Chapter 3

The Bible says that when a door closes for you, there must be a window open for you.This, reminds me of the AB gate of the prison...


Li Wenjun rolled on the bed with a person.

After finishing the work, the man turned on the light, sat on the bed, picked up the boutique Yellow Crane Tower, took out one, lit it, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled: "I heard that your husband is also a county party secretary?"

Li Wenjun's pretty face was flushed, naked, and she lazily lay on the bed: "What's the matter?"

The man played with her snow-white and plump breasts with one hand, and said with a smile: "Is he the county party secretary who is better, or I am the county party secretary who is better?"

Li Wenjun rolled his eyes at him, got up and blew in his ear, giggling: "He is physically better than you."

The man extinguished the cigarette, pressed her on the bed again, and pulled the quilt to cover the two of them.

A man's voice came from under the quilt: "I want to see tonight, who is the best of the two county party secretaries, hehe..."

In early spring, the rolling hills are still heavily mottled, although the occasional wild cherry blossoms in full bloom hit the eyelids like a cloud of clouds, even though the tender lotus yellow is slowly flowing in the thick dark green.

A car bumps forward on a winding mountain road.

Wen Shouwei looked out the car window, his eyes following the opposite hillside, as if he was searching for something.

The accompanying director of the County Party Committee Office sat in the co-pilot's seat, looked sideways at Wen Shouwei, and hesitated to speak.He twisted his body a few times unnaturally, then looked sideways at Guard Wen.

"Secretary, you... I... have one thing..." he said hesitantly.

Wen Shouwei still looked out of the window and said, "I know what you want to say."

The director of the county party committee cautiously continued, "Secretary Xie is my old leader..."

"Stop!" Guard Wen interrupted him suddenly.

The driver slammed on the brakes, and the director of the county party committee was startled and flustered. He turned around and looked eagerly at Wen Shouwei, and stammered, "I...I, I..."

"It's okay, I'll go for a walk..." Guard Wen opened the car door, walked back for a while, and stood on the side of the road staring at the ravine.

This place is called Cage Ditch.From junior high school to high school, he couldn't remember how many times he walked here with Xie Tianming. The scene of going home together after the college entrance examination 20 years ago came to mind.

"It's great to be an official? Ten years later, I will also take a car, which is more advanced than your tortoise shell!" Xie Tianming's words back then seemed to echo in his ears. Wen Shouwei looked east, then turned west to himself Look in the direction of home, and smile wryly. When I came home from school when I was young, every time I came here, I would say goodbye to Xie Tianming, one facing east, one facing west, one right, and one left. Thinking about it now, it seems so clear and desolate. , and a bit cruel.

Now, I want to go to the provincial capital along this national road, and take up the post of party secretary and director of the Provincial Prison Administration Bureau, while Xie Tianming is serving his sentence in the prison under his jurisdiction.

The mountain wind in early spring was still a little shaved, and Wen Shouwei shivered.

Wen Shouwei shifted his gaze to the opposite cliff, where there was a horrible traffic accident, and the person involved was Xie Tianming's original wife.Xiaogu County Public Security Bureau concluded that the party concerned was driving too fast and unfortunately fell off a cliff and died.But there are also discussions among the people, whether it is God's will or man-made, only God knows.

Wen Shouwei returned to the car, feeling a little tired, squinting his eyes, and wanted to take a nap, but he couldn't calm down...

Yesterday, I went to the provincial capital to participate in the province's outstanding county party secretary commendation meeting. He was one of the seven outstanding county party secretaries commended by the province.Before the meeting was over, the head of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee called him to the Office of the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.The secretary said that the Provincial Party Committee made a decision last night to send you to preside over the work of the Provincial Prison Administration Bureau, and serve as Party Secretary and Director.Go back this afternoon to hand over the work, and tomorrow I will go to the Provincial Prison Administration to perform my duties.The situation is urgent now. If you have any ideas, you can talk about them after you arrive in office.I believe you have a sense of the overall situation and obey the arrangements of the provincial party committee.

Wen Shouwei felt very sudden, but he couldn't help his feeling. The secretary of the provincial party committee said so, what else could he say?He knew a little about the Provincial Prison Administration. Due to suspicion of corruption and bending the law for personal gain, the director, a deputy director and three directors were arrested by the supervisory organ, which caused a major earthquake in the province's judicial administration system.

