Chapter 32

A passenger car was slowly moving on the expressway, and a red banner was hung on the car that read "Special Vehicle for Earthquake Relief Volunteers".Wen Ziping was wearing volunteer clothes and sitting on the bus.His cell phone rang suddenly, and he quickly picked it up to check that it was his mother.

Wen Ziping asked eagerly: "Mom, are you okay..."

"Son, where are you?"

"I'm on my way to the epicenter of the earthquake..."

Liu Rui cried anxiously: "What are you doing there? Come back quickly, come back!"

Wen Ziping said calmly: "Don't worry..."

The signal was cut off again. Wen Ziping looked at his mobile phone and turned his eyes to the sky. The dark clouds rolled in the sky, and gusts of wind howled. He felt the heat of his body dissipating rapidly. He shrank his neck and instinctively wrapped his jacket tightly.

Wen Ziping murmured: "Mom, I should go to help those who are affected by the disaster..."

There was a sudden landslide ahead, and all vehicles stopped.

Xie Xiaowan sat on the bus, poking her head out of the window from time to time.In the light and shadow of the car lights, a familiar figure came into her eyes, and in the light and shadow ahead, she saw Wen Ziping's figure.Xie Xiaowan quickly rubbed her eyes vigorously, then stretched out her head to look again.However, the figure in front of him swayed, and Wen Ziping was no longer there.

Xie Xiaowan muttered to herself: "Dizzy?"

Someone cheered that there was a signal, Xie Xiaowan quickly took out her mobile phone, and dozens of missed calls were all from Wen Ziping.Xie Xiaowan couldn't hold back the tears, and excitedly dialed Wen Ziping's cell phone. At this moment, the signal was cut off again.

At the entrance of the expressway, a tractor without a license came suddenly. On the tractor, Erpi Dad and several old people were expressionless, and the two children cuddled up to the teacher.

Several high-speed traffic policemen immediately surrounded them.

The branch secretary jumped off the tractor and pointed to the two corpses inside the tractor covered with sheets: "They are from Qingshui Prison, a police officer and a prisoner, when they were saving elementary school children..."

The village party secretary couldn't continue, and he burst into tears.

Several traffic policemen looked at each other.

A traffic policeman asked, "Where are you going?"

Erpi Dad burst into tears: "The prisoner is my son, and Police Officer Yang sent him back to visit relatives. When we rescued them, Officer Yang had died, and my son still had one. We sent him back to prison..."

Several traffic policemen stood at attention, turned to the tractor, and saluted.

At dusk, Xu Changli and Ma Xudong finally found the crane, drove into the prison, and went straight to the confinement room.The crane slowly raised the beam, and Xu Changli and Ma Xudong carried Wang Shougui's body out and placed it on the grass.

A flash of lightning, a blast of thunder sounded overhead.In an instant, there were lightning and thunder, and heavy rain poured down.

Ma Xingyu and all the policemen and criminals stood in the rain.

A special police officer ran to report that Yang Yang and the criminal Zhao Haidong had returned, Yang Yang was sacrificed, and Zhao Haidong was also dead.Ma Xingyu turned around and ran, and the others also ran towards the second gate.

A traffic police car with its lights flashing was parked at the gate of the prison, followed by a tractor.At this time, several police cars came, and Wen Shouwen got out of the car.

In the heavy rain, more than a dozen old people and teachers held the hands of two children and stood in the rain.At the gate, there were two corpses.Chen Li knelt in front of Yang Yang's body. The rain had already drenched her thoroughly. Amidst the thunder and lightning, her weeping face could be vaguely seen.

Li Changxiong, Ma Xingyu and Ma Xudong ran over and squatted beside the corpse.

Wen Shouwei walked over: "My fellow, what's going on?"

The branch secretary took a step forward, pointing to the two children and the teacher: "In order to save the primary school children, they..."

Father Erpi pointed to the other body and said hoarsely: "Officer, I am Zhao Haidong's father. Before he died, he said... said... that he must return to the team at six o'clock tonight..."

Wen Shouwei ordered loudly: "Send Zhao Haidong back to the team!"

Ma Xingyu and the others stood up, stood at attention, and saluted the guard Wen, almost shouting: "Yes!"

Ma Xingyu and Xu Changli lifted Yang Yang.

Chen Li whimpered and said, "I'll come..."

Ma Xingyu and Chen Li carried Yang Yang, Xu Changli and Ma Xudong carried Zhao Haidong, and walked slowly towards the second gate of the prison.

Thousands of criminals stood in the wind and rain.

