Chapter 25

Although the prison took pains to bring Xie Tianming's mother and daughter to visit, the scene of heart-piercing pain and repentance did not appear. This made many people in the prison, especially the warden Li Changxiong, question, How effective is this time-consuming, labor-intensive and money-consuming education method?
At this time, Chen Li suggested to the prison that a small three-story building with a total area of ​​400 square meters be specially built as the psychological intervention center for criminals in Qingshui Prison according to the inspection situation. A small villa, which is relatively independent, minimizes the possibility of interference from the supervision area and labor reform area, which is conducive to the implementation of psychological intervention on criminals.

Li Changxiong decided to put aside the report on the establishment of the Criminal Psychological Intervention Center. It is better to cross the river by feeling the stones. More than 100 million is not a small sum.

The uproar of dissent also spread to the provincial bureau, and many leaders of the provincial bureau began to doubt it. Naturally, Ma Xingyu truthfully reported these arguments to Wen Shouwei.

In fact, Wen Shouwei is also very conflicted psychologically. Yes, on TV, especially on CCTV's psychological talk show, which one of the parties is not crying bitterly?But this Xie Tianming...he sensed that Li Changxiong had intentionally put aside the work of establishing a psychological intervention center for criminals, so he had no choice but to pretend not to see it under such circumstances.

However, Chen Li was in a hurry and ran to him.

He talked about his worries, and finally asked anxiously: "If you tell me objectively, how useful is it?"

Chen Li smiled without saying a word, called the old professor who took her to study for a master's degree in psychology, briefly introduced the situation, and then asked him to give the director an assessment.The old professor said that if it was as you expected, it would be called abnormal, indicating that the criminal had other ulterior motives or utilitarianism.Human psychological change is a very complicated and lengthy process. Trying to solve all problems once or twice is unrealistic and does not meet the scientific requirements.

Chen Li said: "I objectively deduce that Xie Tianming will have a big change."

However, certain things in politics must have an immediate effect, so as to produce a butterfly effect. Wen Shouwei still has some doubts.

Sure enough, in the past month, the first prison district has continuously reported that since the prison specially arranged for help and teaching, Xie Tianming seems to be a different person. From the previous passive reform to the current active reform, his mood is also very stable, and his mental outlook is completely different from before. people.Not only that, he also used his own personal experience to help the police do the ideological work of other criminals. During the half month of labor reform, he completed the labor reform according to the quantity and quality. Bonus, this is the first time in six years to get a perfect score with bonus points.If it continues, by the second quarter of next year, there will be a chance to obtain criminal rewards for commutation of sentences according to law.

Based on his performance, the prison approved a qualitative report submitted by a prison district, revoking Xie Tianming's qualitative report as a recalcitrant criminal.
Many skeptical leaders also began to objectively re-understand Xie Tianming's education and probation work.

Wen Shouwei was relieved, and began to intervene in the work of establishing a criminal psychological intervention center.

As a result, Qingshui Prison began to accelerate the establishment of a criminal psychological intervention center. According to Chen Li's suggestion, an architectural design company was found to design, and then a decoration design company was found to design according to Chen Li's requirements. After the design plan came out, the prison First, they solicited opinions extensively internally, and then, according to Chen Li's suggestion, invited several social counselors to discuss together, and finally formed a plan and reported it to the provincial bureau.

The Provincial Bureau quickly approved the report on the construction of the Criminal Psychological Intervention Guidance Center in Qingshui Prison, and instructed that while speeding up the construction of the Guidance Center, two things should be implemented immediately. One is to select four policemen to study in Tianjin for half a year and attend The national unified examination, striving to obtain a third-level certificate; the second is to conduct a psychological test for all detainees.

The prerequisite for learning psychological counseling is police graduates majoring in pedagogy or medicine. Chen Li and Li Changxiong discussed with them and selected qualified young police officers to study. They are all over the age of 40, and there are no police officers with education majors in the education reform department, let alone other departments. There are only six qualified personnel in the whole prison, and all of them are leading classes in the front line.Chen Li asked them for their opinions one by one, and finally decided to draw one from one prison area and one from each of the other three prison areas.

Ma Xudong, the superintendent of the first prison district, didn't say anything, but asked the cadres of the group to supplement the police force, and the three prison districts all started shouting, how could the young man have to be young to go to the school?Now the police force is so tense, each nail has another eye, not to mention that they are all strong and strong, and they are the main force of the prison area.This time, Li Changxiong was in a bit of trouble. The prison police force was really tense. It was reasonable for them to yell, so they discussed with Chen Li whether they could be accommodating and relax the professional restrictions and age restrictions.Chen Li explained that the professional restrictions for studying psychological counseling are stipulated by the state, and this is not negotiable, only the age requirement can be relaxed.However, in order to ensure that they can pass the exam and obtain the national third-level psychological counseling certificate, young policemen are selected to go there.

Two days later, Li Changxiong called Chen Li to the office and handed her a list. The four selected were all hospital doctors, the oldest was 51 years old, and the youngest was 42 years old.He said: "Xiao Chen, you also know that the prison police force is tense, let's just do it for now, isn't there still you?"

Chen Li thought about it, but she couldn't help but give him face, so she made a compromise suggestion: "The warden, go to Yang Yang in the first prison district, and replace this 52-year-old, see if this works."

Li Changxiong also had to agree, if she got him a book from Wen Shouwei, it would be enough for him to drink a pot.

The day after Yang Yang left, 58-year-old Wang Shougui, who was working in a confinement room, was transferred to the first prison area.Ma Xudong is in a bit of trouble. Can he arrange for him to go to the detachment to directly manage the criminals?

Wang Shougui seemed to see what he was thinking, and said: "Director Ma, I have been at the grassroots level all my life. I dare not say anything else, but when it comes to disciplining criminals, I still have some experience. If you think highly of my old bone , I’ll take Yang Yang’s hand.”

Wang Shougui came from Pingxi Prison, Ma Xudong didn't know much about it, and Yang Yang's team included Lu Benchuan, Pan Jiajie, etc. who were listed as recalcitrant criminals by the prison. In recent years, it was this team that caused troubles .But right now, there is indeed no police force, so we have to do this first.The next day, he went to political commissar Xu Changli to find out about Wang Shougui's situation.

Xu Changli said: "We Pingxi Prison is an expert in discipline and has been an outstanding civil servant for five consecutive years. He has won third-class merit five times. It can be said that you can assign him any job, and he will do it conscientiously. What I worry about is his health... ..."