The Minister of Organization said that the problem is far more serious than imagined. In recent years, prisons have been in the stage of layout adjustment, large-scale relocation to large and medium-sized cities, many projects, and corruption is very prominent. The reformation of criminals is a matter of concern, while prisons are in the stage of layout adjustment, the focus of work is on relocation and construction, objectively relaxing the supervision and education of criminals, escapes, assaults on the police and other emergencies have increased. There are dozens of prisons in the province. The backyard of our province is unstable. Can the provincial party committee feel at ease?This is the real reason why the provincial party committee put you, an excellent county party secretary, into this crater.

"How is it? Do you have any questions at the Prison Administration tomorrow?" the Organization Minister finally asked.

"Please rest assured, the secretary and the minister. Except for the teacup in the office is mine, everything else belongs to the state. There is nothing to hand over. I can go to the Prison Administration now." Wen Shouwei said calmly.

"Yes." The secretary of the provincial party committee nodded approvingly, got up and walked in front of him.

Wen Shouwei immediately stood up.

The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee looked at him, and then patted him on the shoulder: "Xiaowen, this is a battlefield without gunpowder smoke, and your burden is not light."

"I will go all out to let the leaders sleep peacefully earlier." Wen Shouwei said.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to this day, you go." The secretary of the provincial party committee rubbed his temples vigorously, sat back on the chair, narrowed his eyes, looked tired, and waved weakly to him as farewell.

The car bumped a bit, interrupting Wen Shouwei's train of thought.

"The front is Xie Tianming's hometown, right?" Wen Shouwei asked.

The director of the county party committee office said: "It's still far away. The mountain mouth in front goes down to the river, turns over the mountain, and then descends to the mountainside."

"Oh..." Wen Shouwei was thoughtful.

"Oh, by the way, isn't your home also in this area? Do you want to go back and have a look?"

"No need, people from the Bureau of Prisons are already waiting at the highway intersection."

"Secretary, I have to send you to the bureau." At this time, the phone of the director of the county party committee rang again, and he hummed twice, and said, "It's the call from Secretary Kong of Shangliang Town, saying he wants to tell you individual."

Wen Shouwei frowned: "You tell him to say goodbye to me after finishing the drinking water project in the last village... Oh, no... then call me again and tell him that I will invite him in the provincial capital Have a meal."

After lunch, the prisoners in Section [-] of Qingshui Prison waited for assembly on the playground in twos and threes, and went to work in the workshop.

Xie Tianming squatted motionless against the corner of the toilet, staring at the ground with his head down.Last night, he suffered from insomnia as usual, but last night was different from previous insomnia.While watching the news last night, he saw his former classmate Wen Shouwei.The news reported that the Provincial Party Committee held a commendation meeting for outstanding county (city) district Party committee secretaries in the province. Wen Shouwei stood on the rostrum and held up the award certificate.He, with a smile on his face, no, he looks smug and smug. Thinking about it, every pore in his body seems to be tightly sealed, suffocating to death.And just at this time, that stupid Er Pi yelled again, thank you corrupt officials, look, you are being commended.He clenched his fist subconsciously, wanting to rush up and knock him down with a punch, and stomp on him a few more times.However, reason told him that as a secretary of the county party committee, he couldn't have the same knowledge as him, so what was he?gangster?Hooligans?The quality is as low as a dirty stray dog!After cursing secretly, although he felt much more comfortable, his heart was still bleeding. How the hell am I living with this kind of person? !The muscles on his face twitched, he raised his head high, glanced at Erpi contemptuously, turned and left.

The whistle sounded sharply, and the criminals ran quickly and lined up quickly.

"Xie Tianming, Xie Tianming, we're assembled!" Li Haojian, the team leader, shouted at him.

Xie Tianming didn't seem to hear it.

The group leader walked towards him, policeman Yang Yang waved his hand to signal the group leader to stop, Yang Yang walked over, bent down to look at Xie Tianming, and then squatted in front of him.

Xie Tianming still did not find Yang Yang.

Yang Yang patted him on the shoulder: "Xie Tianming, what's wrong with you?"

Xie Tianming came back to his senses, looked up and saw Yang Yang, jumped up reflexively, stood up unsteadily, "Report to Police Officer Yang..."

Yang Yang interrupted him: "Let's assemble!"

Xie Tianming turned his head and ran, ran a few steps, then stopped suddenly, seemed to remember something, turned to face Yang Yang, stood at attention: "Yes!"

The prisoners burst into laughter.

