and use. Looking back at our country, the reason why there is a huge discipline inspection and supervision system on the one hand, and corruption on the other hand is getting worse. The crux of the problem is that the flaws in the state system have severely hampered its functioning.”

Xie Tianming laughed suddenly: "Forget it, let me tell you about the carbon element. Your science has never been as good as mine, so you may not understand it."

"Yes, I am good at liberal arts, but I still understand what you mean. You think that your corruption and your current situation are caused by our national system." Wen Shouwei said.

Xie Tianming looked at this former classmate and colleague, and seemed to find something on his face, but he was disappointed, Wen Shouwei was very calm.Logically, Wen Shouwei should refute him, but Wen Shouwei didn't do that, which puzzled him.

"Isn't it?" Xie Tianming continued, "Our country's leadership system is a mixed structure of party and government, that is, there are two sets of political institutions in the state power, and the principle of party governance is to rule by power. The party, and the government’s principle of governing the country is to rule the country by law. Power and the legal system are inherently enemies. But our country is a one-party system. When power and the legal system conflict, which one is more powerful or the law?”

Wen Shouwei listened carefully, thoughtful.

"As a result, the local party committee is the first blind spot that is not restricted and supervised by the legal system; under the mechanism that the law does not blame the public, 'collective leadership' has become the second blind spot; it is both a 'local party committee' and a 'collective leadership'. Leaders' is the third blind spot; finally, under the protection of the top leaders of local party committees, individual government departments and individual party members and cadres become the fourth blind spot."

Xie Tianming was a little complacent when he said this. He took a sip of water, clicked his lips, and continued to make a high-level statement: "Among the four blind spots, the most terrible thing is that the top leaders of the local party committee are not supervised and restricted. In Xiaogu County, we I am the secretary of the county party committee, and I am the emperor of the land. Even the county magistrate is under my rule. The discipline inspection and other cadres in Xiaogu County cannot supervise me. They are all promoted by me. Who dares to supervise me? And the superiors What about the higher-level discipline inspection? It’s too far away from me. When they come, I smile and greet them. The interpersonal relationship is harmonious, the officialdom is harmonious, and the society is also harmonious. Supervise you?"

"What? Do you have a different opinion?" Xie Tianming asked dissatisfied when he found that Wen Shouwei was frowning.

Wen Shouwei said: "I'm listening..."

"I am corrupt. I have violated the law and committed a crime. I admit this. But, under such a system, can you not commit a crime?"


"So I admit that I committed a crime, but my criminal process was completed out of control, out of supervision, and unconsciously. Isn't this sad? So, I am also a victim, and I am a victim of our national system. Victim, why should I repent? Why should I repent?" Xie Tianming was a little agitated, and his emotions began to fluctuate.

Wen Shouwei hurriedly handed him another cigarette, and simply sat next to him, and put a high hat on him while lighting his cigarette: "Oh, why are you excited? Let me tell you, you are still the same you before, you haven't changed at all. , still so high-spirited, come, come, smoke a cigarette, calm down."

"Oh, this is nature." Sure enough, Xie Tianming calmed down again, and sighed, "Officials at our level mainly rely on their own morality, not any legal system."

"So what?" Wen Shouwei asked deliberately.

"You still don't understand this? The helplessness of the organizational department! Since the founding of our country, there has been no real rule of law. The rule of virtue and the rule of man have always been dominant. Although many legal systems have been improved since the reform and opening up, there are still gaps beyond the legal system. The power of the superior, the legal system is only a vassal of power. Under this system, the self-discipline of people can only be emphasized, so the superior always tries to select an official with strong party spirit and high moral quality, and entrusts the state administration to the cadres. In terms of developing one's own quality, isn't this a gamble?" Xie Tianming talked eloquently with a high expression.

"However, most of our party members and cadres are still honest and honest. For example, the old leader Wang Huashan, he has been clean all his life. He has never been greedy or possessive. Ended up with cancer, when he was sent to the hospital, it was already at an advanced stage, and he passed away in a few days. He is our role model, what a pity, I didn’t come back to give him a ride when he left..." Wen Shouwei said here Eye sockets are moist.

Xie Tianming sneered: "Sleeveless? Is a good official?!"

"How to say?"

