Chapter 15

Seeing that it was already off-duty time, Wen Shouwei invited Gu Hongcheng to have dinner together, just the two of them, and found a quiet small restaurant for a few drinks.At the top of the stairs, Li Changxiong, the warden of Qingshui Prison, and the warden of Pingxi Prison were still waiting.

Gu Hongcheng smiled and said, "I think it's better to wait another day."

Li Changxiong knew that the two of them were going to have dinner, so he said, "Both leaders, I will find a place that is quiet, cheap, and quaint, just like returning to my own yard, please give instructions."

Wen Shou was noncommittal, pointed to Xu Changli and said, "Old classmate, this is Comrade Xu Changli, the warden of Pingxi Prison..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Hongcheng said, "Comrade Xu Changli? Well, let me have a meal with him."

Wen Shouwei was quite surprised: "Do you know each other?"

"I don't know, but I am very familiar with the three words Xu Changli." Gu Hongcheng smiled, "It can be said that I have heard the name for a long time, hehe..."

The leaders of the Disciplinary Committee are so familiar with the name of a grassroots official, especially a prison and county-level cadre who is not popular in the traditional officialdom, it can only explain one thing, that is, there are too many letters reporting him, so that the leaders of the Disciplinary Committee remember this name .

Li Changxiong thought to himself, this Xu Changli just swore...

Wen Shouwei was also beating drums in his heart, so he walked silently, got into the car, and didn't speak, looking preoccupied.

Gu Hongcheng seemed to feel that the atmosphere was not right, and said with a smile: "Why don't you speak? Oh, I understand your concerns at the moment, then Director Xu, tell me about your concerns or thoughts at the moment?"

"I have no worries or thoughts." Xu Changli said lightly.

"Yes, I appreciate Director Xu's self-confidence. You must be wondering why I, the Director of the Petition Office, is so familiar with the name of such a remote prison director. It's not that you are worried that many people reported him. On the contrary, he There is no report, and the governor of the whole province has no report. In addition, this time the local discipline inspection committee went to him to sort out the problem, basically there is no problem. So I am very familiar with the word Xu Changli." Gu Hongcheng laughed loudly after finishing speaking .

Li Changxiong was ashamed when he heard this.

Gu Hongcheng went on to say: "Our Disciplinary Committee is not a devil, but an angel. Why are angels afraid, only devils are afraid."

"Yes, I dare not say that there are many devils now, but since the reform and opening up, there have indeed been more demonic energy." Wen Shouwei said emotionally.

Under the guidance of Li Changxiong, the car left the east gate, and after a long detour, it stopped at a remote resort.

Sure enough, there are many courtyards, heavy wooden doors, high thresholds, small patios, a crabapple or plum blossom and several pots of orchids. The whole courtyard suddenly becomes quiet, as if you have come to the home of every big family in ancient times.

It's just that every room in the huge courtyard has been transformed into a private room, and there are many guests, noisy and noisy, which is very inconsistent with the scenery and furnishings here.

Li Changxiong is very familiar with this place. As soon as he came in, he called the beautiful and sexy account manager. It seemed that he had been prepared. The account manager twisted his water snake waist and led the way in person. He walked through the east wing and entered through a small door. A garden appeared in front of him. , The cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and the winding path leads to seclusion, giving people a sense of turning around.It's very quiet here, the noise of the market just now disappeared suddenly, as if you came to another world.

Gu Hongcheng saw three people in the room, stopped at the door, looked at them, but didn't recognize them, so he went in and whispered to Li Changxiong, "Don't introduce me."

Li Changxiong was stunned and nodded subconsciously.

The three people who had been waiting hurriedly stood up to greet them, and when they were seated, Li Changxiong began to introduce. It turned out that the three people were all from Li Changxiong's hometown. One was the political commissar of the County Public Security Bureau, one was the secretary of the county party committee, and the other was the local construction owner.

Because of Gu Hongcheng's greeting, Li Changxiong had no choice but to vaguely say that he was the boss.