Xie Tianming stood in the queue clumsily.

"Report the number!" Yang Yang, the policeman in charge, issued the password.

"14, 15, 16... 19..."

Yang Yang stared at Xie Tianming, a little angry: "It's you again! You used to be the secretary of the county party committee, and you didn't even know how to report the number? 16 is over 19? Do it again!"

Ma Xudong, the head of the prison district, suddenly appeared at the gate.

"Thank you Tianming."

Xie Tianming was stunned for a moment, but did not react.

"Xie Tianming!" Ma Xudong raised his voice.


The criminal Pan Jiajie standing next to Xie Tianming pushed him, and he reacted. He stepped out slowly, stood at attention awkwardly, and answered mechanically.Xie Tianming was imprisoned for seven days, and he returned to the prison last night. His face was pale and bloodless, his speech seemed dull, and his actions were much slower than before.

"You feed the pigs."

All the criminals turned their eyes to the former county party secretary.Even though Xie Tianming turned his back to the criminal team, he clearly felt that those eyes pierced his heart like sharp arrows, his bent body became even more bent, trembling slightly, his chest heaved violently, and his lips trembled a few times , seems to want to say something.

The inner guard poked his head out from the duty room and asked, "Boss, who will sign the belt?"

"I'll sign it." Ma Xudong said.

The inner guard hurriedly filled out the exit record, and then took out the pen and notebook for him to sign.

"Let's go!" Ma Xudong urged after signing, seeing Xie Tianming still standing where he was.

Xie Tianming's expression was numb, like a rotten tree in the wind and rain, as if he didn't hear it at all, he still stood there pitifully, shaking a few times from time to time, as if he couldn't stand still.

"Why... want me to feed the pigs?!" Xie Tianming was very emotional.

Yang Yang reprimanded loudly: "Xie Tianming, do you want to fight against the government again? Haven't you stayed in the cell (confinement room) enough? Don't be ignorant. The chief of the warden called you because he only came out of the cell because of your weak constitution. Go feed the pigs."

"I...I, I...don't feed the pigs! I'm going to the workshop to make clothes!" Xie Tianming became more emotional, and his face that was originally dead gray turned into a liver color.

A criminal raised his hand: "Report the police officer, I'll feed the pigs!"

This person was a county magistrate before he was arrested, and he was the same parent official as Xie Tianming.All eyes turned to him neatly like a team practicing goose step.Doubt, approval, contempt, and regret for not earning the performance he did.

Ma Xudong came over, stood in the middle of the front of the team, and glanced sharply. The criminals didn't dare to meet his gaze, so they all moved their eyes away.

"You, stand next to Xie Tianming." Ma Xudong ordered.

The criminal trotted to Xie Tianming's side, stood at attention, and his movements were very standard.

Ma Xudong pointed to the two of them and said, "Look, a secretary of the county party committee and a county magistrate are just right to form a team."

The criminals burst into laughter.

"However, this team is a team that is not united. One is going west and the other is going east. Therefore, the county magistrate, you can't feed the pigs." Speaking of this, Ma Xudong changed the subject, "But, I want to ask Ask the county magistrate, why are you willing to feed the pigs?"

The man who was standing at attention straightened up again: "Report to the superintendent, there is no distinction between high and low in labor. Who are we? What is this place? What are we doing here? So there is no high or low in labor reform." points."

"The county magistrate knows better than the county party secretary! Xie Tianming, you have been in prison for five years. Have you not changed roles yet? Do you think you are still the county party secretary? Even if you are the county party secretary now, you can't feed pigs? I think , it is necessary for us to carry out a big discussion on pig raising, and we will discuss it tonight! Only by thoroughly discussing theories, world outlooks, and values ​​can we combine them with your transformation practices and have the motivation for transformation. After this problem is solved, everyone In the past, people above the county level had to feed the pigs." Ma Xudong swiped his hand vigorously in the air, as if trying to cut something open.

The criminal Pan Jiajie sneered inwardly, looked at Ma Xudong contemptuously, and thought: "I am a student of Marxism-Leninism. Do I need to analyze and use Marxism-Leninism to guide and feed pigs? If I had such cadres under my command, I would have been dismissed long ago."

After Ma Xudong finished speaking, he ordered Xie Tianming, "Go, feed the pigs!"

The original criminal who fed the pigs was Ji Niu Maer. He raised his hand high and stammered to report: ""

The criminals couldn't help sniggering.