Xu Changli hesitated to speak.

Originally, I wanted to say that in Pingxi Prison, he ordered him not to enter the prison area and put him in a relatively easy position, but recalling that he had proposed to Li Changxiong to adjust Wang Shougui's work, he hadn't said anything yet. After finishing speaking, Li Changxiong blocked him, saying that since the bureau required double guards and double belts, the prison police force has been like this, not to mention that now the gate is full of veteran comrades, and it is difficult to change one or not. .

Ma Xudong was a little relieved, but he was still very concerned about the situation of the first team.

Since Er Pi became the head of the production team, his performance has been remarkable, but in Wang Shougui's view, he should be sounded the alarm. Pi talk.Wang Shougui caught Erpi's problem and told him to face the wall and think for an hour.However, the place to face the wall is not on the playground, but in the cell.

Of course Erpi wouldn't just be so obedient, as soon as Wang Shougui left, he fell on the bed and hummed a ditty.

Unexpectedly, Wang Shougui came over quietly, squatted on the ground and looked at him.

Erpi saw Wang Shougui in a blink of an eye, and jumped up all of a sudden: "Hey, your old man is haunted by ghosts, you should scare people to death."

Wang Shougui smiled.

Erpi looked at him strangely: "Why are you always laughing?"

Wang Shougui stood up and asked, "Your nickname is Erpi?"

"Ah, what's the matter? It doesn't look like it?"

Wang Shougui shook his head: "Not like, not like."

Er Pi asked excitedly: "Then, what does the legendary Er Pi look like? Is it the tall and mighty type with a jade tree facing the wind?"

Wang Shougui laughed again: "Tall and mighty, with a tree facing the wind, what is that?"

Erpi asked seriously: "What?"

Wang Shougui shook his head again: "I don't know."

Erpi "cut" and fell down on the bed in disappointment.

Wang Shougui ignored Er Pi's rudeness, and said softly, "You kid, after a few years in prison, you think you are the boss of the rivers and lakes, don't you?"

Erpi got up and stood up properly.

Wang Shougui asked again: "I heard that you are very good at eating?"

Erpi cupped his fists: "Don't dare, dare not."

"Do you know how to write 'prison' in prison?"

Erpi looked at him in astonishment: "I know, one anti-dog and another dog next to it."

"Then do you know what it means, kid?"

"What do you mean?"

Wang Shougui said: "An anti-dog and a dog next to it, that is two dogs talking, it is the 'prison' of the prison."

Erpi opened his eyes wide: "Ah? Old fairy, what do you mean?"

Wang Shougui stood up and left: "Think for yourself!"

Er Pibi drew and muttered, "This dog, that dog, talk?"

Erpi pondered for a while, then shook his head, but he no longer fell on the bed, but stood with his head against the wall.

Ma Xudong is completely relieved. Wang Shougui is really dedicated and experienced. Not only can he catch Erpi, but he also hits off with Lu Benchuan, Pan Jiajie and other recalcitrant criminals. Maybe it's because of his age. He communicated with these job criminals. On the contrary, it was smoother than Yang Yang's.

What made him even more relieved was that Lu Benchuan hadn't changed anything during this period.Originally Ji Niu Ma Er reported the situation, and he really wanted to hold a prison situation analysis meeting, but then he thought again, now it is different from the past, the supervision hardware facilities have been greatly improved, and it is almost impossible to escape. Time to see if more definite evidence can be found.

Under the auspices of Chen Li, half a month later, all the psychological tests on the criminals were completed.A personality test was carried out on 35 newly admitted criminals, and the test results showed that as many as 91% had psychological problems.Sixteen criminals were at high risk of self-harm, self-injury, suicide, etc. due to excessive anxiety, accounting for 45.7%; seven had emotional problems, accounting for 20%; four had adjustment disorders, accounting for 11%; five had Conduct disorder, accounting for 14%.

The results of the census on other criminals are also surprising and worrying. 100% of them have psychological problems of varying degrees.The physical reactions caused by psychological problems are mainly reflected in headaches and sleep disturbances, accounting for 32%. There are varying degrees of anxiety, fear, doubt, depression, depression, sadness, irritability, numbness, denial, loneliness, nervousness, irritability, and oversensitivity Emotional disorders such as inability to relax, constant worry, fear of getting sick, fear of death accounted for 45%; 8%; suicide attempts, repeated hand washing, social withdrawal, avoidance and alienation, and fear of seeing the police accounted for 5%.

As soon as the report came out, there was an uproar in the team of Qingshui Prison. 100%, this sensitive figure immediately cast a huge shadow on the psychology of every leader. The first reaction of Li Changxiong and Xu Changli was to immediately classify the report as classified It is classified as top secret, and it is only circulated to members of the party committee until there is no instruction from the provincial bureau.

However, there is still a very difficult problem. Although Xie Tianming's reform and transformation work has made breakthrough progress, this incident has also produced some bad effects among criminals.In the eyes of other criminals, the director of the Provincial Prison Administration Bureau is Xie Tianming's classmate, so Xie Tianming received special treatment. They are also the objects of supervision, education, probation and rescue. Practical difficulties such as enrolment, employment, parental support, divorce, etc., arranged special meetings with relatives, so that on the day Xie Tianming's mother and daughter came to visit, several prison districts refused to work and asked the warden to give an explanation.The prison reported the situation in written form and personally submitted it to Director Wen Shou.Wen Shouwei said that at this stage, we can only adhere to the prison interview system. The interview and help education for recalcitrant criminals are still in the experimental stage of exploration. You go down and do a good job of explaining.Li Changxiong can't express his stance to the criminals clearly, he can only instruct the prison districts to strengthen precautions, pay attention to counseling, and take high-pressure measures when necessary to crack down on criminals who use this to instigate incitement.However, all the prisons mentioned this problem at the prison situation analysis meeting this month. Although the situation has calmed down, the criminals still express their dissatisfaction in private. If the problem is not fundamentally resolved, it will be a major hidden danger in the supervision work.

Li Changxiong and Xu Changli discussed for a long time and reached an agreement. Given the importance of the matter, they went to report to Wen Shouwei together.

Unfortunately, the deputy chief, He Kaihua, and the director of the bureau's office, Ma Xingyu, were in the chief's office. Li Changxiong felt that the matter to be reported today was too important, and he couldn't wait, so he bit the bullet and called for a report outside the door.