Wang Shougui, Yang Yang and Zhao Haidong were carried onto the rostrum.

Wen Shouwei walked up to the rostrum, was silent for a while, and said sadly: "Comrade Wang Shougui sacrificed his life to save the criminal Lu Benchuan. Comrade Yang Yang and the criminal Zhao Haidong gave their young lives to save the children in the elementary school. Comrade Yang Yang sacrificed his life with his body. Protected the last buried child, saved the child..."

He was overly sad and choked up, unable to speak.

Ma Xudong said loudly: "Officer Yang Yang and Officer Chen Li originally planned to hold a wedding ceremony on the third day of next month..."

There was a whining cry from below.

Ma Xingyu looked around the criminals and said, "Before Zhao Haidong died, he asked his father to return to the squad before six o'clock." He suddenly raised his voice, almost hysterical, "First cell, report the number!"

The criminals in the first prison reported their numbers, Ma Xudong stood at attention, and reincarnated to report to Guard Wen.

Ma Xudong stood at attention, saluted, and shouted: "Comrade Director, all the criminals in Section [-] of Qingshui Prison are here, criminal Zhao Haidong requests to return to the team, please give instructions!"

Guard Wen returned the salute and said loudly, "Zhao Haidong returns to the team!"


Xie Tianming and Pan Jiajie came over to carry Zhao Haidong, when suddenly a voice came: "Wait!"

Everyone followed the prestige, and it turned out that Ji Niu Ma Er was holding a guitar and standing beside the rostrum.He bowed to the rostrum, then stood at attention: "Report! I want to see off Officer Wang, Officer Yang and Zhao Haidong, please instruct!"

Everyone looked at Wen Shouwei, Wen Shouwei nodded and stepped aside.

Ji Niu Ma Er stepped onto the rostrum and stared at Wang Shougui, Yang Yang and Erpi.

A low groan pierced through the heavy rain and lightning, and diffused across the sports field.

Ji Niu Ma Er whispered: "Awu of wood...Awu of wood..." Then from low to high, "Amu, Amu..."

The guitar clanked.

Ji Niu Ma Er sang: "Awu of wood...Awu of wood.../Am, Amu.../The night is lit by torches/Em's face is red/Am Ada's me/Waiting to return The family’s cattle and sheep. Awu of wood...Awu of wood.../Ada, Ada.../The night is lit by torches/Ada’s pipe is reddened/Am Ada’s me/I’m still on my way home .”

[Note: Wood's Awu (blue sky), Amu (mother), Ada (father). 】

Some Yi criminals danced to the beat and chanted sadly along.

The sad singing echoed in the square, hitting the hearts of the criminals one after another like waves, and tears and rain flowed down their cheeks together.

A few candles were lit in the meeting room, and the light was dim. Wen Shouwei, Ma Xingyu, etc. were soaked and dripping, standing in the meeting room.

Wen Shouwei asked: "Have the villagers settled down?"

"It's already settled." Ma Xingyu said, "Director, it's cold here and there's no electricity..."

Wen Shouwei interrupted him and said: "We must vigorously commend and publicize the touching deeds of Wang Shougui and Yang Yang. We must make their deeds deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and let every policeman be educated and get widespread attention in society. You Immediately sort out their materials and report to the Party Committee of the Bureau, please credit!"

Xu Changli shivered a little from the cold, and said shiveringly: "We must follow the instructions of the Bureau of Cultural Affairs, and we must deal with the funeral affairs of Wang Shougui and Yang Yang, so that the dead can feel at ease, and the living can rest assured!"

Wen Shouwei went on to say: "For Zhao Haidong, we must also vigorously promote it, so that those who are still in an ambiguous state can undergo a spiritual purification and cleansing, and open up new ideas for our future work."

"There is another criminal, no, he is not a criminal anymore...Ji Niu Ma Er..." Ma Xudong interjected.

Wen Shouwei nodded: "Yes, we must also vigorously promote it. Comrades, you have worked hard, and you have performed your duties well. On behalf of the party committee of the bureau, I thank you!"

There was applause in the room.

Wen Shouwei changed the topic: "However, in this earthquake, the prisons in the epicenter area suffered the most losses. Now several prisons there have become isolated islands, and we must transfer them all out in a short time. You, Qingshui Prison Be prepared to accept criminals transferred from there unconditionally."

Xu Changli said hesitantly: "Cultural Bureau, we don't have enough tents, more than [-] people are crowded together..."

Wen Shouwei pondered for a while, and said firmly: "I know your difficulties, and the bureau will overcome them with you! You immediately form a ten-man escort team to stand by, and set off with the frontline headquarters of the bureau tomorrow morning."