The secretary of the county party committee spoke first: "Secretary Wen... oh, by the way, now you should be called Director Wen. I know you. You are one of the seven outstanding county party secretaries commended by the province this year. I didn't understand it. How could you read What about the position of Director of the Prison Administration?"

In the words, there was a bit of confusion, and also a bit of contempt.

"It's not something I like or don't like, it's the arrangement of the higher-level organization." Wen Shouwei said lightly, "No matter what you do, you are working for the party, right?"

"That's that, I'm just sorry for you, man."

"Is the secretary of the county party committee really a sweet potato?" Gu Hongcheng was very dissatisfied with his words, and said in a low voice.

The secretary of the county party committee looked at him with disdain on his face: "Brother, you are not in politics, so of course you don't know what's going on." However, he seemed a little puzzled, or noticed something, and looked at him again, "Brother is doing business in the provincial capital. No contact with the provincial party committee and the provincial government?"

"I operate legally and pay taxes according to regulations, why should I contact them?" Gu Hongcheng said coldly.

The secretary of the county party committee showed puzzlement on his face, and turned to Li Changxiong, "Is this man really in business?"

Li Changxiong hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Wen Shouwei was well aware of Gu Hongcheng's temper, so if he continued on this topic, he might lose his temper at the parent official, so he changed the subject: "Lao Li, didn't you say you have something to tell me?"

"Cultural Bureau, now?" Li Changxiong felt that it was impolite to report to work at this time and leave the parents and officials in his hometown aside.

"Well, let's talk." Wen Shouwei said lightly.

Li Changxiong had no choice but to look at the secretary of the county party committee and the political commissar of the Public Security Bureau, and said, "Both leaders, I'm sorry, please wait a moment." Then he took out a document and handed it to Wen Shouwei, "The photos were indeed treated as contraband by the prison administration department. I can’t find it anymore. I talked to Pan Jiajie, explained the situation realistically, and apologized to him. He expressed his understanding and is now emotionally stable. We also held a special meeting to study and decide to implement family cards among criminals. , Customize a photo album of about 10 photos for each criminal to place photos of relatives, specify the location, and more specific content is on this document."

Li Changxiong's cell phone rang. He thought it was Chen Li calling, so he didn't answer.

Wen Shouwei looked at it seriously, and said with a smile: "That's right, as long as the law permits or is not prohibited, you can boldly explore, and then sum up your experience and promote it to the whole province."

Li Changxiong was very happy to see Shouwei Wen, so he immediately took out the contract, handed it to him respectfully with both hands, looked at Shouwei Wen's expression, and said cautiously: "Wenju, this's not too long, I guess Just a few dozen days... I can't do anything... But, do the math, the benefits are really good..."

At this time, Wen Shouwei's cell phone rang. He looked at it and asked without waiting for the other party to speak after connecting, "Chen Li, are you here? Um... um... I see."

Li Changxiong was flustered. He didn't answer Chen Li's call just now, but the director was so concerned about this matter. A prisoner, even his classmate, deserved his attention?He couldn't understand more and more.

Wen Shouwei threw the contract to him, with a serious face, and whispered to Gu Hongcheng: "Xie Tianming's father passed away on the day he pronounced the sentence. Now her mother is diabetic and has lost the ability to take care of herself. Xie Xiaowan is missing. Li Wenjun never visited him." My hometown fulfills the responsibility of being a daughter-in-law and a mother..."

"Ah?" Gu Hongcheng was surprised and angry, "Could it be that Li Wenjun wants to monopolize that property?"

"Old Gu, Li Wenjun filed for divorce in the third month of Xie Tianming's imprisonment, but Xie Tianming did not agree. It stands to reason that after two years in their situation, the court would decide to divorce, but Li Wenjun has never filed a lawsuit. Could it be that Just for this property?"

Gu Hongcheng nodded, pondered and said: "It makes sense... But, the property that Li Wenjun owns is legal, so it's not easy for us to intervene..."

