Chapter 18

After dealing with Wu Shuangshuang's matter, Ma Xudong is going to rush back to the prison area. There is another more important matter, which is Pan Jiajie. He must untie his knot, or there may be another trouble tonight. What a mess.As soon as he walked into the elevator, the chief of the education reform section hurried over, pulled him out, and conveyed Yang Tiansheng's instructions to Chen Li to teach the criminals.Ma Xudong immediately pushed back, saying how did the people from my first prison area become the people from your reform department?Call back and forth if you want?There is still a nail and a hole in my place, or you can take the transfer order from the Political Department and transfer Chen Li directly to you.The head of the education reform section dragged him to the window at the end of the corridor, gave a general account of what happened in the morning, and finally begged with a sad face, brother, you see, for the sake of our friendship for so many years, do me this favor, you Don't worry, I just want Chen Li to give a demonstration to the policewoman in the education center and guide her.Seeing what he said, Ma Xudong didn't say anything else.

During lunch, Ma Xudong told Chen Li about the class. Unexpectedly, Chen Li didn't refuse, but just made a request. Classes are fine, but the teaching reform department must not interfere with her.

As Chen Li said, she took out her mobile phone and showed him some photos of Wu Shuangshuang.Ma Xudong glanced at her, showing joy, and gave her a thumbs up.

"Also, send Yang Yang to me." Chen Li suddenly remembered something, and finally emphasized.

Ma Xudong looked at her: "Are you really playing with friends?"

"Playing with your head, what time is it now, and you have to ask the leader if you are playing with your friends?"

Ma Xudong smiled and said: "The so-called marry a dog and follow the dog, that's not right, it should be..." He shook his head, "Marry a dog and follow the dog... Yeah, that's not right, alas, anyway, if you two get better, you won't run away."

Yang Yang came over with lunch and sat next to Ma Xudong: "Who ran away?"

Ma Xudong laughed, and Yang Yang was puzzled by the laughter and scratched his head.Chen Li blushed suddenly, glanced at Yang Yang, and lowered her head to eat.

Ma Xudong said: "Yang Yang, your work today and tomorrow will be arranged by Chen Li."

After Ma Xudong finished speaking, he picked up the empty plate and left.

Yang Yang lay on the table and looked at Chen Li: "Secretly, what's the matter?"

"In the afternoon, you take your guitar and go to the hospital with me."

After lunch, Ma Xudong came to the confinement room.Pan Jiajie was facing the wall, with lunch on the concrete bed next to him.Pan Jiajie also spotted Ma Xudong, put on a tiger face, closed his eyes, and pretended not to see him.

Ma Xudong thought: "This guy really competes with me."

Ma Xudong called: "Pan Jiajie."

Only then did Pan Jiajie look up at him, turned around at a 45-degree angle, and faced him: "Here!" Ma Xudong chuckled, "Your girlfriend is so fucking beautiful."

Pan Jiajie was taken aback, then smiled silly.

"Why are you wives of corrupt officials so beautiful?" Ma Xudong expressed his feelings.

Pan Jiajie's smile froze as if a bucket of ice water had been poured over his head and face.

Ma Xudong laughed at himself: "I'm a big bastard, don't take it to heart."

Pan Jiajie smiled again.

Ma Xudong sighed and said, "I see that many beautiful women valued your power at that time. What happened? There is an idiom that says, when a tree falls, the monkeys scatter."

Pan Jiajie's complexion changed, and sadness quickly replaced a smile, spilling over his face.

Ma Xudong looked at him: "I don't think Wu Shuangshuang is right, don't disappoint such a good girl!"

Pan Jiajie's eyes were red again, and he stood at attention: "Report, I'm going to the workshop to learn how to make wigs."

Ma Xudong said: "Okay! However, you were too reckless this time, so you won't be punished..."

"I understand, no matter how it is punished, I will admit it."

"Strict control in the training team for a week."

"Yes!" Pan Jiajie replied loudly.

Ma Xudong pouted at the lunch on the bed: "After eating, I'll give you another surprise."

Pan Jiajie turned around, picked up the bowl and devoured it hungrily.

Ma Xudong smiled and scolded, "Look, look at the way you eat, what kind of deputy mayor you used to be." Pan Jiajie smiled embarrassedly with his mouth full of rice.