Ma Xingyu and the others stood at attention: "Yes!"

Wen Shouwei asked again: "Where is Chen Li?"

Ma Xingyu replied with a sob: "Originally, Chen Li and Yang Yang planned to hold a wedding ceremony on the third day of next month..."

Wen Shouwei looked up at the ceiling and tried his best not to let the tears fall, but he still couldn't hold back.

Chen Li appeared at the door: "Report!"

Everyone turned and looked at her.Wen Shouwei wiped away his tears, took a few steps forward, stretched out his hand, and squeezed her hand tightly: "Chen Li..."

"Director, I can hold on. I was looking for you. The mentality of criminals is now mainly on their own safety. Once they are sure that there is no problem with their own safety, their attention will turn to the safety of their loved ones. I I'm afraid...we have to be fully mentally prepared." Chen Li was a little anxious.

Wen Shouwei asked: "Is there anything you can do?"

"Suggestion: [-]. Temporarily lift the prohibition that police mobile phones cannot be brought into the surveillance area..."

One person chimed in and asked, "What if something goes wrong with this...?"

Ma Xingyu immediately stated: "I am responsible!"

"I'll be in charge too. Chen Li, you continue to talk." Wen Shouwei also expressed his position.

"Once the communication is restored, we will open family calls; allow everyone to use the police mobile phone or landline to make a phone call at home; second, immediately organize the police to conduct home visits to criminals whose homes are near the earthquake center; third, the psychological intervention center implements crisis intervention for criminals .”

Everyone looked at Wen Shouwei. Wen Shouwei did not express his opinion immediately, but was in deep thought. After a while, he looked up at everyone and said, "I completely agree. In addition, on behalf of the Party Committee of the Bureau, I decided that three days later, people whose homes are near the source of the earthquake, Be good criminals and get seven days of family leave."

Everyone present was taken aback, and it could be seen that, especially those at the grassroots level had concerns.

Xu Changli said hesitantly, "What... what if I run away?"

Everyone's face was serious.

Wen Shouwei raised his hand, swiped in the air, and said resolutely: "If he escapes, you will catch him back!"

Everyone stood at attention and answered, "Yes!"

"For those who don't behave well and live near the epicenter, you have to send police to conduct home visits. In addition, tomorrow..." Wen Shouwei emphasized, "It is best to find relevant agencies and experts to evaluate the supervision area now. , If it is not a dangerous building, let the criminals move back to live in. With such a heavy rain, it is okay to persist for a day or two, but it will accumulate unstable factors after a long time."

After Wen Shou finished speaking, he went out, and Ma Xingyu and others wanted to send him out.

Wen Shouwei turned around and said in an orderly tone: "Don't send it away, study and implement it immediately." He looked at Xu Changli and asked with concern, "Old Xu, pay attention to your body, if..."

Xu Changli stood at attention: "Report to the chief, I'm fine!"

Wen Shouwei nodded, his eyes became hot, and he turned and left quickly.

Lightning and thunder, heavy rain.

The prison concentrated all the vehicles, and also mobilized the private cars of the police. More than 30 vehicles, large and small, were lined up at equal distances to form a circle around the tent in the center of the stadium.The car lights interlacedly reflected on the tent, and in the light and shadow, the water mist splashed by the raindrops was clearly visible.

In front of the police car, a circle was formed along the sports field with a cordon. Every ten meters, a prison special police officer and an armed police soldier stood side by side, watching the tent.

Between the tents, the police patrolled back and forth with flashlights.

In the light and shadow, a policeman carried a criminal on his back, and another policeman ran towards the temporary tent hospital holding an umbrella.

Elderly criminals were being brought in continuously, and the temporary tents in the square hospital of Qingshui Prison were overcrowded.

With a bandage on his head, Ruben Chuan was squeezed into the innermost place, sitting on a small plastic stool, watching every police officer who came in.

A doctor walks in.

Lu Benchuan immediately stood up and stood at attention: "Report to the police officer..."

The doctor smiled and interrupted him: "I haven't met Deputy Warden Ma yet."

Lu Benchuan drooped his head and sat down in frustration. Suddenly, he stood up again: "Report to the police officer, I request to be discharged from the hospital." The doctor looked at him somewhat surprised.

Lu Benchuan moved his body, gritted his teeth, and endured the pain: "I'm fine, look."

"Okay, let me ask for instructions."

The doctor said, and walked out. Just as he stepped out of the tent, Ma Xingyu and Ma Xudong walked over.

Ma Xingyu asked: "How is the situation?"