"This is not a problem. Our prison can help Xie Tianming's mother file a lawsuit to demand that Li Wenjun fulfill his maintenance obligations." Wen Shouwei said.

Wen Shouwei and Gu Hongcheng murmured in low voices, the political commissar of the Public Security Bureau couldn't hold back anymore, it's okay to leave him alone, but if you leave the county party secretary aside, isn't he just a little director of the prison bureau?So he said sarcastically to Li Changxiong: "I said Warden Li, and you left our parents and officials aside? By the way, prisons, according to Marx, are also state machines. No wonder your bureau has a good county party secretary." Don’t do it, come and be the chief of the bureau that can be dictatorial.”

"How did you talk? You can be a political commissar of the Public Security Bureau at your level? I doubt it." Gu Hongcheng gave him a sideways look and retorted.

No one had dared to speak to him like this before, and he couldn't hold back all of a sudden: "How old are you? I'm not qualified, so you can do it if you have the ability? Be careful, it's best not to set foot in our county."

"What's the matter? Still trying to catch me?"

Li Changxiong was like an ant on a hot pot, with beads of sweat dripping out, and he quickly pushed the political commissar: "Just don't say a few words, and give me a thin face."

How could the political commissar be willing to listen? It's not a big deal if he loses his own face and loses his county party secretary's face. Besides, isn't the other party a profiteer?Dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head, so he yelled arrogantly: "You try!"

"Hi!" Li Changxiong was really anxious and kicked him.

Seeing Li Changxiong like this, the secretary of the county party committee understood eighty-nine points in his heart. The person in front of him was not like a businessman in terms of temperament or manner.Chinese businessmen, even those with a good background, are all mercenary, and they are submissive in front of government officials, with a slavish look, so they asked cautiously: "This man is very familiar, I am a political commissar, and I am from a military background. , I have a bad temper, please don't mind."

Then, he turned his head and said to Li Changxiong, "I'll pay the bill tonight, your friend is my friend."

Gu Hongcheng called the account manager over: "What is your minimum consumption here?"

The account manager said: "4888 yuan."

Gu Hongcheng pointed to the Moutai on the table: "Drinks included?"

"Sir, this bottle of Moutai costs more than 4000." The customer manager said with a smile.

Li Changxiong secretly complained, knowing that the meal was messed up.

Gu Hongcheng stood up: "Lao Wen, I don't care if you eat or not, I can't afford it!" Gu Hongcheng walked away in a huff.

Wen Shouwei grimaced, glared at Li Changxiong, and followed him out.

Seeing this, Xu Changli also chased after the director.

Li Changxiong slumped on the chair: "It's over, it's over..."

The secretary of the county party committee also realized the seriousness of the problem, so he hurriedly asked, "Who is he?"

"He is Gu Hongcheng, Director of the Letters and Calls Office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Director Gu." Li Changxiong said weakly.

The secretary of the county party committee felt exhausted. He gritted his teeth and pointed at the political commissar of the Public Security Bureau. He wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

Even though it was April, the night in the mountains was very cold. After dinner, the branch secretary made arrangements for the accommodation of Ma Xudong and his party.

Ma Xudong said: "Then thank you secretary, but we still need to talk to the old man."

The branch secretary asked the woman to light a fire and went to find accommodation by herself.

Xie Tianming's mother took a bath, changed into clean clothes, and ate a meal. Her spirits improved a lot. With a big smile on her face, she asked her daughter-in-law to take out all the peanuts and walnuts at home, and help them peel them tremblingly. shell.

Chen Li showed some video materials and photos of Xie Tianming to the old man. The old man wiped his tears while watching, and muttered: "Thank the Communist Party, thank Chairman Mao, thank you...he broke the law, you treat him well so good……"

Hearing what she said, Ma Xudong and the other three felt heavy in their hearts.

Chen Li asked: "How did Teacher Xie (Xie Tianming's father was a rural teacher) pass away?"

Hearing this, the old man burst into tears...

(End of this chapter)

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