"Hey, if you say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive, or two Cao Caos will arrive together. It seems that the matter is not trivial." Wen Shouwei laughed.

While making tea for them, Ma Xingyu said, "The Bureau of Literature and Bureau He are preparing to study your prison situation report for this month."

Li Changxiong was a little surprised. The director can pay attention to the prison situation report of Qingshui Prison, so he must also pay attention to the reports of other prisons. In his opinion, the director will not pay attention to these things, and he can't pay attention if he wants to. As for a prison, at most, he would come to the province's prison situation analysis meeting occasionally, and read at the meeting with the manuscript prepared for him by Ma Xingyu.

Wen Shouwei said: "Your report said that the prison's transformation and probation measures for Xie Tianming had a negative impact on the criminal group, and it has continued until now, becoming a hidden danger in supervision."

"The situation is like this." Li Changxiong nodded and said.

"Is that so?" Wen Shouwei's tone changed suddenly, as if he was questioning, "All of us express our opinions."

Several people's hearts skipped a beat, and any fool could see that the director was not satisfied with this statement, so they all pretended to be deaf and dumb.

When it came to Qingshui Prison, Li Changxiong had to speak. He knew that the director was dissatisfied with this statement, but the actual situation in the prison was like this. Director of the prison, I have the responsibility and obligation to report the real situation to you. You were also present when the criminals made trouble that day. Although we took some measures to calm the development of the situation, we did not fundamentally solve the problem and planted hidden dangers in supervision. It has passed It's been a month, and according to past experience, things are usually downplayed or even forgotten, but this thing has been affecting the emotions of criminals, which is very abnormal."

Both He Kaihua and Xu Changli are well versed in the ways of officialdom, and it is inconvenient to express their opinions under such circumstances. The two remained silent, frowning, as if thinking.

Wen Shouwei thought to himself that it would be impossible for them to tell the truth, at most they would be humming and haha ​​talking nonsense, unable to understand what he was trying to express.But Xu Changli is the political commissar, so he had to say something, so he called the name: "Old Xu, tell me."

Xu Changli originally planned to try his best not to speak without expressing his opinion, but now he can’t do so: “This report was drafted in terms of prison administration, and the wording was not thoughtful. Maybe the warden was too busy with work and ignored this point. What Lao Li said is the actual situation, but there is another point, Xie Tianming's prison reformation work was successful, which is also the real situation, the transition from passive reformation to active reformation is really not easy."

Ma Xingyu said: "Cultural Bureau, let me tell you my personal opinion."

Guard Wen nodded.

"I would like to make two points. First, this report is just like what Political Commissar Xu said. The wording and tone of this report are not correct. It cannot be said that the prison has adopted special educational measures for a certain criminal, which has caused supervision problems. In fact, the Cultural Affairs Bureau Before coming here, all prisons have adopted similar measures, but the degree of strength is different. Didn’t Qingshui Prison take similar measures before? As far as I know, Ma Xudong gave a criminal’s elder brother a visit every month. Sending a text message about his younger brother’s reformation performance, which lasted for 17 months, finally touched him, and he came to visit his younger brother in prison, and this criminal regained his family affection. Does that mean that all criminals require our policemen to How about sending a text message to their relatives every month?"

Li Changxiong knew about this, and he had to admit that what Ma Xingyu said was reasonable, but the extent and strength of the matter were different, and this matter might change qualitatively from that matter...

Ma Xingyu paused, and then said: "I said the second point. In fact, Warden Li said it. This incident has always affected the emotions of criminals. It is very abnormal. Yes, I also think it is abnormal. You are also right. Did the criminal Pan Jiajie visit? Why is Xie Tianming the only target? Isn’t that strange?”

Li Changxiong immediately became sensitive: "Director Ma, can't talk nonsense..."

"Don't be too sensitive." Ma Xingyu smiled, "But, have you thought about this issue? If Pan Jiajie had been a classmate of the Bureau of Literature, maybe the finger would be directed at Pan Jiajie, and this is where the abnormality manifests itself."

"Hmm... Could it be... among them..." Xu Changli also became sensitive.

Ma Xingyu continued: "So, since you also think it is abnormal, you have to look at and deal with this problem with an unconventional way of thinking. I don't dare to say whether anyone is obstructing it, instigating some people to incite and exaggerate. Dissatisfaction with something has caused the criminals to be emotionally unstable. I just suspect that some criminals are causing trouble, and I suggest that Warden Li and Political Commissar Xu catch the construction of the eyes and ears."

Li Changxiong seemed to have grasped at a life-saving straw, and quickly said: "Director Ma's analysis makes sense. As a person, I have relaxed my vigilance and downplayed the concept of the enemy's situation. Please criticize."

He Kaihua also immediately stated: "The warden relaxes his vigilance, there will be a big accident. I said Li Changxiong, you can't always think of yourself as an entrepreneur. Now that the funds are fully guaranteed, your mind should focus on supervision. Come up."

"He Ju's criticism is right, I'll change my mind immediately, change my mind..." Li Changxiong said in his mouth, but in his heart he scolded him for eight generations.

Wen Shouwei said: "I very much agree with Director He's opinion. Now, not only you, but most of the wardens in the province have a problem of role change. We must pay attention to this problem."

"I suggest that the bureau study it and come up with a plan." He Kaihua said.

Wen Shouwei nodded: "Well, we will study it when Secretary Hong Wenling comes back. However, as far as Xie Tianming is concerned, no matter whether there are other ulterior reasons, I think the criminal's appeal is still legitimate. The key is how we explain it to them. The concept of the enemy’s situation cannot be relaxed, but it must not be overdone. Now that your prison is conducting a pilot project, you should not make a move after talking about it in the bureau. You must actively promote the work and boldly explore and practice. Regarding the interview of criminals Is it time to consider revising and perfecting the system, the help and education system, and the prison’s education and transformation of recalcitrant inmates? Should it be discussed and drafted management methods for criminals’ psychological crisis intervention, psychological counseling, and psychological testing? How to use them effectively and on a large scale? Social resources help and educate criminals?"

It is August in a blink of an eye, and the high temperature for days has made the city like a steamer. No matter where you go, you will be surrounded by a suffocating heat wave.In the past, the streets where pedestrians were like a flood became quiet under the bright sun, and it seemed that there were only panting traffic and hysterical cicadas in the world, which made people even more disturbed.

Ji Niu Ma Er sat on a small stool and played the guitar.