Ma Xudong looked at him and said, "You'd better feed the pigs."

Ji Niu Ma Er ran out of the row waddlingly, and followed closely behind Ma Xudong three meters away.

Xie Tianming hesitated for a moment, then moved slowly, following behind Ji Niu Ma Er.

Ma Xudong stopped at the door of the pigsty, turned around and said to Ji Niu Maer: "Give him one-third of the pigs."

Ji Niu Maer immediately stood at attention: "Yes... yes yes..."

Before Ji Niu and Ma Er finished speaking, Ma Xudong had already left.

Wen Shouwei met Ma Xingyu, the director of the office of the Provincial Prison Administration Bureau who came to pick him up at the intersection of the highway, sent the director of the county party committee office back, and went straight to the provincial capital.

Ma Xingyu looked in his early thirties, with a crew cut, and his movements were crisp and capable. Today he specially wore a police uniform to meet the guard Wen, which made him look even more heroic.

He took out the mobile phone card that was prepared for him and said, "Boss, I have issued a mobile phone card for you..."

"What? Boss?" Wen Shou raised his eyebrows and interrupted him displeasedly.

"Oh...that's what our Prison Bureau calls the director..."

Wen Shouwei said seriously: "Prison is an organ of state dictatorship, and we are a state machine under the leadership of the Communist Party, not a gangster."

Ma Xingyu quickly changed his words and said: "The director's criticism is correct, I will correct it immediately, and immediately convey your instructions to the various departments... Here are two cards, the end number is 6777, and the other is 6888. Which number do you use? "

"Which prison is Xie Tianming in?" Wen Shou didn't comment, but asked another question.

"This... I'll ask right away." Ma Xingyu quickly called the director of prison affairs to ask.

The director of prison administration didn't know which prison the criminal was in, so he asked if he was a criminal or a duty prisoner?

Out of the corner of Ma Xingyu's eyes, he saw the chief's brows furrowed again, and hurriedly turned his back and said in a low voice, "Hurry up and check, boss...'s the chief who asked. Hurry up, don't hang up, I'll wait." .”

After a while, the Director of Prison Affairs still hadn't answered. Ma Xingyu felt that the atmosphere was suffocating, so he hung up his cell phone and carefully asked Wen Shou: "Do you have a house in the provincial capital? If not, you can live in Qingshui Prison in the provincial capital." In the hotel of the office, I have already greeted them, the VIP room, a bedroom, and a reception room, and the Internet will be installed within today..."

"Qingshui Prison is a prison for duty prisoners, right?" Wen Shou still didn't comment on Ma Xingyu's words.

"Yes, there are two prisons in our province. Qingshui Prison is dedicated to detaining male duty offenders. Female duty offenders are held in the Provincial Women's Prison."

"Well...then Xie Tianming should be imprisoned in Qingshui Prison..." Wen Shouwei said thoughtfully, as if he was talking to himself, or to Ma Xingyu.

Ma Xingyu couldn't figure out what the new leader was thinking at the moment, so he didn't answer.

After a while, the director of prison administration called and said that there were three criminals in the province named Xie Tianming, which one do you want to ask?

"Why so slow? Is there anyone named Xie Tianming in Qingshui Prison?" Ma Xingyu asked.

"Hey, the internal staff didn't come, and a password was set. Only me and the internal staff know the password. I can't let other people know the password, and I don't know how to play with computers... Well, there is one. Hey, brother, I heard you were early in the morning. Going to pick up the new boss, what does the boss mean by asking this?"

Ma Xingyu said in a low voice, "How would I know?" He hung up the phone and said to Guard Wen, "Director, Xie Tianming is locked up in Qingshui Prison."

At this time, the head of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee called and asked Wen Shouwei to go directly to the office of Wang Bingsong, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission at [-]:[-] pm. Secretary Wang wanted to talk to him about clean government.

Wen Shouwei got along with this deputy secretary for a few days. It was half a year after he took office as secretary of the Xiaogu County Party Committee. The car of the secretary of the provincial party committee stopped him.Wang Bingsong got out of the car and said to the villagers: "I am Wang Bingsong, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. I will live in your village to deal with your problems." He took an old man's arm and said, "Brother, how about I live in your house?" The old man blushed with excitement, and kept saying: "That's a good relationship." He and the old man walked away talking and laughing, and other villagers followed suit.At that time, Wen Shouwei didn't know whether to accompany the secretary of the provincial party committee or Wang Bingsong.The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee said: "Wen Shouwei, if Secretary Wang makes any mistakes, I will take you as a questioner!" Wen Shouwei followed Wang Bingsong to the villagers' house for a short trot, and stayed for 4 days.