Ma Xudong was patrolling the workshop, and the prisoners were learning how to make wigs with the technicians sent by the processing side.

Er Pi complained while learning to make a wig: "My mother, what kind of work is this? It's all done by women."

Scar's face smirked: "It's better for you to become a woman."

"Why don't some female technicians come here? This job is exhausting, and I don't even have time to fly." Erpi continued to complain.

The technician sent by the factory laughed, and Li Haojian came over and kicked Erpi: "Work, work, do you want to strictly control it?"

Er Pi stared, and said irritably: "Don't tell me, I want to be under strict supervision."

Li Haojian tapped him on the head: "What? Anti-reformation?"

Erpi was in pain, threw the wig on the table, and stood up: "I won't do it, what do you want?"

Li Haojian was gearing up: "Hey! Your baby is eating the guts of a leopard."

Erpi pointed at Lu Benchuan: "Why do you keep staring at me? Lu has fewer corrupt officials than I do. Why don't you care? Officials protect each other?"

Lu Benchuan rolled his eyes, and continued to play with his hair slowly.

Er Pi continued to get mad: "I'm looking at you, Li Haojian, I've entered the strict control group, if he doesn't join, I don't recognize Huang!"

"The police officer has the final say on whether to get in or not, not me." Li Haojian pushed him on the seat and shouted.

Erpi punched Li Haojian in the stomach with his backhand.

The criminals immediately stood up and looked at the two of them. Some criminals applauded and yelled, "It's fighting, it's fighting."

Ma Xudong and the police on duty ran over.

Ma Xudong yelled: "What are you doing?!"

Erpi drooped his head: "Report to the superintendent, this job is not done by men, I'm going to dig the mud."

At this time, the head of the prison administration came in with the special police. The criminals were startled, like a mouse seeing a cat, they all sat down and continued to make wigs.

Ma Xudong secretly groaned, he had a quarrel with him only this morning, and now he will be notified again in the next prison block.Unexpectedly, the head of the Prison Administration Section didn't seem to see what was happening in front of him, so he greeted Ma Xudong affectionately and asked him to come out.

Ma Xudong looked at him puzzled, then turned around and ordered Erpi: "Go over there first and hook up."

Li Haojian grabbed Erpi by the ear and pulled him to the wall.

Overnight, Ji Niu Ma Er seemed to have aged a lot, lying on the hospital bed like a dead man, and he ignored the doctors, nurses and other patients in the same room.From last night to today's noon, I didn't eat. The hospital defined it as a hunger strike and asked the first prison area to send someone to do the work.

Chen Li and Yang Yang walked in.

Ji Niu Ma Er seemed to have a premonition, suddenly opened his eyes, saw the guitar in Yang Yang's hand, his eyes lit up, and he sat up all of a sudden.

Chen Li and Yang Yang looked at each other and nodded.

Chen Li said: "I have already asked the head of the horse prison for instructions, and he will announce at the meeting that no one is allowed to touch your guitar."

Ji Niu Ma Er blamed himself and said in frustration: "I didn't take good care of that guitar..."

Yang Yang handed him the guitar, and Ji Niu Ma Er stretched out his hand, then retracted it.

Ji Niu Ma Er murmured, "I have no money..."

Chen Li said softly: "Take it. When you get out of prison and earn money, return it to me."

Ji Niu Ma Er's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Yang Yang handed the guitar to him again: "Here."

Ji Niu Ma Er took the guitar and hugged the guitar tightly in his arms, like holding his lost child, tears streaming down his face.

Chen Li said, "I need your help for something."

"Officer Chen, I'm a prisoner. You can say whatever you want, as long as I can do it." Ji Niu Ma Er said flattered.

Chen Li took out a piece of paper and handed it to him: "Look at it first."

Ji Niu Ma Er took it and looked at it. It was a poem, and he read it softly: "From tomorrow on / Be a happy person / Feed horses and firewood and travel around the world / From tomorrow on / Care about food and vegetables / I have a house / Facing the sea Spring is warm and flowers are blooming..."

Ji Niu Ma Er turned into a recitation: "From tomorrow on, I will communicate with every relative / Tell them my happiness / What the happy lightning told me / I will tell everyone / Give every river and every mountain a warm name/stranger I also bless you..."

The two tones of auspicious cows and horses became chanting: "May you have a bright future/May your lover be married in the end/May you find happiness in the world/I only wish to face the sea and bloom in spring."