Lu Benchuan sat on the bed in a daze.

The police on duty patrolled past the door and stopped: "Lu Benchuan, you are not allowed to sit on the bed."

Lu Benchuan quickly stood up, smoothed the place where he was sitting with his hands, sat down on a small stool under the bed, and glanced outside the door.

Lu Benchuan wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Did I talk in my sleep last night?"

Ji Niu Ma Er lightly plucked the strings: "Say it."

"What did I say again?"

An imperceptible strangeness flashed across Ji Niu Maer's eyes, and he deliberately said, "Run, run. Passport."

Lu Benchuan didn't show any surprise or worry, and said flatly: " didn't tell others, did you?" Ji Niu Ma Er shook his head and continued to play the piano, fascinated.

Reuben Chuan suddenly felt bored, and said again: "Why don't you talk?"

"Remember the fox story I told you?"

Lu Benchuan nodded.

"Do you think that fox's work was wasted?" Lu Benchuan nodded again.

"you are wrong."

Lu Benchuan looked at him and asked, "How do you say?"

Ji Niu Ma Er plucked the strings vigorously and said: "The fox has been in prison for three days and lost his freedom for three days."

Lu Benchuan's mouth moved, but he didn't speak, and then he started to be in a daze again.

Inmates in Qingshui Prison fainted in the reform-through-labor area yesterday.

This year is the first summer that the prison will pass through from foreign labor to domestic labor processing. The criminal labor reform area is a simplified work shed, which is the same as the workshops of most enterprises in society. Although there are high-power exhaust fans and fans The ground blows, but in such weather, the wind that blows out is a heat wave, which cannot achieve the purpose of cooling at all.Ma Xudong asked the police on duty to monitor the indoor temperature at any time, 36, 37, 38, 39, the temperature was constantly refreshed, approaching [-] degrees.

Ma Xudong came to the workshop in a hurry, the policemen on duty and the criminals were sweating profusely, and the back vest of their clothes was wet a lot.The sound of the noisy sewing machine touched everyone's nerves, and there was a huge suffocation in the air.Neither the policeman nor the criminal seemed willing to speak, and the whole workshop seemed unusually quiet.

The criminals in the wig making area seemed rather irritable, and sweat kept dripping on the operating table.

Ma Xudong knew that this quietness was actually like a sign before a volcanic eruption, so he immediately reported the situation to the warden Li Changxiong and suggested to call it a day.

Li Changxiong scolded him right away. There are no holidays for companies in society. Could it be that only criminals are human beings, and those law-abiding citizens are not human beings?What logic do you have?Criminals are people, but the premise is criminals, what are they doing here?Makeover!What's more, how is your prison's production tasks completed in the past few months?What about economic benefits?You don't know?

He was a little depressed, went to every point of the workshop to check, and walked around, his whole body was wet, his clothes could wring out water, he himself felt top-heavy, and suddenly saw Xie Tianming standing there just like him He kept folding the clothes, and just like him, he seemed to be standing unsteadily and precariously, so he walked over and asked with concern, "How is it?"

Xie Tianming said loudly: "I can persevere!"

"If you feel bad, report to the police officer." Ma Xudong urged.

Xie Tianming nodded.

The workshop was too suffocating. He thought of the door to get some air, so he subconsciously walked towards the door. As soon as he reached the door, a criminal behind him shouted: "Xie Tianming has fainted!"

Li Wenjun's stomach became more protruding, and he couldn't walk very smoothly.

In fact, she was not sure which child was in her belly. During the few days of pregnancy, she slept with the vice president and Wu Youming.Knowing Wu Youming and going to bed with him, she didn't care at the beginning, business, bidding, sending money to Wu Youming, eating with him, and then sleeping with him drunkenly, it was natural, like some kind of technological process, and then It seems that there is still a taste of fate.But after thinking about it slowly, she always felt that there seemed to be something in it. After the ups and downs with the vice president, the vice president slipped his mouth, saying that you are such a stunner, which man would not be tempted?No wonder that Secretary Wu missed you so much, alas, I really shouldn't have introduced you to him at the beginning... She understood, it wasn't fate, but thanks to the vice president's superior.

When she thought of this, she was filled with anger. These men actually regarded themselves as stunners and sent them around.In this case, don't blame the old lady for being ruthless, if you don't kill you well, the old lady swears not to be human.She blackmailed the vice president and threatened Wu Youming to buy a house and a car with money.Although the two men were not sure whether the wild species belonged to them or not, but Li Wenjun was more serious about it, so it would be a disaster, so let's spend money to buy peace.

She has no intention of taking away the child at all, and she is not in her prime, she will be 30 years old soon, she knows that for a person like her, if she lives like this, she can't be high or low, and she can't find a man Now that I'm a husband, I have a child to rely on, so who cares?In the future, if there is no money to spend, I will take the child to find his biological father.So I took a long vacation, issued a fake abortion certificate at the hospital, copied two copies, sent them to them, and asked for the other half of the money.Looking at the string of "0"s on the passbook, she was still not satisfied, so she added more weight to the two. In her eyes, these two were lambs that she could slaughter at will.

However, now that he has a material foundation, he doesn't care about Xie Tianming's little property, so he wants to end the relationship with him as soon as possible.What she never expected was that Xie Tianming changed his attitude a few months ago and told her lawyer, I have nothing but time, you can go to the court to sue, and we will talk about it in two years.After thinking about it, she decided to go to the prison in person and have a good talk with him.

At [-]:[-] this morning, she drove straight to Qingshui Prison, but as soon as she went out, there was a lot of traffic jams, stop and go along the way, and the one-hour journey took her nearly three hours. When she arrived at the prison, it was her off-duty time.She had no choice but to find a nearby hotel to rest. At two o'clock in the afternoon, she rushed to the interview center and completed the interview procedures. Unfortunately, Xie Tianming was admitted to the hospital again.

The meeting center told her to come another day, but she was not reconciled, saying that her matter was urgent and important, and she asked them to help coordinate a meeting at the hospital.After a while, the interview center came to inform again, saying that the prison district believed that Xie Tianming's current condition could not be stimulated any more, and they did not agree to the interview.As soon as she heard this, she became angry and shouted: "My business is not a problem? I am a pregnant woman who travels all the way, is it easy for me?" Then she turned her nose and tears to the others. The family members of the prisoners who met complained.

The family members of the prisoner sympathized with her and accused the prison of being unkind.