In his impression, this is a serious and kind old man, who is very strict with the local officials, so strict that he is almost harsh, but he always has a smiling and kind face to the common people.You can even stop to play in the sand with the elementary school kids.Since getting along with him that time, I respect this leader from the bottom of my heart, and my work style has been more or less influenced by him.Now, the deputy secretary asked him to talk to Lianzheng. He was both excited and a little scared. He had to express his determination. What should he say then?The more anxious I felt, the more I felt that I couldn't be sloppy, so I squinted my eyes and started drafting.

Ji Niu Ma Er turned his head to look at Xie Tianming, shook his head, turned his head and walked to the pigsty, and immediately there was the sound of humming pigs, like the tide, hitting Xie Tianming's eardrums.He felt as if a basin of cold, foul-smelling slop was splashed on him, and he waved his fist angrily.

"There is no way to escape, there is no way to escape..."

A neat line of criminals walked towards the workshop, loud singing drowned out his anger, and he squatted on the ground with his head drooping.

Ji Niu Ma Er came out with a broom, looked at him a few times, shook his head again, and put the broom in front of him.

Ji Niu Ma Er said: "You just... sweep... sweep..."

For some reason, Ji Niu Ma Er was a little anxious, and gestured for him to sweep around the pigsty.

Xie Tianming understood that he was taking care of him, stood up with the broom, and smiled gratefully at him.

Ji Niu Ma Er walked in, and after a while, the pigs screamed more happily, with the sound of snatching food.

A gust of morning wind blew by, Xie Tianming subconsciously held his nose with his left hand, held the broom with his right hand, and absently swept the floor here and there.

Three heavily armed special police patrols passed by here. Seeing him like that, one of the special police reprimanded loudly: "Put your hands down! It's ridiculous, are you here for a visit, or are you reforming through labor?"

Xie Tianming glanced at the policeman, put down his hands, and swept the floor with both hands.But his heart was full of nausea, he bent over and retched.

The special policemen frowned in disgust, turned and left.A special policeman scolded as he walked: "Damn it! This kind of parasite should have been sent to labor camp a long time ago!"

Xie Tianming angrily threw the broom on the ground, sat down on the broom, covered his nose and stared blankly at the sky, muttering: "Guard Wen..."

The sun is scorching hot on the ground, there seems to be no wind in the cage ditch, and the heat waves beside the rice fields are like sea waves, wave after wave, as if to evaporate all the water, which is suffocating.

The mountain road was winding, zigzagging down the mountain, young Wen Shouwei and Xie Tianming were walking on the mountain road.Wen Shou was barefoot, with a sack on his back, and there was a quilt inside. The quilt was worn out, patched and patched, and one part had been opened, revealing yellowish and grayish-black cotton wadding; Xie Tianming was naked from the waist up. , Putting a vest with many holes on his shoulders, holding a thin twig, from time to time, he beat the weeds or trees on the side of the road at will, and walked leisurely in front.

Guard Wen wiped the sweat off his forehead with his hands, wiped it on his trousers, looked up and said, "Shall we rest by the river?"

Xie Tianming stopped and looked back: "I said you, what are you doing carrying these back? Look at me, I threw it away, I threw it all away, even the textbooks, how relaxed I am! I'm going to college soon, don't you Do you want to go to the big city with these rags on your back?"

Wen Shouwei smiled, did not speak, and quickened his pace.

The two came to the river, took up the river water and drank it fiercely.

Seeing that there was no one around, Xie Tianming simply took off his clothes and took a bath in the shallow river. When he saw that he was not moving, he said, "Come down."

"My panties are torn...I'll watch out for you." Wen Shouwei smiled shyly, walked up a few steps, and looked around vigilantly from time to time.

When Xie Tianming went ashore and put on his trousers, he picked up his pannier and was ready to go.

Xie Tianming ran over, grabbed his pannier and said, "I'll help you carry a section."

The road on the mountainside is a national road leading to the provincial capital. Although it is a national road, it is also a narrow dirt road.

On the road on the mountainside, Xie Tianming put down the panting pantingly, and sat down on the ground: "'s so hot..."