Ji Niu Ma Er is still immersed in the artistic conception he created, muttering: "Haizi's poems... facing the sea, spring blossoms... facing the sea..."

Chen Li asked: "Can it be sung in Yi folk songs?"

Ji Niu Ma Er thought for a while, then nodded: "Yes."

Wen Shouwei came home, and Liu Rui sat on the sofa and watched TV.He looked around, looked at her and asked, "Haven't you cooked yet?"

Liu Rui fiddled with the remote control and kept changing channels: "Am I your nanny?"

Wen Shouwei sat on the sofa and looked at her: "What's the matter?"

"What's the matter? My son hasn't been seen for two days, and I missed the interview today. Did you care about it?" Liu Rui threw the TV remote control board away.

"If my son doesn't want to go, he won't be able to attend the interview. If you miss it, just miss it. Forget it, I'm tired too. Let's go out and eat something."

Liu Rui became more and more angry: "How do you know you won't be able to attend the interview? I've taken care of everything before and after, just going through the motions. Now it's good, the good opportunity is gone. What do you think you messed up with that Xie Tianming?"

Wen Shouwei laughed and said, "Hey! I'm neither greedy nor possessive. When did I get involved with Xie Tianming?"

"Then tell me, is it your idea to let your son accompany Xie Xiaowan back to his hometown?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Liu Rui complained: "I shouldn't have brought Xie Xiaowan home in the first place. Without Xie Xiaowan, could my son delay the interview? Ah!"

Wen Shouwei shook his head and stood up.

"I'm not finished yet."

"Can I go to the toilet?"

Wen Ziping opened the door, poked his head out and yelled, "When you meet each other, you will argue, quarrel, quarrel, is this over?"

Liu Rui jumped up in surprise and said, "Ziping, are you at home?"

Wen Ziping slammed the door shut, and Liu Rui rushed over.Pushing the door, she couldn't open it. She knocked on the door and asked with concern: "Son, have you been back for a long time? Why didn't you tell your mother when you came back. If you want to eat, mother will make it for you right away. Son, son..."

Wen Ziping opened the door and rushed out of the house.

Liu Rui stood there in a daze, and when she came back to her senses, she yelled at Wen Shouwei: "Aren't you going after him?"

Wen Shouwei persuaded: "My son is getting older, it's better to let him calm down."

Wen Ziping was walking aimlessly on the street, unknowingly came to Jindi Hotel, looked up, hesitated for a moment, and walked in.He sat in the booth where he met Xie Xiaowan that day, ordered a few bottles of wine, and drank one by one by himself.

A woman accompanying the drink came in: "Little handsome guy, let me drink with you."

Wen Ziping said, "I'll drink it myself."

The woman snatched the wine bottle: "It's boring to drink too much by yourself? The so-called beautiful woman's wine."

Wen Ziping stared and shouted: "Get out, get out!"

The woman snorted and walked out.

After a few glasses of wine, Wen Ziping became a little drunk, lying on the table, holding the wine glass, muttering incoherently: "Xiao Wan, Xiao Wan... bring the wine, bring the wine..."

Not far away, a male waiter and a hostess were watching him.

The male waiter looked at him and shook his head: "Isn't there still wine? Can you still get him?"

The hostess curled her lips and said, "Take it, why don't you take it? Let me drink it."

The male waiter smiled and said, "You drink so much that you vomit every day, do you still drink?"

"I'm addicted to this job. If I don't drink for a day, it seems that something is missing. It's unlucky today. I met him. Go get it, go get it, if I drink too much, you help me go back, ah!" the bartender sighed. .

The male waiter's eyes lit up immediately, Le Diandian went to get the wine.

The drinking girl poohed at his back: "Hmph, these men are all lower-body animals."

Wen Ziping's cell phone rang, and he answered the call drunkenly.

Wen Shouwei's voice came from the phone: "Son, have you drunk too much?"

Wen Ziping burst into tears, choked up and said, "Dad..."

"Son, I know you are looking for Xiaowan, but you can't find it, and you feel bored. Let me tell you some good news..."

Wen Ziping sat up straight suddenly, half sober from the wine: "Have you found it?"

"not yet……"

Wen Ziping lay down on the table again.