"Inspector Ma, the number of elderly criminals with sudden illnesses has suddenly increased. The tents are almost full, and many sick criminals cannot receive good treatment..."

Ma Xudong interjected, "The warden, I suggest transferring some young criminals to the multi-purpose hall."

Ma Xingyu was still very worried: "What if there is a big aftershock?"

Everyone present fell silent.

Lu Benchuan rushed out suddenly, plopped and knelt on the ground where the rain was flowing.

Ma Xudong swept him with a flashlight: "Lu Benchuan, what are you doing?"

"Let me see Captain Wang, let me see Captain Wang!" Lu Benchuan was already sobbing.

Ma Xudong pulled him up, and Lu Benchuan stood up. Just as Ma Xudong let go, he knelt down again with a plop.Ma Xingyu couldn't stand it anymore, feeling sad for a while: "Take him to have a look."

Ma Xudong pulled him up: "Come with me."

"Old horse, you stay and let others take him."

The head of the prison administration department next to him quickly said, "I'll take him there."

Ma Xudong looked at Lu Benchuan's back in the heavy rain, and said to himself: "I hope Comrade Wang Shougui's sacrifice will not be in vain..." Ma Xingyu patted him on the shoulder: "I believe this disaster will melt his hard heart. "

"I hope." Ma Xudong's tone was a little dejected.

Ma Xingyu stared at him: "Old Ma, what's the matter, this is not like you."

Ma Xudong said sadly: "Look, Wang Shougui, Yang Yang, and Erpi were still in front of us yesterday... Human life is really too fragile in front of nature."

Ma Xingyu immediately became serious: "Deputy Warden Ma, we must not be pessimistic, especially us Communist Party members."

Ma Xudong shook his head and said, "I'm not pessimistic. I, Ma Xudong, have never been pessimistic. I didn't know what difficulties were when I was a child. Supervisor Ma, Chen Li was right. Before the earthquake, these criminals were in an extreme environment. They People are much more vulnerable psychologically than we are, and it takes a lot of passion for all of us to care for them."

"Yes. This predicament must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be our dereliction of duty."

Ma Xudong made another suggestion just now: "So, I suggest evacuating some criminals to the multi-functional hall on the first floor of the supervision area. Supervisor Ma, the source of the earthquake is so far away from our place. I participated in the whole process of the construction of this prison. Level [-] did not knock our house down. I just took someone to check the walls of the first prison area, and apart from some falling off decoration materials, no cracks were found on the walls.”

Ma Xingyu pondered for a while, and finally made up his mind: "Well, mobilize some criminals to move to the multi-purpose hall. My opinion is voluntary, even if no one goes, we can't force it."

The criminals stayed quietly in the tent, some were dozing off, some were looking at the splashes of water on the top of the tent in the light and shadow, and some were desperately sleeping.In fact, they also know very well in their hearts that in the face of such a catastrophe, it is nothing more than life and death, so what they worry about and miss the most are their relatives at home.It's just that no one wants to mention it.This kind of obsessive desire is veiled, and as time goes by, it will be pierced in the heart like a wheat awn, and most of the perceived pain is pain.In the end, all perception is pain, heart-piercing pain.

And the suffocation in the tent accelerated this feeling, just like the calm before the war, instead of dying in silence, it erupted like a volcano in silence.

Pan Jiajie obviously felt that his heart was speeding up. He closed his eyes, as if he could hear his heart expanding, and the pressure made him unable to breathe.At this moment, Ma Xudong walked in.

Li Haojian shouted as if seeing his relatives: "The warden Ma is here!"

There was a commotion among the criminals, eager to get up.Pan Jiajie didn't know where the strength came from, he jumped like a tiger, stood at attention, and held his head high.

Ma Xudong waved his hands and said, "Everyone sit down."

The criminals sat down and looked up at him, only Pan Jiajie stood upright.

"Who wants to go with me to the supervision area to check the walls?" Before Ma Xudong could finish his sentence, another aftershock made the tent roar.

Criminals, you look at me, I look at you, no one answers.

Pan Jiajie said loudly: "Report, I'll go!"

Xie Tianming stood up.

Li Haojian and other criminals stood up one by one.

Ma Xudong nodded, and said emotionally, "Thank you for your trust..."

The criminals applauded, and all the criminals stood up.

Ma Xudong called Xie Tianming, Pan Jiajie and Li Haojian and walked out.He also called a policeman from the prison area and a policeman from the infrastructure department, and found a flashlight for Xie Tianming and the three of them.

Pan Jiajie inspected the wall carefully, and said to himself, "It would be great if Lu Benchuan was here..."