At this time, a black car suddenly roared from the mountain bay in front, its horn blared hysterically, which startled both of them.The dust rolled up by the car rushed towards them, and the two of them couldn't dodge in time, and were suddenly enveloped in the flying dust.

Xie Tianming pouted a few times, then angrily waved the twig in the direction of the car, and cursed: "I call you grandma of the eighth generation, why are you so uneducated? It's great to be an official? Ten years later, I will also sit down." Cars are more advanced than your tortoise shell..."

But he seemed to be lacking in self-confidence, so he turned his head and asked Wen Shouwei: "You said, will we be able to sit in a car in ten years?"

"This... Maybe I won't even be able to pass the college entrance examination, sitting in a car? Impossible?" Wen Shouwei shook his head vigorously and looked at him suspiciously.

"Hmph!" He was a little frustrated, obviously dissatisfied with Wen Shouwei's answer, "Let's go...Brother, let's say goodbye, we are far apart, we don't know when we will get together, take care!"

He strode towards the east, singing loudly as he walked: "Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, there are green grass and green sky..."

Wen Shouwei shouted loudly to take care, but he didn't look back.

There was a rare smile on Xie Tianming's face, and there was a gleam of brightness in his eyes. He waved his hands vigorously, and hummed softly: "Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, there are green grass and green sky..." His eyes wandered, and he saw the sky not far away. The grid on the high wall froze, and there was no longer a melody coming out of the open mouth, but humming and chaotic sounds.After a long time, he slowly calmed down, his eyes became sleepy, cloudy and helpless, staring at the ground, muttering to himself: "Guard Wen..."

While his eyes were scattered, he suddenly saw a woman walking towards him.

The woman was wearing black tights, a high-necked black coat, and a pair of black high-heeled boots. She was stable and elegant, giving people an indescribable sense of stability and security.It's just that the scarf hanging around the neck is as white as plum blossoms blooming in March, naturally overflowing with a holy breath.

Xie Tianming tilted his head and looked hard, but he couldn't see her face clearly.

Xie Tianming shook his head, and looked again, a pig ran out, wagging its head and wagging its tail on the ground.

Xie Tianming jumped up furiously, raised his broom and slapped the pig on the back fiercely.The pig was frightened and ran wildly into the garden.

Ji Niu Ma Er happened to chase after him, and hurriedly chased after the pig when he saw this.

Xie Tianming threw the broom on the ground and sat on it.

"She... oh..."

Xie Tianming looked sad.

"Who is she? Think about it... she's a mother-in-law, hehe..."

Xie Tianming raised his head slowly, only to find Ji Niu Ma Er standing beside him.Xie Tianming lowered his head and stared at the ground again, ignoring him. "I'm in jail, you have to make do with the police officer for everything..."

Xie Tianming frowned, a little disgusted, he covered his nose and said, "What am I going to do? I don't do things that violate regulations and resist reform."

Ji Niu Ma Er yelled in dissatisfaction: "What are you talking about, sweep the floor quickly, don't cover your nose!"

Xie Tianming jumped up, holding the broom tightly with both hands, and looked at Ji Niu Ma Er angrily.

"I asked you to feed the pigs, why aren't you happy?"

Xie Tianming snorted coldly: "In this life, I have thought about everything, but I never thought that I would feed pigs."

Ji Niu Ma Er suddenly laughed and said: "Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a pig that was slaughtered and ran to the Buddha crying, "Buddha, I ate leftovers all my life, and finally ended up like this. Wrong! Guess what the Buddha said?"

Xie Tianming pretended not to listen, and cast his gaze to the ground.

"Buddha said, you didn't listen to opinions in your previous life, so in this life you will grow big ears; you always sit in an office, but this life will make your limbs short; if you look down on ordinary people, this life will make you squint your eyes; Leftovers, that was wasted in your previous life, and you love your mistress, so I will let you grow two rows of tits in this life..."

Xie Tianming suddenly raised his head and stared at him resentfully.

Ji Niu Ma Er chuckled, and said: "Don't want to feed pigs? Do you want to be a pig? I'm 13—no, [-] points, I tell you seriously, once you enter this cell, your days of enjoying life and happiness in the past will be gone forever. back."

Xie Tianming picked up the broom and swept under his feet.

"I don't know what's good and what's wrong! I thought you had something to do with the Communist Army, so I asked you to feed the pigs. Those beggars, if they want to come to feed the pigs, they can't do it!"

Xie Tianming stopped, leaning on the broom with both hands, and said disdainfully, "Hey, does anyone else want to feed pigs?"