The police at the meeting center were in a hurry, reporting to the Prison Administration Section while persuading her to wait in the special meeting room.

In the hospital, although Xie Tianming had woken up, he was exhausted and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Pan Jiajie, who was sent to take care of Xie Tianming, sat on the small stool and meditated, while Erpi felt bored and stood up and walked around.

Erpi squatted opposite Pan Jiajie.

Erpi said strangely: "Old ghost, let me tell you a secret."

Pan Jiajie said flatly: "Don't forget the prison rules and discipline, and don't spread rumors in private."

"I haven't said it yet, why did it become a gossip?" Erpi scratched his ear and touched his cheek.

Pan Jiajie smiled: "Then tell me."

"This morning, I saw someone doing five-on-one shit in the toilet."

Pan Jiajie looked at him suspiciously: "The toilet is so small, why beat one out of five?"

"It wasn't a fight, they sorted themselves out in the toilet."

Pan Jiajie exclaimed: "Huh?" He lowered his voice, "Sodomy? Ouch, criminal." "What, I really don't understand?"

Pan Jiajie shook his head.

"Just masturbate!"

Pan Jiajie gave him a blank look: "That's it? It's a secret?" Er Pi got bored and walked back and forth.

A patient complained: "Don't dangle around, okay?" Erpi stared and said, "I'm young and full of energy!"

"Then, let's go and masturbate." The patient laughed.

Er Pi chuckled: "That's right."

Er Pi said, and went to the toilet.

Pan Jiajie persuaded: "Erpi, you are still young, so you should do less of that. It's not a problem to marry a wife after serving your sentence and have a child."

The inmate sighed: "Yes, Lao Pan is right. My life is over."

"Your baby is younger than me, don't you have a wife? Go out and have a baby, how will it be over?" Erpi turned around and said.

The inmate said: "You don't know, I am addicted to drugs. This drug can harm all physiological functions of a person, and at the same time can make people sterilized in advance! So my life is over!"

Erpi and Pan Jiajie looked at him.

The sick inmate sighed: "She came to visit the prison. When I saw her, I felt so guilty. I made her remarry cruelly, but she refused. I thought about it and came up with a bad idea. Let my mother-in-law borrow a seed, and let us Don’t you have someone to rely on when you are old? Guess what my wife said? She said that I let her steal a man to raise a man, which is a scandal that shames the ancestors. If I force her, she will die in front of me! You say For a moment, how uncomfortable should I be? What should I do?"

Pan Jiajie wept secretly.

Xie Tianming suddenly said, "Who can we blame for all this? It's all our fault."

Erpi screamed: "Boss, you're awake!"

At this time, Ma Xudong hurried in and said to Xie Tianming: "Your wife Li Wenjun will be here soon, you must be mentally prepared."

Xie Tianming's face suddenly became watery: "Ma Jian, I refuse to meet with you."

"We considered your physical condition and did not agree, but she made a lot of noise in the meeting center, slandering our prison for being unreasonable and inhumane, so the prison decided to let her come to see you." Ma Xudong shook his head helplessly Say.

Xie Tianming thought for a while and said, "Okay, don't worry, I'm fine."

Just as they were talking, Chen Li and a policeman from the Prison Affairs Division walked in with Li Wenjun. Before she could speak, Xie Tianming said, "You don't want to come here anymore. My opinion is very clear to your lawyer. .”

Li Wenjun was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Tianming, after all, we are a husband and wife, so there is no room for discussion? I came this time sincerely. To be honest, I used to want your little property..."

"You finally admitted that you want to piss me off so that you can take that bit of property all by yourself. You can... When my father died without even the funeral expenses, when my daughter dropped out of school, when my mother was sick, how do you remember? Sorry, are we still husband and wife?" Xie Tianming became emotional.

Ma Xudong patted him to remind him not to get too excited.

Li Wenjun knew he was wrong, so he bowed his head and remained silent.

Xie Tianming calmed down his emotions and continued: "Now, my daughter has returned to school, my mother is in good health, and my father and his old man can be regarded as safe and sound. I have the government to take care of me. I am very happy and at ease, haha ..."

"I admit that I have bad intentions, please forgive me, ah! I don't want anything, can't I?" Li Wenjun said humbly
Xie Tianming snorted: "I've figured it out too. I want a divorce. Okay, I have no objection. You can sue right away, and we'll talk about it in two years."

Li Wenjun couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled arrogantly: "Xie Tianming, if you don't agree today, I won't leave, I...I will die here."

Xie Tianming sneered for a while: "You died long ago in our Xie's house... But, let me tell you, this is a prison, I reckon you really died here, those reporters have something to do."

"" Li Wenjun was trembling with anger, "Look at you, what have you become now? A complete hooligan, a mistress, a little are still the secretary of the county party committee, shit, all his mother's hanging Sample……"

A shadow passed over Chen Li's heart.

At this time, the duty room of the hospital asked her to answer the phone.

Wen Ziping called, saying that Xie Xiaowan was missing...

The night was blurry, and the densely packed small flying insects were flying and wriggling around the street lamps. Although the corpses of their companions kept falling, they still recklessly bumped into the group of lights that they thought would illuminate the future.

Wearing plain clothes and a pair of sunglasses, Wu Youming came to the entrance of Jindi Hotel, looked around, and slipped in.

Wu Youming knocked on the door, walked in, and closed the door casually.

Zhang Daxin looked up at him, and asked cautiously: "Dare to ask your friend's name?"

Wu Youming took off his eyes.

Zhang Daxin said with a smile: "Hey, it turns out to be Secretary Wu, come here, please sit down."

Wu Youming smiled, walked over and sat on the sofa.

Zhang Daxin made tea, handed him the cigarette again, and looked at him again: "Secretary Wu, are you visiting incognito?"

Wu Youming smiled wryly: "Brother, don't make fun of me, brother. Even if you visit privately, it's still in my territory. How dare you make a mistake in your place."

"Please order."

"My brother is really a straightforward person, okay, I will open the skylight and speak plainly." Wu Youming said in a deep voice, "Oh, this's really hard to say..."

Zhang Daxin chuckled lightly and said, "We men, isn't that the thing? People don't flirt in their prime."

"That's that..." Wu Youming hesitated, his eyes flickering, "Oh, speaking of this person, he has some relationship with you..."

Zhang Daxin suddenly understood a little bit, and his previous worries became clear all of a sudden, but he remained calm and pretended to be surprised: "Could it be that Secretary Wu is talking about the modern Wenjun?"