"Qingshui Prison has sent a special person to look for Xiaowan. I believe we will find Xiaowan in a few days. Son, drink less, if you drink too much, call Dad, and Dad will pick you up, ah!"

Wen Ziping said: "Thank you dad, I'm fine, just... just... I'm panicked..."

Wen Ziping hung up the phone and shouted to pay.

Xie Xiaowan was in a good mood today, she opened the door and entered the house, turned on the light, and walked towards her own room.

When passing by Yang Yang's house, he put his ear on the door to listen, but there was no sound, and he knocked a few times, but there was still no sound.

Xie Xiaowan yelled at the door: "Damn it, the prison police are really fun."

She went into her room, took the toiletries, and went to take a shower.

Yang Yang opened the door, limped in, walked straight to his room, and closed the door.

After taking a shower, Xie Xiaowan went back to her room wearing only a bra and underwear. Just as she walked to Yang Yang's door, Yang Yang suddenly opened the door and came out, blocking her way.Xie Xiaowan instinctively put her hands on her chest, screaming in fright.Yang Yang was also taken aback, and stared at her blankly.Xie Xiaowan turned around and ran to the bathroom to hide.

Yang Yang woke up with a start, and shouted in the direction she was running: "Hey, hello..."

There was no movement, Yang Yang looked around strangely, and walked forward slowly: "Hey, hey..."

Xie Xiaowan yelled in panic in the bathroom: "Hey, who are you? A gangster or a thief?"

Yang Yang slowly approached the bathroom, knocked on the door and asked, "Who are you? A thief?"

"I'm asking you, if you don't tell me, I'll call the police." Xie Xiaowan's voice trembled.

Yang Yang said: "I am a renter here, who are you?"

Xie Xiaowan let out a long breath, rolled her eyes, and said with a dark smile, "I'm a thief..."


Xie Xiaowan said: "Are you going to arrest me?" She pretended to beg, "Please, don't arrest me, I have an eighty-year-old mother, and I have..." She muttered softly, covering her mouth and laughing, " No, I'm not married yet..."

Yang Yang turned around and ran towards his room. Yang Yang went to the room to check, but he didn't find anything missing, so he ran back again.

Yang Yang said, "Let's go."

"I don't have any clothes on, how can I go?"

Yang Yang said: "Then I'll go back to my room, you quickly put on your clothes and go!"

Xie Xiaowan suppressed a smile: "Okay."

Yang Yang ran back to his room and closed the door.After a while, Xie Xiaowan opened the bathroom door a small gap, looked out, and tiptoed over.

Xie Xiaowan asked loudly as she walked, "Have you returned to your room?"

Yang Yang shouted at the door: "Go back, hurry up."

Xie Xiaowan returned to the room, put on her clothes, took out the hair dryer, came to the living room, and dried her hair slowly: "Come out." Yang Yang didn't hear clearly, and asked loudly: "What did you say?"

Xie Xiaowan turned off the hair dryer and said loudly, "Come out."

Yang Yang came out, saw her drying her hair in the living room, and asked strangely, "Why don't you leave?"

Xie Xiaowan glanced at him: "My hair is not dry, how can I get out? How about you blow it for me?"

Yang Yang said: "You blow it yourself." He looked her up and down, half-believing, "Does the thief carry a blower with him?" Xie Xiaowan laughed: "I'm a female snitch. Hey, are you a lame?"

Yang Yang rolled her eyes and said angrily, "You are the cripple."

Xie Xiaowan stared at his feet: "Are you injured?"

Yang Yang was a little impatient: "It's none of your business, blow it quickly, let it dry and go away."

Xie Xiaowan smiled sweetly, raised her head and said in a provocative tone: "What if I don't leave?"


Yang Yang touched his body but didn't touch anything, turned around and walked back with a limp.

Xie Xiaowan said: "Are you looking for a mobile phone? Come here, I have it here. Want to call the police, right? Report, report."

Yang Yang turned around to look at her, Xie Xiaowan picked up the phone and shook it at him.

Yang Yang suddenly understood something, but still asked suspiciously: "Who are you? A new tenant?" Xie Xiaowan smiled and said, "Although you are lame, you are not stupid."

Yang Yang turned around and walked to his room.

Xie Xiaowan yelled at him: "Hey, hey..."

Yang Yang ignored her, turned around and walked into the room, closed the door, and locked the door.