"To tell you the truth, feeding pigs, this way of life sounds ugly, but it's easy to do! For example, when you're in prison, can you drink '[-]'? You can't! Here..."

Ji Niu Ma Er smiled mysteriously, his old wrinkles were like dried orange peel.

Xie Tianming looked at him strangely: "What is 'one two six'?"

Ji Niu Ma Er stretched his neck, looked left and right, saw that there were no policemen nearby, and pointed to Xie Tianming: "Let you learn a lot..."

He waved to Xie Tianming, signaling to follow him in.Xie Tianming hesitated for a moment, then walked in.Ji Niu Maer jumped into a pigsty, threw away several pigs that were yelling at him, and skillfully took out a mineral water bottle from under the pig trough.

Ji Niu Ma Er rinsed the bottle under the tap, unscrewed the cap, and pointed the mouth of the bottle directly at Xie Tianming's mouth: "Quick, while the cat is not here, I allow you to take a sip, only one sip... "

Xie Tianming pushed the bottle away and looked at him suspiciously: "Is this 'One Two Six'?"

"You still pretend, one plus two, plus six, how much is it?"

Xie Tianming opened his eyes as big as copper bells, and shouted loudly: "Nine! Is it liquor?"

Ji Niu Maer hurriedly covered his mouth: "My! You still want to stay in a small... small room."

Xie Tianming smacked his lips and said, "I... haven't touched this thing for a long, long time!"

As he spoke, he grabbed the bottle and poured it into his mouth.

Ji Niu Ma Er snatched the bottle, put his mouth in Xie Tianming's ear and said softly, "In the evening, quietly, we two old fellows, just make 'one two six', hehe..."

After Ji Niu Ma Er finished speaking, he turned into the pigsty, hid the mineral water bottle under the pig's trough, and patted his dirty hands.Xie Tianming rolled his eyes, hugged his belly and asked, "Where is the toilet?"

Auspicious cattle and horses point to the pigsty with two fingers.

Xie Tianming yelled, " is this..."

Ji Niu Ma Er nodded, picked up the broom and walked out
Xie Tianming immediately turned into the pigsty and reached out to take out the mineral water bottle. His hands and the bottle were all black with pig feces, and he threw the bottle away reflexively.A pig walked up to the bottle with its beak, Xie Tianming kicked the fat pig away in a hurry, grabbed the bottle, jumped out of the pigsty, picked up the prison clothes to wipe the bottle, unscrewed the bottle cap, and started drinking.

At noon, Ma Xudong came to the monitoring room.

Due to the tight police force in the prison area, the police from each office took turns to be on duty in the monitoring room. Today, it was Chen Li from the prison area office who was on duty.Ma Xudong said that Xie Tianming was emotionally unstable, and told her to pay more attention.

Chen Li said: "Head of the warden, according to my analysis, this criminal has obvious tendencies towards depression and is in a high-risk period. You need to talk to him, or take him to a psychiatric hospital."

"Oh? Really?" Ma Xudong looked at her with rather surprised eyes, "I heard that you are studying psychology, and this depression is about psychology? Haha... man, if you are locked here, Even the gods will lock up the problem, which of the policemen working on the front line doesn’t know? Even if I’m locked in prison, I will also suffer from depression.”

After Ma Xudong finished speaking, he walked out.

Chen Li said, "Jian Ma, I have to ask for a day off tomorrow."

"Why did you ask for leave again?" Ma Xudong stood at the door and turned to look at her.

"I'm taking the exam..." Chen Li also felt embarrassed. Since she applied for the psychological counseling training class in the second half of last year, she has been teaching for five days every half a month, plus prostration, which means that she has to ask for three days off every half month.

"The last time, if you fail the exam, I will not approve your leave. I said, Xiao Chen, what judicial exam you take is better than your current one. Psychology, can you understand the psychology of these class enemies? I do You have spent a lifetime in a labor camp, but you can’t find a way out. You think this person has already repented and pleaded guilty, so he won’t do anything else, but he just created something for you. It’s so damn hard to guard against, alas..." Ma Xudong chattered After nagging, he walked out.

Chen Li shook her head, and switched the monitoring screen to the pigsty.

Chen Li glanced at it, ran out immediately, and shouted: "Boss Ma, Boss Ma, something happened to Xie Tianming..."