"That's right, Lu Benchuan is engaged in construction." Ma Xudong said to the police in the prison area with a happy face, "Go and call Lu Benchuan here."

The policemen in the prison area plunged into the wind and rain.

Ma Xudong shouted at his back: "Don't force yourself if you don't come." He turned to Xie Tianming and the others, "Come, sit down and smoke a cigarette."

Ma Xudong touched the pocket of the police uniform and took out the cigarette.A box of Yunyan, all soaked through.Li Haojian quickly took out his own cigarette, it was Zhonghua, and distributed one to everyone.

The policeman from the Infrastructure Section joked, “It’s better to be a prisoner than a cadre these days.” He shone a flashlight on the cigarette and exclaimed, “Your kid still smokes Zhonghua…”

"Look at what you said, who wants to be a prisoner? This cigarette was given to me by Lu Benchuan. I usually don't want to smoke it..."

Xie Tianming suddenly sighed, "I think what the police officer said makes a lot of sense."

"Heh! This is the first time I've heard such a saying, Lao Xie, please tell me." Ma Xudong looked at Xie Tianming with a smile.

Xie Tianming was a little excited: "Inspector Ma, 'Old Xie' dare not be, dare not be..."

"Why don't you dare to be a ball? Tell me."

Xie Tianming said: "In the past few years, I have had this experience. If we get sick, and the illness is a little serious, the warden, down to the police directly in charge, will be very worried. Generally, when the police are sick, the warden will also be worried. Will care, but not so much, right?"

The policeman from the infrastructure department took a look at Ma Xudong and interjected, "I like to hear that."

Ma Xudong smiled and said, "Old Xie is giving us advice."

Several people laughed.

Pan Jiajie reluctantly laughed along.

Ma Xudong took out his mobile phone: "Ah, there is a signal."

Ma Xudong handed the phone to Pan Jiajie: "Call your son."

Pan Jiajie stood up excitedly and bowed to him.

Ma Xudong pretended to blame and said, "Where do so many rules come from? Do you want to fight or not?"

Pan Jiajie quickly took the phone and said thank you repeatedly. He dialed the number, but the line was busy; he dialed again, but the line was still busy.Finally he looked at his phone in disappointment.

Ma Xudong said: "Dial, dial, until you get through."

Pan Jiajie hurriedly dialed the number again and again, and suddenly, he shouted: "It's clear! Hello, Shuangshuang, I'm Pan Jiajie, we're all good. How about you? Where's your son?"

Panpan's voice came from the phone: "Dad..."

Pan Jiajie asked anxiously: "Son, son... are grandma, grandma, and grandpa all right?"

"We live in tents, it's fun..."

Pan Jiajie wept with joy, unable to speak.

The district police and Lu Benchuan walked in.

Lu Benchuan stood at attention: "Report!"

Ma Xudong stood up and said to the police in the prison area: "Go and collect the mobile phones of all the policemen in the first prison area, and organize the criminals to make family calls. One time per person, let the criminals who live in the hardest-hit area call first."

The police in the prison area plunged into the wind and rain again.

It was already autumn, but the rain seemed to be as good as summer rain. Gusts of wind plundered the raindrops willfully, and the whole city was like a big ship swaying in the sea.The sound of rushing rain was all around, covering everything without a single gap.

Li Wenjun was sitting in the tent with her sleeping son Pingping in her arms, when a thunder rang out, Pingping was trembling all over, and burst into tears, she quickly patted Pingping on the back.

"Pingping, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, mom is here..."

Pingping gradually settled down.

"Wen Jun, Wen Jun..." Someone outside the tent suddenly shouted.

Li Wenjun exclaimed in surprise: "Brother Zhang! Come in."

Zhang Daxin walked in wearing a raincoat and carrying two big bags, covered in water.

Li Wenjun stood up holding Pingping: "Sit, sit."

Zhang Daxin stood at the door of the tent: "No, I'll send you some daily necessities. This is ordinary milk powder. Here are some mineral water, instant noodles and biscuits."

"Are you going away?"

Zhang Daxin wiped the rain off his face and said, "Our company has purchased the necessary materials for the disaster area, and I have to deliver them overnight."

Zhang Daxin turned around and left.

Li Wenjun yelled: "Brother Zhang!"

Zhang Daxin turned to look at her.

Li Wenjun said with concern: "Be careful."

Zhang Daxin smiled, nodded, turned and walked out.

Li Wenjun stared at the tent door for a long time...