Xie Tianming walked into the cell with his head drooping, his face gloomy, and sat on the bed in a daze.Immediately afterwards, Pan Jiajie and Erpi walked in talking and laughing, and Erpi looked at Xie Tianming: "Huh, what's the matter? Are you not happy that your wife is here?"

Pan Jiajie let out a "shh", and Erpi was about to ask what was going on, when a voice came from downstairs telling Pan Jiajie and Erpi to go down
Strictly manage the training camp.

Erpi scolded: "Which plague is this?"

Pan Jiajie Zou Mei: "Lu Benchuan?"

Er Pi jumped up: "Him? No, no."

Li Haojian walked in, with a dejected look on his face, and said, "Who is it?" Er Pi asked, "What about you?"

"It was withdrawn."

Erpi said angrily: "He became the head of the supervisory reform team? Why?"

Erpi and Pan Jiajie ran down from upstairs and stood in the back row.

Lu Benchuan stared at Erpi, and laughed a few times: "Erpi, you have been in for more than 20 seconds, and you are the only one who is late today. Come and stand in the front row."

Erpi glanced at Pan Jiajie, walked to the front row, and squinted at Lu Benchuan: "Lu Japan, are you taking revenge on me?"

Lu Benchuan proudly said: "The mountains don't change, the water turns."

Er Pi gave him a contemptuous look: "Look at your bearish appearance, you have a small belly, no wonder you want to come in."

Lu Benchuan shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, two pieces of twice-cooked pork!" He pointed to the two criminals in the front row, "You, and you, execute!"

The two criminals looked at each other and watched him not move.

Er Pi sneered a few times, turned around and said: "Changers, comrades, today he has completed the least tasks by Lu Benchuan, he was supposed to be in the strict control team, hey! He's even become the leader of the big team, are we convinced? "

The criminals shouted: "I don't accept it!"

A criminal questioned Lu Benchuan: "Lu Japan, tell me the truth, why did you bribe the cadres?"

Erpi went up and slapped the criminal who said this.

The criminal yelled, "Are you blind? I didn't mention you."

Erpi scolded in a low voice: "You are so fucking desperate?!"

Prisoner A was taken aback, and immediately came to his senses, and said in a different way: "I don't accept it, Lu Benchuan is the worst in completing the task, why should we care about us?"

Lu Benchuan was in a hurry, and ran outside the duty room to rescue: "Report to the police officers, they are disobedient."

The policeman on duty came out slowly, looked at Erpi and the others, and then looked at Lu Benchuan and said sarcastically: "Lu Benchuan, you are calling the wind and rain outside, and you can't control these people here? How did you, the county magistrate, get involved? Go, figure it out for yourself."

Lu Benchuan had no choice but to go back in dismay. Erpi and the others saw the police officer come out, and they lazily turned around following Lu Benchuan's command.

Erpi winked at the two criminals next to him, and they nodded to Erpi.

Lu Benchuan shouted the password: "Turn left."

Erpi, criminal A and criminal B turn right.

Lu Benchuan yelled: "Wrong, wrong..."

Seeing this, the other criminals secretly turned to the same direction as Erpi.Erpi asked: "Who is wrong?"

Lu Benchuan pointed at Erpi and the two criminals: "You, you and you are all wrong!"

Er Pi secretly smiled and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lu Benchuan looked at the queue, was immediately dumbfounded, and stood there in a daze.He patted his head and muttered: "Am I wrong?"

Ma Xudong stood at the office window, watching all this through the glass, gritted his teeth and sneered.He turned around and went downstairs, called Erpi to the gate of the supervision area, and whispered a few words through the iron gate.Erpi smiled openly and nodded repeatedly.

In the private room of Jindi Hotel, Zhang Daxin poured wine for Yang Tiansheng: "Brother, should you drink vegetarian wine or flower wine?"

Yang Tiansheng waved his hands and shook his head: "I'm not good at that."

"I know, brother Yang loves silver."

"You're wrong again, I don't like money either."

Zhang Daxin mused: "I don't like beauties, I don't like money, then...hehe, it seems that Brother Yang is a man of officialdom."

Yang Tiansheng drank his glass and sighed, "Oh, that's right. It's half buried in the loess, and I'm still a deputy director..." He looked up at Zhang Daxin, "Brother Zhang, I almost gave Li Changxiong to that man today." Now, why is this kid so lucky? To tell you the truth, I want to walk around the hall..."