"This old man, I know him too well. I took care of his funeral. The family is poor, there is no decent furniture, the quilt is still patched, and there is a daughter who is waiting for a job at home. In the end, I said hello and arranged for him. What about the Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau. I thought at the time that such a good leader should be commended by the superior department, so I submitted his materials. Unexpectedly, a superior leader said, Wang Huashan? No achievements at all? What kind of commendation? I was so cold at the time, is this the end of being a clean official? Secretary Wang was clean all his life, but it was also sad. However, thinking about it carefully, the leader of his superiors was not completely wrong. He Wang Huashan has been in office for so long , What did it bring to Xiaogu County? He couldn't get money from above, and he couldn't attract businessmen. If he didn't have money, he couldn't do things. This incident touched me a lot, you said, such an official is a good official?"

"It's not a good official, but it's better than a corrupt official." Wen Shouwei said.

"Don't pretend to be noble to me! You have also been a county magistrate, do you think you have ever received a red envelope?" Xie Tianming sneered and stared at him.

"Yes, before I came to the Provincial Prison Administration Bureau, I was the secretary of the Xiaogu County Party Committee. To be honest, I have received gift money and red envelopes." Wen Shouwei said.

"You take over my class? Isn't that right? Then again, won't you take it?" Xie Tianming said dejectedly, "And you, well, I became your prisoner. You said this Is it reasonable? If it weren’t for some unscrupulous people blocking the car of the secretary of the provincial party committee that year, would I have capsized? The secretary of the provincial party committee got angry and ordered me to be punished. Isn’t this just the phenomenon of “secretaries” in our country’s current system? It’s ridiculous to think about it Ah ridiculous!"

"This Xie Tianming is really attacking our party." Wen Shouwei thought, if we continue to talk, we don't know what kind of nonsense he will say, so he said: "Old Xie, I have a meeting at one o'clock. See you again, ah!"

Before Xie Tianming could react, he shook hands with him to say goodbye.

Wen Shouwei walked out.

Li Changxiong and his party came out of the monitoring room, and Chen Li said excitedly: "Director, you are a qualified psychological counselor. I believe that Xie Tianming will change!"

Shouwei Wen laughed out loud at the words: "You're not complimenting me, are you?"

Li Changxiong said ashamedly: "That's not true, I didn't do that."

Just as the group of people went downstairs, a mournful cry came from the supervision area: "I want to see the chief, I want to see the chief!"

Xie Tianming never expected Wen Shouwei to leave suddenly, and before he recovered, Wen Shouwei had already walked out.Xie Tianming watched his back disappear at the door, dazedly at a loss.Then, the door closed, and he was left alone in the room. A gust of wind mixed with raindrops came from the window, violently, a few raindrops hit his face, and he couldn't help trembling all over, waking up from his ignorance.

"What is this?!" He was a little annoyed, "You still keep saying that you are a classmate, and treat me like this? If it was in the past, would he dare?"

He thought of the serious and submissive look of the former Wen guards when he listened to his speech, and he felt a burst of joy in his heart.

"Perhaps, I made him speechless, and he has no place to be ashamed..." Thinking of Wen Shouwei's concentration just now, wanting to refute but didn't know where to start, it's really funny, the burst of joy in his heart is just like The water splashed by a boulder thrown into the small river is expanding, spreading to every nerve ending, and vigorously growing in every cell.

"Yes, that should be the reason, haha..." He laughed wantonly in his heart.

Wen Ziping came out of the toilet with a look of helplessness and disappointment.

Liu Rui gave him a hateful look: "Going to rescue the soldiers? Let me tell you, your father still has to listen to me when he comes back!" She stood up, "Follow me back to get my resume."

"Mom, I have already signed a contract with the company, and I will go to work as soon as I graduate..." Wen Ziping said awkwardly.

Liu Rui lowered her face: "No."

Wen Ziping yelled: "Mom, can you be reasonable? I have grown up and have the right to decide my own affairs."

Liu Rui said angrily: "I'm unreasonable? I'm doing it for your own good, but I'm not unreasonable anymore? I got up early in the morning and ran all the way back. Is that how you judge your mother?"

Liu Rui was a little sad, her eyes were red and she wiped her tears.

Xie Xiaowan glanced at Wen Ziping and pulled his clothes with her hands.

Wen Ziping had no choice but to apologize: "Mom, I'm wrong, don't cry. Isn't it just a job? I'm just looking for a job that I like. I'm studying English for foreign trade. Tell me, I What can you do as a civil servant?"

Liu Rui said to Xie Xiaowan: "Xiaowan, Ziping is so naive. We don't seek wealth, but we can always seek stability, right? His job is stable, and his life will be stable in the future, so we can rest assured, right? Oh, the salary offered by the joint venture company is high, it is impossible for the company to have such a good business for decades or hundreds of years, right? What if..."