During the earthquake that day, Li Wenjun sat on the sofa with Pingping in his arms.Suddenly, the house shook violently, and the chandelier in the living room creaked.She was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she fell flat on the sofa.She hugged Pingping tightly with one hand, and firmly grasped the sofa cover with the other.

A terrified cry came from outside: "There's an earthquake, there's an earthquake!" Immediately afterwards, there was a commotion in the community, with shouts one after another.

Li Wenjun's face was pale, and Pingping was so frightened that he burst into tears.

Li Wenjun settled down and murmured to comfort the child: "Pingping, Pingping, you have your mother with you, don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

Ten seconds later, the earthquake stopped. She stood up staggeringly, and walked to the window with Pingping in her arms. The streets and alleys were full of people.At this time, there was a knock on the door.Surprised, she ran to open the door.

The door opened, and Xie Xiaowan stood at the door.She was astonished and stared at Xie Xiaowan like a monster.

Aftershocks came again, Xie Xiaowan grabbed her and said, "Go, go downstairs!"

Xie Xiaowan supported her, and ran downstairs stumblingly.When they came to the street, Xie Xiaowan looked around and said, "Stay here and don't move."

Li Wenjun was a little scared: "Where are you going?"

While running, Xie Xiaowan turned her head and said, "I'll go get... the milk powder and the bottle."

Li Wenjun burst into tears, squatted on the ground and began to cry.

After a while, Xie Xiaowan took out the ordinary milk powder, feeding bottle and clothes, and also brought a bottle of boiled water.

Li Wenjun choked up and said, "Xiaowan...go and see your father, I...I'm fine."

Xie Xiaowan said: "With the prison police here, my father must be fine." She turned around and shouted, "Where are the people from the neighborhood committee? The neighborhood committee!"

An aunt ran over and grabbed Li Wenjun's arm: "Ah, we were talking about looking for you."

Xie Xiaowan said: "Auntie, take good care of her, ah!"

The aunt asked suspiciously: "You are?"

"She is my little mother."

Auntie yelled, but before she could react, Xie Xiaowan turned around and ran away.

Aunt shouted at her, "Where are you going?"

Xie Xiaowan said loudly without looking back: "I'm going to the disaster area..."

Appreciation flowed on the aunt's face: "What a nice girl..."

The neighborhood committee placed Li Wenjun in a tent and brought her daily necessities such as water and instant noodles. The police from the police station also came to ask her if she had any difficulties.She has mixed feelings in her heart. If she were an ordinary person, maybe she wouldn't get so much care.

Xie Xiaowan came here at the first time, she was already in a big accident, and Xiaowan's words have been lingering in her mind for the past few days.Yes, her father has prison police, she can rest assured.However, after all, there is still her mother-in-law and her relatives. I heard that his second father was paralyzed in bed, so how could he go to the hardest hit area alone?Not to mention a little girl, the disaster area is full of dangers, alas...

How did she know that her mother-in-law and brother-in-law had been arranged in the nursing home of the Civil Affairs Bureau, so she took out her mobile phone and kept dialing.Finally, a phone call from a best friend in Xiaogu County called: "I, Li Wenjun, how are you? Oh oh... Please help me understand the situation of my old Xie's hometown... Well, it is there... Thank you, a If there is any news, please let me know immediately, thank you."

Ma Xudong took Lu Benchuan, Xie Tianming, and Pan Jiajie to inspect the wall carefully.Aftershocks struck again, the house shook, and Li Haojian's flashlight fell to the ground with a "bang".

Ma Xudong smiled and said, "Are you afraid?"

"A little bit..." Li Haojian said tremblingly.

Lu Benchuan said: "What are you afraid of? Another magnitude [-] earthquake, this house can also withstand it."

"Isn't it?" Li Haojian expressed serious doubts.

Lu Benchuan stood up and stood at attention: "Report to Warden Ma, I request to move back."

Ma Xudong was also surprised: "Are you sure?"

Lu Benchuan patted his chest and said proudly: "I am a senior construction engineer and senior housing safety appraiser." Ma Xudong turned his head and asked, "If we mobilize some criminals to the multi-functional hall on the first floor, will you all respond?"

Xie Tianming, Pan Jiajie and Li Haojian looked at each other, Li Haojian lowered his head. "I believe in Lu Benchuan, I'll come." Xie Tianming was the first to express his opinion.

Pan Jiajie immediately said, "I believe it too."

Ma Xudong nodded: "I believe it too, I will accompany you."

Ma Xudong led them back to the tent in the square, there was a burst of lightning and thunder, and heavy rain poured down.