"The Office of Justice?"

"That's right, brother Zhang has a lot of contacts, is there any way?"

Zhang Daxin patted him on the shoulder and said: "Didn't Lao Lu say that there is no road in this world, and when there are many people walking, it becomes a road."

"High opinion, high opinion. It's just that I have to borrow some money from Brother Zhang..."

"How much?"

Yang Tiansheng hesitated for a moment: "20."

Zhang Daxin stared at him in astonishment, as if looking at an alien monster.

Yang Tiansheng was anxious: "How about 10?"

Zhang Daxin shook his head like a rattle: "It's not about money, I was thinking, is your prison system so cheap at the county level?"

"The stall is small, so of course it can't compare with the place."

Zhang Daxin said, "I'll give you 30."

Yang Tiansheng shook his head and said, "Don't ask for that much, besides, I won't be able to pay it back. Also, don't give it to me, you already have the way, you can just help me clear it up. 10, I just accept it."

Zhang Daxin said with a smile: "That's not okay. You have to walk the road yourself. Whether it works or not is up to you. However, I want to get back the 10 with interest."

Yang Tiansheng raised his glass: "Okay, it's a deal."

Wen Ziping desperately searched for Xie Xiaowan for several days, and was exhausted. In addition, he was drunk last night, staggered back home, locked the door when he entered the house, and fell asleep on the bed.At dawn, I was so thirsty that I got up and looked for water to drink.Wen Shouwei and Liu Rui were having breakfast, Liu Rui quickly went to the kitchen to bring out his share, and greeted him politely for breakfast.Wen Ziping didn't even look at her, took a bottle of mineral water, gulped it down, went back to his room, and fell on the bed again.

Liu Rui was angry and helpless, and complained: "Raising a son is really boring. I am happy for a day or two, but I worry about it for the rest of my life."

Wen Shouwei said: "Then you don't have to worry about raising your daughter?"

"No, it's pain. It's a lifetime of pain. It's great to raise a daughter. If you're depressed for a day or two, you'll be happy for a lifetime." Liu Rui picked up a steamed bun, sighed repeatedly, and put it back on the plate.

"What strange talk." Wen Shouwei laughed, "I understand your feelings, but I still say that old saying..."

Liu Rui imitated his tone: "Our son is growing up, let's not interfere too much. What youth is, is self-denial one after another. If you don't experience pain and hesitation, you will never grow up."

Guard Wen smiled and picked up the briefcase.

Wen Ziping fell asleep again in a daze, the dream was full of video clips of Xie Xiaowan, Xie Xiaowan looked either depressed, crying, or yelling at him, nervous, like a crazy shrew.He knew in his consciousness that this was a dream, and he didn't want to be trapped in such a dream. He tried hard to open his eyes, shook his head hard, and even wanted to raise his fist to hit himself on the head, but no matter how hard he fought, this picture still haunted him. he.

He groaned in pain.

At this moment, the phone rang, and he finally ran out of the nightmare, sat up, and gasped for breath.After calming down a little, he picked up his mobile phone to check. It turned out that it was Yang Yang calling.He was overjoyed, did they have news about Xiao Wan?He hurriedly called back and listened to a few words. Even though it was not what he expected, he was also full of joy, jumped out of bed, quickly got dressed, and ran to the restaurant to grab two steamed buns.Liu Rui was about to talk to him, but he turned around and ran out.

Liu Rui shook her head helplessly.

Yang Yang rushed to the prison area early, and the criminals were doing their morning exercises, and the calls of counting kept coming and going.

Xie Tianming looked absently towards the office building.

Pan Jiajie reported 37, and Xie Tianming should report the number, but he didn't seem to hear, he looked numb.Pan Jiajie kicked him and reminded him to count in a low voice.

Xie Tianming turned his head and looked at him in astonishment.

Pan Jiajie reminded again in a low voice: "Report the number."

Only then did Xie Tianming understand: "Oh..." He turned his head and asked Li Haojian behind him, "What time is the report?"

Li Haojian smiled badly and said, "3."

Xie Tianming stood at attention and loudly counted: "4!"

The criminals roared with laughter.

Lu Benchuan shouted: "Thank you Tianming!"

Xie Tianming ran out of the queue: "Here!"