Li Wenjun sat on a leather executive chair, looked left and right at a gold-plated oval mirror on the table, and reapplied his foundation from time to time.

Li Wenjun was wearing black tights, a pair of black high-heeled boots on his feet, and a scarf around his neck, as white as plum blossoms blooming in March.

On a hanger not far away, hung a high-necked black coat.

The air conditioner was whistling, and four man-tall fortune trees were densely planted in a blue-and-white porcelain-shaped flower pot by the window, with obovate, palm-sized leaves spreading out, green and verdant.A picture of the God of Wealth was hung on one of the tree trunks, and when the wind from the air conditioner swept by, he swayed and danced next to the Fortune Tree.

A well-dressed man opened the door and came in. Li Wenjun frowned, without raising his head, and reprimanded him, "Are there any rules?"

The man stood and looked at her with a smile.

Li Wenjun looked up, immediately smiled, and ran up to put his arms around his neck.

Li Wenjun said coquettishly, "What orders does Vice President Zhang have?"

Vice President Zhang quickly pushed her away, turned to look at the door, and whispered solemnly, "Oh, it's working hours."

Li Wenjun snorted, blew on him, and said dissatisfiedly: "Hmph, you are heartless during working hours, why don't you say that you put me on this sofa during working hours?"

Vice President Zhang hurriedly "hush": "My aunt, keep your voice down."

He turned around and looked at the door mischievously, then walked over, poked his head out to look at the corridor, closed the door, then turned around and rushed over, pressing Li Wenjun on the sofa.

Li Wenjun giggled and said, "You men are all animals with lower bodies."

Vice President Zhang pulled her pants anxiously.

Li Wenjun hit him and said angrily, "Hey, take it easy, these pants cost me three thousand."

Vice President Zhang licked her mouth lustfully: "Isn't it only three thousand? I'll buy you 10..." He put his hand into Li Wenjun's underwear, rubbing her breasts, "Oh, I see I have no more than fifty pairs of breasts, and they are not as firm as yours. Oh, I can't stand it anymore, I want to eat grandma, eat grandma..."

He ripped off her underwear, took off her bra, buried her face between her breasts, arching wildly like a wild boar.

Li Wenjun asked: "How long have you been divorced?"

Vice President Zhang was stunned for a moment, lost interest all of a sudden, got off her body, straightened his clothes and said, "Why don't you open which pot and which pot to lift?"

Li Wenjun also sat up, a breast fell out of his clothes, and asked angrily: "What's wrong, what did you say at the beginning?"

Vice President Zhang shook his head and pointed to his nose: "You are not divorced yet, I am divorced, I will be your mistress? Or the second male?"

"Will you leave if I leave?"

Vice President Zhang raised his right hand and swore: "God bears witness, of course."

Li Wenjun smiled brightly: "Okay, I'll just wait for your words." She pulled him onto her body, scratched his nose, and said delicately, "If I leave, you regret it, and see how I deal with you."

Vice President Zhang panted heavily immediately, and said intermittently: "Little cat...Little Mimi, I'm waiting...waiting for you to torture me."

The two hugged each other from the sofa and rolled on the carpet, rolling all over the room, tossing and tossing for a long time, lying naked on the ground panting.

Vice President Zhang asked: "Wen Jun, how did you talk with Secretary Wu last night?"

Li Wenjun said weakly: "No problem, it's just..."

"Just what?" An imperceptible smile flashed across Vice President Zhang's face.

"This old ghost is lustful, you send someone else to go later."

Vice President Zhang turned over and pressed on her again, and said with a smile: "You used to be the wife of the secretary of the county party committee. I understand the needs of these secretaries, and others really can't get it. In this way, once the project contract is signed, you will be in the office. He evaporated in sight, how about it?"

Li Wenjun yelled at him: "That's what you said, be careful I eloped with him."

Vice President Zhang smiled slyly: "I'm not worried, you're not that stupid. What is the secretary of the county party committee? On the surface, he has a bright future, but in fact one foot has already stepped into the threshold of hell. Isn't your husband still in prison? Is it? It’s not like us businessmen, who want wind and rain, even if they fall one by one, we are as stable as Mount Tai.”

After Vice President Zhang finished speaking, he stood up, straightened his clothes, and went out.

Li Wenjun hurried over to lock the door, then fell down on the sofa.At this time, the phone rang, and she picked it up to see that it was Wu Youming, secretary of the county party committee.

Li Wenjun threw the phone on the carpet.

(End of this chapter)

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