Ma Xudong shouted loudly: "People in the first prison area listen, the prison has decided to mobilize some people to rest in the multi-function hall on the first floor of the supervision area. Those who are willing to enjoy the blessings with me, stand up and follow me!"

Xie Tianming, Lu Benchuan, and Pan Jiajie all said loudly, "Me!"

Some criminals stood at the door of the tent and watched.

Li Haojian hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand and said, "There's me!"

The scarred face smiled "hehe": "Xie is not afraid of corrupt officials, what am I afraid of? I will enjoy my life."

The criminals agreed.

"Whoever wants to go, come with me, and the others will enjoy themselves in the tent, haha..." After finishing speaking, Ma Xudong laughed out loud.

In the Earthquake Disaster Relief Command Center of the Provincial Prison Administration Bureau, more than a dozen telephones were constantly answering and dialing.Maps of counties and cities near the epicenter are hung on the walls, and the location of the prison is marked on the map.A map was also placed on the desk, and the ashtray was full of cigarette butts.A bowl of instant noodles has just been soaked and is still steaming.There are boxes of instant noodles piled up in the trash can in one corner of the room.

After a while, he walked to the window and pushed it open.Outside the window, thunder and lightning, pouring rain.

Hong Wenling came over and handed him a cigarette: "Go and rest for a while, the weather forecast said it will rain tomorrow."

At this time, Wen Shouwei's mobile phone rang, and a policeman picked up the mobile phone, walked over and handed it to him.

Wen Shouwei answered the phone and said, "Hi, I'm Wen Shouwei..."

Li Wenjun's voice came from the phone: "Director Wen, I'm Li Wenjun. I just received a call from a friend in Xiaogu County. Lao Xie's family is safe. Xiao Wan went to the disaster area for disaster relief. Please tell him."

Wen Shouwei was about to speak when the phone hung up. He looked at his phone with a relieved smile on his face.But immediately, he thought of Wen Ziping, and a trace of melancholy flashed across his face.

At dawn, the heavy rain stopped, and a red sun rose from the east, shrouding Qingshui Prison in a golden glow.

Communications were basically restored. In the multi-purpose hall of the first prison area, the criminals lined up in three lines, making family calls with landlines and mobile phones.

Xie Tianming didn't go to line up, and sat alone in a corner, looking out the window with anxiety on his face.Ma Xudong's eyes were red, he walked in, looked around, came over and sat beside Xie Tianming.

"Old Xie, good news or bad news, which one do you listen to first?"

Xie Tianming looked at him with wide eyes, a little dazed.

Ma Xudong smiled: "Let me tell you the good news first, people in your hometown are safe..."

Xie Tianming hurriedly asked, "What about the bad news?"

Ma Xudong said: "Xie Xiaowan went to the hardest-hit area for earthquake relief."

Xie Tianming was so excited that his lips trembled, and his face was filled with a bright smile: "It's all good news, it's all good news..." Lu Benchuan walked over: "Director Ma..."

Ma Xudong looked at him: "Speak."

Lu Benchuan said: "Is it okay to borrow a step to speak?"

Ma Xudong stood up and walked with him outside the multifunctional hall.

Lu Benchuan looked around and said in a low voice, "I want to confess my remaining crimes."

Ma Xudong was startled, and said comfortingly, "This matter is not urgent, is it? Let's talk about it after a while."

Lu Benchuan shook his head vigorously and said, "No. As soon as I close my eyes, there are Officers Wang, Officer Yang, and Ji Niu Ma Er..." At the end, he moaned in pain, "I sleep...for a good sleep ..."

Ma Xudong nodded, patted him on the shoulder, and pointed to the committee office: "Come with me, you are right here..."

"The stakes are so high that I cannot write here..."

Ma Xudong was taken aback for a moment: "Then, can you reveal a little bit to me? I can report to the higher authorities."

"It involves..." Lu Benchuan hesitated, looking at him.

Ma Xudong nodded to him.

Lu Benchuan whispered something in his ear, and Ma Xudong shuddered, but he calmed down and said, "Follow me!"

A week later, the hardest hit area, morning.

Looking around, there are collapsed houses and ruins everywhere. Soldiers and volunteers in camouflage uniforms are busy on the ruins.Green tents were neatly lined up in the valley, smoke was lingering, and a dog limped into one of the tents.Several children are playing skipping rope in the clearing.

Xie Xiaowan walked over and smiled at the children: "Children, dinner is ready."

The children immediately followed Xie Xiaowan.

At this time, several soldiers came running with a stretcher, and an officer shouted as he ran, "Doctor, doctor..."

Several military doctors and nurses ran over.