Wen Ziping interrupted her and complained, "Then I'll look for another job, not to mention that I won't live for hundreds of years."

"Why are you talking? Standing up and talking won't hurt your back, right? When the time comes..." Liu Rui gave him a white look.

Wen Ziping backed down and said, "Shall we discuss it another day?"

Liu Rui became angry again: "You child, I have already made an appointment with you, do you think your time is precious? Huh!" Wen Ziping looked at Xie Xiaowan, Xie Xiaowan smiled and nodded to him.

Wen Ziping said: "Xiaowan, I'll go and submit a resume and I'll be back soon, ah!"

Liu Rui urged at the door: "Ziping, hurry up."

Wen Ziping ran out.

Xie Tianming let out a long breath, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly with his head raised. The depression, pain, and despair in his heart seemed to come out with the smoke.

He stood up and paced back and forth in the office, habitually gaiting in an official manner, bringing him back to the condescending and unhurried state in his office before, he then sat in Ma Xudong's seat, habitually facing to the right Turn, turn, and turn again, the chair would still not move. Only then did he realize that this chair was not the executive chair he sat on at that time, but a very ordinary straight wooden chair with four legs.He lowered his head to look left and right, then shook his body vigorously, but the chair was still motionless.

"Broken chair..." he muttered, and a thought subconsciously popped up in his mind, "This thing is very ordinary, but very stable... it looks a bit like a guard..."

He consciously thought that this was a very strange idea, so he wanted to push it out of his thinking, and the more he wanted to drive away this idea, but it entangled in his heart like a vine, which made him very entangled, and then My heart began to ache.

He simply leaned back on the chair, took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and tried to calm himself down. The room suddenly became extremely quiet, and even the rustling rain outside the window became very faint, as if from the boundless It comes from somewhere, and spreads out in the boundless space. If there is nothing, sometimes it feels like thin needles piercing somewhere in the body. It hurts, but if you want to concentrate on capturing When that kind of pain, it seems to dissipate all of a sudden; when you don’t think about it, maybe inadvertently, this kind of pain reappears in a certain part of the body, lingering, unable to stop...

He grunted in pain, wanted to go back to his hometown and screamed wildly, wanted to vent to a hundred women, wanted to pick up a machine gun and beat Gu Hongcheng and his gang into sieves, wanted to...

After an unknown amount of time, the door was pushed open.

"Huh?!" Ma Xudong came in, and seeing him sitting in his chair to rest his mind, he was a little dissatisfied, but he still said in a calm tone, "Xie Tianming, let's go."

He subconsciously stood up, subconsciously anxious, he finally fully understood that this was not his office, but a prison, and he knew where he was going, the confinement room he often visited.Although a little sad, he still felt a little happy in his heart. As a prisoner, he could teach the chief a lesson. If the ancient envoys knew about it, it would probably be recorded in history. Unfortunately, there are no envoys in modern times, only the disciplinary committee who fools people .

He followed Ma Xudong indifferently, until he walked into the confinement room, the iron door slammed shut, and then the heavy locking sound hit his heart, and the joy left just now was smashed to pieces.

"Xie Tianming." Ma Xudong called him through the bars.

After a while, he turned his head and ignored him.

"Director Wen asked me to tell you that half a year after he took office, what town did he go to... Oh, I don't remember, anyway, it was a town, and villagers from a certain village also stopped the car of the secretary of the provincial party committee. "Ma Xudong said.

"Ah?!" Xie Tianming's eyes flickered, then dimmed immediately, as if he understood something.

Ma Xudong looked at his dumbfounded expression, a little amused: "The director said that he will come to see you again in a few days."

Xie Tianming lowered his head helplessly.

"Tomorrow, police officers Chen Li and Yang Yang are going to visit your parents. Do you have anything to say to me?"

Xie Tianming couldn't believe his ears, his dazed eyes suddenly filled with light, his hands trembled, his lips moved violently, but he couldn't speak, and kept pointing to his ears.

"Tomorrow, Chen Li and Yang Yang will visit your parents!" Ma Xudong said word by word.

Tears welled up in Xie Tianming's eyes, he turned to face the wall, he didn't want Ma Xudong to see it.

"Okay, since I have nothing to say, I'm leaving."

"The head of the horse supervisor..." Xie Tianming called out from behind the bars.

Ma Xudong walked back again.

"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have bitten you last night..." Xie Tianming lowered his head and said in a low voice.