Wu Youming nodded again and again: "Yes, yes..."

"Then Secretary Wu must be the modern Xiangru, the beauty is not shallow, the beauty is not shallow..."

Wu Youming smiled bitterly, shook his head, and waved his hands again: "What a blessing, it's a disaster, a disaster in eight lifetimes. Brother, to tell you the truth, I was really raped by her. She was pregnant with a baby and insisted that it was mine. I also wanted to calm things down, so I gave her some money and asked her to get rid of it. Now, the money was given, but she not only didn't get rid of it, but asked me for some child support, oops..."

This matter was expected by Zhang Daxin, and he also wanted to calm down, so he said, "How much does she want from you? How about I help you out?"

Wu Youming waved his hands again and again: "Even if you leave, she will still ask me for money after a while."

"Then how much does she want this time?"

Wu Youming frowns: "A house with no less than 150 square meters, and it must be located within the first ring road, plus 500 million. Brother, I am a civil servant with a salary. How can I find so much money? This is not forced Am I going to be corrupt?"

"It's a bit too much..." Zhang Daxin was thoughtful.

Wu Youming looked at him eagerly: "Brother, you have had friendship with her before, help me get around?"

"Okay, I'll try."

Wu Youming stood up and shook hands with Zhang Daxin enthusiastically: "Then please, brother, as for your projects with me, I will take care of them."

Zhang Daxin said solemnly: "With what you said, I will settle it for you no matter what. You can go back with peace of mind and wait for the good news. Brother Ang, are you here to entertain me?"

"Not today, I don't feel that way." Wu Youming put on sunglasses.

"It's okay, wait until I settle the matter, then I'll send you out."

Wu Youming laughed dryly: "Forget it, come quietly, or go quietly."

Zhang Daxin sent him to the door, waved goodbye, and then sat back on the chair of the big class, thinking about how to persuade Li Wenjun about this matter, Huang Xiaowei walked in with a smile.

Zhang Daxin stood up and made a hug with his hands: "Congratulations, congratulations, Vice Mayor Huang has been promoted to deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and executive deputy mayor!"

Huang Xiaowei hugged him.

Huang Xiaowei said: "It's all thanks to Mr. Zhang, so I'm here to thank you today! Half of the military medal is for you and half for me."

Zhang Daxin laughed loudly: "Sit down, I'll make you a cup of tea."

"No tea, I'm here to drink with you tonight."

Zhang Daxin persuaded: "Brother, you have just been promoted, so keep a low profile, there are many people here."

Huang Xiaowei said: "So, I refused all the banquets, but I have to drink this wine with Mr. Zhang. We will drink it in your office, how about it?"

"Enough loyalty, okay, just drink in the office, come!" Zhang Daxin slapped the table.

Wen Ziping walked into the bar of Jindi Hotel and looked around.

A wine girl walked over: "Sir, are you here again? Are you looking for Xiaowan?"

Wen Ziping nodded.

The hostess said: "She hasn't come yet, come here, please sit here for a while." Wen Ziping chose a seat by the window and sat down.

"What do you want?"

Wen Ziping said, "Have a cup of coffee."

"You'll be later." The hostess nodded and turned to make coffee for him.

Wen Ziping looked at the street downstairs, searching for every passerby in the night lights, but he could only see dark dots moving in a chaotic manner.

During this time, Lu Benchuan suddenly stopped talking in his sleep, and those technicians didn't ask Erpi to bring him anything, which made Ma Xudong a little uneasy.Today, Yang Yang came back from his studies, and it happened that he was on duty tonight, so Yang Yang should be allowed to rest at home, but when he thought of Lu Benchuan, he was very upset, so he called Yang Yang to ask for his opinion, whether he could come to the unit.In fact, Yang Yang was on his way to the prison, and he hadn't seen Chen Li for three months. He originally wanted to ask Chen Li to have dinner, but Chen Li worked overtime tonight and asked him to come to the prison to accompany her.

The door of the office was half-closed, Yang Yang poked his head out with mischievous eyebrows, looked back again, tiptoed to behind Chen Li, stepped forward to hug Chen Li's shoulder blades, and kissed Chen Li's neck firmly.

Chen Li turned sideways, clasped one of Yang Yang's hands behind her back, twisted it hard, and pressed it firmly on the table.

Yang Yang groaned, Chen Li let go of him, and looked at him like a monster.Yang Yang's face turned red, and he lowered his head in embarrassment, like a child who has done something wrong.

Chen Li stared and said, "Hey, how dare you be so bold after not seeing you for a few days?"

Yang Yang wished he could make a hole and escape, and complained in a low voice: "It's all the boss Ma's fault...he wants me to be ashamed...Gajia..."

Chen Li was angry and funny: "Add what?"

Yang Yang glanced at her, then immediately stared at the ground again: "Jiajia hard bow..."

Chen Li gave him a hateful look: "Then you will fight hard?"

"Hmm..." He immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing again, and waved his hands in a panic, "No... no, I'm not..."

Seeing his anxious look, Chen Li couldn't help stretching out her arms to hug him, facing his face, and closing her eyes slightly.Yang Yang hugged her and slowly approached her lips.At this moment, footsteps came from the corridor outside, Chen Li hurriedly pushed him away, and hurriedly sat down by the computer.

Ma Xudong came in, looked at the two of them, saw Chen Li's serious appearance, and saw Yang Yang blushing like a monkey's butt, he laughed: "I'm not here at the right time?"

Chen Li turned around and gave him a blank look, and changed the subject: "I knew nothing good happened to you, so what's the matter?"

Ma Xudong gave a brief account of Lu Benchuan's situation, and finally said: "I've always felt uneasy these days, you guys help analyze and analyze, is there anything wrong with his sleep talk?"

Chen Li repeated Lu Benchuan's nightmare: "Didn't run away...Huang Shigong...the plane..."

She took out a piece of paper and wrote it down.

Yang Yang suddenly said: "What if it's not the word 'none' but the word 'beauty' in the United States?"

Chen Li stood up and looked at him in surprise: "Really improved?!"

Ma Xu Dongzhang Er was puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"

Chen Li changed the word "no" into the word "beauty": "The logic comes out, beauty, the United States, Yellowstone Park, that is Yellowstone Park, contact him to want to be a hermit, the idea is that he wants to go to Yellowstone Park in the United States Hide away."