Lu Benchuan asked: "Who asked you to come out? Go back!"

Xie Tianming ran back to the queue again.

Lu Benchuan began to criticize Xie Tianming: "Look at you, how do you look like a county party secretary? The party has trained you for so many years, and you can't add and subtract within 100? I see you..."

Yang Yang frowned, and walked quickly to the office building.When I passed by Ma Xudong's office, I saw him standing by the window, looking towards the playground in the supervision area.Yang Yang walked up to him, and also looked at the playground in the supervision area.

Yang Yang asked in surprise: "Why did Lu Benchuan become the team leader? Boss..."

Ma Xudong didn't turn his head back, and smiled while watching: "Look first, hehe..."

Erpi yelled abnormally: "Lu Benchuan said something reactionary!"

Lu Benchuan stopped loudly: "Erpi, you..."

Erpi yelled again: "Lu Benchuan violated the regulatory code."

All the prisoners laughed, and the police on duty and several police officers on duty walked out of the duty room.The policeman on duty yelled, "Aren't you going to rebel?"

Lu Benchuan stood at attention and turned around: "Report to the police officer, Zhao Haidong is making trouble!" Erpi raised his hand high.

The policeman on duty said: "Zhao Haidong, get out!"

"Yes!" Erpi replied loudly, ran over and stood at attention.

"What's the matter?"

Erpi said: "Report the police officer, Lu Benchuan said reactionary words and violated the regulatory code."

Lu Benchuan hurriedly defended: "I didn't, Erpi..."

Erpi grabbed Lu Benchuan's handle: "Report the police officer, Lu Benchuan violated the supervision code again." The criminals burst into laughter again.

A policeman sternly shouted: "Be serious!"

The criminals stood at attention immediately.

The policeman on duty pointed to Er Pi and said, "Zhao Haidong, tell me."

Erpi once again stood at attention: "Report to the police officer. Lu Benchuan criticized Xie Tianming and said that the party has trained you for so many years. You can't add and subtract within 100? This is a reactionary statement. How can our great Communist Party train a corrupt official? Even It’s not a reactionary statement, but it’s also discrediting our great party.”

Lu Benchuan was trembling with anger, pointing at him: "You you..."

The policeman on duty looked at Lu Benchuan and reprimanded him: "There are no rules?"

Lu Benchuan stood at attention reflexively.

Erpi then reported plausibly: "Lu Benchuan called me Erpi, which violated No. 13 of the regulatory code." "Lu Benchuan, what is No. 13 of the regulatory code?"

Lu Benchuan was stunned, unable to recite, and the criminals booed.

"Zhao Haidong, do you know?"

Erpi replied loudly: "No. 13, speak in a civilized manner, don't call by nicknames."

The policeman on duty ordered: "Lu Benchuan, face the wall and memorize the rules of supervision. Li Haojian, form the team." Er Pi snickered, and glanced at Lu Benchuan meaningfully.

Seeing this scene, Ma Xudong laughed loudly, walked back and sat down: "This dude..." Ma Xudong couldn't help laughing again.

Yang Yang looked at him strangely: "Boss, what are you laughing at? Can Lu Benchuan be the team leader?"

Ma Xudong said in a low voice: "I don't dare to answer orders from above."

Yang Yang suddenly realized, laughed, pointed at him and exaggeratedly complimented him and said: "Let Lu Benchuan retreat in spite of difficulties, high, high!" He imitated the tone of the Japanese devils in TV dramas, "Balu is cunning and cunning."

Ma Xudong laughed again: "How are you and Chen Li doing? Oh, I can tell from your expression that you haven't played yet. Hehe, I have the secret of Bazi, do you want to hear it?"

Yang Yang nodded vigorously.

Ma Xudong came over and said word by word: "Listen, you have to be bold."

Yang Yang counted and said with a smile: "There are only seven characters."

"Does punctuation count?"

Yang Yang was dubious: "Is this the ultimate move?"

"Pan Jiajie taught me this, but I haven't tried it, you try it?"


Chen Li limped in and walked in: "What are you talking about?"

Ma Xudong laughed out loud.

Chen Li stared at Ma Xudong and said, "Laugh, laugh, old urchin, be serious. This is a task assigned by the director himself. Tell me, what should we do next?"