A smile spread across Ma Xudong's face, and he said, "I accept your apology, and I don't blame you. I also made mistakes. I shouldn't arrange you to feed the pigs, which hurt your self-esteem."

After Ma Xudong finished speaking, he strode away.

Xie Tianming pressed his face against the bars and watched him go away. Tears flowed out again involuntarily. He heard from Pan Jiajie that the prison believed that Ma Xudong arranged for him to feed pigs, which hurt his self-esteem and caused him to commit suicide. Ma Xudong was severely criticized for this, and he was also punished.Actually, where is the reason?only……

"Xie Tianming, face the wall!" The policeman on duty in the confinement room ordered while standing on the steel bar above his head.

Xie Tianming turned around and stood against the wall, his movements were faster than before.

As soon as Wen Ziping and the others left, the nurse came to put liquid on Xie Xiaowan.

Originally, what Wen Shouwei said last night made her see hope and calm down a lot, but Liu Rui's attitude extinguished her longing again.She clearly felt that every pore was tightly blocked, without a single gap, her body turned into a lead ball, and was slowly falling into the icy river water, no, it was sea water, cold and bitter.Xie Xiaowan's vision gradually blurred, and the scene of her calling Wen Ziping's house appeared in her mind.

What kind of situation is that?After her father's accident, her grandfather was lying in the hospital with a heart attack, and her stepmother Li Wenjun was missing. She and her grandmother were helpless. For the first time, she felt what it means to be in a dilemma, what is suffering, what is helplessness...

"Hello, is this Uncle Wen's house?"

Liu Rui's voice came from the phone: "Who are you?"

"Auntie, is it Auntie Liu? I'm Xie Xiaowan, Xiaowan, Auntie...uh..."

"Oh, it's Xiaowan, what do you want from us?"

"Auntie, my father..."

"I know, it's all in the newspapers. Xiao Wan, our family's old man is not here, even if he is, he is a small county-level cadre, and he doesn't work in Xiaogu County, so he can't help. What's the matter, You report it to the Xiaogu County Party Committee, ah! That’s it, take care!”

Xie Xiaowan suddenly felt like a dream, and gasped for breath.She collected herself and looked at the ceiling dully.Suddenly, she pulled off the infusion needle vigorously, and ran out in a gust of wind.When she reached the elevator entrance, the elevator was still on the 26th floor, so she turned around and ran down the corridor.Three steps and two steps, one deep step and one shallow step, upside down, like a drunk.

She ran to an ATM outside the hospital, inserted her bank card, and it showed that there were 5134 yuan left. She hesitated, and took out 5000 yuan.Without the slightest hesitation, she hired a taxi for the first time, went straight to Wen Ziping's house, came to Wen Ziping's room, put 5000 yuan on the table, found a piece of paper, picked up a pen and wrote a line. In the blink of an eye, Wen Ziping in the photo frame was smiling at her.She picked up Wen Ziping's photo frame and groped for his face in the photo, tears streaming down her face.

Xie Xiaowan picked up her luggage, walked to the door, turned around slowly, looked at the house, bowed to the empty house, and bowed again.She wiped her sweat and tears, opened the door, and walked out.

Like a robot, Wen Ziping followed Liu Rui to hand in his resume, went to the bathroom with an excuse, and ran back to the hospital. Seeing that Xie Xiaowan was not in the bed room, he searched around and asked the nurse.The nurse was also taken aback, and quickly switched out the surveillance camera in the corridor, only to find that Xie Xiaowan had gone downstairs.Wen Ziping turned around and rushed downstairs, rushed to the side of the street, stopped the taxi, and hurriedly got into the car.

Wen Ziping anxiously urged the master to go to the bus terminal, staring at the flow of people on the street, and kept calling Xie Xiaowan's cell phone.

Xie Xiaowan's cell phone has been turned off.

The phone rang, Wen Ziping looked at the number, it was from his mother Liu Rui, and pressed the reject button hard.

Ma Xudong came to the gate of the supervision area, called Pan Jiajie out, and told him to go with him.Pan Jiajie followed Ma Xudong anxiously. He had already prepared in his heart that he would end up in confinement.

Ma Xudong stopped and pointed to the wooden chair by the side of the road: "Sit down for a while."

Ma Xudong sat down, while Pan Jiajie was still standing there without moving.

Ma Xudong patted the chair: "Sit down."

Pan Jiajie said embarrassingly: "You are wearing a police uniform, and I am a prisoner in gray clothes and gray trousers. It is too eye-catching. I'd better squat down."