An old military doctor looked at the wounded covered in blood and asked, "Where is the injury?"

The officer said: "His name is Wen Ziping, he is a volunteer, and he was hit by falling rocks."

Xie Xiaowan was startled, turned around and ran over: "What's his name?"

The officer said, "Wen Ziping."

Xie Xiaowan threw herself in front of the stretcher and shouted, "Ziping, Brother Ziping..."

The officer pulled Xie Xiaowan away, and the old military doctor and nurse carried Wen Ziping into the tent.

Xie Xiaowan burst into tears, grabbed the officer and asked, "How is he? How is he?"

The officer said: "I was hit on the head by a falling rock..."

Xie Xiaowan turned around and rushed into the tent, but was pulled back by the officer.She had no choice but to walk anxiously outside the military doctor's tent, when an old lady walked over with a bowl of porridge and several children.

The aunt handed the bowl to her with both hands: "Mr. Xie, let's have some food."

"Ma'am, I can't eat." Xie Xiaowan shook her head.

The aunt persuaded: "How can I do it? You still have to teach the children in a while."

Xie Xiaowan looked at her watch and then at the tent.

The aunt looked at her and said with concern: "Why don't you have class this morning."

Xie Xiaowan hesitated for a moment: "Ma'am, I will teach the child in a while, please keep an eye on it for me, and if the operation is finished, please call me."

"Okay. If you're hungry, let me know, ah."

"Okay, thank you, ma'am." Xie Xiaowan clapped her hands, "Students, it's time for class."

Xie Xiaowan led several children to the tent classroom.

Although there are still many people still living in tents outside, Li Wenjun has moved back home, and Pingping is sleeping soundly in the stroller. She sits on the sofa and turns on the TV, staring at the screen in a daze.

Suddenly, she shook her head nervously and murmured: "No, no, definitely not..."

The communication has been fully restored, but since Zhang Daxin left that night, she has been unable to contact her, and she has a faint sense of ominousness in her heart.As soon as this feeling popped up, she instinctively categorically denied it.She has always been grateful to him from the bottom of her heart. If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't know Xie Tianming; if he hadn't settled Xie Tianming's original partner, she would only be a spurned mistress; whether it was Xie Tianming's accident, or her Regardless of the risk of being hurt or even losing his life, Ping Ping was born, and he always gave her great care at the first moment, much better than that wolf-hearted first love Huang Xiaowei.

She also fantasized about marrying him, but she knew very well what he was like.In the eyes of the magistrate's wife Xiaogu, he is a very good man who never flirts with women, especially keeping a necessary distance from his friend's wife and mistress.It would be an exaggeration to say that he doesn't flirt, but she doesn't believe it either, it's not that she doesn't believe it, but she can't believe it.But she is clear about the latter word of mouth.Therefore, as long as she is Xie Tianming's woman, even if she has divorced Xie Tianming, or to put it further, as long as she is Xie Tianming's woman, he will not touch her.

She once asked him why jokingly, and he said that this is the foundation of his personality, and this is also the most basic reason why he can gain the trust of those officials.It's a bit like a cliché, and it can't help but make people suspect that there is a problem with his sexual function.Once in his villa, she was drunk, and Xie Tianming had something urgent to leave. She rushed forward and pressed him on the bed. , that stick is thick and big, harder than Xie Tianming who took Viagra.Just when he was about to succeed, he suddenly pushed her away and walked out alone. After that, he deliberately avoided her, and he didn't appear in front of her until Xie Tianming was arrested.

In fact, she can stop seducing her immediate boss, and the immediate boss will not transfer her to Wu Youming, and she can also prevent the first love who gave her girlfriend to Xie Tianming for the official position to touch her finger... In other words, she can not become the ghost she is now, because of his zombie-like creed.

Sometimes she even doubted that it was because of Xie Tianming that he treated her like this...

At this time, there was a knock on the door, she woke up with a start, gathered her thoughts, and got up to open the door.

It is the aunt of the neighborhood committee and the policeman of the police station.

Only then did Li Wenjun remember that it was time to report to the police station and sign.Unexpectedly, the aunt of the neighborhood committee said that something happened to your guarantor.She was stunned and looked at the police officer at the police station.The police officer sighed and said that they only found out recently that Mr. Zhang was buried by a mudslide on the way to the disaster area, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

Li Wenjun was dumbfounded, then put his head in his hands, curled up on the ground, howling like a wolf.Pingping was startled awake, crying loudly.The aunt of the neighborhood committee couldn't persuade her, so she had to go in and hug Pingping.

(End of this chapter)

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