Ma Xudong said: "Don't worry, wait for Director Li. By the way, you little girl, order me, hum! Am I the director of the prison or are you the director of the prison?"

Chen Li was surprised: "He's coming?"

Ma Xudong spoke in an official tone and said sullenly, "Don't look at people with discolored eyes. Comrade Li Changxiong is a good comrade despite all his problems."

Li Changxiong walked in with a few people: "Are you talking bad about me again?"

Ma Xudong stood up quickly, invited Li Changxiong and the others to sit down, and ordered Chen Li and Yang Yang to make tea.

Li Changxiong waved his hand and said, "I won't drink tea, Chen Li, Yang Yang, you all sit down, do you have any clues now?"

Li Changxiong stood, and the others did not dare to sit.

Chen Li said: "On the afternoon we came back, Xie Xiaowan called the village party secretary in her hometown. It was a landline phone. We can be sure that Xie Xiaowan is still staying in the provincial capital. If we don't hurry up and look for it, we won't Rule out the possibility of her leaving, once she leaves here, I'm afraid..."

Li Changxiong interrupted Chen Li and said, "Well, Chief Ma, you can send Chen Li to start with this landline, and look for it."

Ma Xudong asked suspiciously: "Just send people from our prison area? Chen Li is still injured. Supervisor Li, is the Education Reform Department..." He looked up at Yang Tiansheng when he said this.

Yang Tiansheng said: "Currently, the education reform department is preparing for inspection by the provincial bureau, and there is no one to be recruited. Besides, the education center..." He looked at Chen Li, "By the way, Chen Li, I want you to give a demonstration lesson to criminals. , how are you getting ready? Can you go to school today?"

Chen Li was very dissatisfied with Yang Tiansheng's official tone, so she snorted in her heart, stared at the ground coldly and said nothing.

Seeing this, Ma Xudong quickly smoothed things over and said, "No problem, Chen Li is ready and can go to class anytime."

Li Changxiong said: "In this case, Chen Li will give a demonstration lesson to the criminals first, so don't run out, and send other female police officers to check the clues first. Ma, your police force should still be focused on production."

"I agree with Li Jian's opinion. Now I have just changed from a foreign worker to a domestic worker. I have to start from the beginning. There are thousands of clues. After accepting foreign workers, the prison's money will suddenly become tight. I am afraid that the warden Li Jian It's not easy, we all have to stand in the overall situation and think more about the overall development of the prison, ah!" Yang Tiansheng had no expression on his face, but his words were plausible.

"Jiang Yang is right. The main task at present is to establish the internal labor system as soon as possible. Let's just do it." After Li Changxiong finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Chen Li and Yang Yang looked at Ma Xudong in astonishment. Ma Xudong was a little embarrassed and turned his gaze out of the window.

Ma Xudong slumped on the chair, scratching his forehead in a daze, Yang Yang took out a pack of cigarettes, Chen Li glared at him, Yang Yang smiled all over his face, "I'll bribe the boss."

Yang Yang put the pack of cigarettes on the table in front of Ma Xudong. Ma Xudong took a look at the cigarette, swept away the decadence just now, and laughed: "Hey! Bring a pack every day. No, I will keep it, keep it, you want to smoke it , come to me for it.”

Chen Li asked anxiously: "Boss, what time is it, are you still joking?" She imitated Ma Xudong's tone, "Comrade Li Changxiong is still a good comrade despite his various problems."

Ma Xudong patted his head in embarrassment: "It can't be all the fault of Warden Li, after all, he stands at a different height."

Yang Yang asked: "Then what should we do now?"

Ma Xudong said: "It's no big deal. I'm still the boss in this prison area. The so-called general is out, so you don't have to listen to orders. In this way, you two will teach criminals a lesson later, and then go to implement two things: one It is the location of the landline, and the second is to go to Xie Xiaowan University to check the student registration and household registration, etc., and I will send more people when I have a sure clue."

At this time, the landline rang, and Ma Xudong answered the phone, looking for Yang Yang.

After hearing a few words, Yang Yang said, "Wait a minute, we'll be right out." He put down the phone and smiled, "Here comes the savior, boss, I suggest you go to class, you should push it first, find Xie Xiaowan first, then talk about it." Chen Li said That's right, if Xie Xiaowan leaves the provincial capital, it will be even more troublesome."

Ma Xudong asked in astonishment, "Who is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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