Pan Jiajie squatted down, but Ma Xudong hesitated to speak.

Pan Jiajie said calmly: "Director of the horse supervision district, in fact, I expected to be punished before, think about it..." He smiled wryly, "When I was the deputy mayor, when I met the superiors to check, Behavior like mine embarrasses the superiors and sweeps the face of the local leaders, so we have to deal with him no matter what.”

Ma Xudong said: "I'm relieved if you think so. But, in all fairness, the treatment of you is a bit heavy."

Pan Jiajie smiled wryly again.

Ma Xudong sighed: "Think about it, you used to be the deputy mayor, you want wind and rain, but now, a single photo can make you so hard..."

"This is the power of the government. However, abuse of power will lead to a decline in credibility." Pan Jiajie said helplessly.

"If you had realized this truth earlier, you wouldn't be here."

Pan Jiajie smiled wryly again, glanced at him, and remained silent.

Ma Xudong went on to say: "As your prison chief, I will continue to appeal to your superiors about your handling, but I hope you don't have any resistance. The confinement room is not hell, right?"

Pan Jiajie nodded.

Ma Xudong took out a cigarette: "One?"

Pan Jiajie rubbed his hands together and smiled sheepishly.Ma Xudong lit a cigarette for him, and he waved his hands again and again: "I will do it myself, I will do it myself."

Ma Xudong rolled his eyes at him: "What's wrong, am I that scary?"

"It's just that I'm not used to it..." Pan Jiajie forced a smile.

Ma Xudong said: "If you are still the deputy mayor, I'm afraid I won't even have the chance to meet you."

Pan Jiajie smiled awkwardly and smoked.

Just as Ma Xudong sent Pan Jiajie to the confinement room, Yang Yang hurriedly said that he received a phone call from the prison to release Xie Tianming from confinement and send him to the hospital for further treatment.

The policeman on duty complained: "What's the matter? Just came in and lifted the confinement, children playing house?"

Ma Xudong smiled and asked, "What? Lonely?"

"Isn't it? There are no confinement prisoners here for a month, and there is no one to talk to. Do you think it's boring?" the policeman on duty muttered.

Ma Xudong laughed loudly: "Didn't I leave one for you?"

The policeman on duty pursed his mouth: "These duty criminals, don't talk about it, you want to make things easy for them, you can't get a fart for a long time, oops, it's been a long time since you sent a criminal, preferably the underworld type. "

Ma Xudong and Yang Yang looked at each other and smiled, and took Xie Tianming away.

Walking to the gate of the prison area, Xie Tianming reported that he would go back to the cell to get two books. Yang Yang told him to go, and turned to Ma Xudong, "Boss, about Pan Jiajie..."

Ma Xudong shook his head helplessly.

Yang Yang asked again: "Then? Then who will take care of Xie Tianming?"

"Discuss with Chen Li and arrange a suitable person." After Ma Xudong finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the second gate.

When Xie Tianming came to the cell, Er Pi, Li Haojian and other criminals gathered head to head, preparing for a "Bug Attack".

Li Haojian looked at Xie Tianming: "Hey, Secretary Xie, you released it so soon?"

Erpi also looked at Xie Tianming: "Oh my god, the lunatic is back." He rolled his eyes, looked at Xie Tianming and smiled, and pointed to the earth dog and black ants in the bottle, "It's just in time, come here, Look at how you job criminals kill each other."

Lu Benchuan snorted.

Li Haojian kicked Erpi's ass.

Er Pi was stunned by his kick: "What's wrong?"

Li Haojian took a sip, and said a lesson: "What kind of job crime is a social crime? A job crime is a prisoner, but a social crime is not a prisoner?"

Er Pi scratched his head, confused: "Boss, what do you mean, today you..."

Li Haojian stopped talking to him and started yelling.

Erpi put a soil dog (a kind of insect that lives in the plaster in the corner, about the size of a finger) into a transparent mineral water bottle.

Erpi laughed slyly: "This is a corrupt official."

Erpi put another black ant in: "This is our common people."

A scar-faced criminal yelled, "It's not fair, it's not fair."

"Why isn't it fair?" Er Pi asked.

Scarface said bitterly: "It's not fair for a person as big as a corrupt official."

Er Pi patted him on the head and said, "Don't call him a corrupt official? Don't shout."

Erpi put the cap on the bottle, and the earth dog and the black ant first rushed left and right anxiously in the closed bottle, and after a while, the bottom of the bottle became limp due to the thin air in the bottle.