Ma Xudong was taken aback: "Huh? Really want to run? Damn it, go to the park to be a hermit, a ball hermit, if you want to play, it's almost the same..."

Dawangwang is a dialect, meaning to look at beautiful women, Chen Li and Yang Yang burst out laughing.

"What's the matter? Oh, if this is true, it will be a big deal." Ma Xudong pondered, then shook his head immediately, "No, no..."

Chen Li said: "This is just our one-sided analysis, and we still need relevant evidence. You don't have to worry too much, just keep a close eye on it."

Ma Xudong's eyes lit up: "Yang Yang, do this first..."

He called Yang Yang over and whispered a few words, Yang Yang nodded repeatedly.

Chen Li was displeased: "Cut, even I keep it a secret?"

Ma Xudong said with a smile: "There are rules for the eyes and ears." He looked at Yang Yang, "Pay attention to the working principles! Okay, you guys continue, hehe..."

After Ma Xudong finished speaking, a gust of wind left, he took a few steps out the door, turned around and came back to close the door.

On the contrary, Chen Li and Yang Yang were a little embarrassed. They looked at each other, and their eyes collapsed at the touch of a finger.

Yang Yang was silent for a while and said, "Chen Li, I want to move out..."

"Actually, I want you to move out too..."

Yang Yang smiled happily: "Then I will look for a house tomorrow."

Chen Li said: "My family has an extra small house, and the tenant's lease has just expired..." "Then I will move out tomorrow."

Chen Li smiled and said, "The rent will not be reduced by one cent."

"You can take my salary." Yang Yang grimaced.

Chen Li raised her hand and hit him, Yang Yang dodged like a rabbit.Chen Li pretended to be angry: "Hey! Do you dare to hide?"

Yang Yang laughed and said, "You have heavy hands, I'm afraid."

"That can't hide!"

Yang Yang stretched out his head to her, and Chen Li tapped it lightly.

"However, you can't move out tomorrow..." Chen Li said.

"Your tenant hasn't left yet?"

Chen Li pondered and said: "That's not true. Xie Xiaowan's mood has just stabilized, so let's wait..." Yang Yang said worriedly: "Okay. I'm just afraid that Wen Ziping will come to make trouble again."

"You find an opportunity to take the initiative to talk to Wen Ziping, and explain the matter clearly, can't it be enough?"

Just at this time, Wen Ziping called and said that he wanted to talk to him and told him to go to Jindi Hotel.Chen Li and Yang Yang looked at each other and smiled, Chen Li said: "Let's go, I'll go with you."

Xie Xiaowan hurried into the bar, Wen Ziping rushed over and pulled her.

Xie Xiaowan was taken aback, and said, "Please let go, I have to work."

The manager said: "Xiaowan, you can sit with him, it's also a job."

"I can't take your salary for nothing." Xie Xiaowan said firmly.

Wen Ziping had no choice but to let go and returned to his seat in frustration.Watching Xie Xiaowan serving drinks and fruits to the guests, and helping the guests to settle the bill.

Wen Ziping drank cup after cup and became a little drunk after a while.He saw Xie Xiaowan walking past him, so he shouted loudly: "Come have a drinker!"

The manager looked at Xie Xiaowan.

Xie Xiaowan said angrily, "I'm not a wine companion."

The manager had no choice but to point to a bartender next to him: "You go."

The young lady walked over wiggling her hips and sat down next to Wen Ziping.

Wen Ziping put his arms around the drinking girl: "Come, come, let me drink with my brother, drink..."

The hostess lay on Wen Ziping's shoulder, clinked glasses, and drank.

Xie Xiaowan glanced at it with disgust.A waiter was walking upstairs carrying a plate of fruit, Xie Xiaowan stopped her: "Sister, let me deliver it."

The waiter nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Zhang's office."

Xie Xiaowan took the fruit plate and walked towards Zhang Daxin's office.

Huang Xiaowei was already drunk, he stood up staggeringly: "I...go to the toilet..."

Zhang Daxin came over to support him: "I'll help you go."

Huang Xiaowei struggled, shook his hand and said: "No need, I'm not drunk, wait for me, we'll drink when we come back, haha...have fun..."

Zhang Daxin smiled and let go.

Huang Xiaowei just walked into the bathroom when he staggered and fell to the ground.

Xie Xiaowan happened to pass by the door with a fruit plate, walked in quickly, put the fruit plate on the washing platform, and helped Huang Xiaowei up.

Huang Xiaowei squinted his eyes and glanced at her: "Miss looks familiar, what's your... name?"

Xie Xiaowan asked politely: "Sir, which private room are you in? I'll help you go back."

Huang Xiaowei touched her face, Xie Xiaowan let go of her hand, and quickly dodged, Huang Xiaowei fell to the ground again.Xie Xiaowan hesitated for a moment, and helped him up again, but Huang Xiaowei grabbed her and pushed her against the wall.

Huang Xiaowei stared at her with drunken eyes, "I asked you...what's your name?"

Xie Xiaowan said in fear: "Xie Xiaowan."

Huang Xiaowei lowered his head in thought: "Xie Xiaowan? Xie..." He suddenly raised his head and stared at her, "Are you Xie Tianming's daughter?" Xie Xiaowan replied calmly: "No."

Huang Xiaowei let her go and walked into the toilet.

Xie Xiaowan quickly picked up the fruit and walked into Zhang Daxin's office, put down the fruit plate, and bowed to Zhang Daxin.

Zhang Daxin looked at her in astonishment.

Xie Xiaowan said: "Mr. Zhang, I have never had a chance to say thank you."

Zhang Daxin recognized her as Xie Xiaowan, a little flustered in his heart, and deliberately asked: "You are?"

"I'm Xie Xiaowan, thank you for your help." Xie Xiaowan bowed again.

Zhang Daxin said politely: "You're welcome, your father and I are friends."

Xie Xiaowan nodded, bowed again, and backed out.

Huang Xiaowei just walked in, almost ran into her, turned to look at her, and asked, "Is she... Xie Tianming's daughter? Brother Zhang, aren't you... hehe..."

Zhang Daxin said sternly: "Brother, this is a big joke. I, Zhang Daxin, am that kind of person?"

"Oh, that's right. Come on, let's have another . . . drink."

Zhang Daxin's cell phone rang, he picked it up to check the number, and said, "Brother, sit down a moment, I'll answer the call."

Zhang Daxin went out, and after a while, he came in: "Brother, I want to go out for a while, look..."