Erpi pierced two small holes on the side of the bottle with the tip of a needle. Immediately, the earth dog and the black ant quickly made one hole each, breathing greedily.

Li Haojian put in five more black ants: "Is this fair? Hehe."

Lu Benchuan glanced at it, picked up the book to read, and muttered, "Boring."

Five black ants began to crawl freely around the bottom of the bottle.After a while, they seemed to realize that some kind of danger was approaching, they immediately gathered together, murmured a few words, and then quickly crawled towards the earth dog together, and got close to the earth dog in an instant.

Erpi danced with several criminals: "Fight corrupt officials, attack!"

The five black ants bit hard on various parts of the dog's body. The dog was forced to leave the hole and beat the black ants that bit him with his hands and feet.

Erpi raised his right fist and shouted: "The earth dog rises! The earth dog rises! The corrupt officials rise, the corrupt officials rise!"

Scarface patted Erpi on the head, and asked dissatisfiedly, "Are you red or black?"

"Do you think the corrupt officials win or the ordinary people win?" Er Pi glared at him and asked back.

Scarface said, "I think the corrupt officials will win."

Erpi slammed the table and said, "I bet the common people will win."

"What are you gambling?"

"Twice-cooked pork tonight."

Scarface was excited: "Okay!" He also shouted to cheer, "The corrupt officials win, and the local dogs rise!"

The black ant that entered the bottle first also left the hole and crawled over to join the battle. It bit the dog's eyes.

The earth dog began to roll over on his back, trembling hands and feet, and then fell silent after a while.

Six black ants crawled out from different parts of the dog's body almost at the same time, and two of them moved quietly towards the small hole, slowly approached the hole, and stuck their heads into it.

At this time, the remaining four black ants at the bottom of the bottle divided into two groups, and began to attack the two black ants occupying the small hole in groups of two. In an instant, the six black ants fell into the bottom of the bottle one after another, fighting each other. Bite into a ball.

Later, the mutilated corpses of four black ants were left at the bottom of the bottle.The two victorious black ants crawled exhaustedly to the small hole in front of each other.

Everyone burst into cheers, and Erpi was playing with bottles and laughing.

Erpi turned to the scarred face, and said triumphantly: "Remember, twice-cooked pork!"

The scarred face pointed at a few job criminals and scolded: "If you don't live up to it, even a few ordinary people can't win." He turned to face Li Haojian, "Boss, do you think you are angry?"

Xie Tianming and the other criminals turned their heads away.

Li Haojian gave him a blank look: "I am from the Criminal Activists Committee, so I don't talk about these right and wrong."

Erpi smiled and said mockingly: "It is your kindness that can enter the committee."

Li Haojian rolled his eyes: "You want treasure, but you can't go in if you want treasure."

Er Pi snorted, and casually threw the mineral water bottle in the corner.

Taking advantage of Erpi's inattention, Xie Tianming picked up the bottle from the corner, quickly ran to the faucet in the cell, and filled the bottle with water bitterly.

The two victorious black ants were stirring in the water, and soon, the bodies of the two black ants were floating on the surface of the water.

Xie Tianming smiled.

Yang Yang called Xie Tianming's voice from downstairs, Xie Tianming quickly picked up two books, ran out to answer, and walked downstairs slowly.

Lu Benchuan took out a cigarette, took one out and put it in his mouth.

Li Haojian walked to his bed and stared at him.Lu Benchuan had no choice but to take out the pack of cigarettes again and gave him one.

Li Haojian looked at the cigarette: "Hey, Zhonghua? Bring me the cigarette case."

Lu Benchuan handed him the package of Zhonghua.

"Yeah, yeah, it's still soft China. My day, it's a few grades higher than the cigarettes our police officers smoke." Li Haojian put the pack of cigarettes in his pocket.

Lu Benchuan looked at him.

The other prisoners all looked this way, Li Haojian took out the box of Zhonghua and threw it to Erpi: "Brothers, go out and smoke a cigarette before coming in."

The prisoners took up their cigarettes and ran outside,
Li Haojian looked at Lu Benchuan: "Old Lu, I see that you are exhausted these days, do you need me, Lao Li, to help you?"

Lu Benchuan looked at him and nodded.

Li Haojian lowered his voice: "I'll find some buddies and sell you some production tasks."

Lu Benchuan lowered his voice: "If you help me, I will have money."

Li Haojian patted him: "Deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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