Huang Xiaowei slumped on the sofa: "Go, go, I'll make a phone call and leave."

"Okay, I'll call your driver up." Zhang Daxin walked out.

Huang Xiaowei dialed the number: "Wen Jun, where are you? I..."

Li Wenjun's blunt voice came from the phone: "Where I am is none of your business?"

Then, there was the beep of the phone hanging up.

Huang Xiaowei angrily threw the phone on the table, the muscles on his face twitched a few times, he picked up the wine glass and drank it down.The driver came in: "Boss, are you going?"

Huang Xiaowei looked at him: "Come, have a drink with me...a few cups..."

The driver longed for this opportunity to flatter and said, "Boss, can you find two to accompany you?"

Huang Xiaowei glared at him.

The driver smiled obsequiously: "I... I think the boss is tired from work, so he can relax with a massage, so he can serve the people of our city tomorrow."

Huang Xiaowei pointed at him: " can really talk, so... just relax?"

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away, just wait a moment."

Just as the driver walked out, Xie Xiaowan came in with two drinks. Huang Xiaowei looked at him bemusedly, and pulled her into his arms.

Yang Yang and Chen Li walked into the bar, looked left and right, finally found Wen Ziping, and saw him drinking with his arms around a lady.Chen Li pulled Yang Yang and pointed to the downstairs, which meant that she would go back first.Yang Yang had no choice but to nod his head.

After watching Chen Li leave, Yang Yang walked over and sat down opposite Wen Ziping.

Wen Ziping was drunk and squinted at him: "Who are you?"

Yang Yang snatched his wine glass and said, "Ziping, you drank too much."

Wen Ziping patted the table: "Hmph, did I drink too much? Aren't you Yang Yang?"

Yang Yang said: "Could this lady avoid it for a while..."

The hostess said coquettishly: "Handsome guy, what are you avoiding? Drinking. There are many people, so there is an atmosphere. Come, let me pour you a glass."

The lady stood up to pour wine for Yang Yang, but Wen Ziping pulled her to sit down and said angrily, "Are you my wife or his lover?!"

The girl who accompanied the wine giggled and gnawed on his face: "Okay, okay, kiss, shall I call a girl for your friend?"

Wen Ziping smiled and pinched the lady's buttocks: "This is sensible."

Xie Xiaowan screamed in fright, and two waiters ran in when they heard the scream.

Huang Xiaowei turned his head and opened his red eyes and shouted: "You all go out!"

A waiter stepped forward to pull him, and politely persuaded him: "Sir, she is just a waiter, please let go."

The driver came in and yelled at the two waiters, "Get out!"

Two waiters ran out.

Xie Xiaowan struggled and shouted loudly: "Help, help!"

Huang Xiaowei stared suddenly, grabbed Xie Xiaowan's neck, and shouted: "Bitch, do you know...your little mother Li Wenjun...was my woman?"

Xie Xiaowan said in horror: "I...have nothing to do with her! Cough cough cough..."

The driver gently pulled Huang Xiaowei: "Boss, you..."

Huang Xiaowei slapped her hard while roaring: "Are you related to her? Are you related to Xie Tianming? Is Xie Tianming related to Li Wenjun?! Huh?!"

Huang Xiaowei tore Xie Xiaowan's clothes, and Xie Xiaowan yelled in horror.

The driver quickly closed the door: "Boss, calm down, I will make her docile..."

Huang Xiaowei pushed hard, and Xie Xiaowan fell on the sofa.She got up and was about to run, but was pressed on the sofa by the driver.

The driver said gently: "Don't be afraid, don't worry, my boss is a well-educated person. By the way, sister, aren't you here for money?"

The driver took out a stack of banknotes, counted ten, and put them on the sofa.

Xie Xiaowan looked at the banknote, then at him.

The driver counted ten more and put them on the sofa.

Xie Xiaowan looked at the banknote, then at him.

The driver was taken aback, hesitated for a moment, and cruelly counted ten more and put them on the sofa.

Xie Xiaowan looked at the banknote, then at him.

The driver panicked, with beads of sweat on his forehead: "Isn't your asking price too high?"

Xie Xiaowan rolled her eyes, and slowly picked up the money on the sofa: "I'll go with you, or am I here?"

The driver stood up and smiled coquettishly at Huang Xiaowei.

Huang Xiaowei looked at Xie Xiaowan expressionlessly, and sneered, "I'll leave it to you."

The driver looked at Huang Xiaowei in astonishment.Huang Xiaowei stood up, opened the door, and was about to go out, when Xie Xiaowan stood up abruptly, and rushed out the door, she shouted hysterically as she ran: "Killed, killed, call the police!"

The hostess called Yang Yang a lady, Yang Yang stood up and said, "Ziping, I'll wait for you at the door."

Yang Yang turned his head and left.

Wen Ziping grabbed him: "Don't you want to save face?"

"Ziping, you drank too much, let's talk another day."

Wen Ziping yelled at him: "I ask you, did you sleep with Xie Xiaowan?!"

Yang Yang said in a deep voice, "Let go!"

Wen Ziping suddenly raised his fist and hit Yang Yang.Yang Yang dodged, and with a push, Wen Ziping fell on the sofa, pressing on the young lady, and the young lady screamed.

The manager rushed over after hearing the news: "What's the matter?"

Yang Yang hurriedly said, "It's okay, it's okay."

Xie Xiaowan rushed over, yelling, and the driver chased after her.Wen Ziping jumped up, rushed over and punched the man.The driver groaned, took a few steps back, and raised his fist in desperation to fight back.Seeing so many people here in a blink of an eye, he turned around and ran away.Wen Ziping rushed up and kicked again, and the driver ate shit like a dog.Several people from the bar rushed over and beat Wen Ziping around.Yang Yang rushed over and threw four or five people to the ground several times.

Yang Yang yelled, "I'm a policeman, don't move!"

Yang Yang took out his mobile phone and dialed 110.

The manager hurriedly pressed his phone: "Brother, forget it, forget it..."

When Yang Yang pushed, the manager couldn't bear the strength, took a few steps back, and almost fell down.

Yang Yang had already dialed 110 and said, "Hi, is it 110? There was a gang fight in the bar of Jindi Hotel..." Several security guards rushed over, seeing that Yang Yang had called the police, they looked at the manager.

The manager was also very calm, and told the security: "You guys, watch them and wait for the police to come."

(End of this chapter)

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